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<br /> �_: �ti�,��,�;;�� 16.Borrower�Cop .Horrower e}ull be glven one conformed copy�[+l�ie Note and ot this Security Inetrument.
<br /> �� �.•;.;.F � 19. Trander ot the�ropert or�Benolicid Intere��ia Barro�or, lt dl or my p�rt of the Property or�ny
<br /> �'° intereat in it ie sold ar traneferrei or it a benatioial intereat In Borrower ie eold or tranetorred�nd Borrower i�not�
<br /> n�tura!pereon)withoutLender'e or written coneer►t,Lender m�y�at itaoption�require immedi�te p�yment in tull ot
<br /> � �11 a�ms aecurod by tl�e$ecurity lnrtrument. However, thie option elull not be exerclsed by [.ender if e:er�ci�e i�
<br /> r� �= prohiMted by tedenl law ae ot thed�te uT thie:ecurity Jnetrument.
<br /> � ,,,���:.:�;. It Lender e�cercisee this option,Lender ehell�tve Borrower notiae of�ccaleration.The notice eh�ll provide�perfod
<br /> '._:;::;. . , �; of not lese than 30 d�ys from tha date the notice ia deltvered or m�iled within which Borrowor muet pey all sume sxured
<br /> '`' '"� by thia Seaurity Inetrumant.It Borrower fail�w py theee aume or to the ex atton oi thia perlod�Lender m�y invake
<br /> �,,,,�:...;;.. '. . p�
<br /> ,,�. `�,•,��_::+�;�`' �ny romedies pecmittedby this Secudty Inetrument without iurt er notioe or�lemand on Aorrower.
<br /> � 18. Bonnwor'a Ri�ht to Roinctate.If Borroaet meetis certein eondltions,Hortower ahall have the ri�h4 to hnve
<br /> �t t � �.�,; V ontorcament ot thie 3ecurity Inettument diecontinuod�t any tima prior ta the earlier of:(a)3 deys(or such other period
<br /> �•.�' -$ � ��� . ° ae applicable lew mey epeeify tor reinatatement)beforo s�le ot the Pro�t y �ureuont to any�oaor ot sale contained in
<br /> �' � � � thfs Secutity Inetrument;or (b� entry ot � judament en[orcin� this SeouNty Instrumant.Those conditions sro thst
<br /> . � Borroaer: (a)paye Lender dl eurns ahiah then would be due under thie Security Instrument and tho Note se it no
<br /> ��•-'. � � + �� acceleration hul ocourted;(b)curca sny deteult of any other covenente or aeroementa;(c) Qeys all expenses incurrod in
<br /> •'•.�,:�:. u..:._.:. .
<br /> �,.._. . �� an[orcing thie Socurity inetrument.including,but not limited to,�easonable attornaya'fces;and(d)takes auch action as
<br />��`�1,,;' �_ ` I.ender mey ceasonably require to assure that the lien ot this Security Instrument,l.ender's rights in the Property end
<br />_ '�'� Bonoaer's obligation to poy the sums securcd by thie 6eourity Inatrument shall continue unchanged.Upon reinstaument
<br /> � � � ' � by Bormwor,thisSocurity Inetrumentend the obli�ationseoourcd hereby shall�amain fully afteotiveas if no acceleration
<br /> 4�w
<br />,;.�, y ; : had occurred.Hoaever,this right to roinstete shall not+�pply in the cese of acceleratian under paragraph 17.
<br /> •. � 19.S�lo ot Nate;Ch�a�o ot Lo�a Servicer.The Note or s p�rtial intercst ia tho Nota(ta�ather with this Security � "
<br /> � Inetrumant)rney be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrowor.A sele may result�n a change in theentity w 4
<br /> . , ' (k n o w n a e t h e"I,a e n Se rv i c e r")thet eollects mo nthl y p a ymenta due under the Note and thia Securit y Instrument.There -^�.^-!
<br /> also mey be ona ar moro cf�enges of tha Luan Sorvicer unrelated w a eale of the Note.lf there Ia e chenge ot the i..oso .•:':�'.��•. "
<br /> Servicer Borrower will be 'ven written notice ot the chan e in accordence with ra raph 14 above end applicable IQw. �`i� �-`
<br /> P� S
<br /> 'I'he nodce will stete the neme and address ot tha new I.,oan�rvicer and the addr�s ta which paymente should be made. ,.yE,�:.;,'� _:.�
<br /> The notice will 41so contein any other informotion required by applicable law. ' "', •' •�•,'
<br /> � 20. Ha�srdous Subat�ncea. Borrawer ah�l)not cause or rmit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or releasa ot ���'��•':'���
<br /> ,..;. .,.„,,
<br /> ' ; eny Hazerdous Subatences on or in the Property,Harn►wer ehal not da, nor alloa anyane else to do,anything aftecting :�,;:. ;, �;���
<br /> � . the Property thet ia in violation ot any Env�ronmenta)Law.The preceding two sentences shail nat apply to the presence, ,.. �t ,���•.
