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, .S' . ..c,. <br /> ,. � ' ,c <br /> . �i . <br /> ay.p{ . <br /> ,. .. !,� ' �' K��3p� <br /> � .. . '-ic.f�..'`r��IK� <br /> ��wy l . . . . .,�.. _ � c .. <br /> :.� � . � g�-�tt�s .;: <br /> . . .. <br /> � 17.7Y�fer d tiis 11ro��s llMdiclwl IMasrl b Dort+aw�e.Il�It a pnt at tbe Piopaty or+iay iutawt la u <br /> .. i��ola or tramt�atad(or u• inte�t ia Docra��er u ald a� �ad�V not�n�tur�l pa�tm �vld�oat <br /> Lra�dee'�prior�vritoem 000rem� I�ader aupr� �t iq opba. I�aaMdl�Ma p�yaient In tb11 oi dl amr�tr�tbil <br /> Seauiry in�pume�u,HoMever.this aptioo duU not be�e[ci�el�tmdK U e�tdrs b prohiblted by t�edotal l�w�t o[dr d�M <br /> ot d�is 9aNSity Ia�uumant. <br /> Ct Iaoder exe�dua thU �L�Aer�11 vo Bonower ooHoo of�ooeferatlon.The Aatlae aWl�provWe a ot ttiot <br /> le�thtu 30 dqrs icom tLe d�tLe notkoe tt del�eted or a�led altbin Mhkh Honvwar a�a�t p�y all wau�1ry thl� <br /> 3eariry Wqiummt,it Bonowror hW w pay tbae�uuu prbc a tbe expir�tba oi thii parbd.Lader m�y lavolo��oy n�diM <br /> pamittcd by Wia Sora��d Inatmwcnt without tUN�cr aotico or demand on Bormwer. <br /> 1i. aotrowee'�a� to Rd�rate. It HormMer meep a7Wn c�dldau� Hottowor aull 6ave We ti�ht to h�va <br /> caforoemeat of tbi� Iaqrurt�eat di�oondnued�t a�r time pdor w t6e eulier o!:(a)S dq�(or�uch oWer perbd � <br /> appflc�ble !aw m�y �peci(�r for reia�uuemeat)before ale of tuo rop�y pusaant to�my power of w1e 000Wned in tbl� <br /> Sxurity ia�t�ummt:w(b)aiuY oi�,�nd�ana�t eaton�inQ t6i�Srvd�(a�uuutoeN.Tho�e conditlona ue th�t 8on�nwar:(a) <br /> Th e <br /> ieader dl rp�mR�bkb thee would be duo uader this Sxudty lourumeat md the Nda a�if na�ooein�atioo hd aa,urnedi ) <br /> c�tes,�qy, de6utc af�q atha oovaunu or�ocmaqs; (c) aU expemes incur[eQ la eafot�thi�Sec,uriry L�uummt� <br /> edc�,b�t npt litz�d.ta�ta�rt�ble uton�s' tas;aad(d�telres auch actloa a9 i�ader tnay tra�onobt�►teq�ae io�wu�o <br /> it�m iao�oi this Spauiq�lm�m�ot,[�a�der t rig6t�in die Pcr�perry�nd B�on�ra'�oD11 w qxy IOe mam��oc�t�ed by <br /> . tAis �r 6�maa1 sh� coiatiaeae wa�iaa�ed. Upon celastatama� 4y �cr� �Seac�r�qr Iawumaat a�d tLe <br /> oDli�,�tiops�vrod�R�eceiry d�wlt r�eepin ti�'eS�ctive m�if no�oceletxi�o�Rx!aocuned.HoWeva��w ti�pt 1�[ai�e tWU <br /> ; ' �oc�ppty la the ca�o of�ocder�tioa at�p4c�c�17. <br /> �' .� -f�. Sde oi Note; Chsa�e vt Lo�n 5drr4c�er. 'tbe �Looa ue�pa�tiat interat in the Nota(to�ethsr�h�i+Sea�riry � , <br /> In�umwt)miy be.wld one or more tima aithout prioc aocine w B�aivwer. A We m�y rault ia s chan,�e in tbe atiiRy(lmovr'n <br /> ..a;'. -. us the'l.o�n Serviar')thtt ooUecu monthly paymeau�ms wafer ibe Note and t6i��ity Iwarua�eat.'I�a�e�o�ipq►be onr,+ <br /> � or roon cLao�es of�he Lo�n Senricer unralated to a eWe of tt�e Nota.lf tt�ere 1�a��e ofthe Lonn Seiviac.