__ _ . . � . i.r.; _ . : '
<br /> _ � __ '"' __ ' ' .L .•�..� _ _ "__"_"_ . .�� ' ' '_- _ '"' .� _ �'M'_
<br /> f: ^� ' �,'s. :.�'� ---
<br /> :=- , ,. , - � _ _
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<br /> x����<.: � .• ;; .: . ..v - ... _ _ . ...._._ _ _ .
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<br /> �. WGt Of 3ik MQ�IftE�;IE t�IS�
<br /> appGcabk Taar may spe¢ify fot tein.ststeadent)befae sate of the Pmpeny pmsuant ta�nY t�, .
<br /> ' - Ses�ty tasnumeo�ar(b?�Y��3���osring thts Securiry,Inswmen� '[Ttiase co�tioas ane tt�tt Bormwa: ts)
<br /> __ : . pays L.a�dcr all sums vebich tBen wuWd�e due tmder thisSecunty tna.."^��^*and the Nate ag if ao accele�tiun t�d
<br /> - � � oc�rn�f:(b)aues aay defautt o(aaY other cavenants ot agree�en e t s:(c)PaYs all ex�eoses incurnd in enforcing th.is Secwiry.
<br /> - Ia�in�iuding.iwt aot lvnitcd tn.reuot�abte atiqaf�ys'f�aa�t��s such action as Lender tmay trasa�aDly .
<br /> = -- saquirr to assure that d�lirn af�is SECUrery insaumen�i.eader3 rigfi�ts in the Property and Banawer3 o6lig�ttian to�ay tfx _ �
<br /> - - • sutns'seauM by this Sscutity Inswme�tt shall cantiaue uasbanged. tJpon �einstatanent hX Homawer, this SeCUtity
<br /> instruntent aad the obligatious soeuied h�tsg sh�lt remain fulTy eifective as 3 ao uccele�ation had occurre� However.tdis .
<br /> -'� sigtu to zeinsmtt s�ati nat appty In the case af accelrsssifln�der p;uagap�e!1.
<br /> 19 Sak at NoGr,ChsnEe ot I.�oan Servio� 7he NfaRe or a partia!intesest in d�e Note ttogeNer with tlsis Sccurity
<br /> - Iastrumtnt)may be sotd one oc more 6mes witl�uc prfor mtice to Bo�rowea A sale may r�sutc in a chaage in the auigt
<br />. ` • (imowa as tbz°i.�an Servicrr'7 that caUects mo�fhlY PaYments due uader the Nute and this Security Insttument. 'ITiere also _
<br /> ,� may be ooe or moce chaQges af ihe Ioan Semcaer wuelated to.o:sale.of the Nnte. if the[e is a c�eng�oF 1he Loan Servicer.
<br /> Barmwer wiU_6e given writtsr�naice of thc cir�nge in:Accnbdaac�with paragiapb t4 a6ove aQd apglicahle law. 7he nodce
<br /> . wriU state the rmarae and add�s of the neav Loaa Servicrsand the-addcess to wfrich paysnsnts should be ma,d� The nntice will
<br /> -- � also raamain any acber'rnfrsana[ian rcquiied 6Y�Pi�Jicable�law. -
<br /> a er
<br /> ,: Z4�I��ardous��Shacrs. IIarmwer sE�ll trot cause ar�amit t8e preseace.usc.dispasa�+,starugc.�sr�elease of amr
<br /> , �r`'� - Hardadows.Su�aa or ur Ibe Ptopaty. Barower s6all.not do,nor al2aw aaya�else:m do;anylfiing atTecdng the � --
<br /> :.:f�<<� `" `' �
<br />�`r���,�� . t; FropeitY Watis�ir vialatia�n afanj/Fmlranm�tal Law. 'Ibe p�eed'ut�two senien�es shall noi appiy to tl�Rresam�:use:or.
