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<br /> �� • . ' , . i _.._.. _--'_ -_____�_-T-___—_._
<br /> — � ,ne�.i..�ra�il�a�i. ' ' t , � . ` ' . _ _ - .
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<br /> — 7�lCa�E�tW i7lij/SpCC��fOf[CIIlSqG�lilE(1�)btfU[!S�C O�t21C PfO�fty�ptSU9tlf[O�IIJt pOW1:E Of S3TG ttlnli��II�}•�
<br /> . ` Socuriry[ns�imes�r.a(b)em�Y o�a jud t eafas�ciag this Securiry Inswment 'Ihose coMitians�th�t Bamwa: (�)
<br /> _ prys Leeder all,su�s wlddi tIaen v�r�due under t6is Secutity Inst�umeat�ud the Note as if ea urekrasian has
<br /> �occumed:(b)c�es u�y defaWt of any aAa�ovmants or agreanents:(c)paYs all expenses inqmed in enf�rcittg vus Secuaty .
<br /> = Ins�µa�en�inch�ding,.but�ot lunited to,�sonable att�rneys'foes: aztd td}C�iccs such action as Lcnder may te�sa�ably • <
<br /> c�quine w assu�e ti�t ttic kcn of thLc Securiry Insmimea�Lender's rigbts in the Prapaty and Borrowerk obtigatias ta psy cfi.e _
<br /> sums sav�:d by this.Securitp In.�tmment shall caaanue �mc�anged. Upon ninstatement by Bor�owa. this Sxurity
<br /> iaswment and the eblig,atioac se�u�d 6erel�y sh1J1 remain fully effective sts if no s�ccelcrution had accutred. Huwever,this
<br /> --_- right toteinststt sh�ll�t apply ia t�r3se of�cela�tiioa t�ada p�agrapb!1.
<br /> _ I9 Sak d Note;C6au�e at La�a Servicv The Nau ar a putial iatezest in the Note(tagtther with ttis Securaty
<br /> — Instrument)ma�be sotd one or wore ames witUout prior aotice to Borrower. A sate rray cesuh in a change in the entiry
<br /> _ (kr�awce as tDc°t.oan Servicd')that coltccts month{Y Pa3'meats due under the Note and this Security Inmumen�. 'i'�ere also
<br /> may�be ono or raaca ctr�nges of the Goaa Servi�cr unnelated ta a sale af the Note_ If thc�is a c6ange of t�Loan Sas,-icer.
<br /> =;:�,. EormweF wiU be given writtert mtice of the ct�ange tn accord�act with puaSruW►14 abave and applicable law. The na�e
<br /> - wili star�e tlie narne�and address of the new Loan Setvlcer a�rd dte address ta which paymems shantd be mad�The natiee wilt
<br />-- ^ , aLsoconta':n aoy od�infor[[�atia!ieqaised t?Y appl�C�b1e law.
<br /> '�°_ � 2n. Harnsdoqs Subsianc�. Bbrrqwec shall not cause or pc�mit the praertce:u�.d�al•sta�age.ar tct�e af siry
<br />>. ;� Hazass�irs Substanc,�es on or in the.�i o p e�t y. Botmwer shall net do.nar allow an yoire eisr to da.aa y t h i n g affecrin g the
<br />''...r.,.-; Prcip�i'ti�at is in violation of aay Erriiromr�tal Law. 'ihe preceding two sentences shaii nat appt�r to t[�e p�c�,use.ac
<br /> :s....�. strna�crithe Ptoperty of smati g�usities of Ha�ardous Substances that ace generally recognized tu 6e appropriate to aormai
<br /> tesidantial oses arrd ta maintena�af the Praperry.
<br />� Bormwer s[mll ptvmgtlx give l.ender written notice of�y imrestigation,ciaim.demand.tawsuit or other action by any
<br />__. gove�etitat os�gttL�laa�y:a,gedC�.ar private party iavolving the ProFerty and any Har�rdous Substance ot Fs►viranmeatat
<br /> Law of which Bartca�.�as��csuni knowledg� I�Bomuwer team�, or is natified 6y any govemmeatal or regul�lr,ry
<br /> -• auihority.tMt azry i��ict�or atf�r cetuediatian of ariy Ha�ardous Suhsturce�ectict�thc Ptopeety is rtecessary.Bntr�cui�
<br /> slnll PromPUY taiceallrn�essar•yremedial actions in accadance with Envimnmental Irw. ':':.�, .
