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<br /> p� k'r .�»
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<br /> y.' I� I I S.TwN.A��e�1�.�i�'l�yM.Tnnta thofl po�r all ta�t,a��t�nMnit a�d oMMr char'On�ineWdkip,withaA limitotion,fln�s ond Yn•� •
<br /> a ►MM�.H ,b�tan tM sa�baar»d�l(n4uMM.Tnnta shail O►anp.
<br /> potitlaa attrilutabM�fo 1h�hop�tr.ad Moaho�d Parn�nh 0►'�� �N M�i�wrnt TnRte►�holl malc�payn��r dir�efh►,Ttu�ta shoil
<br /> M tM h�nhh to Mn�lklary au notk�ot an�oans du�un0a this pora�aph,
<br /> a«�o+w r���o..�»��,►�K.�a••���o�vor��.Tn�tta thdl po�t aN tmas and oss�ssn�M� wlAeh�th�w�l+ol�i�
<br /> ti: , �ciory's MNKat M►�+a upon tM�DMd of Tnnt without nOord b aMr law thot mor b��noct�d�i�p Oali�
<br /> M�rwf upon th�Aln�tidal►.
<br /> �r .. _ ,s ���"''� v 6.MNIMMI Yw�1 MI�e11M d/wlliy'�f�fh.Trusta sholl mak�oll po�rnwn►s of inhr�st and prineipol ond Oa1m�n�s of my
<br /> .. .. �� � .� oM�chorp�s.f�t and��pnsa contract�d 4o M paid to anr�xistbq If�nhoMKS or prior b�n�tleiari�s undK ary Prior dMd of trust a ma-
<br /> .�"�' {;����,:;�'"� tOop�b�io►�th�dot�IMy an ddM�qwnt ond prampt��Pol►ad dlsehcrp�any ond dl otlNt H�n s,c t a i n+s a c h o r p�s w h i r h m o f►i��tM
<br /> , �� F;',,1ri srcurit�prad�d hK�in.lf Trusta tails to mak�any such polrm�nt or taits to qr�orm cnp of th�cov�nant�and apr�nts caitain�d k�thls
<br /> • �•��'•, whid�motMbll oHat�l�ikia►l►'s in•
<br /> - ' • ONd of Trost,or in mr p►ior mortQop�or dMd of t►ust,of if ar�r actfon or procMdirq is ta�nn�ncd r
<br /> ,� ,., �.�>.��: tK�tt in tM PropMt�r,�nckdinp,but not limit�d to,�mirnnt danoi�P►aMdinDs,or pocNdkp:imolvinp o d�e�„,a if Tnnta idts to pay
<br /> .�".:.-�:_ ',` . �?' .�:. Trusta's d�bt�p�rNrallr as ttNr baarN dw, then B�+Mficiary, at B�fkiay's option and without notk�to or E�mond upon Trusta ad
<br /> i.:�o�..:.•v=:::.>t�; _
<br /> ;r- "� without►�osinq Tnnta from any oblpatian haowid�r,nwy nak�such aPP�aanc�s,disbu�a wch wms.on�l tak�such ation as is eNC�ssary
<br /> � c• �T. �..;•,. �j`. to protect�fitlary's intK�st Includinp.but not Ifmit�d to,dlsbws�nt of r�osaeobk attanw�'s f�es,pa�rmmf.pu►cha�.tom�st ar cam-
<br /> • � ' �. � promis�of anY�ncumb►nmrc�,chaq�ar lien,and mtry upon th�Propaty to moke npokr.In tM w�nt thot Trosta:hall foil to�tk�
<br />�,;,���: ' '?; ;�,:�,::.,",.,. ... :.,. suranc�a to po�r tax�s,ass�ssrnmts,or an�oth�r chorp�s a to molc�any parm�nts to�xistirg aior lim holdKS a Mr»ficiarin,
<br />�'.'`:. 4;�"' '. r� maY praun such insu►anca and mak�suth po�m�nt.My omounts disburs�d by ea»ficiory pu►sucnt to this Paraproph 6 sholl buan�odditional
<br /> ?• � " indebt�dr�ss of Trostar securM b�thi:ONd of Trust.Such amounts alall b�po�rabM upon no11n f►am 8�fic�ah►to T►usta►�qwstkp po�r-
<br />� • �- � mmt th�r�of,and shall b�ar inte�st bom th�date of di:burum�nt at tiN rah pa�abb from tin�ta tim�on outstandirq princ�po��xd�r th�
<br /> ��� Nota unl�ss poymmt of intw�st ot suth rot�would M coMrory to opplicobl�law,in whkh tv�nt such anounts sholl beor intarest ot tiw hiylwst
<br /> ' • . . , . rote p�►missibl�und���plitcW�law.Nothiip contain�d in this Paropraph 6 shoN r�quu�8�fkiory fo Mcur ahr�xp�"s�°r t°k�°"�°cti°"
<br /> . ,' hKaunder.