<br /> _r,_,; ��, stosage on tfie Pr+npeaty af�quanades of Ha�a�tous Su6s�tccF tfiai a�e genetaliy recognized ro be appmptiate to rtrnmal. � -
<br /> iesidentiat uses and to maintenance of tiie Property. '. ���-
<br /> ' Bormwer shall��7�(7��_ {/p�ve l.ender wtiaen notice af�'f�{I i�nrestigatimr.clalm.demand.�awsuit or otfrer aciian by any �re`Lrss�=._,
<br /> � ` 1""•'r"+ O' • ►�F�_ifEDYSa-.
<br /> ��,° govemmentai or regulMtsty agency or private party invoIving the•}?�erty and any Hazardous Sutrstance or Eavimnmental r�;�_�-n..�,.:�:_
<br /> ' .�_ Law of wiuc8 BomnWf�r has actual imowtedg� If Bormwec leams. or is notified 6y any gover�unemal.or�egulawry �p r.,�-:.
<br /> <<- authoziry.that anY reinaP�or ott�er reme�iation af any Ha�at�iaus�,�iiistance affocting the Prope�ty is neressa�y.Bolrow�' �y'-"'.`_��-
<br /> �:- =:�.:
<br /> � .- - shall pmmpttY take nll'�i�.csa�y iemedial actions in aa:ordance w#ili:�rvironm�tal Law. . : ; �:�_r
<br /> '+. As used in this;�a�20,"Hazardous S�bsl�ces"aia��ii�substacu�.def'med as roxic or ha�ardous:su�s�tances by r n`;"• "°
<br /> s. .Y.;'-i���. i{.':�4 re�.7��
<br /> " �vironmeruat Laaj�rat-[tte foIlowing substances:'�ASq1�e,6�sp�te.other�fitmunable os toaic peuoleum�.prrs'riiicts.toxic ,':,f�,�1,;.:
<br /> y t' ` `� rY,�'';�-_
<br /> ���'�-�� ` ��,: (�ticides.and.6e�blci�,volatite salvents,m�{@i1a�c�nii�Jq;�sl,�tos or formatdehyde,and radioacfiv�iufiieria]s. As
<br /> � � •,�. ..
<br /> - � _s., s
<br />,.Y::�.. .� , .: � _�.: ' �sed,ui tii#�j�mgaph 2Q:"Environm�La�v"-tn�.fi�3epal i,uWs aud taws of the jurisdiction where the Propercy is locau�3 —
<br /> .rr r��4�
<br /> � ;;�s..,;�,`. '� 11�at[eI¢t�tti hr�lth�safery or envitot�rn�.(aotei�in�::�: , .�.. '• � _ ^f _
<br /> •,y�� ._; . 1Va1�-fJ1+��'ORM CUI1ENAIV't�'13aaar���Le{ider furtisf�r.^avenant and agcee as foRows: _—
<br /> � .:�.,�. � 2I. �:�teratta,a;:l�a�ie�.�-��r�s9c�:�aottce tir.l3nrroWer pHor to�cceleration fol[awh�Borrower'a ';._ ,-=—
<br /> � bres�ch af�c�a�r.coveaats�,u J�>i�MLS SecacFty Instrunieat(bat not prtor toacceteration motderpar��aPb 17 � ` _
<br /> - =* ���' mdess a�te law�e.►ia,r�e.9�r�t��). '�he aotice s6a11 spi�£ye (a)the defaait;(b}theacxion n�q,aic�d to care the • ' `,�, —
<br /> . ac_
<br /> r' ,j default�ir.�,�caate,no!Tess ti�a 3t#;iTt��s from the date the ati��s given to Barrower,ti��t6e ddaalt mnsE:tse ''��{�l�y,� '.
