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, .,.,:. <br /> i ;� <br /> i <br /> .�+�ysa{ k, ,�»t ... <br /> - . � ' ,, , , . rr-�nw%�+nwi�l <br /> .� r��l.�.�w <br /> r , <br /> , • • �wusT�►at.� x�a� t��x 9�-. �+�'�`O2 <br /> �,vMr'h..a�ry uxla.�.uao.� <br /> � THI9 ADJUS!'ABLE Rl1T8 RIDBR i�rod�iW 3�1.--dtY o� Sant�mh� _,f9�_� <br /> wd tt Iaoapaxted iuw�od sA�U b d�anNd w�nKnd�nd suppierneot tAt Moni�f�� DMd of Trwt�ar Seeud�Y Deed(1b� "S�uitY <br /> Instruroent")of the,amo date{irm by tha und�nipied(ebe•�eorrawer")w�+curo eorco�r'•Aaluwbls wu tHoce piw"Na.•�)to�� <br /> �DER�!.�AYINGS i LOA�„AB�;t� OF�t#MNp 15LAN�NE�RASKA_(the•'t.ender•'!ot tbe �ene date snd�overins tho <br /> propwty dMaibMl W tbe Secutily Iwuu��ent�tid loand al: <br /> 1 a9-7 0 Faat Bth Gra�Islatd�_�, �$Q1 <br /> (PrapatY Addrw) <br /> TW MM eoW� �rwWa� Yowlrt ta eY�M 4 I�Mn�1 nN�M r7�W! <br /> M7�b.T1M�oM dro H�I V IM�wou1�i I�Yn�t nM a�a����u1 oM 11�u/ <br /> Ya1M�Ww�wi tM rmd�s nM 1 wwt/q. <br /> ADDITIQNAL COV6NMf1'S. in�dditioa W t6e oovaunts�nd�taaarnl�made ia.tha Secudtr Inurumau.Borrower anA LaAder <br /> furtAer covm�nt�nd�ne�followc <br /> A. INTFJt�7'RATE AND MON77�.Y lAYMFNi CHANGF� <br /> ,�r Tbe Nota provida fm�a initlal in�erac nte of 6.00 �li.SecUon 4 oE the Nota provida for chu�a in tbe Intaat rate ud the <br /> �. moaWY WYu�nts�u toUowr. <br /> ' �. /NTEREST RATE AND MANTHLY PAYM6NT CNANOBS <br /> 1�,. , . � .,,� IA) Ci�.�.DMw <br /> �� The laterac nte I wiU pay may ch�e on Ux 1'usc day of cle+f�r�rr ,19���and on thac dwY�Y <br /> '�rQ�z 12 moMps tperealt�t.Fach d�lte on wNch my interat rate could rhanpe it q�Ued�"Chan4e Date.•• <br /> ., ,:,j ,�.:. ;;.`: . �,,:. (�) 71�Uda <br /> `�."�'�°`•`i�'' •� Be{ionin�with the flnt Ch�nae D�ete,my interest rate will be based on�n Indrac.T:x•'Indeu"ic the wakly averaae yield on Uaitcd Sutet <br /> 'Y�` Trwury�aurltia�djusted to a comtant maW�ity oi t made avail�bk by the Fedenl Raerve Board. The mat raent Indeu ti�uro <br /> � ,a. . ..�. ,•. ,..,. <br /> L M1p�,�..,:-..�.;� :';:: �vailableasofthed�te�Sd�ysbeforcwchChuycWteiscalkdtde"Qurentindea." <br /> ;;t,: • �.�'.. ' .•' ,;. If the lndex is ao bnQer avpWblc,the Nota Holda wiH chooce a naw index which is b�sed upon comparabto inform�tion.Tba Nate <br /> ".,, .:�:]A:�. ' ` •; HukkrwUl�ivcmenodaoithicchofa. <br /> `•'��i.:.-�.:��i� <br /> . � - � - (� ��� <br /> - • Before euA CbAnQe i]wte,the Note Holda wlll piculate my new Mtcral rata by addinQ. �� � �'�—P��a4e <br /> . ���(, 3_50 �h)to the Cl�rtent Indac and raundinQ to the nearat 1/8th of 19i,�ubject to the Ilmita swted in Section 4(D)bebw. <br /> , ; 'IT�f�roundad wount will be my aear interat rate untfl the nexl Ch�n�c Qate. <br /> � ' The Note Hdder will then determine the amount oi the momhly payment thot would be suflicient to repay in full the principal l am <br /> �. . pcpectsd to owe on that ChanQe Date ln�ubstandally eqwl pt�yments by the mawrily date at my new imerest nte.The rault of Ihic ra�culadon <br /> �'� , � � � wfll be the new amount of my monthty payment. <br /> (D) lJ�ib al lulentl R11te CY���es <br /> Tha interat rate 1 am required to pay at the first Change Dato will not be greater than 8•00 �y or Iea+ th�n <br /> a-�Q pi.' intercst rate will never be increased or decreased on any sinQle Change Da1e by more than � <br /> �'� ,...� -�from the rate of interest I have been payina for Ihe precedfng twelve months.The minimum interest ratc on this lopn witl never be <br /> h;' : ; �qs�h� 4.00 9�pnd Ihe mtuimum interest wta wlll never be Qrcater than 11-00 7i. <br /> .