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#'/ �:�. 1 i �il) � .i F � . i�-. 1� . ri �+�`_; . <br /> . ' � ��i�'._tr � �.�. . .. <br /> ?'!ir!"7"S�..1 :�%[3L.V ....._.....n�...r._.�e�.��»�....__.---� . A• �r••. _ _ � <br /> P• <br /> �^' . �277qN3 f�3�Q�i���i ' . - 1iNAlt �{i�'� �, <br /> �� `�" ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> =. .� , <br /> �_;�- (I Year TYeaeury lndex--Rwte Cwp�—Fized Rrte Conrer@Ion Optlon) <br /> _. , . <br />- ,>.f: <br /> .;;..�in THIS AD]USTADL(:RATC RIDLR is mndc �his 3RD dnyof BePTHMBER , �9 9� ,6ndts�. ' <br /> incorporo�ed into and shail bc dcemed to nmend and aupplement�hc Morigngc,Deed of 7Yust or Security Decd�� <br /> phe"Scenri�y Instrmnem")of the s�mc dnte iven b ihc undersigneA(tho"Rortower")t6 seciiro(iorroWFYS <br />�� Adjuslable Rnte Note (thc"Note'7 ta NORW�BT F�OftT0Ad8, INC. i A M1NN880TA --_: <br /> " � CORPORA'f ION phc"Lender")of�hc snmc dntc end covcring�hc proper�y describtd in� <br /> tha Sewrity Instrument end locaud at: , — <br /> r�. <br />:i;, ,.�,.,..' <br /> N17 EAST DELANAR@ AVtiNUR aRAND ISLAND, HE 68801 <br />, [properly Addreta] <br /> i°"{i'�,; THE NOTE CQNTARI:�PROYIF110N8 ALLOWINO FOR CHAN�ES IN TNE INTEREBT RAT� - -- <br />'4; ?;::,.., AND THE MONTHI.Y PAY�dE1NT.THF. NOTE L1MIT9 TME AMOUNT THE BORROWBR'8 <br /> < � ::<�. ADJUSTABL�MTEREiBT RATE CAN CHANOB AT ANY ON£TIME AND THE MAXIMUM�. _ <br /> �.,.,-, '-_ <br /> �1 1.-c� RATE THE BODROWEB MUBT PAV. THE NOTE ALSO CONTAINB TH4' <br /> ` °{� 4 OPTION TO CONVERT THE ADJUBTA84E RATE TO A FIXFD RATE. — <br /> �rj�?,ric w .—. <br /> i <br /> '�''r�tY�'it ADDITiONALCOYENANT&,Inaddiiiontothecmxnnntsandngreemenlsmadein�heSecnri�ylnstrument, �n . �_ <br />�� �'`;1��'�` Boirower and Lcndcr further m�•ennnt n�ngrce es follavr. ��`-�! -_� - <br /> ?�,p�=:'- - --_ <br /> 1'��54� e .•:: <br /> )4ili�. � <br /> t. ,+, A.ADJUSTABLERATEANP110NTHLYPAYI1fENTCHANGES `� �— <br /> �':�r;.' Thc Note provides Por an initial intecest rate of 4.125 ryo.The Note provides thc chenges in�he adjustsble �t`-�_ <br /> � ;,-�:�.��. inrcrest rn�e and�he monthly payments,as follows: 'r��;. -- <br /> . � ��';j 4.ADJUSTA4LBINTF.RFSTRATF.AND�fONTHLYPAYMENTCHANCES . <br />- ..,5{;: (A)ChongeDafes OCTOBBR , 19 9�� '' <br /> � �,�,�.�.��- Thc ndJusmblc intcres�rmc I�vill pry may chungc on ihc firs�Jny of • -___ <br /> nnd on ihm day every 11�h momh�er. [?nch dnte nn�vhich my aJjusiable Inierex�nne could ch�nge Is ��:',C°';!' <br /> cnllcJ n"Changc Datc." `� � =r- � <br /> ' -- IP.TTItt!RC�Ex �_,•`.-.- <br /> �':�:��,., Ocginning wi�h�hc fini Chnnge Datc,my ndju.inl�le Imcrcsi mlc wlll ba based on nn Indcx.Th�"Index"ls : �- -- <br /> ihc wcckly n��crnge yicld on United Sates Trcasary securiiics udjus�ed io n constant mmurity of I ycar,as made '' `�� �� <br /> .:.r <br />. . ' nvallnble by�he�ederul Reserve Uo;�rd.The nmst receni Index figure availoble as of ihe date AS days betore each ,-- <br /> �.: <br /> _ ChangeDntciscnll¢d �hc"Curtentlndex." i'.:-'*`:`�` <br />. If�he index is no longer avnilable. �he Nole Holder«�ill choosc n new index �hai is based upon comparable <br />� informu�ian.The Note Holder will gi��c me notice of this choice. -- <br /> ''-:- (C)CnlculallonotChan�es Z 730 l� "'_' <br /> ' ���P�''' ' Uefore each Changc Dace. �he ho�e Hnld.r ivill calculve my newinteres� rnte by ndding ;;�,�"':`�-' <br /> _ '���'S� percentagc points( 2.750 54)to the Currem Inde�. The Notc Holdcr o•ill ihcn round�he result of thif addlUon ---; _ . <br /> _ ro Ihe nearest one•ei¢hih ofone percentage point 10.125C4).Subjecuo�he limiu sta�ed in SectionA(D)Iwlow,�his '�,;;.c� <br /> '%?:.'