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<br /> . � . ..� � "' ��;,�'w! �
<br /> --�...isx:.;�::�.
<br /> .� ,
<br /> ����..���: �g3� so"��
<br /> TrwOo►undwwnd�thtl th+doouno�nn tA�t TnNwr u�bout to�x�ouM I•a DMd a Trup•nd no1.morq�p�and q+�t tM Pp+�
<br /> of at�prarlcNd Ibr In th�ONd ol Trwl provldN wb�tantl�ly dMNr�nt rlpMs• obllp�tioM b TruMor pwn�morlp�p�in tM sv�nt
<br /> ::� a.eMhuN or b►NOh o1 obllpadon undN d+�ONd d 7rup.Inoludlnp,but n It�d b,th�t.�ntNr'�rlpM b haw tl»Prop�rty�otd
<br /> by th�Tru�wlqiout�n�r�udlolal proaMdk�p. Trwta r�pnMnb• �nb that thl�a nowl�dp�n�nt w �auMd b�►
<br /> TruMa►bMa�If»�xrouYon ol th�OMd M Trwt
<br /> . .
<br /> -,.
<br /> Qal in Nca T awb�ad
<br /> a� TIIIA J A T�► ru•
<br /> �� ' *. THIB OEED OF TRUST,Is n���of th��d�y ot �;,, ,19_�.,by�nd emonp
<br /> ',��+ti."`. ::
<br /> `�. .�'' .. �11�11 �� �i ?IY6 J 'L� hu�h�ed �nd ri��
<br /> +u+��:t' tM T�uWor.— � ...a .
<br /> w�wt� 66� C A�Atoa �w tiru►d I�l�a
<br /> ....w � � '_:'1-?n::_ 1t� �.�am����9�
<br /> •ti ,,_..�;��,. • whoM n�INnp�ddna ia ereln"Truaor,"�rtwnllr ort�rar mon�
<br /> � Y: � �, � . �, . . �T� Fiv� Poinl� Y�nk. • M�braati� Cornor�tion - .
<br /> �' .� ' .,� , .
<br /> whoN m�x�addrau i� P.O. 6ox iS07 �ir�ad I�l�ad. i16 G8802 (he�ein~Taua3ee'��and
<br /> ,. }. ,.. � ;r•�' thsBendiclary, Fiv� Point� B�nk
<br /> ,.�,7s., .... '
<br /> • . whose m�iUnQ addraf i� �O1S Y. Bro�dr�li Cirand i.i�ed^ tie_ 6AeA2-iSe7 _ (hereln"Lender'7.
<br /> • ,,:�. • .�_
<br /> , "" FOR VAWABI.E CON810ERATtON,includirp Lender'�exten�lon of credk IdmUlled herein t��ia Zi�k�
<br /> : ., i TINA J 2ISKA (hereln"Borrower",whether one or mo►e)and ihe trust herain crested,
<br /> � the►ecNpt of whlch ia hereby acknowledped,T�ustor hereby inevocably Qrante,tranefere,conveya and aeslpna to T►u�tes,IN
<br /> ' • � • THUST,VYITH P�WER OF 3ALE,for 1he beneflt and�curity of Lende►,under and sub�ect to the tnrms and conditlana herelnaihr'ei
<br /> fath,ths reel property.de�cribed ea follow�:
<br /> � '—'r� "' 4wt Tbirt�en t T3) �L�DCk OII! t i) B�tt�r Ho�s Subdivi�ion. �n Additioe to tl��
<br /> ; • � ;;��;;:�. , C�,ty of 6rand I�li��i, }l�li Cou�ty. IMbrssk�. n
<br /> ' � � V'�����iS�t11:5• • '.5
<br /> �
<br /> Togather with all buildinps,improvemants,lixlurea,atreets,alleys,peasapeweya,eaaements,rlphts.pqyilepes�and appurte-
<br /> ; .� . ., nancea located thereon or In enywise pertalning thereto,and 1he renta,issues end profits,Ye'3�Yalons end femalnders thereol,and
<br /> � •• auuh personel property that is aHeched to the Improvements ao aa to constitute e Ilxlure,includinp,but not Ilmited to,headnp end
<br /> coollnp equlpmen�and topether wlth the homestead�r marital Intereste,II any,whlah interesta are hereby releaaed and walved;all
<br /> , oi whlch,fnaludf�p replecementa end addfdona thereto,la hereby declared to be a part of Ihe real e�tete eecured by the Ifen o1 thls
<br /> �!�: Deed oi Truit�nd oll of the forepoinp belnp�ele�red to herele as the"Property". N
<br /> •-� � ,
<br /> �,� This Deed ot Tru�t shall oecure(e)the payment o11he princ�pal eum and Interest evidanced by e promisaory note or credlt
<br /> `,
<br /> �� �� a��eemem dated � ����r 7�� ��3 ,haviny a maturity date o1 a�_,
<br /> , , r..
<br /> � ,-� t ' • in the original principal amount of S �•�•� .and any and all modillcetions,exteneiona end renewafs f"�
<br /> . j�r i thereof or thereto and any and all future edvancea end readvances to Borrower(or any of them If more then one)hereunder
<br /> � purs�u+n�ta one er more promisaory notee a c►edit agreements(hereln celled"NOte"►;(b)the peyment ol other aume edvanced by f .
