�._. .
<br /> . ,
<br /> ..�.- � :� .'.":. .:�:
<br /> ,,.
<br /> Y.
<br /> ��� _ . .
<br /> 7. Probalio�d L+�nd�r's RlOhb In tIN Prap�rty. �ea+nwwr ti b pwlam thr oa�w�na�nd apr��M aw�IWn�1�
<br /> NM�N11�. a tMn N �IpM pooMdrq thM m�Y NpnMorNli►M�ol I.�wM'�i1pIM� M tM Pl�oprty(weh d�proe�M
<br /> 6�anipl3y�WabM�lor oa�dwrrllon a IoA�llw�a b�nbra Y�wr a w�AMIaM�,tMn l�ndn�do�nd p�y la whM�r�t M �wy
<br /> a prot+ot IM�Mw d�h.�!�/�1 lwwM's �ha b�M Noy.y. Iandw'� �aMan�Y Indud�vMrMl M!►w�s.�arw� oy�M�n
<br /> wl�loh Iw pdo�ly.avw tllN Ora�N�l N��,�Np b ooul, P�fArq r��a�6M�on��M�Md�M�rbO°�Mw ha�y 1e Mllr
<br /> �in• �IlhapR L��nMy pk�aollon unda tl�prqrph 7�L�nda doM nat Mw io do�o.
<br /> MY MqurA�d�burt�d bY lwtdrr undr Ws pr�p�pM 7�IW b�oMw�ddYaw d�bt d Bonown wamd by thN tMa�f►MMM�nwM.
<br /> unN�.eonow��nd L«�aw .R..w oaw ann.a pry�n,a�..n�o�rKS.nr a�r iM�na*an eM d�b a a�br.wwM M 1M.NaM
<br /> �'' IM��Id ahM M D�Y��•�h1MM4�+pa�noYo�fro111 L«1d�►b Barow�r nquMlkp P��
<br /> ` 8. Mat� In.wl�+ioo. n �.na.r�qukad monps�risw+r�.w� a conalion a madno au�oa, eaau�a b�r � e�*r
<br /> :�� InWUnwM�BarrowK HW pa�l tM pnn�n� ti4�d b nMhpiN tM mafp�p�bwano�b dNo4 N,for my rN�on.tM maf�N��a
<br /> � oarwp� nquk�d bf� Lw�dw I�s a a�s«to b� fn Mbo1. Bonoww �IW pnr tM pnmYw� nquk�d to ot�N orw�rp�M+b�MiMr1►
<br /> �`� �I�t a aw nwnwa���a v►�+�1r b .n.a.a.aoa wb�nwN.qirw.N to a�.eoct w ea►oww a tn�maso.p�rwr�na
<br /> P�'�M►b �Il�ol. irqm �n M�nuiU moAp�p�Insun��PProvb b'1���. H�^�Y���O�Y���a�M nol
<br /> wNM�I�� 8omow�r �hM pry to L�ndw Mob monlh � iwa �qwl to onNwMlh d 1M yMry �AP�ti�� P�� �q P� bY
<br /> BortowK whM� th� Nsu�oov� Nps�d w o�sqd to b� N NE�of. Lw�dw w� ��pt,uw �nd t�hY� th� p�nwib w�IoN
<br /> r�w�h Nu ol naA�q In�uana. Lo�s n��rv� p�yinmts mry no bnpw b� nquM�d� +R tha aptlon al L�ndw�M matp�pr Inru��a
<br /> : Y � ;,.,�.:;... . :,H cov�a9�pn th��nwunt�tA la th�pMiod thM L�ndu n4ut►N)McNd�!bY�n inw►r�pprov�d b►►Lwdw�n b�oonMa�w60i��nd M
<br /> ...;�`�:•.:�s�.,,�<�:,..; obtiYnd. Baroww sh�M p�y th� P�a �b to nMNiWn matp� inwr+�na� N M(�Ot. o► to prwkb • lon ►M«rs. unll tlN
<br /> �.quir.m.m tor moRpp.Inwnno.«�ds In.aoaa.ne.wlln.ny wda«,.pr.«n«d b.aran earow�r.nd L«,ar a appNo.e+.rw.
