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<br /> -- �93-l0�"749
<br /> , �eriuda�hu Lender rcquiros. 'I'f�e in�urwnce cwrrler provfdin�the insuranco ehall be chonen by Borrower wbJect to[.enderl�
<br /> upp�+aval which�lull not bo wueaiaubly withheld. If Bortower fdla to m�int�in covcaRo deecdbed�bove.l.ender tn�y.�t
<br /> �,qxlerti�►1ion.obt�in coveM�e to protxt Lenderti ri�ht�{n the PropeAy in�ccordwico wi�h para�raph 7.
<br /> � All inruranco policks�nd rcnewWs Rfwll bo Accep1able ta L.ender�nd rlwll include n��wid�rct mort�wQe clause. L.b�{qr,�'.
<br /> eh�ll h�vo Ihe ri�ht to huld the policiea u�d rcnewals. if Lendcr�quires,Borrower shall promply�Ive to L.cnder dI rcceipti
<br /> aP pdd premiumr u�d rcnewal nwices. In the event af lu�. Borrower rhpll�ive{NOmpt notice a�he inourmce c�r�►ar md
<br /> Lendtr, L.cnckr may makc prao�of lacs if not mada promptly by Dorrawcr.
<br /> Unless Lender w�d Borrower otherwlse agi+ee in wri�ing.inaurance proceeda shall be applied ro restornNon or mpair of
<br /> tl�Praperty dampged. lf the rc�loradon or rcpair is cconomkally feasible and Lenderh security is nw lessened. (f tho
<br /> reetorWian or repair is nat ecanamicutly fensible or l.endcrk xecurity wouid be Ica.cened,the insurnnca proceeda shall be
<br /> epplied to ihc sums securcd by this 3ecudty Insuumcnt,whelher or not then due,with any oxcess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Bart+awer Abandons �he Propetty.ar does not answer wfthin 3Q duys u naice from L.ender that �he insurancc ceRler h�9
<br /> offe�+ed ta settle a claim,then l.ender may callect the inaurwue proeceds. Lender may u�se the proceeds to re�air or rcstoro
<br /> the P4apeny or to pay sums sacurcd by thie Suurity Insuument,whethcr or not then due. The 30-day pedod will bc�in when
<br /> thc notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwisc agrce in writing,any applicution of procecds to principal Rhall not extend or
<br /> portpone the due dntc of the monthly paymen�s referred to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the poyment�. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 �he Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower:g right to nny insurnnce palicies and praceeds �sulting
<br /> fkom damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the suma secured by this Securiry
<br /> Inntrument immediately prior to the acqu�silion.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Presorvation. Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicatloni
<br /> " �; l�enseholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Piroperty ax Borrowerk princip�l residence wllhin sinry dayg af�er
<br /> � � �•• the execution of this Security Instrument and shull continue to occupy the�roperty ar,Borrowert pdncipa!�esldence iar at
<br /> Ieast one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender oiherwise ngrees in wdting. which oonsent shnl) not be
<br /> r,;,�': - ��F�;��d unreASanubiy withheld,ar unle�.g eatenuating circumstunces eaist which s�e beyond BoRawerk canirol. Bortower Khall nat
<br /> �'�"' �•,��„ dextroy,dutnage or Imptilr the Propr:ny,ullow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on Ihe Property. Borrowar shull
<br /> ?�';' �� ;!�„�,.,,r �!��% be in default If any forfeiture action ar proceeding,whether civil or criminal,iv begun that in Lenderk sood faith judgmant
<br /> 3�1.;;;,,.:.
<br /> .,� �,.� ,rk.i� ,
<br /> �. ��; �: ,� i could result in farfeiture of the Propehy or aherwise materinlly impair the lien creAled by this Security Instniment or
<br /> �`r '""'��" Lenderh secu�it interest. Borrower ma cure such�default and reinstate.us rovided in arn ra 18,b causin the action
<br /> ,� ;�;�,j� Y Y P P 8 ph 9 B
<br /> • ;,�.�:.��•��� or procecding to be digmissed with a nrling that,in Lender�good fuitb determinaticm,precludex farfeiture of ihe Borrower!e
<br /> y� ^`�`'s�'� intcrest in the Property ar ather muterial impairment of the lien creutcd by this Sccurity Inxtrument cx Lendcr's �ecurily
<br /> . ��'s r interest. Borrowee Rhull also be in default if Borrower, during �he loan upplicuti�m prac:eKS, guve muteriully fulsc ar
<br /> '�• i � n��'n.�=^ inuccurute infarma�ion or stutemems to Lender(or fuiled lo provide l.ender wi�h any malerial informulionl in connection with
<br /> "�'� b=�•�"'�:"�'�•"'� thc loan eviJenced by �he NcNe. including, but iwt limited to, reprerenlalion� ronccrnin�t B�xn►wcr�c arru�•r ixy of �hc
<br /> � .�„_,. �rty a�a principal rc�ideocc. If thiti�ecarity fn�trument ic on a lea.tiehcitd.iinrs'ower cfiali rc.rr,ply wiih aii tt�proviiEc�rt�
<br /> .s��r�,,�i�...•• .,�•� af t Icuse. If Bnnawer ucc�uire�fee�ide to the Propeny.�hc leuschold und�he fee�i�le xhull niN mcrge unlrwa Ldnder u�tree!�
<br /> � ,;: to�hc mergcr in writing.
