.. _:,
<br /> _� ,�'-��"r'� .. ....�
<br /> . 93- io�o���
<br /> •p�pllcRble I�w tn�y tpecity far relntlaten�at)beto�o e�le of Ihe Propaty Pur�u�e�t a�nY Po�'
<br /> Socudty inwument:or(b)eatry or.j�apna+�anrarin��t4 soc,�r��y��. �o.o�a,ardon..�o�,.�e«rowa: (�)
<br /> - P�Y�Lender ai w�ns which than would bo duo undc�thi� Secu�ity In��nt �nd the Note u It no �oaMntian hd
<br /> occurred�(b)cure+�ny defwlt ot any aher cavanu�u or a�roemenu:(c)Wy�dl cxpaiee�lecurrod lq anfaeinj thht Sxuriry
<br /> Inshuman� lacludina,but na limited w. rca,�n�ble aaomey�'fae;nnd(d)hke�wch�ction as L.ender m�y roawn+bly
<br /> iaquiro to�uwro tdu Ibe lien of thi�Security la�tnunen�Lrnder'�riehta in tho Rnpeny and HoROwerk obli��don w p�y da
<br /> wme iecured by this Security lnswmant siwll cantinue w�chaaaed. Upon reimt�tement by Bor�awer. thl� 3xw�fty
<br /> Tns�wncnt and the obllgadoas aecu�d hereby shall remnin fully etTecliva as ii no accelantla�b�d occurred. Howeva.ehb
<br /> ri�ht to reiosute sl�ell not eppty in ihe c�se of accelsntion under pan�raph 17.
<br /> �`. 19. 3ale d Notei(.'wo[e at Lwn Strvlcer. The Noto or a prnid imerest in the Note(togolher with thit Secudry
<br /> In�lrumenq m4y 6a�old ono ar nwre tlmes wi�hout prior notice to Bartower. A salc m�y result in a chAnQe in�ho entiq
<br /> llrnown as�he"Lo�n Servicer")th�t coUxU+moafhlY P�Ymenta duo under the Note and thi�Sacurlty Instrument. 77tero elu►
<br /> may ye one c►r�uwre chaagey ot the L.an 3ervicer unrelatod w a swlo of We Nde. If there io a chonQe of the Lasn Servlca,
<br /> Bortowor wiU be given wrltton aotice oP the clwnge in accotdance wlth paragnph 14 abova and applicable law. The notice
<br /> will�u►to Ihe awne and address of�hc ncw Loun Servlcer and tl�e addrcss to which paymcnta ahould be rt�ada. Ti�ndka wlll
<br /> �Iso cantain any othcr information roquircd by applicwbla law.
<br /> 20, Eiw�rdaw Sa6�t�nca. Bamwar�hall not cause or Permit�he presence.usa.diaposal swr�gc.or relcese of any
<br /> Ha�ard�ws Substancea on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else w do.anything affecdag thc
<br /> Propraty that is in violot�on of any Envimnment�l Law. Thc procedln8 tvvo sentences shall not apply lo�he presence.use.ar
<br /> storoge on the PropeRy of smeU quanddes of Hwzudous Sub�tancea that ane gcnerally�ecoQniud to be appmpivte to nomwl
<br /> � r residenti�l oses and to maintcnance of tha Prnperty.
<br /> Bomower shall promptly give Lender written natica of any investigatian,claim.demend,lawsuit or other acdon by any
<br />` x{"`"�'' govemmental or regulatory ageacy or private pany involving the PropMty wid�ny Hazardous Substancc or Envinanmen�al
<br /> «�'r., . .a, .
<br /> �� w's�'� Law of which Borrower hns actual knowledge. If Bomnwer learns, or is notit�ed by any governmenwl or�egulatory
<br /> . ��,.•;;� ,�V�',� aulhority,that any remov�i or wher remedlution of any Haza�dous Substance affectiog tl�Proporry i9 neceswvy,Barrowa
<br /> 'r;r��Y�i4�'+a��.
<br /> .,��,.,:,:;•. ,-• �. shali pmmptly talce alt necesscuy remedlul actions in uccoidence with Environmental Law.
<br /> 'K�j�;'':�`,�A�f���.i:�?f�;?�: As used in lhis paragraph 20,"Ha�.ardous Substances"nre those subatc►ncea defined as wxic or hazardous substancea by
<br /> ,�,,.,x.�. t,..�
<br /> � �;'�'�-•.� ���r'•"" Env�ronmental Law and ihe Pollowing substances: gasoline�kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,to
<br /> •��. � 'r{r.'��';,;;?4;:;�',•,;�S«S�, pesticides und herbicides,volnlile salventa,meterials contuining esbestas or formaldehyde.and radioactive meterials. As
<br /> " "'��' "''�"'�' �J used in this h 20."Environmenlal Lnw"means federal laws and laws of tiie jurisdiction whcre tha Property is located
<br /> .,s�,,�..;;:.,✓,��,...�� ParaB�P .
