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<br /> . � , ., �,�, , r,..,' �.: � 99 , iQ8901 �' �
<br /> � , �` ' �� � � � � DEED OF TRUST WITii FUTURE ADVANCES
<br /> , . , � , , .. . , � . . . . , .
<br /> � � THIS DEED�F TRUST,Is'made es of the 27t11 day of All�t1St , i s 99 , by and among�
<br /> .., , , ,. . o�
<br /> tne`Trustor,' ' 'Naricy St�phens, Kurvin B. Sampso�, Wife and Husband S
<br />� . , o
<br /> ,
<br /> w'r:ose mailing addreaels`'��' "�U9 Sunny Dr pon� han Ne 68832 (herein "T�ustor,"whather one or morel,
<br /> theTrustee, ,•� � �Ba'nk o���Do�ni�han •
<br /> ,
<br /> . . �,. . ... . . . . � ,
<br /> whose mailing addrese is �'� • �P,'0 +BOX ��0� ' Don�nhan �TE 68832 (herein 'Trustee'),and
<br /> the Beneficiary" •i���Ba� bf r�Don�nhan � �
<br /> .
<br /> whoae mail(ng addresa is'�'+� =,�p'0 BOX ��0 Doniphan NE 6$$32 (herein 'Lender'1.
<br /> _. , .,: . ,.. . .
<br /> , FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Including Lender's extena(on of credit identified herein to
<br /> , � : r i . . . ,t •� � ��,,. j
<br /> Nancv Stephens,�
<br /> � ,,, �;;',;. �:, !
<br /> � � '; lherein "Borrower", whether one or more) and the trust herein created, the
<br /> receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby Irr�vocably grants,transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITN
<br /> POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Lender, under and subJect to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the real
<br /> property,described es follows: , � •
<br /> Lot Seven (7);., Whites Sunny Slopes Subdivision, in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> . . . . . . . .,��;� ;.,., ,
<br /> Propert�,Address.: 209 Dunny Drive, Doniphan, NE 68832
<br /> . . .. „ ,. ..,. ... ,.
<br /> PROPBRTY ADDRSSSt. � �,,
<br /> �,... .. ,
<br /> i ogether wiii� aii buiidinga, improveinen�e, fixtures, atreets, aiiays, passagaways, easements, rig�ts, priviieges and appurtenances
<br /> located thereon or In enywise pertalning thereto, end the re�nte, issuea and profits, reversiona and rema(nders thereof, and such personal
<br /> property that la ettached to the Improvemanta so as to constltute a fixture, Including, but not limited to, heating and cooling equipment;
<br /> and together w(th the homestead or marital interesta, If any, which Interests are hereby released and waived; all of which, including
<br /> �eplecements and additio�s thereto, is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate secured by the Ifen,of this Dead of Trust and all of
<br /> the foregoing being referred to hereln as tha "Property".
<br /> Thfs Deed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit
<br /> agreement dated _August 27, 1999 ,having a matu�ity date of September 12, 2004
<br /> in the o�iginal principal amount of 6 54;080.19 , and any end ell modificationa, extensfons and renewals
<br /> thereof or thereto end any end ell future advencee and readvances to Borrower (or any of them ff more than one) hereunder pursuant to
<br /> one or more promisaory notea or cred(t egreements (hereln caUed "Note"); (b) the paymant of other sums advanced by Lender to protect
<br /> the security of the Note; (c) the performence of all covenanta end agreementa of Truetor aet forth herein; and (d) all present and future
<br /> Indebtedneae end obllgetlone of Bor�ower (or eny of them If mora than one) to Lender whether direct, indirect, absolute or contingent
<br /> and whether arising by note, puaranty,overdraft or otherwlae. '�ha Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all other documents that aecure
<br /> tha Note or otherwlae executed In connectlon therewith, Including without Ilmitatlon guarantaea, security agreements and assignments
<br /> of leases and�ente,ehell be referred to hereln es tha"Loan Instrumenta".
<br /> Trusto�covenante end agreea with Lender ea followe:
<br /> 1. Payment ot Indebtedness.All fndebtedness secured hereby shall be peid when due.
<br /> ''' �2. Title.Trusto�la the uwner of the Property,.has the rfght and authority to convey the Proparty, and warranta that the lien c�eated
<br /> hereby Is a first end prior Ilen on the Property, except for Ilens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing and delivered to Lender
<br /> before executfon of this'Deed of Trust, and the execution and delivery of this Deed of trust does not violate any contract or other
<br /> obligatfon to which T�usto�is aubJect.
<br /> 3. Taxas,AsaASSmxnts.To�ay before delinquency all texes, speclal assessmenta and all other charges agalnst the Property now or
<br /> hereafter lavied. � � " '
<br /> 4. Insurance: To`'keep�the�Property (naured against damage by fire, hazards, included wfthin the term 'extend�d coverage', and
<br /> such other hazards'as`Lender mey require, in amounta and with companies acceptable to Lender, naming Lender as an additlonal named
<br /> insured, with (oss peyable to the Lende�. In ceae of loss under auch policies,the Lender la authorized to edjust, collect and compromisa,
<br /> all cla(ms thareunder and shali have the optlon of applying all or p�rt of the insurance proceeds (i) to any indebtedness secured hereby
<br /> end in such order as Lender may determfne, (11)to the Trustor 4o be used for the repalr or restoration of the Property or(iill for any other
<br /> purpose or object satlsfacto'ry to Lender without affecting the lien of this Deed of Trust for the full amount secured hereby before such
<br />� payment ever took place.Any appUcatlon of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or poetpone the due date of any payments under
<br /> the Note,or cure eny defeult thereunder or hereunder,
<br /> 6. Escrow. Upo� written demend by Lender,T�uator shall pay to Lender, In euch manner as Lender mey designate, sufffclent auma
<br /> to enable Lendar to pey as they become due one or more of the following: Q) ali taxas, assessments and other charges against the
<br /> Property, (!i) the premiums on the property Insurence requtred hereunder, and (ill) the premiums on sny mortgage Insurance required by
<br /> Lender. ' � •• •
<br />, 8. Mal�tsnancs, Rspeirs and Compllance wlth Lsws. Truetor ahal� keep the Property In good cond(tion and repair; ahall promptly
<br /> repair, or replar,e eny improveme�t whlch mey be dameged or destroyed; shall not commit or permit any waste or deterforation of the
<br /> Property; shall not remova, damolleh or su6atantially alter any of the improvementa on the Property; shall not commit, su(fer or permit
<br /> any ect to be done In or upo� the PropeRy In vloletlon of any law, ordinance, or regulation; and shall pay and promptly dlscharge at
<br /> Trustor's cost and expenae all Ilens, encumbrancea and charges levled, Imposed or assassed apainst the Property or eny part thereof.
<br /> NBC9467A (Non�prlculturd De�d)R�v.12/87
<br /> �1 BBB N�tlond 8�nk ol Comm�ro�Tru�t�nd Bwlnp�M�ocl�Uon,Llncoln,Nebre�k�
<br />