<br /> ' . As used tn t6i��tti�raph Z0,"tiazardous�nbstances"a�those�defined as tonic or�aiat�+nus subss�stees�by —
<br /> - Eavimnmeatal Lasi�a�.#he foliowing substa�..��gasatine,keroseae,at�fiammable or roxic petmlenm•psvd�.�;[�xic . —_
<br /> ;; pesticides and f��,volatite solvents,mat�cials¢ontainin,�asbestos ar foanaldeHyde,and rad����.�:�1:�.�:��1s ---�`
<br /> , used in this paragapfi 20."Envncuisrsiental Law"means fed�.,,L fsr:s and taws of the jurisdictioa wher.r iii�1��i.ti I;;cited �
<br />`_- . y.. , that retate to heaith,safery or etsd`ursimental protection. .�. •;r`,.. ;- . . ,."...:•-:�� :. .� . '„
<br /> NON-UNIFQ��'f.COVENA��iTS. BartawerandLertdEZtmr``ercoven�nianda�,nee�;+_�:�1"�K`s=:. : �. .:..:::- �'��-
<br /> �..�
<br /> �':.'; 2L Acoelc�rtr;Rernedies. Lender shall give aoii�;�Bon�ax+��irFar t��i3�ration Pa3T�xring Borriikes,s �--_____.__
<br /> �'�`•` breach af any covemnl or�greement in thts Secariry Ia�ent(bat�rG�Srior to°�eaiion ua�er paragrap��7 --`'�"�-�
<br /> �.` aNess a lipb/e taw
<br /> PP P�'ovWes d(:i�wise).T6e notice Sbatlt '�"''°r�
<br /> �Cif9: (a)t�.:`�'ef�ut4-1k�`.r.�e action required to cntC:�fifie
<br /> : de(AOI�(c)�datG no6 tass t6zn�days tran the date tCr�m-.�ice is givee to Borra�I�Y�k�tlse dcfa�t mru�.•be �����;
<br /> cared:wM ld)tt�t faiinte,to c�Ciu dttaalt on ar befon tbe date spxifred in t6e�tfi�:�q resait ln ace�ra M -- --'�,
<br /> � �
<br /> • fhe sumg se�vred bp tt�Secaritp iastiameat and s�1e of t6e Property. The notke shaU tarther indorm Bort�er of ?�,���i__--
<br /> We r1EUt to reiestate attlr�accekratlon aad�cight to bring a mart sc�tirm to assert tlee aon-ex�es�rra°-ot a defaWt ar � �
<br /> a_ •
<br /> � �. wy.�ther detense a�H�rra��er to accelesat�m�d sale. It tAe defaoft��t cared on or before'tifra�d;�specSfied ip >'�`��`�"r:�.�
<br /> ..'r* rae .
<br /> . . •f= t���sti�i.endcr a!ftg opf.i�in msy reqaire in'tmediate payment in fufl oF'ail sums secQred by t6£��ia�c�y;,P�r�enl � -`•:`, ,
<br /> f�;'�a,1�.�:�.
<br /> � • '�"`` w�¢t�arther demnn�artd ms invoke the wer ot sa�e and an other remedies�ert�tittc.�.#�w a.�1+��faw '�:,�`�'k'-�:�,
<br /> ,s�':. .. Y D� Y
<br /> - :'.�•'T �.' Len�shali be entitled t�so(lect ail expenses incusred in pursving the cemedi���der�£r��:[fus:��li Z!. "�1,,�=; °�
<br /> � -�,�•.�;�;;�;;'� includTug,but eot timtte�tavseagonabk attorneys'fees aad casts ot tttlt evidence. : . : : . .'�. , `��.•
<br /> _ ;.� ,:;..� IP the pow�r oR�ale�S�Fnvoked,Trustee sh�fl record a notice ot default io eac6 connty in wi��:f�g�pat�o�the . �'
<br /> :s i,, ,,:. Propesty is loczl�td uttti uh�{b mail rnpies of sach notice in tde m�nner pn�ibed by appliqDte taw tarl�s,rrawer and to '''' ''; �:
<br /> '��'"'"' theMhts �• t�scrtit�d bv licable faw ARer the ttme re uired b a lica6le IAw,7Tra.���sAli ive �tc � `''��`t��. `y�
<br /> ��,�. :.. Pe� IJ aPP 9 Y DP g �>. . .,•a,., . 4.,
<br /> - �: notke ot spte;Fv Bae perEarur��trif i�n:Rhe mannes prescri6ed by applicahle law 7lrustee,wtthout demand on Borti�acar� - `-•'�'Y%,!� ..,.
<br /> , '�:�`�'' �;5�;,;.:,
<br /> �,�'¢;,:. sdaU seU t�t?in�rtg at�puhiis iuu:�on to the bighest bidder at the ttme and pl�ce and ander tLe t�zns designat+�i:fn,. • : R�;: •y�_
<br /> :'t,•'::{:, �- the notice�'�le:fnune or.rtEOre �rcels and in an ordee 7Yustee determines, Trustee ma f�e of ail n��f�y: . .. �.' . •� ." • '.�-
<br /> s � Y Y V�Dn,!m.. ,: .
<br /> . ;�.;:t �'�"'�� parcel oitde t�ta�:riy b�r yublic annaunce�tat!he time and place aF�sny preriousiy schedufe��::�iA�-LeaQer'oc Lis _- . � c , ` .,,�
<br /> "yJ;..���.
<br /> � .�,,; d�ignee may p��afi,�se tt;��Property at any� �� . ..� . • •r��'`
<br /> � , Upon receipt ot payc�ent cB t�e prlce bi�F.Trastee!�b�a!!del�ve�Ui�r.�e purchaser Trastee's da:fl c�nc�in�-if^►e � ;.,;;::.. ,=a_'
<br /> c��y� '�� Property: The recitats ie t�'Iirsstee's deed sha116e prbrrr�(is,ci.e ec��zi:r:ot t�he trutb o!fhe stateme�atts ata�1iir�►�. ;�4i•�.. `"'-_
<br /> �� r ae t , t...,rt� .
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