<br /> � use, or atora�e on the Property ot amall quantitles ot Hazerdoua Subetances that oro $enerelly recagnized to ba `'�'�:
<br /> .., ,� �yr�,
<br /> appropriate to normd rcsidanti�l uses�nd to maintenance of the Proparty.,
<br /> Borrower shell promptly give Lendar written natice of any inveatlgetion,claim.demand,lawauit or other action by : `�'"'^�,t:
<br /> ...,;,,,.,,.
<br /> any governmental or regui�tory agency or private party involviag the Property end any Hazardous Subatance or ',�x��;,;�:.
<br /> 8nvironmental I.�w oi whtch Borrower hes actuel knowledge.It Barrower lesn►s,or�s notified by any eovernmental or .. .
<br /> regulatory authority, thet any removel or other remediation of any H�zardous Substenca affecting tha Praperty ie
<br /> �� nocessary,Horrower ehall prnm�tl�take all necessery remedial actiona in accordance with Environmental Law. �"�ti: .��;�,
<br /> =-= -____--- - 11s usod in fhiepan�pt� , 3ieieedous Substences"ePo thoa3 aubatanccs defined as toxic or heaardoussubstances
<br /> by Envirnnmental Law a�d the fo)lowing subatancea gasollne,kerosene.other tlammable or toxic petroleum praducta, t ��•�;
<br /> toxic pesticides and herbicidos, volatile solvants� meteriels containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and rad�oactive �
<br /> matenals.As used in this paragreph 2(I,"Environmental I.aw"meens federel laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the ... . _� �e,
<br /> � Aropeny is loceted that relate to health,satety or enviranmentsl protection.
<br /> N ON-UIVIFORM COV�NANfS.Borrower and Lender turthar covenent and a ree as follows: � � `� �'
<br /> 21. Acceler�tioa; Remediea. L.ender ahall �ive notice to Borrowet prior to acceleratioa followin� , ���
<br /> Borrower's breach of sny covaaant or s�reemeat ia this Security Instrumeat (but aot prior to�cceleration � :ry-�,
<br /> ;� under psragr�p617 unless sppltc�ble lavr provides otherwise�.The notice shsll specify:(�)the det�ult;(b)t6e ; ..
<br /> , octioa required to cure tho de�ault; (c) s d�te, not less tb�a 30 d�ys trom the date the notice ia �ivea to � .�
<br /> ���� � � Borrower. by which the det�ult must be cured;and(d)that tailure to cure thc detault o0 or betoro the d�te ,
<br /> apecitied in the aotice may reault in�ccelerstion of tho sums secured by this Securit�Instrument aad e�k ot i
<br /> ��I the Property.Tdo aotice shall furthor intorm Borrower of tho ri�ht to roinstate sfter acceleration and the • �
<br /> ` �.�; ri�ht to b�ina a court action to aese�t the non-exiatence ot� default or any other detense at Borrower to . � •
<br /> ; �, acceleration�nd s�le.It t6a de�ault is not cured on ar betore tbe d�te specitied in tbe notice, Leader.at ite
<br /> . option. may require immediate payment ia tull ot all sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument without �
<br /> '' furtber dem�nd snd may iavo�e the power of sile �nd any other remedies parmitted by spplicable I�w. ' �
<br /> l.ender Ahsll l►e�entitkd to collect�II expenacs i�curred in pursuina tiie remedies provided in this psragrap6 � �
<br /> ZI,iacludin�,but aot limited to,reasonsble�ttorneys'tees and costs ot titie evidence.
<br /> If the powor o�s�le is invoked,'frustee shall record s notice s�t default in each couaty ia which any part nt
<br /> t6o Property is located and shdl mall copies ot such notice in tt�e rnanner prescribed by spplic�ble law to
<br /> Borrower�nd to the other persoas preacnbed by spplic�ble law. Atter the time requlred by�pplic�ble I�w, r .
<br /> Trustee ahall�ive public notice ot sile to thepersons apd in the msnner prescribed by•pplic�bie law.Truatee,
<br /> �;� � without dem�nd on B�rrower. ah�ll sell the Property at public auction tu thc hi�hest bidder at the time�nd
<br /> � place�nd under the terms dcsi�nated in thc notice of sde in one or more parcels snd in any order Trustee
<br /> � � determines.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any parcel of the Property by pubiic announcement at the
<br /> timo�ad place of�ny previnusly scheduled sale. Lender or its desi�nee may purchase the Propart�� st aay
<br /> ' �. ; . sale.
<br /> ; , � � .
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