<br /> � • �. '?t 7. Pn�teelbn uf Ixnder•s RiRhts(n the Properly. If �arower f'uilz to perf'orm Ihe ciwenum� uncl ugr�wmcnt++
<br /> ' conluined in thl+ Srcuriry In,irunxn4 or�here i. u Icgul pr�xecJing thu� muy ,igni�runtly ufl'cc� Lenikr� righ�ti in Ihc
<br /> �th� :� a��;,%r.:.::��: Pn►�xhy laueh ur u pr�kecJin�in bonkrupicy,prob•r�c,fi�r cundemnution or ii�rfei�ure or�o cnti�rrc luw��ir rcguludonsl,lhcn
<br /> � l.ender muy du und puy for whutever ix nece.wry to protect the vulue i�i'�he Propeny and l.ender�righh in Ihe Property.
<br /> . : Lenderi ac�ions muy incluJe paying any sumx�erurcJ by a licn which has priorily ovrr ihi+Serurity In,trument,appearing
<br /> ' • in coUrt,paying reau►nobk uuorncys'fccs und entcring on the Pm�rty to muke repuin.Al�hough Leixkr mt►y tnkc uctiun
<br /> " under thi+purugruph 7,L.ender daex nat huve to do so.
<br /> •��.:A;�f•�, Any umoums disbuned by Lendcr undcr thiti purugruph 7 ,hull Ixromr uJditionul debt of Barrower xewred by thiti
<br /> .:� ,i Security Inslrument. Unlesti Borrower and Lcnder agrec to other tcrmx ol'puymrnl,thcur um�wnts shall Fxur interext from the
<br /> * �• i date of disbunement at the Note rote und shnll tx:puyuble,with interexl, upon notice fmm LenJer to Borrower reyuesting
<br /> , . • z . puyment.
<br /> ; "��� 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender requimJ mortFuge insurunce a+a condition of making the loan Mcured by this
<br /> }' i, ���. „� Sewrity In.trumcnt. Bormwer,hull pay the premium+rcyuired tu maintuin thc m�mguge insuruncc in effcct. IF, for uny
<br /> reueon, �hc mnnFugc imurance roveruge reyuired by Lender lup+eti or ccase. to tx: in effect, Borruwer �hall puy the
<br /> _ .. . .i5•�.'� �i premiumx myuired to obtuin covcruge xuhstuntiully equivulenl to the mongnge in�urnnce previawly in rfl'rcl, ut a cust
<br /> �' suMtumiully eyuivulcnt lo thc ro�t to Bormwcr ol'Ihr mongagc invurunrr prcviously in cfl'ec�,i'rom un oltematr monguge
<br /> �,t;.. irmuree uppmveJ by Lender. If zuh,tuntially cyuivulen�mortgaEc inwrance covcr.�g�iti nut uvuilublc.Barcuwer shull puy to
<br /> s,., ` Lender each mumh a+um ryual�o onr-�wclfth of thc yrurly mongagr in.u�ancr prcmium tming paid Ay Borrower when the
<br /> � •:± ��+ in+uruncc covcrugc lupsed or ccu.rd t��ik in cl'fert. Lendrr will urcep�,u.r anJ rc�ain thr,e pu�mrnl�us u lo�x rrxervc in licu ".•"
<br /> • i' of mortgugr insuruncr. Los�rczcrvc puymrnl�moy no longcr Fx rcyuircd,a1 Ihc optiim ut'Lcndrr,if mongugr in,urun�� �:;{�
<br /> ��� .�� , covcragc(in Ihe umount and li�r the�xri�xl�hut l.cnd�r rryuirr.l pmvi�kd by un in.urrr approvrd hy Lencicr uguin tiecomcti
<br /> i ' �c.f : u�uuani�u�d�,�,n�u��d.Burn�wrr.hull pay thr premium.rcyuircJ tu m:�inlain nwn�agr inwrunrr in cffcct,or lo provide a
<br /> ��i`~ ' (..°•�' loss�eservc,unlil Ihe reyuircimnt titt miingugr imurunrr rnd+in ucrordunce wilh uny wrillrn u�!rrement helH�ecn Borrowa�� ti,
<br /> �, '� unJ Lenckr or upplicaMlc luw. '
<br /> '�' �� 9. Incpeclion. l.rnd�r ur i1.r ugrn�may makc rru�imuhlc�mrir.u�xm i�nd im�xclion.ul'Ihc F'ru�xrty, Lrnckr�hall �g,�
<br /> ��;. � � ive Borrower n��icr m�hr timr of or rior lo an im Uion ti uif in�rca,onuble ruu.c ti�r thr im uion. �'�,.
<br /> , e r �� r•• y �- r►��' ,c::,
<br /> �� 10. CondemnuUon. The pr�kecJ.ut'tmy uward ur rluim tix Jumage.,dirrrt��r roi�.cyurntial.in ronn�wtion wi�h un�• . .
<br /> �. ,�, ,
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