<br /> 8. IQ�Ol1011. Undrr a iq�p�M mq► m�k��on�wrtriM upon�nd Inep�llons oi�M popwh�. Lwldu dW�Borrowlt
<br /> '�'�=� - .��> `p •��•'�4 noao.n rn.unN a or pior a.n in�p.o�toa�fykio ra.aw�bt.aua Mr u�.in.p.otlon.
<br /> , .� ,, -�Y...,�.�:.'.,�aM,. 1O. Cond�mtlttlon. 71N proa�ds of my �rd a dNm ia d�n�a� dF�ol or oonaqu�ilMt. tn aarNONon wllb �np
<br /> ��'. r . . � i� 'H•
<br /> ,. ` � .. ,, � oondMm�Uan or othr d d tM ar for oaw in iw oi oondmnWo+b w h��t�yr ws1(�wd�nd q�d b�pdd
<br /> � . �a�� � �Y W� �Y � ��
<br /> . ��- ,. • to Und�r.
<br /> `�: .�<��:�.. .
<br /> ..:�'.: , • •� In ih�N�ni of�fOW Wdup of ih�Pro�Ay.th�prooNds thaM M�pY�d f0 tfN wms s�aN�d by thM S�auMy M1sfiNlnnt,wiMlh�r or
<br /> ` � � .� not th�n dw.wpA�ny�occas pdd!0 8ortowK. In tM w�nt o1�p�rtYl Wana of!M Rop�rly b whlol�Uw Mir m�rk�l wlw d th�PnipN�
<br /> �;:.`;. ,
<br /> �,.;�,•.,�, •, ImnNdlWly bMa�th�t�kNp b pwl to or yn�tw Ih�n th��mouM of 1h�sum�s��c!by thk 8raNMy�(n�My b�to���M
<br /> :!iii� ��� ��I �. WdnO�unNu BortowK�nd L�ndw othswh��qr�In wdtlnp,ih�wtm s�cuhd by UJs S�axily loitrumint �hd M ndw�d b�►th��n1o�Nd .
<br /> •�+.,';r�.:�,, � ' '.�� � � 01 1hs prooMd�muM�PM�d b1►tM tWowtno Iraatlon:(�)th�loW�mount of th�wms Wa+nd inm�duNy bdan th�Wdna drMMd bY p►I!1�
<br /> ,a��...,; �. .�y hlr mWk�t v�Mw ot lhs Pmprty tnrn�l�lY bdon th�Wdnp. My bwnce�h�A b�p�id to Bortowa. In th��wnt d�pM11M Wdiq d sM '
<br /> �;.:;;;t�� � � P►o�ty tn whbh the Wr mukK valw o1 th�P►o�rty�idy bNon lh�WaNip A las tlw�t1N srtwwf d th�wms uaK�d InnMeMAi�►
<br /> . •� .,� , • �.. bdan 1h�W�hp� w�ss Bonowu�nd L�nd�oth«wi���prM In w�MMip a unias �ppMoaM�Mw o1h�M�povkMS,tiN proo��b
<br /> .� . �ppY�d to th�ewns s�eund by tllb S�KxIrNy Inatnxnmt whMh�r or�wt lh�wmr�1Mn dw.
<br /> • ' ' H th�P►oMrty Is�b�ndon�d by Bortdwr or q�M�r notia�by Lmd�r to Bortowr that th�eondNma oMKS to mMa�m aw�rrJ a plw
<br /> - �i�ii icii�.8osiowSt ia9a io tripond io LCSSdrs rriihln 9Q�ayr a!!u!!te e!s!e!!!e!fo!!ta 4e p4+ral,t.esldes!s�d!!4a!!�!�!
