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<br /> � �. i,. �• `. ...��1
<br /> ; . .
<br /> ,
<br /> , .� �
<br /> Thi• D�wd o! Trus� shall ���ur�: 93� 1�1�
<br /> � (a) The payment oP �he principal �um and intiereot
<br /> evidsnaed by Horrower•o Con�truation Lin� o! Cradit
<br /> "�� Drew Nots datied Seatewber 7 , 19 , having a
<br /> maturity date of se tembs ,�n the ariginal
<br /> � principe�l aewunt a ___Dollazs
<br /> (� gg�ppp,pp__�, and any art +� cu Oh�, extenaions
<br /> en renewale thereof or thereto nnd any and �11 futur4
<br /> advance� dnd readvdncee hereunder pureua�nt ta one or
<br /> mor� promiesory notes or credit aqreementa Iherein
<br /> „;; s ,-' , ca lled "Note")�
<br /> r � ��..f.
<br /> �� '�t���� � � � � (b) The pAyanent of other e�uns advanaed by Lender
<br /> � �'�.�•y� ,4y ta prote�vt the eeaurity of the Notef
<br /> ..��' -""7r.t...Y,i��T.
<br /> ,,,. , ,., . f,..__ -;:,,; �c8 The performe�nce of all covenanta and agree-
<br /> :;,.,., .
<br /> 3 r': ' � �.;;".':�a;ti,:,�;..,r, ,r<< ments oi Borrower set forth herein� and
<br />� �� . y;;,;.�:,;,�.�� ��,+;�.
<br /> �t� ':i��'�.1; ;..;, (d) A11 indebtedness and o�ligat�o�ns of e�rrawer .r,,�ti,
<br /> �r ����'�' '� ' '� to Le�d�r whether dirQat� indirect, a�eoltska or con- ;�;t��i
<br /> ,',":�;�;,;;�,;..:�.t,f.-;.,.F•.:...
<br /> � �•.;`�,,'lt;i��;,;±.�_;,,���,,�. tingent and whether ariaing by note, guaranty, over- . �i'�'�
<br /> '��' •'�'�' �����+'•��:�;`�'�' ����i� ��� draf� or ot{�erwise advanced �flr the purpose af makinq
<br /> `;'.�.:i:,!�:;'•� ;���:`�',?�-,7�����;`.:"r� ���� improvemenCa to the real estate hereindbove �described.
<br /> ...,:,� ,�.,,. . .,,.,.,, .�.,� ...,,
<br /> ,-���:; �. ���:•���1 ��•a" �[ The Note, and any and all other documenta t at aecure
<br /> ''�.�V '���.I4!(5�,.:�'i.•
<br /> , . �. ;�.:�c,,,�;,,}�;�r�;;�!Y.:��r the Note or othexwiae exeauted in connecti�n th�rew�ltlo,
<br /> �.;�'�, `'f."t,:•"i��1''iic�`;;r't:-.::�" inclu8ing. w�ithout l�lmitatio�. guaranteea. aecur�tY
<br /> �'��'�!�:•;`,:, ..�. � ���;;; agreenae�nta a�oc3 assignments o� leaaea arad rec�ta p shall
<br /> �. �,);:�: :�,� ,:;,,�h,j{r.� . n
<br /> � �._..�_�
<br /> :. -,�.�.-, .�.;,r--�-- ba rafarrc� ta �s�reia as the �,oan =n�trumenta.
<br /> s � ;!t..:l.;
<br /> ' � Borrowe�, to protect tihe aecurity of this Deed of Truet,
<br /> � aovenants and aqreea with Lender as followa:
<br /> � .. . .
<br /> � ' �' � 1. Pa ent of Princi al and Intereet. Borrower shail
<br /> �� promptly pay when ue t e pr nc pa o an nterest on, end eny
<br /> � � gees or charges provided in, the Note or in tihie Doad of Truat.
<br /> �r 2. Title. Borrower is the owner of the Pxoperty and
<br /> �i� , , hao the right an authority Co conve�► the Propezty.
<br /> �;r • • 3. Taxea Assesamen�s. Exce�t when they are con- �•.
<br /> , � ' '. . tes�ed in good a t�, to pay w�en due all taxes, special assess- „s,�,
<br /> � , � ments and all other charges against the Property and, upon �"�'�
<br /> � � written demand by Lender, to pay to Lenaer auch amount as may be -•;�,�
<br /> C - � eufficient to Pnable ehe Lender tio pay euch taxes, aseesementa or -;r;��
<br /> ' o�her Charqes as they become due.
<br /> � �� 4. Insurance. At the beginni�nq of construction or y;,�
<br /> � renovatior► of b�u 3c��ng, to keep the Property insured aqainst �5�;
<br /> �• � ' � damage by fire, hazards included witihin the term "all riak .s,,,,.
<br /> � ',�;;;,:• coverage", an8 such other hazards as Lender may requixe, in
<br /> � � � � '�°"�� amounts and w3�th companies acceptable to Lender, including a � "
<br /> � � " standard mortqagQe clause with loes payable to the Lender. In �
<br /> : i.. •, , �; ' case of loss under such policies, �he Lenaer is authorized to
<br /> ( : , g adjust, collect and compromise all claims thereunder and shall
<br /> i � � � have the option of applying all or part of the insurance proceecls �
<br /> z.• �' ' (i) to any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as ;
<br /> , ', Lencier may determine , (ii) to the Borrower to be uaed for the
<br /> "�; . "� , • repair or restoration of the Property or (iii) for any other
<br /> . � f . � purpose or object sati.sfactory to Lender without affecting the
<br /> lien of this DQecl of Trust for the full amount secured hereby
<br /> � � ' � �' . before such payment ever took plaae. Any application of proceeds
<br /> 1�__ to indebtedness ehall not extend or poatpone the due date of any
<br /> ' � paymenta under the Note, or cure any defauit thereunder or nere- ,
<br /> �,�� .,, � under.
<br /> , ,� � ,:;�;;'.�
<br /> ' ��:�� 5. Maintenance, Re airs and Com lfance with Laws. ,_
<br /> � `.��'''� _ Borrower shall eep the Proper y n goo can t on an repa r1
<br /> �,'�'� , ;. . .
<br /> ehall promptily repair or replace any improvement which may be
<br /> i ; damaged or destroyed= shall not commft or permit any waste or ..
<br /> ' ��,.. ''`'��;?�;� � deterioratfon of the Propertyt ehall not remove, demolish or �
<br /> � ��;,t�:�, �
<br /> � �;�t:(:� subatantially alter any of the improveanents on the Propertyt
<br /> �hall not commit, auffer or permit any acti to be done in or upon
<br /> i ' : •
<br /> s �2�
<br /> �
<br /> . ,
<br /> ' d
<br /> V '�
<br />