<br /> . ��.�
<br /> � � •~' •t' ` ..�'.,T�
<br /> ' , . �;�`i!'CU�3. 10�G'r5 �9 3 -.5"00 7
<br /> �-' �r�us�ssiar��r�rr,m.a.a,�s 31s} asy a �+��,•t t9��.,
<br /> � Rialurd H. Eokt�art ana Dana 71. Eokhart, hu�band and ail�
<br /> '' � . .. - 1507 South S lvau► Greu�d i�la�d, NS 68601
<br /> rMldllp al OI 11/vi11q 9�1.0(flC�d y �
<br /> ' :� M
<br /> .,'"�.M`�� • Firtlier 8enk Natiatal/lfsociation Omaba.N�bnsiui
<br /> (hKein called"Assipnor'9��o � ��
<br /> .,.' � ib p►incip�l oMia d Omafw,Mob�atui lhWe�n cslled"Ani�n�e"►�
<br /> �° ������ vwn�ss�H:
<br /> ���;a,,..:_.,�. :
<br /> ... . .. .
<br /> ,y;- ;�.��,.�. " FOR VAW E RECEIVED�As�i9no►Mre4Y 0►ante,t►andsn�nd afsi�ns M tlte Ass10nN all of th�riph�tltN�nd
<br /> *„ '% fnt�tof,A�ip�w►In�ndbany�nddlNssasandotlurtmarr,l�nowort�fMrmad�onawNh�Psctbti�nd�shM
<br /> �. ��•�• ?h.fllF•L�':1 N-••.l�`
<br /> as�`' d�C�i�Nd
<br /> R�..._. •� �:n: ���n Hall County, Nebraska ��
<br /> .:��� k;: �'�:., in3cheduloAt�eof�whiChnNest�teahallbere(e►redtoheretnai�at"Premise�"�includirq,butnoR�bdbythata�lafn
<br /> • +���+���:. ".".....;`;�f. Leaae ortl�oae ce�e I.eases,wNh modiflcatlona,if eny,described in SchedWg B he�eof,cove�(rtp tM P�eni���
<br /> �,��rri�r�' . , ..., (t)any and all ex�en�lons or renewa1a thereot�(21 any end all�usrenteBS of the Lesae's oblf�a�ons urxle�any �u�d
<br /> �„ � . ;.�,�,:., under any and all extenalons or ren�wAls of any thereof,and( )all ronts,issues,p►olits,�renuss�deposiaR����Y
<br /> • , ;,,,:'r,, � paYmeMa.rlpMa and beneflb�ow or hereaRer arisinp hom euch leasa and tenanciea or tor the use and occu�l W ths
<br /> 'Y; .� ° Premise�,and eny end all extensians and renewals thereot 3aid leaees and tenanai�s a other uas of the P►emtuet to�M��x
<br /> � . . with an�r and all guarentees,modificadons,extensiona,end renewals thereof shell ba somedmss Fwninefle��siMnd baslh�
<br /> .. ,���.�„���,.
<br /> .
<br /> a •
<br /> .���, • FOR THE PURP03E OF 3ECURIN(3:
<br /> ! � . • pPIE: pa►yment end pe�tormence oi each and e�rery debt�iabl�itY end oblipatlon of�����dw�x�fon
<br /> r.� �� which Assiqnor meiy rww a anytlma hereafter owe to Msignee.inck+dirr�,but not IlmPoed to,tlw d na
<br /> — ------_ aecursd bSr�ces��:r..a�saDa sx deed Qt lruss snade by the A�nor a the Asslgnee d�ted .18 s .
<br /> '� � end recorded orta be recorded ata pr�orto therecordinp otthisAsalgn�rner�1,crany athx morlqa�eadeed of Wetf�ero°1�
<br /> � .:;=. coverinptha whole or any paR o!tir+e F'remisea.(whether such de�it,Ilabiiity.or oblipedc�now sxists or fa herosiM cro�led or
<br /> incuned a�d whether It ia or may be tlirect or indirect due or b become due.absoluDa w condnpent�� �
<br /> � �'�-.• Ifquidated or unliquidated,or Join� several,a�otnt end sevesal,e��auch debts,Ilebi�ities and oW bei�n�j��
<br /> � . ; coll�ctively�eiarred fo sometlmes as the"Otrli�allons'1:and
<br /> � TWO: Perfa►mance and dfscharge of each artd every oblipatlon, covenaM and a�reemertt ot 1W19nor
<br /> ��,;.4. Contained herein or in any auch mortgaye or deed of hust or a�y note or bond secured thereby,or in any ablipa�lr�xo a wiy
<br /> y, , seourinp document piven in conneatf�on with any of the Oblipatlons aecured hereby.