<br /> �i, ,r. " �PPh�th�procwds.tl I!i optlon, N�h�►to rato►atlon a np�tr ot th�PropMry a to th� wms Mand by thb B�awMY ka�ttrn�r�t,whMlwr
<br /> �•,!. � ;s ' 0►11ot thwt dM.
<br /> ,:.�,., UnMu L�ndw�nd Bomoww othwwfw �pne in wdtlnp� any�ppNaitbn of procNds W pHndpd th�N not wd�nd a poalpoM MM d1N
<br /> ,'.. . :. ;�. � �, ' d�tt ot the monthy p�yma�tr rel�rt�d to M p�nyapht 1 rid 2 a ch�npe the�rwum ot�uoh p�ym�nU.
<br /> ,''`,,'� .` 11. Banaw�r Not R�leas�d: Fo►Mar�nc�By l�nds� Not s Waivor. Ext�nslon ot �h. tlnr� iar paym�m a
<br /> � .:,,. :.
<br /> >;:�. . nwd'iAo�tion ol�tion ot th�sums ucurad by this 3�wdty Inswm�nt yrantd by L�ndw to�ny woc�seor in fnU►at of 8orro�wt siW
<br /> � C, ' ' not opwaN to niMU th�IkbNiry of th�aiyMd Bwrow�r a Bortoww's wccnson In inbnaL Unda shal not b�nq�And to oan�np
<br /> ?.,..,, ..
<br /> � proce�dYips a�inst any wcaaoa in Int�nst a ralue�to adand tima lor p�ym�nt or othmvl�modify rnorlFtaUon ol th�wmt a��d by
<br /> ', ,��� thls S�oudty Inatrum�nt by��on ot�ny dammd m�d�by th�orlpinal BoROww or Banow�r'�suoetuors h Intwut.My tab�rm�on by
<br /> ���f� : l,�nd�r in exerciNnp�ny dpht a romedy ehsN not b�a walv�r o}or preduds th�uc�of�ny ilpht a nm�dy.
<br /> 12. Suec�ssors and Assipns Bound; JoiM�nd Sov�ral Llabllity; Casl�aon. The cown.na .na apn.�.na ot
<br /> :� ,.;' � ` lhls Ssaudry IneWment shtll bad and benefil the wocee�ws and uclpns oT Und�r�nd Bor►aww. wbJ�at to tht pravbians W pn�ph
<br /> '.`:�� �� � 17. BorrowR's cov�mnt� �nd a mem�nla ahW be ►oint �nd eaveral. M Bortowu who co-alpns thii In�kument but do�a not
<br /> r.a. . � 0 Y �h
<br /> •` ��" �c�cute th�Not�: (a)ia co•slpninp thla 3eairity Inewmenl ony to mortyape,9rant, �nd conrfy th�t Barow�r'�Intwrssl In th�P►ap�Ay�md�
<br /> . !h�trrtns oi thlt 3acurlty MsWment;(b)la not personally obllgated to pay the wms a�cwad by thb 3scuriry Insirummh�nd(c)a�t�tIW
<br /> tar►dar and any other Borrowx may aprao to wctcnd, modNy, tort�ear or meke any aecomrnododona wUh repard to terms M tlHs SaoiMy
<br /> �'`; ;�" lr.abument or the Note wllhoul tffd Borrow�r's coneent. `��
<br /> � 13. Loan Charp��. Ii the lo�n secured by ihla Sewrity Inatrument ia aubJ�ct to�I�w whieh eels m�xNnum Iwn chayQS,ued that
<br /> 1 ..: I�w ia ftmNy MlerprNed so that the interaat or other lan ch�ryea �oflected a to be collected In conneclion wNh tAs lo�n exaed tM
<br /> � � ± • � ',' penNit�d Ymfts,then; (�)my tuch lan ch�ryea shaY bo rWucad by the amount na�essary to reduce ttw chupe to ihe pwmkhd Gmik�nd
<br /> (b)�ny ewns Nre�dy coAected trom Borrower which �xc�eded pemwtted NiNts wW be ratundad to 8ortawer. Lander m�y ehoos�to m�k� Y '�'�
<br /> ,. � ;+'' � thia rolund by r�ducinp the prindpd ow�d unde�the Note or by m�king a dkect Wymeot to Bortower. H� retund reduea prindpal, ih� �.
