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tY:�'� l ' �� �..____. ._._.. ____,.-- ----_ . . ._ .... ; : ;;r. <br /> ������1 aa.�.\d_ .� ��++r�� <br />�rw:�;��i 93• /�yc'� � <br /> —__= Barrower sLall promptly 61ve Lendcr wrCmn notiN of ony Invcsdgaiion, dalm, denund, Iowsui�� i`d AcT�4Ft�1 6y any <br /> --�""°' govemmcntal or rcgularory ugency or pr{varo wrly Invalving�ho Property ond any Huz�rdoua 6ubstanco ar RnvironmeNal I.nw <br /> ,�-°R.�� of wblch 9orrowcr 6ae eHUal knowledge. If Borrowcr leame,or ia notilivd by aiy govemmental or reguiatory authodlp,Ihal <br /> ;;�+�T^� eny rcmovul or otl�cr rcmMietion of eny Hazordous Substanco atfatlng tho Property le ncecsmry,Uorrower shall promptly mkc <br /> ,_�-�t, � pll nuessary rcnxdiai ecilo�u In accordance wiih L�nvironmenini law. <br /> ,a„�{.: A+uccd in ihis paregmph 20, 'FIfl7�fA0W SlIb5l011CCA' arc those subslanccs dcMcd�s toxic or hornrdnue eubstnncce by <br /> -z;,.y;,?'-:+ Environmental Law and �ho follnwing substantts: gacollna kcroscnc, mhcr flammablc or toxic pclrolcum producte, luxic <br /> ;;_�;�t r,;� pesticides end hcrbicidc�,volatilo sotvente.n ��edals contnlning asbesros or formaldehydc,ond mdioacQvo ma�crlol�. Aa usttl In _ <br /> wv <br /> .,,.;.:�f �hls pamgreph 20, 'Environmemal Law' mesy federel Inws end laws ot�he jurisdictlon wherc�he Property le localed�hat __ _ <br /> ; �-. relata to licalth,saiGy or environmemal protMbn. <br /> -� :,-r• NON•UNIFORM COVCNANTS. Qortoxcr und Lender further rnvcnant end agrcc u follows: —_ <br /> '�� 21.Aceelentlon�Remedies�I.ender shill g�ve notice ro Borroxer prlor to accelcntlon(ollowing 6orrauer's 6reach <br /> ot ony corenant or agrcement In thts Secud�Y inslrumrnt (but not pAor to acccierallon undcr pnragroph 17 unless _ <br /> appilcnble Inw provides olherwlu)� The nolltt shall specify� (a)lhe defeulp @)thc aclian requlred to cure the defouilt r:,;, <br /> (c)o date,not less lhan 30 dnye from lhe dole the nodce 4s glven lo Borroxer, by ahlcA the detault must be cured�and � -_ <br />--.�_-: 'i�•„� (d) Ihnt faliure lo cure the detault on or 6efore the dete speclfled In the notice mny result In ecccleration of the r�unu �,a,,,,__�=,_,__ <br /> -- secnr¢d by lNs Secnrtty lnstrument and xaic ot the N�operty. The noticc shnll furlhcr infami Borrox�cr of thq dght to �.��yY.,=� <br /> f = - = reinstnle eRer aaderotian end lha rlght to bring e caurt ecllon lo nsuh �he non-exLstence of u defauit or any otser �� _ <br /> �f��� defense ot Borrox�er to eccelerotion and sale. If the detault Is nnt curcd an or 6efore ti�e dute spccIticd In ihe notice, -_ — <br /> � l.ender, et Ita opllon,mayrec�uire fmmedieie pr�yment 1n NII ot all sums secured by this Secadty Inslrument xitkout �_ <br /> r �;1 furthcr�Iemond und may invoke tho power of