<br /> ' �,;,:
<br /> • : ,�'d�.;:.;�.•....;'.1:,
<br /> , �,:.:!;,,, :,,, :,Y�;? that relate to heal�h.saPety or emironmentel protection.
<br /> x ,�:t;;°•'::�;:"�:��,:,,a,��;� NON-UNIFORM COVENAiVTS. Borrower and i.ender further covenant ond agree aa follows:
<br /> ;';. ,.,'..; �:�r;;;a�!. 2l. AcceleraHoa: ltemedlea Lender ehpU give aotice to Borrower prlor to acoelentlon fdlowiag Borrower's
<br /> ' � •�`�: .,;`' �' breACh ot any covenont or Agreement in tbla Security IRStrumeat(but aot pdor to pccde�tion under para�raph 17
<br /> •�.,t.�.:•'..�: ,�',;.;'-
<br /> -- -°. Y�•. ..,, onl!sg eppli!�bte Ipw provlde�atberw[sel. T6e notice shwll specifyt (a)Ihe defwulh(b)t6e actlon requtred to core t6e
<br /> """"'• '�''�" detaul�;(c)a dote,not less thwn 30 da s trom the date the notke is given to Borrower,by wdkh the defiudt mo�t be
<br /> :',;�::',:'.,•... ;c•;,,�, Y
<br /> '��•; ;.;• .� �;.,;t;i cw�ed;and(d)l6at�aflure w cure t6e defoult on or bcfure ihe dnte aperifled ia the notke mwy rtsnit ia�ccdentlou d
<br /> ' • ,;:� '.'E� the sums secured by thia Security Insirument and sale af We Property. The nalke alu�ll further inform Borrower of
<br /> , .`•!�, the right to re�te oRer acceleradan and the right to bring s�couri Actbn to acsert tDe naaextsleace of a ddwit or
<br /> .�.i'�.:.
<br /> •• ony otl►er dcPemse of Borrower to accelemtbn and snle. It the deb'ault Is not cured on or befan the date spedfled la
<br /> •� n
<br /> .. "��',� the aotice,l.cmder at ils opUan may require fmmedtate payment in�U of�II sumu secured by 1hb Security Instrument
<br /> . • without furlher demand and mwy invoke thc power of saie and Any other remed(es permSited by applkabk I�w
<br /> �� Lender ehell be entitled to rnllect�II expenses incurred in pursuing the remediea provided In tLte ps►enQrAph 21,
<br /> including.but not Ilmlted to.reasonable attorneys'fees end costa ot lltle evidence.
<br /> *, •• ' If thc power of sale is invoked�7Yuxtee shpll record n noUce of detoult in excd county in wdkh any pvM of the
<br /> �r+. • Property is located s�nd shnll meil coples of such notice in the mnnner prescribed by ppppeAble law to Borrower aad to
<br /> S�`r;, , � the otber persons presc�lbed by opplkable law AfYer the timc required by oppltcable IAw,7lrustce shaU give pu6Uc
<br /> �, �.., nodce of sWe to Ihc persons And in the manncr prescribed by opplicable Ipw 7lruslee.withaut demand on Borrower,
<br /> S � shall sell the Property a1 public ouction to the biRhesf bidder At the time ond plisicce and under the tertnv deaign�ted(o
<br /> � ' the notice af sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lruetee determines. 71�ustee may postpone sale ot al!or aoy
<br /> � ° , 1 " parcel ot the Properly by public announcement pt the time wnd place ot Any previously scheduled sple. Lender or Ge
<br /> � desiRncc may purchASC the Property at any sale.
<br /> . Upoa reccipt ot�ym�nt of the�rice bld.7taslee shall deliver to the purrhar,er 7Y�o�tee'R deed conveyiog 1he
<br /> � •. Property. The recitWs in Ihe Trustee's deed shall be prima fecir evidence oP the trulh of the slatemenfs made lhereln.
<br /> .. " 7�uslee sholl apply the procecds ot the sate in the ioQowinq order: la►to ell cosis and expeteses of exercising the power
<br /> s :.� ;` , : '� �
<br /> i � �
<br /> ;
<br /> ' • �
<br /> : � � �
<br /> �. .,��.. . . .__ . . . �, .
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