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� :� . . <br /> , '�� <br /> '�� � �•., ���a , - - .r,, r <br /> . � <br /> ,.. <br /> ' . 93-ic�,s <br /> Bortawr dMipnatM by notica to L�ndu. My notio�to L�ndw�htA b�plwn by flnt oI�N nwN to l�ndM'��ddr���Mt�d hrr�h a Iny <br /> othR�ddrM�L�ndw dnlO�MtM bY notla W BexrowK. 11nY notla provW�d 1ar in thl�8�owkY In�4wiwd dW b�d�n1d to hw�bMn <br /> piwn to Bom�w�►a Und�r when pNm�s provlded in thls puapnph. <br /> t• 18. Oo+r�rnlnp Lawi S�wraWlky. Tha 8�outNy Inspum�nt�h�N b�O���d by 1�d�r�1 Mw�nd th�Irw of th�JuArdiatlon In <br /> •'� _ whloh th�Prop�rty Is babd. In th��rmt th�t�ny proNNon or oi�u��of this S�cudly Inst�um�nt w th�NoU aoM�d� wMh�ppNa�l�N <br /> -� ' 6g� law,wcA oonAlat �h�A�ot abot oth�r provlWon�ol thb Seaudty Inspwn�N or Ifw Noto whlah am ba pivon�wqhout th�conAlatlnp <br /> '� � 9+ p►ovislon. To thls md th�provi�lons of thh 8�eurity Intlrummt�nd th�Not��n d�d�nd W M�++�bt�, <br /> +. "'•"=`��''s'�';'•. 18. Borrow��'� Copy. BortowK�h�b�pNan ons conlorm�d oopy ol th�Nob and of thb S�adly In�trum�n4 <br /> r . ; ` �` 17. Tr�nsh� af tiN Prop�Kf► or� 8�n�ticl�t Inbr�st In Bonaw�r. n au or.�r wu+a tn.�op.ny«a�y�t.r.a <br /> h M b iWd or tamf�d(cr��benMl�l int�rM M 8oero�w�e fa�otd or tnmNrnd�nd BorrowK Is not�n�tuN p�son)wUhout L�nd- <br /> � *��,` ... � �r's prlor wr�►cons�M Lurclu� Ra aplion,nqulr�hnn�dY�t�P�Y�b fuY o4 M arns��cund by Ihls S�aritll k�frum�nt. <br /> ?�'.`.:L• � .:. <br /> .��, , ,, Howfvar.W�s opliae ah�l rat b��xw+ofs�d hqr Lw�dw if�i�prahl�iMd by tadorall�as o!tQa data of tNa Ser�reyr Mb�er�nt <br /> "'.,�y°• ' , . ' ' B L�ndar�xwdsas!�qatEon.L�ndK shM�Ire Boaow�t notic�d�aWemtion. Tha nolia sAY ptovid��p�riod d not la�tA�n 30 <br /> M !• . .�. <br /> � iq��r,r�'•,: • ;.,�;''1'� tfiy!h0111 Ih�d111�fhY�ioP+is dlIIYe1ld Or f1l�flid riilhirt wNCh BOrtOWK 1111ii1 pN�l aN 6•.Mfl�S�CIN�d by thi�S�dMily k1l1M1M111. II <br /> � �,r'•,•, �)�� .. `,�;:�: : Barow�r 1�Ih to p�y ihe�e auin�prior to the expkadon W 11ib pabd� Lw+dK may invake anr r�dws p�nnilbd bY�hia S�udtY InsW- <br /> ! ��':.�,,, : .'`:;�`; mwd wUhout fuAhK notbe a dom�nd on Bonowar. <br /> . :� :'.`;;-. <br /> I���� r .•:��; . . �'.1r".;i,"`i:�`:�r`��.' 16. 6o►�ow�r's Rlpht t0 RdnstUt�. 11 9orrowK me�ts c�t�in canditions� Borrow�r shd have 1M�iyhl to h�w�ntoro�n�nt <br /> .., i .. , ��t�:"..:,� <br /> - .7._ ., ��: ��.-,`�...., of tMs 8�curily Inshumant daaontkwad�t�ny dms p�ior to th�arW�r of: p) 5 d�ya(or�uch othw p�aci�s I�ppNcaW�Uw m�y sp�dAl <br /> � fa rok+tlatem�nq before aale of tM Propsrfy purswnt to�ny pow�r of saM conq�ned in thl�Sscuriry inatrument;or lb) enby of�judpr�nt <br /> , , , . • � antorainp tMle S�airity Inet�umen4 Thou conditlons ue that 6orrower:(�)p�ys lender�W�uma wh�h than woutd be dw und�►thls <br /> . ,. Sacurity Inshument and the Note a tl no acceleratbn h�d occuRed; (b)curos my ddault ot any otMK toven�nts a�prMrn�nts;(a) p�ys tl <br /> ;_ ' � axpensa Incuaed In enforcinp thl�Security In�trument,Inctudinp,but noi IlmRed to, rason�bls attomrys' ieea;�nd(d)Lk�s�uob �aHor� <br /> • �s La�d�►may�eaeon�bly roquin to aeeuro th�t the Ilen ot thR Seuxity Inatrument, lender's�iphte in tne Rroperty�nd Bor►owws oLllOa- <br /> ` � • don to p�y th�suma 4eeu�ed by Ihls 8�aurfry InsUument ehell aontMue unchanpad. Upon ralnsvtoma+t by BoROw�,this S�owNy <br /> ' �. Imhum�nt�nd tha obMgationa aecured heroby sh�dl remaln fuYyr eM�otiv��9 H no�aaaleraGon h�d oea►rtad. Howww,thb riyht to nekistRt� <br /> � � sh�N nW apPN in ihe caee o1 scce!aratlon under p�rapraph 17. <br /> ' ''�• . . 