<br /> � nduation wiN be tre�ted o�a partid prepayment wlthout any prep�yrt�mt charpe under the Note. E �"�
<br /> i 14. NWkof. My noUce to Bortower provlded for in this Security Inauumenl eheN be ylven by de1NK(np N a by rru�Wn� N by lfnt �
<br /> . ' ','•' ctaaa m�A unlesa�ppllubM law�equkea u�e ol�nother melhod. The noUce eh�N be dlrQeted to the PropeNy Addr�ss or any othet addrsis
<br /> ' . , '. Barower desipnatea by notiee to Lendar,My notice to lender shap be qwen by firat elaas null to Lender't address stated herein a ony
<br /> � f ` '' oths�ddrase lender designates by noUce to Borrower. My nolice provided lor in this SacurNy InsWment ahW b�deenNd to h�v�bNn '
<br /> � pivd�to 8onower o►lender when ylven as provlded In this parapraph.
<br /> .'�` � '• �I 15. amverninq Law;Sovar�b9lity. Thls Secudty Inatrument shaN be yovemed by ledsret Irw and the I�w ol th�{u�lar� In
<br /> ��'' � whkh the Ptoperry la loc�ted. In th� weirt that any provlalon a clause ot lhis Secudty Instrument or the Nole conflide with�ppYable I�w. �
<br /> � auch con�ict ehaY not etlect othar provialans o} thla Security Instrument or Ihe Note which can be piven silact wilAout th� �on�p
<br /> � ' provislon. To this end the provision�ol this Securiry Inswment and the Nate are deWred to W aevenbN.
<br /> •r,` . � 16. 80nOWY�'i COpy. BorrowK ah�Y be gNan ane conlormad copy ol the Not��nd oT this S�cutity InaUumant. ,
<br /> �'���� 17. Transt�of th�Proporty o�a Bonofictal Intora4t M Borrowar. B dl w my pfin o1 th�Proparty or�ny intereet M
<br /> `��' � N b soid ar traneternd (w N� bonelfeW Intaest in Bortower ia eotd or iransfand�nd Bortower Is nol a n�tunl person) wNhout lender's
<br /> ,:" ... _
<br /> -� . priw vmuwl conowii� i.enuni o�r. ii n8 i�iiun� �dquiie MiMi�e.v'iiid yi�n���i�� ry� �i ii 6ii�ni oua.iii&u�r ai�w.isvii�i�j nwu`d�Tw7�i. nvi+iarw. �
<br /> '� � thls opUoa sh�not be exerdsed by Lende►H exwdse fa prohiblted by lederal law ae ot ih�d�t� ol thls Seeurlly InsWmant. '
<br /> ' ; � i • H Unde� a�relaes thls opUon,L�nder ahall yNs Bortower notice of �cceleration.The notia ah�N provide �pedod ol not leas than 30
<br /> . . � + d�ys kom th� d�te the noGe� is dollvend or mailed withk� whkh the Bortow�r muat p�y �A aums sacu►ed by thls 3ewrity InsLument. Y
<br /> , � Bortowu hUa to pay thesa nums pdor to the exp4slion ol thls perlod. Lender nwy Invok��ny nmedles pem�Nted by thls SacurNy Inatrument
<br /> � withoul turlher notlae w danend on Bortowe►.
<br /> � '
<br /> i ' �
<br /> � ,
<br /> ' Pape 3 0�5 Fam 3028 91➢0
<br /> � , R107➢.LMO(O1W)
<br /> - --•,i . r�)
<br /> " �Sj C' w ' �l L� ' �
<br /> na��•��e
<br /> ,
<br />