<br /> . �..
<br /> - . .r.., , { .:�
<br /> !.`-�� A• / 4
<br /> ' '.�1L'�
<br /> •, �� ..
<br /> .. � .� . 183�so�is
<br /> ui�IranM coll�wwTa. ea,,ow.r.nd�.naK oov�w,,.nd.pr..a ,aaw.:
<br /> 1. raym�nt d P�Inotpd�nd Inhwdi Pnp��nt �nd L�b ChWpN. eonow.r•I+�dl pomp�y pay wh.n dw u�.
<br /> �;: p�nawr a.rw w�t�w�on uM a�.Mw«�o.a o�►u�.Na.«►a.�y pnv�ynwm.na in.aw�..du.w�d.►u�.No�..
<br /> Q. Funds tar Ti�xN and Inw►anc�. 9ubl�at�u�pplabb law a w e wdn.n w�lvw by tand�,B«row.r�har v.y to 1.«iaK on
<br /> a•h th�dry montMy P�Y��w dw undw�thr Not�,wdY th�tVot�b W�d k�A�,a wm('Funds•)ta: (�)y�ary wca�nd aswum�nb whkh
<br /> mhr qWn ptiqiyr ovw Ws 6�oudty InsYum�nt as�Wa�on tM ProP�Y(b)Y�Y le�eehold p�ym�nte a qround nnU on th�Propwly,
<br /> M+�Y:(a)Y�N�a propwty b�w�na Pnmk�M�(�Y�N Rood bsumna pnmium�,N�ny;(�1 Y�N�0�0�Inswiuia pc�niwm�
<br /> N My;�nd(Q�ny wrtp p�y�b{�by Baroww to LrntMr,b �000rdmo�wkh th�provblons of puayt�ph B,fn Mu of ih�payn'Mnt of mat�p�
<br /> inwnno�pn�nlunN. TIMS�R�w aN�d'Etanw IlMns'. Und�►rny. a�ny drr��coN�t�nd hotd Fued�N�n amount not to�oca�d
<br /> a
<br /> ,.w•� "` th�nwdnWm a�nount�Nnd�r 1a�f�dw�Ny nt�t�d moit�0���Y��ta eortow�r's aaow�aoounl undar th�t�dwN Rwl
<br /> EsqU 8�nt P�po�du►a Aa10l 1Y74�s�nd�d irom iMn�to ttrn�,12 U.S.O.�2601 N�eq.('RESPA•l,unNss�noth�►I�w that�ppNu to
<br /> ' :1•` th�Fu�sMt a 1��►�mount. fl aa,Lw�d�r m�y,�t�rh►tinu.eoMacl�nd hotd Fundi in�n amount not to�xaMd th�InfK�nwunR l�fda
<br /> ' ,,,-h d;v.�u.,. .
<br /> ���'�: m�y�stkn�t�tM�nwunt of Fundt dw an ih�b�of aurnM d�q and r�wmbN atYn�ta o1�ndlpK�n of p�din Esttrow Itwns a otlwwW
<br /> .G.1.1i7�i+k.Y,..:�.. �
<br /> ,� N�000rd�n�wUh�bM ww.
<br /> , s �' � +ri:a..:..aw.t i Th�Fund��hN be hetd In an bsdd�lon whosr d�po�its�n inwnd by�fedwal�p�nay.InstrumanWity,a andly Mdudfnp lw�dr►f l�r
<br /> a �• _��. . .. b woh�n In�tAution)a in�ny F�d�rw Han�Lom Bank. L�nd�r�ha1�RPM�Fueds to p�y the Esarow Inms. 4�ndR m�y not e1�p
<br /> i� .;`"• ' '
<br /> .,;�t.�.....,;`•_ Bonowe►fo►hoid'ny�nd�pplyinp th�Funds�annu�MY�h�Y ih��aow�ccorxst ar raa�nq th�Esorow I�wns�unNts lr�p�ys Bvnaw�r
<br /> .•to����� • • law �Under to m�ka wah� Piow�v�.L�ndor m�y nquk�8ortowr b p�y�on�tim dwy�
<br />� ���, �. ..:_ _.t iMasst an th�Funds�nd�ppMcaW� Pwmit ��.
<br /> a;�;:..�:,'� fa an ind�nd�nt rad aht�hx npoAN�p a�rvba used by landw in conr�dian wilh Ihls loan.w�laas ap�a�k+tt to�w peaxidea ol�rwbe. Un1en
<br /> �%��S•; �n�prMnwnt b m�d�a�p�lleabt�kw hqutres Miterost to b�paid, lw�r shatl not bY nquked to paY Ba.�mro►�+lr��R a we�i�iW m tb�
<br /> :".;t�;'r '
<br /> • � •••�;:;;:.'� Funds. Ba►owsr rnd Unda rtwry+�pres in wdUny,hownrer,th�t Mtensl slul t�pdd on th�Funda. L�fev shail¢�s fo 8onowr.w1haA
<br /> ,;,f;,•;'. e}wup�,qn�nnual�eeountinp oi ihe Funds�howinp cndAS md debfts to the Funds and tha purpoa�fa whloh wah drbit lo ih�Fund�
<br /> `";:.y`_;. � was m�ds. Th� funds�pisdped u�ddidond sewrNy Ta W sums ucund by Ihis S�wriry Imtrummt.