<br /> 7. boi�f d R�tt.Beneficiory sholl hovo tFa ripht, powor ond authority dwing tlw caminuonc�of tMs ONd of Trust to collect the
<br /> ' •• ' � r�nts,issws and profits of the Prope�ty and of ony personal prop�rty laatad thereon wlth or without taklrg poss�ssion of th�prop�rty offat�d
<br /> , � ' � h.r.b�,and Trusta her�by absolutely ond uncondltionetl�ossipns all such r�nts,iswss and prafits to 8�n�efKiory•8�ficiory,how�v�r,h�nbY
<br /> " " consents to ih�Trustor's coll�ction and rQtention of such renis,issws and profits as th�y accrue and b�can�polrabk su lonp us Trosta is not,
<br /> ' � " ot such tim�,in defauh with resput to pa�m�nt of any indebt�dness suund h�raby,or in th�p�rformann of an�opre�mtnt Mreurd�►.Upon
<br /> " � �., any such dsfault.Berwficfory mo�at ony tim�.�ith�r in pKSOn,by op�nt,a b�nc�iv�r to b�appoint�d b�a caKt.without notica ond without
<br /> � . � repord to thr adequocY of an�security for th�indebtedness I��b�saur�d, (a)�ntv upon and tak�possassion of tM Prape►ty or a►Y P�
<br /> th�nof,and in its own iwm�sue for a oilkrwise collect such nnts,issues ond profds,includirg ihos�past dw and unpoid.ad aPP��t���
<br /> - _-----_---- las costs and�xpenses of ape►mion and coileciion.i�ciudirq rensawbi�atiarr�is fras,�s any irtdebtsdness s�ur�hu�by.and i^such
<br /> n
<br /> � ' ader os&n�fitlary may determine; Ib)perform such ucts of npoir or p►otection os may b�na�ssary or p►opK to constrv��h���of the
<br /> � • . � Propttty:(cl leose the sam�or any part thereof for such rental,te►m,ond upon such caditions os its iudyment moY dktat�a t�rmi�ate or ad• �
<br /> '.�.. ,�. �� , just the terms ond conditions of amr eMistioy Iwse or leases.Unitss Trustor and 8er�fitiory apne otherwls�in writinp,an�applicotion of r�nfs, •,.
<br /> . ;, � � . issws a p►ofits to anq indebtedness secured hereby sholl not oxtQnd or postpone the dw date of tit�instaNment poymeMs as provided in soid �'�.
<br /> ' promissory note a chonpe the amount of such instatlments.The ente►iip upon and tekinq poss�ssion of the Property,the collection of such :,��,
<br /> ` � ' r�nts,issues and profits, and the application thaeof as afaowid,sholl not waiv�or cure any defwlt or notice of default Mrew�der,a in•
<br /> �� . validate any act dorie pursuant to such notice. Trustor also ossigns to 8eneficiary, os further secwity fa the performance of the oblipotions
<br /> secund he►eby,all prepoid rents and all monies which moy hore bean ar moy hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any kssQe of the Pro•
<br /> +���. ` I perty,to secure the payment of any rent a damages, and upon default in the perfamonce of any of the provisions heraof,Trostor op�a�s to
<br /> j �y, � deliv�r such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Ben�ficiary's�xarcise of the ri�hts qranted Mr�in,to atry t�npnt a-
<br /> cupyinq soid premises shall be sufficient to require said tenont to poy said rent to the Ben�ficia►y until fu►the►notica.