��er aW ba <br /> .�s.. givea arriueu aotice of tha chAnge in�caordanca wlth puagtaph l4 above wd�p Ncabie law. T6o notice wilt�q�e�e aame aad <br /> •ddra�of the new Loan Servlar�nd tbe addrw to a6ich paymeats r6auld ba m�de. 7'Ae notioe wLt�Lo ao�ir a4y oWa <br /> . intormat�on nquirod by aQplic�ble law. <br /> �'� `• ?A. Hwe+doao �n�. Bomower shpp aot cause or pennit the pre�eo�x.+s�e�di�l. uor+�e��� t�be <br /> •�`.,;: HAZAI�OU6 SIIbSfiAOp OA QT �(1 lll0 PN,pG'Ity. Borrower shall not do. aor �llow �n,ycme else w do. <br /> Propeity tiwt i�in violulon af uny Favironmental Law. The praxdiag two�entencxs:haU not w presanx�we. or <br /> atorage on Wa of emaN quantides of Ha�udow Sub�oca that ue�enerally roco�be�ppmprlues w notnW <br /> ,:,,.. raldential uaa�m�lntenmca of the Prnperty. ' <br /> 1.:.�.; <br /> �.,�;;���'"(�:� Borrower ah�l1 ptu�t1Y gtve Lender wrltten notice of any laveatigatioa�claim,dcrosnd. lawault or othcr� actionby auy <br /> .,,a�►t.r;;•f:,�;r,.,,, govarnma►tal or reB��tY aB�Y or prlvate party involving the Property aad any H�dous Stib�taaco or BnvLa��tallaw �.• , <br /> �� •.�`,'� of which Borcower daa actual Imowledga. ff Sorrower leama.or is aotiCied by any govemmmtal or togWuory�t .� ,.. <br /> �;�. in►y�aoval or other remediatioa of any Ha�ardoua Subswnce affectiag the Prope�ty i�neoeasary.Borrowor�hdl pmmpily t�lx�.': <br /> y , all aa�aWary ce�uodini actioaa ia�with�ivkoa�entaf Law. <br /> `' ;�;,;;:� As used in Wi� h 20. "H�zardous SuMtances' are those substaaoes definod�.s wxic or haz�rdou��bsw�oa by <br /> �.-,..v'.a_q�'.,..+:;.. a g�� �w �fdlowing eubatances: gesoliae. kernsene. other tlammable or toxic patroleum products. w�cic <br /> • .,:" �1 j.`•... BU <br /> . • • � ts� : peaticides aad derbicides.volatUe solvwts.mateclals coawining asbestos or farroatdeh}rde,ond radIoaet�ve materlvs.As wed in <br /> . >,.',:,.,,�,t(�i��::r«.' � - this 20, "Environnaental Iaw' means foderat laws aad laan of the j�uisdiction whee�e the Propeity L looated tWt <br /> ,' • � ' reluo���eafety or rnvimnmecuat pmtection. <br /> •.�... :., �:� � <br /> " �`� :�:::.t�; .,:.:. <br /> . .,....., . , ,. �.; ,;, NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Bonower aad Ixnder iurther oovenant aad egroe a�followa: <br /> ��;,a�..,��;r.. .,.�_.:•' 21.Aeceleradon;Rrmed(es.I.ender e6a11 gtve notice to florrowv p�ior to o a�de�tlen t o l b w i e�B o r e+ow e r'e b n e a c 6 <br /> • , af any covawnt or agnanent la thtv 3ecurity ir�strumeat (bat nat prior to w�celeadon ander{tara�ph 17 udn� <br /> ,. -�° `���., •• :' appikable low provides ot6er�rise).7Le noNce shWl specify: (a)the de[AWt►(b)t6e�ctton req�dred to core fbe detw�k <br /> �.�,'�..