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<br /> � .IF ' ' ..
<br /> ti ! � � �
<br /> •• �.
<br /> ��"�sa'7''"!02
<br /> ToOBi'HBR v!'PI'tt all�be Im�v�����oaa�i d ddtdo�ihili�iioa�be�bY�
<br /> �oA 8aa�now ar lier�alter a P�et
<br /> Ia�aun�at. All at tbe fanains i�refmreA w lo thlr Sacudty la�+un�ot as�be"Prop�Y�"
<br /> BORROWER C'�V�Ihat Ifb�Prop�atywe�i�bwfully�ei�ad ot Iha estue hereby conveyod aad hst the d�ht to pmt
<br /> aad convey tbep�p�ty ie uncncumberod.cxapt far encumb�ce�af recotd. Bamwer warntqr ad
<br /> Mill defend=enettl(y�he dtle w�he PropatY a�iat all claims+u�d dem�ta sWb1xK w�nY eocumbrana�d recoid.
<br /> THIS SF•CIJRRY IN3TRUMENT rnmMne+ unifam oovenanu fa attlooal we and naa-unifam covawats Mith. ;
<br /> limitod vari�tiau by Jutitdicdon w co�titute�uniform iecu�ity fawvment covain�roal propenY• ,
<br /> UNU�ORM COVENAIV7'S'wd IMereoti Prsp�l� ����s ioUowr.
<br /> �. hyw�aAt at PrisdPV .�a L.b Crarfes. Barrow�er�nd�P�PUY PwY�aue�ne
<br /> pdnalpal of and inte�ect on the debt evidetioed by tla Note aad aaY P�P�Yu�nt atd lata ctw�es due wider Ihe Nda.
<br /> t. FLod�tar'IY�xa�od l�wvano�. Subjac�w�pplic�ble I�w or w�writoen w�iver 6y[.ender.Bortower ch�ll py w
<br /> Lendar on ihe d�y monlhlY P�Y�nis an duc under tho Notc.uatil tho Nde ia pRid in fuQ�A cum("Hmds")far(a)yar1Y
<br /> uuces and usessmeau which may aaain priaity uver�hl�Security frutr►unent a+a Ika oa the Pro�Y;(b)Y�Y IeaselwW
<br /> p�y�pents or gmund ron�s on ttiise PropettY. if any: (c) YwiY Iw�.ud °r�Y �°�°° P�ums: (d1 YearlY flood
<br /> insurance Pmmlums.�f ony:(e1 Yearly rtrort�aBe incuran�ro Pr�emiums. it�ny:�nd(� �Y � P�Y+�blo by Barrower w
<br /> Lcnder.ia accardance wfth�he provisiona of pwagraph 8.in lieu of Uie�ymeM of mortgWSe iu�u�►+i�x'e P��:�. 71�ese
<br /> itema sur callod"Eacrow Items." Lender may.at ony time.collect and ho d Wnd�in an amount not w exceed t6a maaiawm
<br /> amount a lender far a federally relat0d mongAgo loan may rcclulre for Borrowerlr�w account ueder Wo federal We�l
<br /> �e Serilpnem procedu�es Act of 1974 as amended from dme w time. 12 U.S.C.4�1 er atq.l"It�SPA").ualas snollw
<br /> r� ., law�hat applies to the Wnds se�a a lesser w�wun� If so�I.ender may�at siny t�me,collect and hold Rmdc in m ianount not w
<br /> .'�-'�,,�J•�: ' . �
<br /> .,„• eaceaf thc lesser a�aoun� Lender mey estimate the amount of Hmds due on the basis of cwrent d�tw and tr,�sou�ble
<br /> �'";�+4:' esdmwes of eapendiw�+es of future Escrow Items or othawise in accardance widt applicable law.
<br /> ,;;�" . :n . iasaumentality
<br /> • 'fhe fi�nds s1w11 6e held in an lnstituNon whose deposits e�c inwrcd by a fideral agency, .����Y
<br /> '��� ,���' � ' ' (includiag Lender,ii l.ender is such an in6aitution)ar in any Federe�Homa l.oan Banic. Leoder shall epply�he Fueds w WY
<br /> �''� ',. •.,. � •�''.• f3orrower for holdin and s+ 1• n the Funds. annually analyzin�tha esa�nw
<br /> '�'('°,' � the Fscrow Itcros. Leidcr may not charge 8 PP Ji 8
<br /> x��••�::;,.,•.::�•,�
<br /> ' ''•'9:.,,... _w.•�,��' �xoun� or veriiying the Escm�►' Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interr.st on the F�nds and a�plicable lew pennits
<br /> �r�•� ,. .,;,. Lender to rtwke such n charge. However.l.ender may�quine 8orrnwer to pay a one-timo charge for an iade�endent�ral
<br /> `'; ' � estate taa r�epotting service ased by Lendcr in connection wiU�this loan,anlcss app8cable IAw provides othawtse. Unlas aa
<br /> ,:.'.. ' . .. agresment is made or appliceble law require�intcrest to be paid,Lendcr shall not be roquircd to p�y Bomower aay inte�at a
<br /> ? . earnings on the Funds. Borrower and l.cnder mi►y agnoe in writing,however.that intercst shall bepaid on�he Punds• L.a�der
<br /> . , shall give to Borrower.wi�hout charge,an annual accounting of lhe 17unds,showiog crcdits and debita W the E�Unds and the
<br /> '�... .� ; , purpose for which exh debit w the Pwnds was made. The Pbnds sue pledged as additiawl security for all sums secured by
<br /> -- , ,'�'. tius Security iu�trutneui.