<br /> ' g,��,If title to anq QoM of fhe Prn�».�y s�l!!�!ckcn in cordcmnotion praeedinys,by riyht of wn'ment domain or simitar action,
<br /> ,� • � � .�< � or ahall be sold under th�eat of condemnotion,all uwords,domages and proceeds aro he►eby assi�ned and sholl M paid to Btne1'Kiary who sholl �
<br /> ''�• opply such awads,damages and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the extess,if any,paid.to Trostor.tf T�ustor rac�ives
<br /> r
<br /> ony notice w uttwr infocmotion re9ordinp :uch actions or proceedings, T�ustor sholl yive promPt wrltten not+te thereof to benefitirn�r. ;
<br /> , 8eneficior�shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appear in and prosecNe in its own nane any suth attion or praatdinps and sholl b�on•
<br /> • titled ta make any compromise or settlement in connQttion with any suth attion or praeedinys. '
<br /> 9. R�1ht Not irelu�b�. &nefitiery sholl 6e entitled to enforce poyment and performonce of any indebtedness a obliyoiions secured
<br /> hereby and to Qxa�cise all riphts and powers und�r this Deed of Trust or under on�other apreement eKecuted in conmction herswith a any laws ,
<br /> now or hereofter in forte,notwithstanding some or all of thQ such indebtedness ond obliyotions secured hereby moy now or Mr�ofter be otMr-
<br /> ' wise securad,wMther by mortgage.deed of trust,pledqe, lien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the acc�ptonce of this Oeed of Trust nor its
<br /> �, , enforcement whethQr by court action or pursuant to the power of sale ar other powers herein containod,shall prejudict or in ony monn�r affett
<br /> •�•� • B�nefieiary's right to realize upon or enfwce any other security now or hereofler held by Beneficiory, it beinq ayreed that 8eneficiary shall be
<br /> ; , t � en►itled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now a hereatter held by 8eneficiary in such order and monner as it moy in its ab-
<br /> ; � solut�distretion determine.No remady htrein confened upon or reserved to 8eneticiary is intended to be�xclusive of ony other remQdy herein
<br /> ' or bY law provided or pe+mitted,but each sholl be cumulotive and shali be in uddition to every other remedy qiven hereunder or now or hereofter
<br /> ,"� e�istinp at law or in equity or b�statute.Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to 8eneficiory or to which it moy 6e
<br /> � ' �. ' • othernise er+titleE, moy be exercised,caxurrently or independentlp,fr�m time to time and os oRen os moy be deemed�xpedient Benefitiory
<br /> ' ; ond it may pur,ue intansistp►t remedies.Nothing herein shall be conslrued os prohibitinp Beneficiay from seekinp o defitiency judqment oyainst
<br /> ' " � the Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by low.
<br /> - ' 10. Te�uiK of�roMrlrt bw�Pfi�n.�f all or any port of tf�e property or any inte�est therein is sold.transfened or tonvered bY Trustor .
<br /> wi•hout Benefitioryr's prior w►itten consent,excludinp(a)the creation of a lien or encumbronce subordinot�to this Dead of Trust,Ib)the creo-
<br /> •�� tion of a purchose money security interest►or household oppliances,(c)a trans(er by devise,descent or b�operution of law upon the deoth oi o
<br /> _. _ _ _. .�_ �_ ... .,..�.....t....M M}IM fn m�rthnso BNwfieiarv mav. ot
<br /> r. _" � .�__
<br /> , . �� "���� ��
<br /> ��--�-- � �plllt iM011T Of (01 t110 9�011T GI On� tlOSEfroio i�i�ieSi v� ���aa�av�a�. .vbb �... :............�.... _r••-� - �- - - . . .
<br /> ro
<br /> . . 8ewficiary's option,deslae all the sums ucured b�this Deed of Trust to be immediatel�due and poyablo,or cause the Trustee to fik a notice
<br /> of d�foult.Ben�fkiory shall hove woived such option to accelerut�if,pr'wr to the sale,tronsfe�or conve�once,Beneficiory ord the person to
<br /> ��� � �v, whon►tht property is to br mld or tronsferred reach ayreemrmt in v+riting thot tlw credit of suth person is satisFata�to B�n�fitiary and that
<br /> � tl�interest po�robte on tM sums stcured by this ONd of Trust shall bQ at such rote as B�n�fkiaryr sholl rpu�st.
<br /> I
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