�,...,;;.,,,:.,;_, .. (c)a date.aot lesa tlwn 30 dnys trom the date the nat[ce is givea to w61ch t6e ddadt must 6e cured;and <br /> r,; �, .:. . . (�d�t tailore to cure tde detault oq or betore the date apecitied in t6e natice may result i�aocderation ot the wm� <br /> ,: �. . ;^�.,�;:_ ,_, . ., secured by thl9 Seau[ty Instnrmeut apd sWe ot the Praperty. The aotire s6v1!turt6er Infam Borrowv ot the ri�ht to <br /> ;y. :..r . rdnsqte�a acceleraHon ond the Hght to briug a court aeNon to assert the non-exlsta�ce ot a defadt or any other <br /> y , _ ;� defease ot Borrower to occeleradoa pnd sWe. It the detault is nW cured oe or betore tde date speelfled!n tLe nofke, <br /> � .,; •�;"..�; . ,�y_� I.eadv, ot its opdoa� moyreqWre immedlate payment la twll ot all swns secured 6y t61s 3ecurity L�trument withoat <br /> ,�,s` � turther ddaand nuud a�y invoke the power ot s�le aad aay Mher remedies permitted by apQltcabfe lavr.Leader s�ll be <br /> �., � � _:;�`'`i°° --'. � eatided to coUed all expenses Incurred In pursulog the remedies provided ia this peraQraph 21�includia�.but not Ilmited <br /> � � to�re�sonable attorneys'fces and cosia ot t(tle evidence. <br /> '� It We power ot sale ts Invoked,Trustee s6a11 record A notice of detvult ia each cow�ty in wWch oa,y p�t ot t6e <br /> :�5. ,. " Propaty is located and shWl moil rnptes ot�uch notice in the mqmter prescribed by pppllcAble law to Borrower and to <br /> P `:. _. �,;,,w .. • the othv persoav presedbed by app8cable Ipw.Aner the time reqWred by applicable I�w�Tnistce shall glve public aoilce <br /> . ot snle to tLe persong sied ie We monner prescribed by appUcable Iaw.Trunee,without demand oa Borrower.shall sdl <br /> ��,,;;,rr�y� t6e P+�operly at puWic s�ucNon to t6s highest bidder pt the time nud pl�ce And uader the terms desig�ted tp We notice ot <br /> • sAle in aqe ar more pands ond in any order Tn�stce determincs.Trustee moy postpone sale ot afl or any pwnd ot the . � <br /> n <br /> �� ' �'`.� � ' Ptope�ty by public nnnouncaneat at the tlme and place of any prevlously scheduled sale. Lxader or its desi�na uwy . <br /> ^,:'��, � .. <br /> ,�, ' .. ., pue�c6ase We Property wt wny ewle. W- <br /> ' � ,:4�; •�,'�. <br /> � `. <br /> I <br /> �d - . • '• Ram 30.� • <br /> ��" � .� ��`� (��BNINBi�a�oa vao.a of s wwa: f . <br /> F'� '�� ••i.. • � <br /> .a <br /> �� :� :,����: ,.( <br /> �' � ' '!��� " � : •� . '.. ,...., . . , , . � ... . <br /> �trT,'f'3:,..�'":' ..,.,��� •-�rir. ,.. <br /> .h;;. •�.�: � . . <br /> ':,�..c. _. .,i.. ".�� • � .. � . . - . <br /> �_ . <br /> � `' � � � ` - --- -------- . .- -.- -------�-- - --. _— _ ' _ --.—..- - <br /> :�;:__, _ . . . ' , . <br /> v ' .i <br /> ur <br /> �'., . t ,. �. - . <br /> _� .,K .. ., � - . <br /> ., ��� .l :4• .' , . <br /> �, �,�,:,�.. � . . � <br /> _ .. . � . . . . • � •'r_. . <br /> n:I,. f � <br />� " 1` <br /> ,,� . ' ` . .,1 <br /> .� �i . <br />