salc nnd nny olher remcdles pemilited by nppilcabte Imv.Lender ahall bo �_=�x i� <br /> enttped to collect all expenses Inwrred in pursuing�he remedles provided h�Ihls pnragraPb 21,Inclnding,but not Iimttcd � ,§z•�T4 <br /> t" ' to,reasonn6la attomeys'fea nnd wsts ot Iitle evldence. - - -- <br /> '��'�t' `. I!thepo x'er ui sale Is Invoketl,Tn�slte shall rccord a notice of defeult in pch wunly In which Qny part o►tAe -t�;� --_ <br /> �l�'+;�s � — <br /> � „� �,�_ , Property Is I�cnled end shail mnil mples ot such notice In tho menner prescdbed by eppliu6le law ro Borrower ond to �x <br /> lhe othcr persons prestdbed by epplicaAle Inw.A�er lhe time requlred hy epplieabie law,7Yustee she�l gire publle notice �,' ______ <br /> �t nil�t:� oi sale lo Ihe penons and In tde mnnner prcscribed by eppilcxble iaw.7Yusfee, without demend on Borrow�er, Rhali sell = <br /> _,r��r,rr'" lhe Property et publle nnction to tAe highesl bidder at tM1e tlme nnd piace und nnder Ihe ternu daignuted in Ihe nafice of �t, _� <br /> „p�a�,�:;? salz In onc or roore parcels end In eny order Truslec determines.Trustce muy poslpone sele oP nll or nnyparccl of the � ...- . <br />, .�j ,f� � Properly by publle ennouncement at Ihe time nnd place oP nny previously scheduted snle.Isnder or Ils deslgnee may .-Fi��q�_a;�, <br /> �,-, purchasc Ihe ProperW e�any sala '' ';r� `_ <br /> �;� �+-, Upon rcceipt ot peyment ot tiic prire bid, Trustce shail deltver to ihe purchascr 7Yuslce's deed wnveying Ihc _ -� : --- <br /> �'�;j Properiy. The recltnis In tM1e Trustee's decd choll be priom tecle evidence ai the truth of lhe statements mode lhereln. _ -�;- r- <br /> « r.. 7Yustee shali apply thc yracetL+of thx saie in lhe Pollo�ving orden(a)lo pll msta and expensa of exercBing Ihe pox�er ot +'"�.--_4� <br /> r ,h1�,.s. .,�,:. <br /> ; ..� :�; aale,und the sale,Induding the puymenl of Ihe Trustee's fces octually Incurred,aot lo exceedTHE OP�S50.00 OR y xr __ __ <br /> .�,: of the princlpal amnunt oP�ha note at the�ime of lhe declemllon of defeui�,end reasonubte ettorneys'feea Qv pemdtted ;.s�;;�,�,�.. <br /> by lawl(b)lo all sums,secured Ay thls Securhy Inslrument;end(c)nny excess to the person or persona Icgeily entitled to - 'a�A°._ <br /> ,e_�j.- ti. , .,_ - <br /> 22. Reconveyanee. Upon payment of all sums securd by ihis Securiiy Insuumem, Lender shaii request Trvsice io '-,y_� <br /> reconvey tlw Propeny and shnll surrender �Ais Sceud�y Insirumem nnd ull nmes evfdencing debt secnred by �hie Secuti�y �� �a._ <br /> Instmmont to Tmstee.Tmstce shall rernnvcy�M1e Propeny wl�hout wnrranty nnd svitlmu�charge to Ihc person or persons legolly ±:4� � - - <br /> entitled to i�.Such person or pereons shall pay my rcwrd:�tion rnsts. c-�,:�`r �,�� <br /> - i 23. SukstlWic Tmstce. Lendcr, e�its option, may from time lo tlmc removc Trustm nnd appoint a successor trvscec�o +;�-ry <br /> any Trusteo eppoinicd hercundar by en inawmem recordcd in tlic mumy In which qds Sewrit� Imtrumcnt is recorded. Without r- - _�_ <br /> mnveyence of�ho Propeny,the wcccamr trus�m shnll sucoced to nll �he�itle,power and dm es mnPomd apon Trusmc herefn ;--.