<br /> a
<br />;„ ,;a, , ���;�'_ cnred;and(�t6at tailore to care��etault on or 6etore tic��spedfled in the nMice rnas�i�elt.in acaetecatWtiaf'. `,� �`;� ;=
<br /> "•` .::��a�`;:; , t 6 e s o m s s a a r e d b p e h l s 5 e c n r i t y I n�t r a m e nt and sale ot the i F r o p e r t y. T d e n o t i c e s h a D f u c�i e�r i a f a c�8�r o�raE. �4���,_�;:.';�V�_---
<br /> .�� .: : - the rigdt to reinsfate�accekration and t6e�S to brta�a caurt action to s�csert the aaa-exisieu���':��c�. ��> >t
<br /> �� �' '• �: ..: any Mder defense ot�iiczower to acrele�atton�.s�,ta If tt�e default is not cured on or 6efore tI�'i�s,�e c d ie8 am �<i�',��,,:'. __
<br /> �� �< <`�;-,r % t b e n o t i c e,L e n d e e a t i t s o p t i a n m a y r e q a i r e i m��p a y�e a t fi f a l t o t a l!s o m s s e c ur e d b g:4his Secufl t y In�trua�x ,� . .- �::f
<br />:,r,..,,, ., . without further demand and may lnvoke the��of s�:usd any other remedies p�itted by applicable !s� ' �''�.�•j
<br /> �'�,:,�,� , ,rk� ` . Leader sdail be entitled to coRect atl expens�i�u�ned�c�:�su�ug the �emedies pro�5�d in tbis para�aph 21, • , �,�. ;..as
<br /> ;,�"', ._ .,�� inrinding,but not limited to.reasonable attorn�'f�artd co.�:�P titte ev[dence. � •
<br /> ' % _�•' . • If the poaer ot ssde ia invoked,7lrustee s�rr��rd a notice of detault in each county in which any p�r!ot!he G..,:..... :
<br /> .. �,, r?";,,�:•:���L: :� Property ta tacated and siudl muil copies otsuch�rarir,�r tn the manner prescri�ed by applicabte law to Borrawer aad to • ��
<br /> GYa ` , .
<br /> � "' r:; the ot6ec person9 prescribed by applicabte faw. �!�ter the time required by appilcable taw�71�uStee sh�it give pubiic : •'.=:' ,r
<br /> ����4����.,%��" wut�taut demand on Borrower, . . �'
<br /> "' � ) E7��r ��:.� notia ot�le to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law Tnustee. � � :
<br /> ..1�,�.r.;,,.,.;
<br /> ' , ��°-_•�•• shall sell the Praperty at pubUc auction ro the higdest bidder at t�time and place aad a�mbeT the tern�design�ted in _. ;;,;•.;'?��;'��'x.
<br /> � i�,'�kS..',�.jSt��i�.'.' 'y:`�: ;-.r;
<br /> � , the�otke of sale in one or more parcefs and in an!r arder'Irustee cC�:rminew. 'IYt+stee may pastpuna ss��of all or anp '�,,:,:.:�.:.,�<<'i;:t.;:,;,
<br /> .i,�i �-.��-`,;`.:�';.:. �. r� ,�F �..
<br /> ;� y,,; ., ;�,.,� parcel of the Propertg Eny public announcement ar�eCir time and p1ace aF a.�v pcevioasly scheduled sale. I.endee or its �-;;;�:.�,.;,.t;;;,,:;�;,. _
<br /> . , ,. ,:;.. ., . ' desigaee may purc6as�slr,e Property at any sale. , �'�`:�•`+'c�'��:r��f.�';z:�,.� ,
<br /> ` �`=i�1!=n'� ' U p n»r e c e i p t o f p u y m e n t o f t d e p r i c e b i d.7 l r u s t e e s h a l]d��e r t o t h e p u r c h a s e r 7 l r u s t e e s d e e�a�nve yin g the ,.p�,�.�;
<br /> ' ' �����• �'`��`" Properi� �'fie redtals in tde 7Yustee's deed shall be p�lma ea�e�vidence at the truth of t�stutemen�made therela. � � ` ' %.;;�.r'�'
<br /> .::,�a,,. , •1?,:r�:r,;4,',.::%-;
<br /> ' �.�� . 7lrustee�apply the proceedg ot the sale in the folluwisg a�r�r: fa)to all cast.g and expe•r�es a!exer�c�sJng the poas� f �.��,•, /J`
<br /> ,. , .�;.t,(:i:.:::' .
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