<br /> .�,. LEASE: ����:
<br /> •tt •
<br /> 1. To faithfully abide by,perform end discharge each end every obligatfon,coveroant and a9reern�nt of th�Leasr�
<br /> �� by Lessor to be performed,to give prompt notice to the Assi�nee of any notice of defautt on tP�.�o�art of Asslgnor wifh respectM
<br /> � theLeasereceivediromLesseeorguarantor,toyetherwithaneccu�atea�dcompletecapy otanysuohnMice;atthesola�coet
<br /> g O6
<br /> and expense o1 Assign�r,to eniorce ar secura 4he pc�tormanco of each and every obliga8on,cx�+�, cendftld+and �
<br /> agreement of the Lease by the Lessee to be performed;not to modiy or in any wey alter the termB of the�isase;not toterminaE�
<br /> the term a11he Lease and not to accept a surrender ot the rertta thereunder or to waive,excuse,condo�se or in w�y manner ;
<br /> ,; release or discharye ihe Lessee thereunder lrom tho obNgaUons,covenants,conditlons and ayreements by the Lassee�be `.
<br /> � � � peAormed,Including the obli�ation to pay the rentel called for thereunder in the�nenner and et the plece and time spaa'rfied ;
<br /> ;;° thereln.and Assi�nor does by these presenb expressly release,relinqufsh and surrender unto the Assignee e11 Asslprwr's f
<br /> righL power and authoriy to modity o�in eny way alter ihe temns or provisicr�s of 1he Lease,or to terminale the term or acCept e
<br /> surrender thereof,and any attempt on the parl of the Assignor to exercige any such right without the written authority and
<br /> i - consent of the ABSignee the►eto being Nrst hed and obtained shall constitute a Default of the terms hereof,es deHned
<br /> hereinatter,enUdin�the Assignee to declare ell sums secured hereby immedfately d�e and payeble.
<br /> . 2. A1 Assignor's sole cost and expense to eppear fn and defend any action or proceedin�arising under,growing
<br /> out ot or in eny manner connected wllh the lease or the obligatfons,du�es or liabflities of Lessor,LesSee or guaranror
<br /> � thereunder,and to pey all cosis end expenaes oi the Assignee,includln$attorney's fees in a reasoneble sum,in any sueh
<br /> . actlo�or proceeding in which the Assignee may appear.
<br /> • � 3. That should Assignor tail to make any paymen4 or to do any act as her�in provided,thee the Assignee,bt�t
<br /> ; ' without obligatfon so to do and without notice tm�►demand on Ass�gnar,anc�w#thout releasirtg Assi�no�hom any obllgalior►
<br /> hereof,may make or de the same in such mann�r and to such extent as tha Assignee may deem neceasary to protect the
<br /> � , security hereof,includinp speciflcally,without limiting its general powers,the rf�ht b appear fn and defend any acUon or
<br /> proceedlnp urportingtoaftecttheseccriryhereotorH�erighlsorpowersoftheAasipnee.endalsotherfghtbutnottheduMto
<br /> �_ perform a�dlscharqe each and every ob�igation, covenent and agreement oi Lessar in the Leaae contained;and In
<br /> .,_...,,...........��ee...,..,.�. .,a o,. s:aa amdn counsal and incur end cav reesOneblu eKOmey's
<br /> .� �.. --�---�-�----•--••- ,.---s..__..
<br /> g— •- ane�wao�y mq wn.�i p�r..wo a,ws � �1°-°----•- � - - • -
<br /> E �
<br /> � � � 4. To pay immediately upon demand all sums expended by the Assignee under the autharily P�ereof,together with
<br /> � interest thereon et the hiqhest rate set tvrth in any of the Obligations secur�d herr�by,and tne same ahell be added to fhe
<br /> � � �� OWlpatlons and shall bs sacured hereby and by the safd mortgage or deed ot true�
<br /> i �
<br /> � 5. That Asslgnor will not transler or convey to the Lessee the fue titl�to the demised P�miues,or eny part lhereof,
<br /> � untess the Lessee aaaumes in w�iting and agrees to pey the debt secured he�by in accadance wlth iHa Wm�e,covenants and
<br /> �
<br /> co�ditions ot the said note or bond secured by said moRgage or deed ol true4
<br /> �. . .
<br /> , ,� ,,�„ •.�. .
<br /> �
<br />