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<br /> -X*.��.�„ A�SIQNMENT OF LEA8E8 ANO RENTS 9$•: 10�i�"�►�
<br /> . � yj
<br /> �'�;,:``:``'�,:x.;t.� TH13 A831ONMFNT�mado this 31�st.•. �y� Au9ust 1q�_.
<br /> :_ . . :�. ...
<br /> �.';,.T :": . ;j by Riahar8 H. Eakl!Art and Dana A. Eakhart. huaband and wife
<br /> �.. :.
<br /> �` "�� re�idfnp at Or h6wlnp en otACe at, 1507 8outh Svivan , Grand isiar�dz NE 68801
<br /> '.�r.�, •' �•.:,:,:�
<br /> = ., ' lherein call�d"As�ipnar").to Ff�Tler Bank,Narional Asaocietlon,Omaha,Nebraska ��
<br /> .?� . . `, ` .. - iW principaF offlce at Omah4 Nebrasko(herefn oall�d"Msiynee")�
<br /> NY
<br />``f� ' 7i . � .
<br /> 1 " �
<br /> ' ^� � � f IAIITNESSEI'H:
<br /> :j y '
<br /> ';: ' � �' � � FOR VALUE RECEIVED,Assi�nor hereby�ranta,hansfere and essigns to Me Assfpnee aIF of th�riph�tltle arM
<br /> ,� • iMerealolAssip�orin end M any and all leasesand othertenonaiesnow orhaeNEer m�deon a'wilh rospe�ibthe resl�ts
<br /> ' Hall County, Nebraska and more pe►tlCUluly described � �'
<br /> � � . � �,heduleqh�repi.�ealestatesheltberatenedtohereinetteras"Prenaisss".Mcludinp,butnatlWmiOedtothatcermin
<br /> ��� � 1�ewthasecqrtain withmodi�cations.ileny,de.gcribedlnScheduteH�areof.carerinpthePremi�a;to�tl�r wffh
<br /> � ' �ta any and a11 extensionm a renewals thereot,(�)any and all guarantees of the lesee's obligations undar any e�i reoi and
<br /> under eny and all extensiona or renewal$ot any thereof,and(3j ell rents,lasues,proflts.revenc�es,depoaib,eamest rtwneY «�,
<br /> � �ayments,riphts and benelits now or h�reaiter arisiqg irom such lease end tenancies or tpr t�he use and occupancy of the . �
<br /> 1' Premises,and any and all ax�ensions and renewal�t�ereot 3aid leases and tenancies or ol�+.�e of the Premi�es to�ether �"•'�''' `� ��
<br /> . withen�rendellguarentees,modiflcedons,extensions.andrenawalsthereofshalibesomean�she►einr�lho�refe►redtoa�the ;.�:,�'
<br /> � "l.ease'or"leasea••� �,�.
<br /> ONE Pay�►tand perfo�mance of each and every dabt,liability and 4bliqaHOn o1 every and desa i�r U'on .. , ,
<br /> __ _ �h��!►As+�nnr�rwy nov�or enydme hereaiter owe to Aasignae,includir�,bu6 not!(mited b,the i of Asaf na
<br /> . , :..��::, secu�ed�that ce�taln neartgape or deed of trust ms�dm by the Assopnor to eee M�ssianoe cbted �� .i6 ?3 . '�.