<br /> . ;��{;>;;::- �. tl th�Funds h�ld by L�nd�r uccNd th��mouMs pKmitl�d to b�htld by�ppNcable law,Landrr sh�N�ccount to Bor►ow�r(or th��caw� � 'i'�
<br /> � Funds b�ccoidsno+wrih th�nquiram�nts ol�ppAe�bb I�w. II th�amouM ot tM Funds hNd by L�nda�t�ny time U not wllldmt to p�y t!w
<br /> �?'ii;�.:::; E�ow ft�ms wh�n du�,L�nd�r m�y so notly 8orrowar h writk�p,�nd,In sucl�as�Borrow�r sh�1 p�y to Und�th�amount mo�ssry to�
<br /> :''�•.;;:'+^` . � ,. up thY dellol�ocy. Bortow�shal mut�up ths d�fld�nry in no mo►�th�n tweN�monthly poy�n�nts.�t L�ndw's tol�tisentfon.
<br /> • �. Upon payma�t in iW ot N sums s�ax�d by thls 3�writy Insqumatl.L�nda shall prompty Mund to Barowr�r+y Funds hdd by Land�r. H
<br /> "� under p�nipr�ph 21,Lendw sh�N�cquira a seN the PropaAy,LandK,pb�to the�cqulsitlan or wk of ths Propwty,sh�M�pply�ny Fundf h�ld
<br /> ��^`'��' — � . by Lendx�t the tNns ot acquisiuon or sde pa a crdii rp.�i�ei iQe sumc sacursd by!h�3aa�rfty Nf�ltumenl,
<br /> �:.� i 3.AppllaMlon of Piym�Ma. Unleae applicM�le I�w provida�otMrwlae,aN p�ymaits recMvad by 4endar under puapraphs 1 end 2
<br /> , ' sh�N be y►pqed: iket,to any prepaymenl eh�rgea duo under the Note;eecond,to amountt pay�bls und�r pareqnph 2;thkd,to IntrMt due�
<br /> :�� fouAh,to prindpal due;�nd I�st,to any Iste chargea due under the Nok. .
<br /> ,���,�: . :' , 4. Charqea; Ll6na. BoROwer shaN pay eU tazes, eseessmenta,charges,Bnea and impoaidons�ttribuhble to the Prop�rty whioh may •r;�
<br /> .,}.;�, � aWN pdotity over ihls Seeurily Insirumen4 and leasehdd p�yments or�ound renla. H+�ny. Bortower sheU pay thoao obfly�dona En th�menner
<br /> :,: �� ' provided In puayraph 2,or fl not pald in th�t manner.Bortower ahall pq them on Ume dkecty to the pertson ow�d paymait Bortoww aMN
<br /> ��h,i;' • „ prompUy luml�h lo Laider all notlr.as of pmounte to be pald undx this panpr�Ph. If Borrow�r nwicas tMso p�yments dk�aUy,Banow�r
<br /> sh�q prompty luml�h to L�nder receipte evldene�np the paymente.
<br /> .1���' 8orrowar ehoa ptomptly disahuqe any Qen wh�h fue pdody over Ihis 3acurNy Insirument unle�a Bortower. (�)��raea in writlnp to lhe pay
<br /> � , , ment o1 tM oblip�tbn aeeured by lhe Ilen In a manner�cceptable to Lender;(b)conteata In yood lalth the Ua�by,or defends�y�fnst eniarasm�nt
<br /> ':'�,;�' oi the Nen in,lpal proceedinpa which In the Lender's opinion opente ta prevent Ihe enlorcement of the Ilen;or(a)sacures 1rom th�hotder of tM
<br /> Uen�n ayraement eadsluatory to Lender aubardlnaUng tho Iien to Ihis Securfly Inelrument. If Lender determines Ih�t any parl of the Property Is
<br /> � eubJed to a N�n wh�h may aqaM prlority over thla Secudty InsUument,Lendx moy gNe Bortower�notlee Identilyinp the Ilen. Batrower aqal
<br /> . ,�:.:, .
<br /> � r;' Ndsy Ih�pen or Uka one or mote o1 the aotlons eet lath ebove within 10 daya o1 the giving of notice.
<br /> 5. Haz�rd or P�oporly�nsurance. Bor►ower ah�p keep the improvementa now exiatinq or hereaker erected on the Ropeity bsured �.