19. $alY of NOt6; Chanp� Of IAal1 S�IV1C��. Tha Nots or� p�Al�l Intenat In the Note(topethet wlth thh Ssoudty <br /> � . , .' lotwmenq may be eotd ooa or more times without prlor noUca to 8ortower, A sde m�y result In�ahmq�in th�enUty(known��tM <br /> �� • •Lan 8ervicer')th�t collecta monthy p�ymant�dw under Iha Note�nd thia Saouiity Mstrument. Th�re�leo may be orn or mor�ahan�a oi <br /> ' lhe Lwn 3ervbar unrN�ted to a wls o11hs Note. It thete Is a ahmpe ot the Lorn Servicer, 6oROwe►wdi ba yiren w�iii,nt noUoo oi iiw than�s <br /> ; � , . In�eoordanae with parayreph 14�bova�nd�ppllcable lew. The noUce wlq ehte the name�nd�ddraes o11he naw loan Servic��nd th� <br /> : addross to wh�h paymmte ahould be made. The notke wIN alao aonleln any other Inlorm�Uon requUed by appNcable(aw. <br /> ' 20. Hasardoua Subst�ncoo. Bortower sh�B not cause or po►mit ihe preeence,use,dispoad, storape,or rel�ee ot any Hwrdaus <br /> .�I subetonoea on or In the P�operiy. Bortower ahaU not do, nor allow anyone etae to do, anylhinQ aNaclinp the Property ihet Is in vlolstlan of <br /> eny Envkonmentel Law. The preceding two senteneea ehaN not epply to the preeence, use,or atoreqe on Ihe Properly of srtu�qu�ntitls�ot <br /> ..� � '� Hwrdous aubatanaea that are qeneraly recoqnized to be appropdete to nortnal realdentlal uaes and to mak�ten�nce ot ths Ptop«'ty. <br /> ���a� � Bortower shop p�omptly yNe Lender wrftten notloe of any Inveatip�ibn,ctaMn, dsrtand,IawauH or olher aetion by�ny povamm�nW or <br /> �, ropulatory�penay or priwte paity InvoNing the Propwty and any Hwrdoue 3ubstance or Environmental ot whlch BoROwer haa adu�l <br /> knowladye. If Barower leams, ar Is noUfled by any govemmentel or regulatory autharfty,that any removal or other�emedl�tlon a1 qnY HaiaMou� - <br /> ��r ' '4 <br /> �,, Substance aflectinp the Property 18 necessery.Bortower sheN promptiy take all neeesaery remedlal acUona In aceordence wAh Envlronm�nUl Law, �. <br /> .� As used In lhle parayraph 20,'Hazardous Substances"ere those eubeWnees delkied ae toxic or huerdoue aubatances by EnWronmenW <br /> l.�w and the tolbwiny aubatwices:qasoNne,kerosene, other flemmeble a toxfo pelroteum products, toxic pesticidea end herbieides,vaatiN <br /> y� aoNente, materiala oontalninp�sbeatoe or fomwldehyde,and radi000tMe mWe�ls. As used In thls paragraph 20.'Envlronmental Lew' <br /> i'.' mems federal laws and lawa o1 the Jurlsdictlon where the PropeKy is located that relate to health, saletyr or environmental proteatbn. <br /> NON•UN!fORM COVEMANTS. Borrower end LenAPr h�nher covenant and egree ea follows: � `• <br /> 21. Acaeloration; Ramodtes. Londer ehall givo notice to Borrowor prlor to accaleration following "-''' <br /> Borrowor'ss bro�ch of any cove�ant or agreement