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<br /> T-=-_�� otsaie anethesale,lncludingthep�ymentofthe7lruslee'eRaactu�llyfnwrrcd,nWtoextted 3.0 9foot
<br /> w,A� ihe pr�ndq1 amounl of the note u�he Unw ot the dai�ralbn of defaulh�nd rc�eau6k�ttorney�'hea�egermilled
<br /> by uw�(b)to dl sum�ucurcd by thb Stcud�y Irulrumenl��nd(c)�ny eucess lo iM penon or pereone kddly enlllkd
<br /> ,,,=� lo H.
<br /> 22. Reconxey�ntt. Upon payment o(nll eunn saared by�ht�Sccudty Insuumen6 Lcndcr shnll rcqucx�7Fusico�o
<br /> LL,.
<br /> rtconvoy�Ae Properry and chall surtcnder thie Sccurl�y Ins�Nnxm nnd oil no�e�evidencing dcA� ucured by thl�Secudty
<br />���""'°;, Instmmcm io 7Fusice. 7Fuuca shnll rcconvcy lho {'roperty without wartanly nnd wl�hou�chargc�o�ho person or personf
<br />_-.. �,�..� icgally cmitled ro iG Such person orpersone ehalt pay ony rccocdation wsu. � ` � ��� -
<br />-�.;�� 23. Substltute 1Yusttt. Lendcr,at It�op�lon,may fmm�Imc ro timc nmoro'Itusiw md uppolnt a succasm wstw lo
<br /> `-;{,_�� - any 7lusia appolnud hereunder Ey nn Inswment ranrded In ihe coumy in which this Saudty Insuumem b recorded.
<br /> Wltlrout com•cyanm of�he Propeny,�he successor uus�a shall succecd to all the Iiqe,pox•er nnd dmies ronRrred upon
<br /> 7huuc hcrcin and Ey applicable la�v.
<br /> �' n�� 24. Request tor Notitta. 6orroxrr rcqcesu iha�wples of the noiicc.+of default and sale be sem m OortowerS address
<br /> a-� whkh is thc Ropcny Ad&css.
<br /> ��-��- 25. RWere to tAts Saurfty Inslmmao6 If one or morc ddera aro execmed by Uorrower and rccoMed iogether with -- -� -�� --
<br /> �%.�; thie Seeudry Inswnxnt,the mvenanu and ngrcemems o(each such dder shall be incomomted imo nnd ahall emend md
<br /> xupplemem�he covenams and agrcsmems ot�his Securfty lnstrument as if the rider(s)wen:e pan of�his Security Instrumen�.
<br /> (Chak npplicabic box(es)J
<br /> �n'�`-� ❑X Adjuswble Reie Rider �Condominimn Rider �I-4 f4mily Rider
<br />�:•:�-4;:Y'�;,(`= n Gnduated Payment Ridcr �Pianncd Unt�Developmcnt Ridtt �Oiwukly Paymeni Rider ` -
<br /> � �Uelloon Rider �R¢�e Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> .: , � ;:
<br /> �����"''�-;��; �X O�her(s)�spccify� ACKN051l.EDGPIENT, ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS
<br />:_:,..�a�._
<br />..I. �:..'_...`,
<br /> �;�,;_�,��; DV SIONINd DGLOW,Qorro�rer accep�s end e8rees ro�he�emu end covcnanu wntained in this Securi�y Inslrumem
<br />. �_ :, end in eny dder(s)exauted 6y Uortower end recorded wi�h i�.
<br />'.`A:i.•".�..:
<br />--- Wimess: �Iness:
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<br /> . :-r,. ;}�: -nom�<r STEPHR J. UEfl IN -��u ---
<br /> �:,�•Yfd,- A �..' � n/-�,/. --.
<br /> s - (SCaq vLS�nM�.w�. (/�tfA�+� (Seal) `"S -'_
<br /> -°°^°*« CYN IN M. VER7IN .00�m.er FJ'�e io-.-_:-
<br /> �� STAT60PNIIOMSKA, HRLL Count ss: �:�:fi�`":Rf
<br /> ` 'i �`: Y x)ll�''�f'.��
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<br /> {, -���, On thie 20iti dny of RUGUST 1993 ,before me,thc undersfgned,a Notary Public iF,(�;'�77J,�' -���
<br />_,r}. �;;�^!. dulymmmissloncdnndquelifiedfonaidcounty,pc�xonallycamcSTEPHAN 7. UERTIN AND CYNTHIq f9. VERTIN k����;;:�T-:_..
<br /> , ���; HUSBANO AND WIFE ,tomeknowntobe�hc �ti i���'it's'
<br /> dr.�1 t)`rg,
<br /> �4i Identical persons(s)wlase name(s)nre subscribed �o the foregoing insuument and acknowledged the executlon �hercot to �t�k fi���.�� --
<br /> .�q'•� be THEIR voluntnryaaenddced. ,��
<br /> ¢s� Witnw my hnnd anA no�arial scal ai GRFND ISLAND� NEBRIISKA in snid county,ihe �rY��'��l?�� ,`�'�.�; _-�
<br /> dAIC�OfC521d. '< - --
<br /> f 11 4 y,�� �(/{/q� ��� /� 1�±Y �T) _
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<br /> er � ".1 C1MLIiAM� RauyPuEl& .- �� . i 1 i `
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<br /> -- - TOTRLS7EE: ..:
<br /> -.' �� 7he undersi ned Is Ihe hnlder nf ihe notc or notcs sttured 6 this Dced of 7}us�. Said no�c or nacs,to c�her�vith ell t}��,�;r - ��
<br /> S Y g ,+4{,:.:,• �,_�_iiST,`,-�.�.
<br /> p :� � oNer indebt�dness saured by�his Dced of'Rus4 havc hen paid in full. You arc herc6y din�c�ed to cancel said note or no�es ;'ti+���'.5�< < `:
<br /> -v - and�his Dad of 7tus�,which ue delirercd hereby,and io rcwm•cy,wi�houi warramy,all�he estate nmv held by you mider . H�,�,- , �,<,.'`-
<br />- i:;-�:. �his DccA ofllus�w�he person or personz Icgally enti�led�hcrc�o. � i,i.:",��t_,.,: ;
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