<br /> :. ' '���,,;,� end recor or to be recorded at or prior to 1he recordlnp of thia Assiqnment orany ot�r nartgeige or deed of huat heraaR�r ��:;;`; ;,r�
<br /> . '''��� � :.�;� coverfngth�wholeorenypartotlF�premises,lwf�hersuchd�b�uabilfry.aobllpaUOnno�ezislsaisherpaRercrealedor '..°.,"' .:
<br /> imcurred and whether it ia or may b�direct or indirect,due or to beoorn�due,absolt,+b�or conti�er�L primery o�secor�ry. �f.,,
<br /> . , tiquidated or unliquideted,or joln�seve�al, or�oint and several,all auch d�bta, Ilubilitles�ued obli�ariona beinp herefn 's;`.};;�.,�:,
<br /> ' ootlectively�efened to som9times aa the"ObIlpaNmns"�ond �.'�� ,� �
<br /> ,�� TWO: Performance and discharga of esch end every oblipatlon, coveneM and a�reement of Assignor ;
<br /> � contain�d herein or in any auch mortga�e or deed of Uust o�ary nat�or bond secured thereby,or fn any obll�ation a any � . ,
<br /> • eecurinp document given�n connection with eny of the Obligations secured hereby. y :�:
<br /> . �:
<br /> �'��. LEASE: ka; :.;�
<br /> '�' . . r . ,'i'�'
<br /> � � ' � ' . �� I 1. To faithtully abide by,perlarm and discharge each ar.d every obligatlon,covenant and agreement of the Lease ' �� '
<br /> � � '•'�'� by Lessor to be performed,to give p�ompt notice lo the Assignee of any notice of default o�the part of Aasignor with►espactto I
<br /> �� ;'.�: •
<br /> � � � t M e L e a s e r e c e i v e d fr o m L e s s e e er g u ar a�t o r,t o g e t h e►w i t h a n a c c u r e t e a n d c o mpIet e co py of an y such�otice;atthe eole Cost
<br /> . and expense of Assipnor, to entorce or rx�c:ur6 ��partormanco of o3Ch es.^.d every o b liga0on,cove��t,concfition end ;
<br /> agreement of the Leaseby the Lessee to be perlormed;not to modity or in ary way alterthetermsof the Lease;notto terminate �
<br /> the term of the Lease and not to accept a surrender of the rents the�eunder or to walve,exauae,condone or i�any menner .
<br /> release or discharge the Lessee thereunder f�om the obligatlorss,covenants,conditions and agreeme�ts by the Lessee to be . ;;�
<br /> peAormed,includfng the obll�atlon to pay the rentel called for thereunder in the manner and at the place and tlme specilied �
<br /> therefn,and Assignor does by these presents expresaly retease,relinqulsh and surrender unto the Asslgnee all Assignor's �
<br /> ripht,powerandauthorltytomodlyorinanywayalterthetermsorprovisionsotlheLease,ortoterminatethetermorac•cepte . , �
<br /> surrender thereof,and any attempt on the paA of the Asslgnor to exercise any such right without 1he w►itten authority and
<br /> consent of the Aasfgnee thereto being flrst had and obtalned shell canstitute a Default of Ihe terms hereof,as deNned , .
<br /> herefnafter,enUdinq the Assignee to declare aH sums secured hereby Immedietely due and payable.
<br /> • � � . 2. At Assignor'S sole cost and expense to appear in and defend any action or proceeding arising under,grpwing
<br /> ': out of or in any manner connected with the Lease or the obligations,duties or liabilities of Lessor,Lessee or guarantor
<br /> ��i � � . thereunder,and to pay all costs and expenses of the Assignee,includfng attorney's fees In a reasonable sum,in any such
<br /> �. � •�'i.•� . . actlon or proceeding in which the Aasig�ee may appear.
<br /> ' . 3. That should Assignor fail to make any payment or to do any act as here�n provided,then the Assignee,trut
<br /> .� � without obligation so ta do and without notice to or demand on Assignor,and w�thout releasing Assignor from any obUpahon
<br /> '� °'` , � hereof,may make or do the same in such menne�and to such extent as the Assignee may deem necessary to protect the
<br /> � security hereof,including specifically,without limitlng Its general powers,the right to appear In and detend any actlon or
<br /> �• ' proceediny rporting to aftect the security hereof or the rights or powers of the Assignee,and also the right but not the duty to
<br /> .,..�n.�,A�diacharae each end everv obli08t�on, covenant and agreement of lessor in Ihe Lease Contelned; and In
<br /> . � r_"_"'_ _' _ _ " .
<br /> � � exercfsinp any such powers to pay necessary cosis and expenses,employ counsei and incur ana pay reasonabie eiiomey's
<br /> � tees'
<br /> ' ` 4. To pay immediately upon demand all suvns expe�ded by the Assignae under the authority he�eof,together with
<br /> . � �, interest thereon at the highest rete set torth in any of the Obligatfo�s secured hereby,and the same shall be added to the
<br /> � •. ObUpallons end ehall be secured hereby and by the seld mongage or deed of hust
<br /> ' i�
<br /> ` 5. That Asslgnor will not Iransfer or convey to the Lessee the tee title to the demised Premises,or any paN thereoi,
<br /> ' ' I unlesa the Lesseeassumes in w�iNng a�d ag►ees to pay the debt secured hereby in accordance with theterms,covenants and
<br /> � conditlons ot the said note or bond secured by said mortflaye or deed ot trus�
<br /> ' �
<br /> � � .
<br /> �f hn� � w, .
<br /> �
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<br />