in thls Socurity Inst�ument (but not prior to accelerallon �•• <br /> undor p�ragraph 17 unloss�pplicable law providea otharwiso). The notice ahpll opecify: (�) tho deUulN (b) �: ,.f <br /> tho aetion raqulrod to cure the defa�aR: (e) a dato, not la�s than 30 days from the date th�notice i:piv�n to �. <br /> Borrowor� by which tho defau9t muat be c�+red; and (d)that feilure to cure the detault on or bofora the dat� <br /> � spocified in tho notiae may rosuN in acceleratton of tho sum� secured by this Secu�ity Ir�strument and epl� � <br /> ; , of the Proparty. Tho notfce a'hall luether iniorm 9orrower of the right to reinstate aiter accelerallon �nd <br /> ' tho rig'M!t�►bring a court action to aasert the non-existence of a defeult or any other dofense of Borrower � <br /> � to acee�eratlon and sale. if ths dafault is nat curod on or before the date apecified In the notice. Lander . <br /> '',� ' �t its optto�rriay re��a3ro immodiato payment In full of oll aums secured by this Secu�ity Inst�ument wtthout <br /> � 1 . :, k furthe� demand a��l �ay invoke the power of sele and any otfw� Reanedies permttted by appNcable : <br /> law. �ender �ha91 �e entitlod to collect all expenaes incurred i� pu�auing tho remodies �arovfded in thia <br /> .�'�t` parapr�ph 21� ir�c0uding, but not 1lmited to, �aasonable attorneys' fees and c�sls of titlo ovldonc�. <br /> , , N t1� ,power of sala ig invoYced. Truatee shall record a notlee of deia�att in each county {n whicY�a�ry pairtt <br /> of the P�opoHy is loeatod and eha10 maal coples of such notice in tiw mawnor praseribad by applicab0e law <br /> � � '� to Borrowo�and to the other persons p�es�r{bod by applicabla law. Ait�r the tlmo r�pui►ed by applicabl� <br /> . �� law,Truste� shall g�iv� public notica of sa0e to tlw per�ons and in the �nannor prascribed by applic�blo low. <br /> � Trud�.without domand on Bor�owar� shall gell tho Property d pubtic suctbn to tha highost biddor at tho <br /> - F Um� ana p��c� snei undor iiw i�rma dvsien��o i�� {tlr I�Yl14V � -.:: ::. w.. a: :ss;,:: ra�el� :;•w �•�••;^•a•• <br /> � 7rusta d�tarmines.Trustea may postpone sale of all or any parcN of tho Property by pubUc announcomont <br /> � � � �t the tfm� �nd pYac� of a�y provtously schodulod �alo. Lond�r a its d�sipeee may pwchosa tiw Property <br /> . ; d any aal�. <br /> ' E� , Upon r�c�lpt of paymeM af tho prlco bid, T�usteo shall deliver to th� purchas�r Tru3t�'s ds�d <br /> • � aonvoyin� tho Proporty. Th� r�citals in tho Trustee's deod shall ba p►ima fxi� �vbd�aec+ o�f tlov truth <br /> � of th� st�temonb mada tho��in. Trust�o shall apply tha procaods of tho sale in th�f�f�owing wdar: <br /> � � �� � (�) to all aottd an��xpanps of�x�rcising tho powa� of wlo� and tho sal�, including the paymont of th� <br /> ' � Trusto�'s faos act�ally incun�d. not to oxcead 3.000'Y,of tho principal amount of tha nota at tha timo <br /> � of tho docl�rdion of d�h�s1'!, and reaaonablo attornoys'foos as pormiHed by la�w; (b) to all sum� �ourad <br /> � � by this S�curity Instrum�rt� and (c) any oxcoss to tho ponon or persons lagal�y �ntitlod to it. <br /> 302!].hm�S/91� p�a��oe 5 Form 5028 9(80 <br /> � <br /> I <br />