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<br /> - 'P1�li. P��}1�ED UN1T DEVEIAPI►lENT RID�R is asadc this 3� day af. � , .
<br /> _ -=';�;a ��: ,art�is inoorporated iato asd sltat!be decmod m pmend und suQpleascat the MuRgage,Dcad of..
<br /> -=„- -_:'� Tcast n�r�S��i�� Dee� tthe "Security Mstmmen!") of the sat�e d�tc. S�� by thG-u�ad�8�d.{tt�-. —
<br /> - '�� "Bas�et�`l�,ttt'�ure Borrower's Note ta
<br /> - arerland Isational B�tc
<br />- ~:�,. '".<- 304 West 3rd
<br /> � :::'� Grand I�lanc�. Neb�raatca 68$RI (tl�"4�►4�") � .
<br /> " �� � � oFr tt� sal.r��:d2[eaad wvering�N�e F rt y���c�ribeQ in the Seruriig I�irucnent..an¢;tocatEd.at: _
<br /> ` 2628 t��TBAIL CII{Ct�
<br /> (�t�D I3Ii�1I�D,• N4 68803. _
<br /> � - � [Propeity Aediess)
<br /> �:-,� :
<br /> '3. '�:F.v�t}':•iactudes,�ut is not fimitod ta,a pa�el of land impmved with a dwell'ng.; with��t�uh=
<br /> -. pa�},�,. cestain common areas and facilides,as described in �t thidy-Pire. (3�?r��cf�l��
<br /> � *-�`�_ 6st�:,S�iruioa, an ad8itfas to t�a Ciq of Grand IaIaad, H�ll �ount�. aebr�aka. tthe"Dectarasim�''>_ —
<br /> ' _ �;�., 'Cf�,'i�?taperty is a part of a planned unit devetapment imown as
<br /> ; .�`���; - Regency by the Greea Subdfvfsion
<br /> .�,,` • : �. _ ' (Name of P4wned Unit Qtveiopmeot} �
<br /> �:,�,.,;.s. ('(Pie••PTJD").Tfte Prop�cty also iactudes Borrower's inte�est in the homeowne� association.or.equ�vafeat
<br /> � � : ��•`�.; 'esutty o�ning or maaaging themmmon areas and facilities of the PiJD(the"Ownets As.saciation')an�th�uses• �
<br /> : b�¢e�.and pmc�eeds of BorroWer's interest. �'��•
<br /> ,;:. __.. . .. . �Pt1p COVE11fAt�iTS. In aQdirion to the ooveaants and agceements made in,the�Securitp lnstrum�ent,. �' _
<br /> ..�,�—,
<br /> �;:• � ` � -.
<br /> Ji. = . :� Bpt�ower and txnder further covenant and a�ree as fallaws: ��
<br /> �:� _ _ - A.PIJD ObligAtto�ts. Borcowes shail perform all of Barrowet's abligatians under the PUD's Constitucct � °`i""��
<br /> �.,� . �.:`e..
<br /> ` '" . . ITa�iunents.The"Constit�ent Documents'are the:(i)Declatatlon;(ii?articles of itsrc��ration,�n�st instntmens , � .��
<br /> . P�'�•� � a�any equivatent dacument which creates the Owaers Assaciation; and (iii) b.yrlaws. os other ntles os ��'
<br /> .' aaj`: ...� _4_-•
<br /> , , cegula6onS of tT�ttamers Assaciatian.Borr��rer shall pmmptiy pay.wh$n due,alf dttes und asse�.�ents imyose� �'��—
<br /> ��" �i putsuam to the Cirs�tuent Documents. • =''a` _
<br /> . su
<br /> :: `.y ;1.,'r.�'� ' �'' B.H���S�.ton as tke�Jwners Association mair,t�.:ns, with a ge�aetailY ara.'p:a! insurt+nce �=;=�'
<br /> y;
<br /> ys; ' ;� ,� •,4�7�9�;.`i��' QIr1CC�a"mas�i"or'•6?�i�'"policy ir.ssring the Property which is sapsfartarg to f�a�r and.whiCh p�aviclr� "�•����'-��
<br /> ,.�- . �,� ,>�--�.
<br /> •�,:. '; � . ,
<br /> :;`. �Y`��' ,`.Y;'•� � ir�ur��ce covet��in tiie a.���ts. for t�e�eriads.and against the hazards l.end�t' 'ies. iacludi�► fue ard r�;� �
<br /> ?t�,�.?� � �':::,,,
<br /> ;�;:,;, � ;t,::'� , i. `'' - � .
<br />: :��. ,'� • ' . t�.�s inctII��rtkin the term"cxtendFd�verage."then: ..
<br /> �;:. ``. ' • �. ' (i) L•��:�r waives the pravisieQ n.T Unifortn Covenant 2 far the monthty� pay� m Leader of ,�.-��
<br /> `� . , . ar�-s.r:elftb af'::�:yet�rly premium instalirr��for hazard insorance on the Pcoperty:an4. . .!. :„,,'r'y�;
<br /> :�''•,� • : (ii) Borrower's abligatian unde� C�iform C,a�,e:�ant 5 to maintain.haza.� 'insurance covcrageora ° „:::� �:� `,
<br /> � .,
<br /> ,^ j.,. , ,::, _
<br /> > • � �' tfie Property is deemeri satisftcd to the extet:s that the ce�.:.ird coveragc is pravide�b}che Ourtte�s A�,sociauo� ; } .
<br /> � :: .
<br /> :z ` . ;:'';'�.` �/� ''z ' ��i Borrower<�:a11 give l.ender pramgt a�z"scc oi any lapse in requirc�Etazard iasumnee coverage p�avi�ed by ��' � !; y�
<br /> i;-f� , ( . :,,
<br /> � , ;f� , ' the ma.ater ar��,.-�,ket policy. i. ! ,'� ; �
<br /> � ..
<br /> �.` �,��;,.;},,;;-'� In the cvent oi a distn'L��ims bf tu�s�i��surancc prarreds in lic�of restora�or��r re�air follpwing a loss tcs ^� ° �,'•, .
<br /> . ``•`'�;•;•'y,;s ttv.Praperty. or ta commar a.t� ar,4 s.itities of the t37JD. any praceeds �r�aps7� ta Barrower are hereb�r � ; �.; . ..
<br /> ts
<br />�;"��' � ' �� ' , j' +�'�'`% a5signed and shall bo paid to LendEr. 4e�.der shaU apgly the proceeds to the sutng secured by thc Securiry I �
<br />',,,. � . '�� lnsttument.with any ezcess paid to Bc�rc-::�:r,. t � .
<br />?:':� �' C.Publfc U�,6ility inguratice. &:cr�xer shall take such acfsa,s a�may be reasanabte ta ingure that the � ; > �
<br /> .r,
<br /> �•ners Associa6an maintains a public tiability insnrance policy acs.:p:ab2c in .form, amouns. and extent of ' � .� �
<br /> • caverage to Lendcr. k �
<br />;c •,iry, ! , .
<br />`' Faers+3f90 4i� � �
<br /> j;`•� ' MULTI9TATE Wtt�RtOER-Singte Famity- Ftr.nis MsNFraddis Mao UN1FORh6 R+LSTRUMENT�� � � .
<br /> •� 'bi. �a�v 1 of 4
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