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<br />- `E��-�' --,� unda Ihe lolowhg Deed ol Tmat to be mtaed Inlo unony Tmstora, Arend R. Ba�ok. Aftom�y N L�w. P.O�,Box.. .
<br />. - �"� 790 pnnd Island NE B6802 .('imslee•),
<br /> , ."�+',�-;;-,:.:-�: md jLii Ov�r�md N�tfoml 6�nk al�nnd Isi�nd _.
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<br />- -"��..'�;,::^ subsunil�!/dlfermt dyhU�nd ob9gellona ta Ihe Tmstor lhm o morlgepe N the�vanl ol defaul or bre�ch of obFp�tlon. —�
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<br /> � -e�_c�•.���"�` Tmata�cknox7Mgee ihel this AGmoxiMgment wae m�de pdor fo tha aeecutlon ol lhe Oeed of Tmst.
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<br /> . . �� 1H18 DEED OF IIiU9T('Becuriry InswmEnP)b made on AuauS�28'1� . 1993 :���j
<br /> , 7he wsta is Stallov N. I�hm end Sheriyn J. Lahm . HueP,and and WII� .
<br /> ';'ti9�.- . PBortaret'I. � ' .
<br /> .�i`�^^;��"- �^''�� The wsteo Is Annd R. Be�ck. Attorne at 4w. P.O.Box 790. arond Iaiand. NE BS802 �
<br /> . i'.;. ..•.� -..1 Y -
<br /> ��:���'.-:,:.Zr� (•imstee•1.The EeneACWY le
<br /> - '�;�`;�<' The Oved�nd N�tlon�l Bank of Qrond leland ,whmn b«pvilzed�nd eastlnp " .
<br /> �k` under the awa ol Tho United States o1 Amorioa .end whoso addresa la 904 W�st Third Str��t
<br /> �'��.y�•_%�,r.
<br />- �,��:�;1;:��,y'�;�t' Orand le6nd. NE 68801 PUnda'). �- .
<br /> <���?���� '=>•���' UoROwer axos Lender me pdndpal cum o�Bixty Three 7housmd Four Hundrod end ODNOD ��-� .
<br /> ' ��� Ooiiare(US.B 63.A00.00 i. mi,aen�is enaencea oy Barowx.noce -
<br />�-9:[lL!_.�:;::1 _.
<br /> ' ��`, ';�� detM lho sumo dato ee lAla Secudry InsWment ('Notoq,whlch provides lor monihy paymenle,wll�tAe lul deGt,H nOt peld -.
<br /> '.`'_;� - �'�, earfia,due end poyablo on Seutembof 1. 1998 - ,:,i:
<br /> _ i_;� ihis Sewriy InaWmenl eecurn lo Lenda (a) repaymenl o�the tlebt evlOenced by Ihe Nole.with hlerest, entl u renCxYl,
<br />- +.';�- .-{ extmsiona end modiflce0ons ol Ihe Nole; (6) Ihe peymenl ol eIl other suma,wilh mlerest, �Menced under pn¢aph 7 t0 - ,
<br /> "� -ai pmteU the aecutlry ol mis Seariry Inswmenr, end (e) the pcAOrtnance ol Bonovrere wrmanls end egeemmU. Fu ihla .
<br />';� '- � �:5; purpose, Bartower irteraaby grenis end wnveys lo Truslee, N Wsl, xilh power ol sale. Iho to0owhg dtsG3ed qopNly �
<br /> �.-,. � �� bceled In Hill Counry.Nebraske: �
<br /> i
<br /> �� -
<br /> ` .- - Lot Four (4), In Block Elghtean (18), In Unlvereity Placo, an Additlon to iha City of Qrand IaUnd,
<br /> Hall Counb, Nebraska.
<br /> � � ' ��'j�f. -
<br />-- -- . _�..� _
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<br /> , whkn nae me acaese oi 2027 N. Shermen BNd.. .(irand leland. '
<br /> . Ne6fasW 6880�P�opery AOCress'l:ven ...
<br /> . . . . ._ _
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