<br /> Lender to protect the aeCUrity of the Note;(c)the performanca o1 all covenants and agreements of Truator set forth herein;and(d)all
<br /> p►eaent and fulure Indebtedness end obliqetlons ol Borrower(or any of them II rnore than one)to Lender whether dlrect,Indirect, � �.�
<br /> � ebaolute or contingent end whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwlse.The Note,this Deed of Truat and any end all �"
<br /> '' . , olher dceuenta that secure the Note or othe►wlse executed fn connectfon therewith,I�cludinp without Ilmitation puarantees,eecurlty
<br /> ayreementa and assignmenta of leaees and renta,ahall be relerred to herein as the"Loan Instruments". �'"
<br /> ' :,,°��,. Trustor covenanla and ayrees with lender as}ollows: �'
<br /> � J ;,�� '1. �a�m�nt o1lnd�bbdn�u.All Indebtedness aecured hereby shall be pald when due. ,
<br /> �•�' 2. Ri11�.Trustor la the owner ot the Propery,has the right and authoriy to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen
<br /> � c�eated hereby Is a tirot and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ilena and encumbrances set lorth by Trustor In wrltinp and '
<br /> ��� � delivered to Len der before executlon of thl s Deed o1 Truet,and the executlon end dellvery of thls Deed o1 Trust doea nol violate any �
<br /> contract or other obflpatlon to which T�ustor is subJect.
<br /> , � 3. 4axts,Astn�minb.To pay before dellnquency all tazes.spec�a�assessmenls and all other chargea agalnet the Property
<br /> now or heteeRer levled.
<br /> '''' ' '' d. 1n�tN1�nC�.To keep the Properly Ingured e gainst damage by 1�re,hazarde Included withm the term"extended coverege",and
<br /> ' 9uc�+othe�hetardu ae Lender may requfre,In amounts and with compenies eccepteble fo Ler,der,naming Lender as an addltlonal •
<br /> � ; named ineured,with lose peyeble ro the Lender.t n case nf loas under euch policfes,thu Lender ie authorized to adjust,coltect and
<br /> ti.� Compromlee,all clalms thereunder and shall have ihe optlon of applyfnp aN or pert of the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtednesa
<br /> , seCUred hereby and in suCh order as Lender mey determine.(II)to the Trustor to be uaed for the repalr or restoradon of the Property
<br /> � 1 •. or(111)for eny olher purpoee or obJect oaHafactory to Lender wllhout effecdng the Ilen ot thls Desd ot 1'�uat for the lull amount eecured
<br /> •. hereby before such peyment ever took plece.Any appl�cation ol proceeds to Indebtednees shell not extend or postpone the due
<br /> j � ' dats of eny paymente under the Note,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. Esorow.Upon written demand by lender.Trustor ehall pay to Lender,fn such manner ea Lender mey desipnete,auflfcfenf
<br /> . � �F--—`"--� sume to ernble Lender to pay as they become due ane or more of the followinp•(f)alt texea,aeseasmanta end other charyes epainst
<br /> b � ; the Property,(H)ths premlum�on the properly fnaurence requlred hereunder,�nd(�Iq the premlums on any moApe�e inaurence
<br /> + • roqulred by Lender.
<br /> , 8. M�InNnanc�,R�pdn�nd Comptlanc�w�lh I.�w�.Trustor ahall keep the Property 1n yood conditlon and repalr;shall
<br /> _, . � . • promptly ropalr. or replace eny Improvernent which may be demaped or destroyed; shall not commlt or permit at+y waate or
<br /> � dalerionGon ol the Property;ehell not remove,demolfeh or aubalentfally alter any ol the Improvements on lhe P�openty;thell not
<br /> F, commit sulleror permit any act to be done In or upon the Property in vloletlon af any lew,ordlnence,or repulatfo�:and shal►pay and
<br /> �y. pr�ompdy di�Charye et Truetor's cost ar:d expense all Ilene,encumbrencea ond charpes levfed,Imposed a assessed apalnet the
<br /> � .•; ,,;. . ,�� �ro�ertY or sny pert tharoof. ;
<br /> ;� 3'_ EmUNnt Qomein.Lender I�hereby elslpned all compen�edon,awarde,d�mapes and othei payments or ret�l(herelnafler
<br /> ; •:�:�:�• •: � i
<br /> �r'_� { "Poacesds'�fn connectlon wlth condemnaUon or other tekin�aA the Property or part threM.a lor coieveya�see�n lieu o4 cendeinna-
<br /> !� ' ' � tion.Lender shall be enUded at ib optlon to eommenee,a�ear iA a+w�rosecute In ns own oame a�r sction or proceedlnps,araa0
<br /> ' , shall olw be ontiUed to make any comproml�e or�1t0en�n.t m connectuam cr,�sucA ta�unp or dMnp�,ln we event an�porl�m mb
<br /> � ' 1 -
<br /> y' wc s�:narR�e Wu o..n�«,w,M
<br /> OI/MNM�aW�MtdCa�rnTruM�nOi�vwwANenllm 6.�eMn iYrraw i
<br /> . l
<br /> .�
<br />