�'•: `',� <br /> -.-�: end by applicabla Imv. t - -"• ���-- <br /> it � 24. Requrst Por Nolicec. Dorrower requu�s lhat copks of d�e no�ices of default and sale M unt l0 6orrower's eddress i`- -�" �"-�`- <br />..,,,r�:�tr;; whlch Is tho Propcny Addmss. „ > : � -- _ <br />--��t:-:- -'-••� 25. Ridere to thls Seeurlty Insirumenl.lf onc or morc riders urc exew�ed by Oorrowcr and rceorded lo�c�hcr�vith�hfs , �;.�,; --� <br /> -...n,;rc.:> � . <br /> ' Securiry Inswmen6�he mvennnts and ngreenxms of each such rider ahall be incoryomted inm und shnll e�nend end supplement � j�t_ <br /> Iho mvenanU and xgrecnknts of this Securily Ins�nim:N ns if�hc rider(s)n�ere'a pan of this Secumy Ins�mment. � - ;' ,_ <br /> r� - - �Checkepplieablelwx(es)1 ' - ��°-�--�-, <br /> � . - �l, w�k r �A: <br /> , F,� Adjuswblc Ra�c Ridcr f�1 Cor.dominimn RiJcr I-4 Family Ridcr r �>S i��i�F ���� v� <br /> ' - Oreduated P�vment Rider �Plannal Unit Devclopment Ridcr Oiwakly Paymen�Rider _ -,�,� <br /> ' + -, �6alloon Ridcr LJ Rrie hnprovemem Ridcr SeconJ Home Rtder - �^ _ <br /> � �1 ` Ll V.A.Rider 0 Oihcr(s)�specify� ACKN04lLEDGEMEN7 OF POW6R OF SALC �-�:?�.,� <br /> < - <br /> +} <br /> . 1F-, _� . -:;? '.�� ,� � <br /> .c?.'t .::_ : '..}�_,_��r.,.,:- <br /> OY SIONINO UELO\4,Uortower acceps and ogrces�o ihe�emis and mr nams rnmained in�his Securiry Instrunxm and ` -��':•.�� <br />;:)�q>,� .'�, . .. ..........�. <br /> _ in any rider(s)executed by I3orto+rer and remded wi�h it. :�''•i:+�•.-� �'.;•.�: <br /> - ^.: : p:,:. . <br /> r h��' \VIIf@SSC7: ��J,. <br /> ' ��_ �$¢2�) . . <br /> -- HN K. HO IS �Barmwer � . - • <br /> y` � ' <br /> . _�/' . l - - ' ° <br /> lScap :t��-� <br /> - C I11A R. lfORR 5 �smm.s� ` - • • � <br /> _ + V <br />-�=n�-a (ScaU (Seap � ",����. <br /> �$d�=� -nom,w<r �a�mn.e� .. <br /> __ �_�:____ _}-,:�,"-_. <br /> 6TATBOFNEBRASlGA. BAI.L Co�mryg: ,. <br /> -- 71w foregoing tnswnknt wuaeknowledged betort mc this 44H day of dUCUST . 1993 . .--�-" ., <br /> -- by 701R7'R. MOARIS AHD CYN'CFlIA R. HORRIS. {IUSIfAHD AND HfPS • � ,� 1- �.' � <br /> Witnes�my hand nnd notariil scal m CRAt7D ISLAND� HEDM///Sf���(A, xpin sild Count ,tA�c/d/p�tc n/f�orcsald. ,.' �O- ��. � <br /> - My Conwisaton Gxptrcs: 9-20-95 _�Q/l / `P i Gj�v�(,rtf'i+-UQC lG , ' ,; "_ <br /> t�wry iK <br /> . . � �� • • � . . ' .: nt. .. <br /> - w - � � �q��o�� • Ftlnt3028 B(90 . . � -. <br /> � ' . �!'.,e•. . .. . .. . <br /> ��_ �� ,.. a. � '. _' <br />