<br /> �st bas by flre,h�zards Includad within ihe lerm 'exlended eoverege" end eny other hazards.Inctuding Ooods or Iloodiny,ior whkh Lender �
<br /> �, roquires insumce. Thla inauranc�aholl be maini�ined In the amounis md far the perlods thet Lender requkes. Tha Incuranee eerr�er provldinp �
<br /> th�inau►anae ahaN be chosen by Borrower aubjeet to Lende►'s epprov�l whkh shell not be unreasonaby wflhheld. If Bonowel tops to m�MiWin :
<br /> � " coverape desaibad abovo.Landor may,at Lender's oplbn,obtaln coven�e to protect Lender's tlyhls in the Property In aecordance wi►h ;•
<br /> �1;.,,. P�nYraPh 7. ,
<br /> � qp insisae�,a poYcies�nd renewals sholl be accept�ble to the Lender and shetl include a standard mahgage clause. Lender shap heve 1h4
<br /> '; :'��' � dyht to hotd tAe poYGes and renewals. If lender requkes.Bortower shNl promptly yive to Lender all receipts ot paid premlums and�enewel
<br /> ��� �' ' no0cea. M the event cf loss_0arower ahul gire prompt notlee to the Insurmce carriv s^3 Lender. Lender may make prool ollosa fl nol mada
<br /> 'i ';�i.
<br /> ' .•.i'. promptly by BGrtOwlr.
<br /> Unksa la�der and 8oaoti+�d�atRe�w�se ayree in wriling.insurance pro-eeeQs s`a7�e aa�:�e�0 to restoration or repalr of Ihe PropeAy damaged,H
<br /> ' ��;� � � tAe restorat�on o�repaM is economicaxy k+asbk and lender's aewriry n�►o:�essenetl t!t�e restar�!c�ar repelr b not economlealty leasibk
<br /> ar��ndw•m secw,ey vuputd pe lessened.tne�rsurance proceeds a�ait ee a;.;.lietl ta t�e scr.is necwed 1C�^�a Secudty Mstrument.v�th�ar not
<br /> . t[�e due.,�,iN�ny excess paicl b Borra�rer. 11 Bortowe► abancsons ths�'rapx�y �does�o:answer+�n+n 30 days a noace NoT lendw thot Ihe
<br /> ' f�w�anu oart(er hss othred tc sat0e a W�m.then Lend�mt� co�4ect n*+e nsu�rcu prooeeds lender moy usQ tI+R pr�:,xads to rQpalr or reslore
<br /> � � p�p��p�1y a b pry uynx seqaee by ttks Securiry Instrumerrt.whetlkr a rrot then d+.a Ths 30-day period wiU begrt wnsn the nWke Is glven.
<br /> + Unkss 4.�n3es anC Borra�wer otf+awise a�ee In writing,any applicana�T d'prxesds tn principal sJtall nat extend or postpone the dua d�te
<br /> ot th�monthly p�ymerrts rnfernd to in pa�roqraph t and 2 or chanpe the anwunt of ma payrt+Q�ts. �i under paragroph 21 the Properry is
<br /> �aqutnd by Und�r.Bdmvrer s nght to any Insunnce policles and proceeds resulling Arum dama9e to tHe Proparty Prfor to the�eqwsi6on
<br /> �--.-- Y...r a....��. c�......n,�.�.�eu.,.nf imm.rG.twlv orinr to Ih0�caulsitlofl. -
<br /> - si�Rss iu�aaiw� iV u�@ awis7n ui i,i@ oiu..�u.w.w..� ....���...� ""'_....-.. .. _ . . .
<br /> �� 6. Occu �n Prosorvation. Malntonanco and Pral�ctlon of the Pro
<br /> �. p �� po�ty; 9orrowar'� Losn Appl{catlon;
<br /> ,. • ` ' L�iqhOld/. Bortoww nh�N oecupy.e�ubYsh,and use the Propeily as Borrower's prindpat rQSfdence withln abcty daya after the execWbn at
<br /> „ INIs 3aqirNy InsUumant and ehaY conlM�u�to xcupy Ihe Prapwy as Borrower'a prinGpal resldanee fa tl least one yar aRer the Wte ot
<br /> �� �� �'; ooqip�nq, unt�sa L�ndK othwwis�aprKS M wdtlny,whkh conaeM ehaM not be unreason�bly withhetd. or unlQSS extenuatiny clrcumstantes e�bl
<br /> �f ! whkh an b�yond Bortowu's cantrot. Bortowar shatl not de3lroy.datn�pe a Impak Ihe Property.dbw the P►operty to delerfon�e. a commii
<br /> � : � wnb on th�PropMty. Bonow�r Oh�1 be In dd�ult il�ny laleiture�cbon ar proe�edinp.whether civd w dimtnel.Is beyun th�t in Lendue�ood
<br /> 1 �
<br /> (j' : �o2e�.nm�a��� c�o� �o�� Fam 3028 9i80
<br /> �� -
<br /> R � �
<br /> i ' �
<br />