?,; rounded nmoum will be my nea�inlerest rate umil�he next Ch�ngc Dnte. — <br />- � � �' The Noic Holder will �hcn dricrminc Ihc nmount of�he momhly paymem�hm�could bc suf(ic[enl to tep�y -"" <br /> . in:(;'i:'. <br /> ��`?:;:2t�•y- ihe unpaid principal�ha�1 am expected to o��r a��he Changr Daie in full on�he Mmurity Date at my new Inttrest <br /> � �t`•`.��'.� nte in subsiantially equal paymrms. The reiuli of ihis calenlntion will be�he new amount of my montAly pay- <br /> �." -�..i�.. .. <br /> _4'_�!::`. menL _. - <br /> , ����/����" (D11.Im11sonlnterestRetcChanges . <br /> � - Thc interea raie 1 am rcquireJ to pay n� ihe 1'int Changc Datc will not be gremer than 6•�25r�y o�;ICSS:�-. <br /> � �hnn2.125 �k.Ther.after.myaAjutitableimere��raie�villne��erlxincrc:uedordecrcuedonnnysingleChnngeD�[0 � '- <br />_- - by more ihan TYO percentage pointlxl( 2 i/)!mm the mtc a(incerest 1 hare been paying for lhe prccedinQ 12 nbfith��._-. � - <br /> - �� My imerest ratc ���ill nc��cr be grra�cr �hai�0•�Z5 7�. •�hich is called�hc"Muimum Rn�e." - ' <br />, _ (G)F.ffecth'c 6dte otChanges ���-' ' ' - <br /> - . My new intcrest raie wiil bewme e(fec�in on cach Ch:mgc Datc. I o•ill pay thc amount of my new mont}{ly�� � <br /> . payment beginning on �he lir+t momhty paymcm date aftcr �he Changc Da�c uNil�he amount oF my t1loIIlhly-�. - � _ <br /> . payment ehangex u@ain. � �, <br /> . _ . (E�Notice of Changes � - - . <br /> � . The Note Holdtr �vill ddircr or mail �o me a no�ice nl:my chunges in my udjusteble inttrest tatC,�nd tAC � . <br /> � - � amoum of my monthly pa��mem b.fore the effeciire da�e of any change. The notice will IneludG tOfO7�l�liOn- _ - � <br /> - - rcquired by law�o b. gi�cn mc and a6n�he�idc and mlephnnc numhcr of a person who will ansutr nny quesdon�: � . <br /> . . 1 may harc mgarding�hc notice. - - - - <br /> '- D.FIXED INTERFST RATE OPTIOY - <br /> _ _,_�_�: The Note provides for ihc Dorm�ccr'.op�ian�n eomcn frmv an adjus�able intercsl mte�vith interest�ate '. <br /> limi�s w a fixcd imtrrst ratc,xc follow.: s-- <br /> - --- — - 5.FIXED INTERF3T RATE COYVER510N OYI"IUIV � - .. <br /> � ' ��!<<: (A1 Optlan to Com�crt m Gixed Rnte ° _ <br /> '��tF' 1 have a Conv:reion Option that 1 can ezercise unless 1 am in defauh or this Section 5(A)will not permit � �� -� <br /> n „�_� me to do so.Thc "Com�enion Op�ion" is mp e�p�inn �o conrcrt �he interest ra�e 1 am requircd w pey by this Notc <br /> -�h"'�'� from un ndjustable ra�e�vith intercs�mte limiis�a�he fixed ra�e cnlculated under Section 5@)Ixlow. " <br /> �, ,... . .. -':-. <br /> .:'FAV�":!� � .h .. <br /> The wnversion cnn only take place on a date(s)specificd by�he Noic Holder during the period beginning on •� <br /> ���' . the tirsl Change Dale and ending on the fifth Change Daie. Each date on which my adjuslable incerest ra�e can � � ``-� <br /> rFrY�x�- ' ' -�, . <br /> i.� rnnrert to the new fixed rate is cnlled the"Con��crsion Date.' .. <br /> < i;,�,; <br />���1., 5��: HURI97ATECORYEIIliOIEAWU9ABLEMTE01DE11—Af1A1VLAN61;�51r,41=mlly—iTUr7�eeivtyln4ea�F��NeHUlldformin3UUmeNFOrm3lllllB9 �u � ' <br /> r��,•.4;Vry`��- NA1FL/O6B3/l90 �MeeldlN�e.n - <br /> ':_:(}J/t4S�, ,�.�;;'��': <br />