�:` (� Etkctl�e D�te of CM�n�a <br /> i ; , My new interat ratc will become cffectivc on each Chanyc Date. 1 wfll pay the amoun�of my new monthly paymcnt beginning on the iirat <br /> �� � monthly psymenl date after the Change Date umil tha amount of my monthly paymen�chonges apain. <br /> . ;:'� lF! IYodce of Cb�e� 3 <br /> �� , � � • �' The Note Holder wlll mail or deliver to me a noticc bcforc cach Change Date.The no�ice wfll adviu me of: <br /> �,. (i) tMe new intcrest rale on my loan as of thc Chungc(btc; <br /> - • ., R=•. • (ii) the amount of my monthly paymem followlnp the Change pate: <br /> - ' •�"•`'��i. �'. � �. <br /> (iii) any addltionol matlers which thr Note Holder is requircd tu dleckfse;and <br /> �. � :���r; pv) the�ddras ot the assocfalion you could mntaot rc��rdM�any questfoes obout the adjuitment notfce. �,., <br /> � <br /> i ; . .v� <br /> i�k,� ' �•�.� <br /> �t' s. CHARGE9t LIBNS <br /> �� a � Unfiom►Covenant 4 of lhe Securiry Instrument is amended to read as follows: � <br /> . � s ,.CY�r�st 11err.Bonower shall poy all tazes,ossessmcros,and other charges,fina,and impositians auributaWe to the Propcny which mny , <br /> � •,; S � att�in�prtority over thls SccuHty Instrument,ond leasehold paymen��of ground rents,if any,in the manner provided under paragroph 2 hereoP <br /> ' or.I t no t p a i d i n su c h m a n n e r,b y B o rc ow cr m akin g pa y ment,wAen due,direcil y to Ihe payee thereof.Borrower shall promptly furnish Lender '�"', <br /> ��"'� all notiaa oi amaunts due under�hls paragraph,and in the evem Borrower�Aall make pnyment directly,Borcower sh�ll prompqy furnish ta �, <br /> +` • '� Lender recefpts evidencing such payments. Borrower sh¢II promplly diMharge any lien whlch has priod�y ovcr this Sc�uNt� Instrument; ��,�r� <br /> i:• � ' '� however.Bortowet sh�ll not be tequired to dischorge any such Uen sa long as Borrower:(a)shall agrtt fn wdting lo the paymmt ot tltt �� <br /> ��� � '':� ' oblljation secured by such Ifen in the manner ycceptable to Lender,(b)yhall in good faith contest such lien by,or deFend aQafnst enfurcement of ��.� <br /> , r . <br /> ��;'� � • � • such tlm in,(tQal pra�etdings which in the opinion of Lendcr operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiturt of the Property or any <br /> '� • pprt thercoi;or(c)ahall secure from the holder of such licn an poreement in a form satisfactory to Lenda subordinuin�such Ilen to this ' <br /> 5ecudty lnstrument. <br /> v�.�6.�.11.v.nv.un nf�hw Pnuvrw k���hfrc�m a lien which mav altafn a�rioritv o��er thls Securfly Inslrument, <br /> i-` Lender shall�ive Borrower a notice identifying such lien.Borcower shall satisfy such Ifen or�ake one or more of the actions set forth above <br /> � "'' �.` . ' witbin ten dayi of the Qlvin�oi�he notia. <br /> " � ` C. NO77CE <br /> ��� .,.� �, .� • • Uniform Covenant 14 of the Securily Ins�rument is amendcd to read ss tollow•s: <br /> 1�. Notla.Ezcept for ony notice requircd under applicable I�w to M given in another manner,la)any notla�o BorroNer prorlded for in�his <br /> �I" • , 5aurity Instrummt shall be given by delivering ft or by m�iline it by fin�clus mwil lo Borrower at the Property Address or n�such other uddresc <br /> + a;T !> as Botrower may desiQna�e by notice to Lcnder ns provldcd herefn,and Ib1 ony notf�r to Lrnder shall be�iven by tirst.lass mail t��l endcr'. <br /> • -' addrcss�ta�ed hercin or to such othn address u Lender may designa�e by nutia ro borrower as provlded herein. Am notice pru��ded I.x in�hi. <br /> :,i � � Savrity Instrumem shall bedameJ�o ha��e been Qiven to BorroMer or Lendcr when gi�en in the menner detignatcd hercin. <br /> ,:: ,�, <br /> . � <br /> � <br />