<br /> • ''`•�'� �f the Funds held by Let�der exceed the umounts permitted to be held by applicable law. 4ender shall aoco�mt w
<br /> ,,.,
<br /> ,"'`,,, .o,,, ;i�':;°:'.';. Bomower fbr the excess Funds io acccxdance wi�h the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of 1he Punds heW by
<br /> ' °'!�'';'�� L.ender at any time is nat�sufficient t�puy the Escrow Items when due.l.ender may�o m►tify Borrower in writing�aad.in
<br /> ;'�' • ,
<br /> � such case Bortower shall pay 10 Lender the amounl necessacy ta mnke up the de�ciency. Borruwer shaU meke �P �
<br /> � .:''{: ', deGciency in no mom than twelve manthly payments,at ixnder e sole discr�etion.
<br /> ,�.-;,���� ..�:���- � Upon ps►yment in WII of all sums secwed by nhi�S►.�curity Inswment,Lender shull prompdy nefund to Borrower anY
<br /> � ` "� • . ,�';�,'.,;;�;:; ' Funds held by Lender. If.under parugrrph?1.Lender shall ucguire or sell the P�openy.L.ender,prior to the acquisidan or
<br /> ��. ' ' , � sale of the Property, shall apply :uiy Funds held by Lender at ihe time af acquisition or ra+le as o crcdit against the sums
<br /> , � . •�;.';,�;;'',��� secured by this Security Inswmem. h �� all ments received by L.ender under
<br /> '" � 3. AppllcpUon ot P+rymenfa. Unles+ upplicuble low prov�des w e P�►Y
<br /> �'' '� parugruphs 1 and�shull be applied:fint.lu;iny prepuyment charge�due under�he Note;sernnd,to amounts payoble wtder
<br /> ..� , ;,;;.'.,,
<br /> � �� ��'• ' p�rogrnph 2;third.to in�erc�t due:founh,to prinripal due:and la�t,to any late charges due under the Notc.
<br /> ,r ,,.. �,
<br /> •��.•;,;;�.' q, CharRes;Ltens. Borrower xhAll pay all tuxe,.���es.r•menLti,chargcs. fines and impositions attributable to
<br /> f, � . Propeny which may ntmin pricxity ove�this Security Instrumen�,and leusehold paymcnts or ground�nts,if ony. Bortov►rr
<br /> �. ��•�j;;..';" shall pay Ihesc obli@ations in�hc ma�wr, provided in p�rrg�ph-.M�`��Paid in thut manner.Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> . time directly to�he person owed payment. HaROwer shull promptly furr�i�h to Lender ull notice4 of nmounts�o be paid under
<br /> � .i this parasrs►ph. If'dc�rrower muke�these payments directly,Borrower iholl promp�ly furni�h lo Lertder reeeipts evidencing
<br /> •.�: . . �he payments.
<br /> " •�� Borrower shall prompUy ditichatge uny lien�vhirh hu.priority o�•er thiti Securi�y Insuument unlexs aortuwcr:la)agrees
<br /> � ' '' in writing to ttie paymen�of�he ohlig:►uon�rcured hy ihe IKn in a manncr ucceptahle to Lender;lb)contests in goad faith the
<br /> ';; •,, , „ � licn by,ur defcnds againxt eni'orremcnt of the lien in,legul pnxceding.which in the Lcnder'x opinion opera�c to prevent the
<br /> •��;,, enforcemen�of the lien:or Ir)aecures imm thc holder of�hc licn an u�nemcnt+.a�i�factory tu Lender subordinuting�he lien
<br /> '"'. to Ihis Security Imwment. If I.cndcr dc�em�ines Ihui any purt of thc Propcny i..ubject to a lien which may nuuin prioriry
<br /> � l���;',;'' •' : ,. over�his Sccuriry Instrumrm.Lender may givc Barrawcr u mi�icr idcntifyin�the licn. BoRaWCr sh�ll satisfy the lien or take
<br /> ' � ' one or morc u(th�action.+ct forth ub�we wi�hin 1(1 day,of th�giving�jf noticr.
<br /> .�S_, . ' ' t I
<br /> ,, , , , g, Hwaard or property la�urance. Harn�acr tihall keep thc impnwemcm.m���•exi,�ing or hereafter crccted on the
<br /> '-{� • ' pmperty in�urcd ug•rinst loss by lire,hururd�includeJ w•i�hirt the tcrni"�ztcndeJ ruacrage"und any other h:uards,irn:luJing
<br /> 1i • � I flcwdti ar flc,c�ding,fcx whKh Lender reyui�cs insurancr. Thi+in.uruncr .hull tk m•rintained in the amc►unts und for the
<br /> � . • � Farat J628 9/90 rprxe:njApnRn�
<br /> r� . 4
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