Yi :. I � \. .��- .+.Y_(S�_......—„ "" _± { ...�..._ - , - � __ .. >�.�.-
<br /> _..�.__ '�_..�. � -"-�X�
<br /> �=:�,�,::� 99-' ao��ae ,_--
<br />'-`'�,5��.:��' Tha Punde shall bu hcld in nn instituqon wlmsc dcpos(is orc Insurcd by n tcdcrai ngency, Inswmcmolity, or miity
<br /> - :�'-; (including Lender, If l.ender le such an Inslltmlon)nr In eny Pederal Homa l.oan Uank.Lender El�nll npply Ihe Funda lo pay Elio
<br />_�"'.;;�„�� Cscrow Reme. Lender may no�cimrge Oorrower Por M1nlding and epplying the Funde,nnnuaity a�mlyzing Iho exrow accoum,or
<br /> , . � �- vedfying�Le Bscrow Iiems,unlus l.ender pays Qorrower interat on Uie PunJs nnd nppticable law.permits I.ender�o mnke suc6 _ _ _
<br />_'�� ���'-r e charga However, I.ender may rcqulrc Oorrox•cr ro pay e onatlme chnrge Por nn Independent real a�ate ta�reponing service _
<br />`����',�:;`;" used by Lendcr In conncetion widi thie loan, unlese opplicable law providc+ othcnvlsc. Unless nn ogr�tment fj ntadc ur __:
<br /> ^ appliublo law rcqulres Intcrest to be paid,l.endcr simll no�be requircA m pay�rrowcr nny imcrcsl or pmings on�hc Funds. --
<br /> -' Qnrro�rer end Lender may agrcc In wriiing, 6owevcr. �hat intcrest shall bc pald on iha �unJs. I.endcr shnll givc to Oorrowcr, r--� -_ _ _
<br /> -�-"`r� without chargo, an aanual uccounting of Ihe Funds, shmving cndi�s und debits�o the Punde ond d�u purpnse for which eac6 �c-n,
<br /> � �`� debi�m the Funds was made.The Fands ere pledged es eddi�lon�l securit�for oll sunu securcd by this S�eudty Instrumem. -,,, .,�
<br /> `-_'=-=�-: ff ilx runds 0eld hy Lw�der uxce�d�he amounts pcmiitted�o hc he d M1y np IicaM1le Imv,I.ender shall ettnum ta Onrrower �_,._,;.4,t_w_,'°'L��=-"
<br /> - ` �' for the cxcess Funds in accordance with�he rcqulrcmenu of epplica6lc law. If tPc nmount of the Funds hcid by Lcndcr m ony y,- --
<br /> . 1,- �imo ie not sufficlent to a �he Pscro�v Items when dne,I.ender may so notify Uorrox•er in�vdting,and,in such case Unrrower �-�„r- i
<br /> � shall p�y to Lender ihe nnioum necessa*y to make up ihe deficiency. Ourrower si�all mnke up Uie deficiency in no mnrc ihan _,- . :� �';i'�,..'t�`>
<br /> iwclvc momhly paymcros,m Lendcr's solc dixredon. /.:
<br /> Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by �his Securi�y Inswmem, Lender sl�all prompUy refund to 13orrower eny s- , i ��'4�-
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,unAer pamgraph 21,Lender shall ncv�nire or ull�6o Propeny, L.e�er,Prior�a�he acqulsitfon or sale �.� - +n�, ��
<br /> of the Propeny,shall apply any Fund.c held by Lender a�the time of acqnisi6on or sale as a cndu ngainst�he sums sewrcd 6y .. . �=_�
<br /> - �% �his Sttvrity inclmmcm. �r� .t�.,-
<br /> '�% J.Appllcallon oP Paymenfa.Unless apptica6le lew provides othenvise,ell payments rcceival by Lender under pnregraphs �-�1Q ;'
<br /> ,,�r;�_�-� I and 2 sAnll be applted: Orst,w nny prepayment chnrges due under the Nme; secand,ro amoumE payable under parograph2; � - -�=,
<br /> i•'-_r thfrd,to imerest dur.founh,io principal duc;end last,lo eny late charges due under the Note. -n. --
<br /> , _ 4.Charges; Llent. Borro�ver shail pay all ta�es,auessments,charges, fincs end impnsi�ions nuributabie ro�hc Property -- -- 4;',`�`. �
<br /> '° �vhich may nuain priority over�his Secudty Instrument, end Iexsehold paymenis or ground rcnis, if eny. fiorrnwer shall pny - �- � t�,i+l�>_
<br /> - ��� �hese obligadons in the manner provided Inp�ragrapB 2,or If not patd in�hot mnnncr,Oorrowcr shall pay�hem on timo dirxtly �`�.' '
<br /> - - to�hc person oacd paymenl.Dorrower shall prumptly Pornish to Le�er all nmices nf amoums w be�Id under�his paragmph. -.G .._..__
<br /> - If Dorrower makcs these payments diratly.�arrower shall promP�ly Nrnish�o Lender rceeipu evidencing�he paymenis. ; '����-
<br /> . Qorrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prionty over�his Se�.�uri�y Instrument unless Uonawer.(a)agrces in --
<br /> � writing m Um paymenl af du nbligation sceurcd by the licn in a nunner aceeptable m Lender,N)comesls in good fafth�he lien ;.% �'f�+.,;-��
<br /> . -'��' tt by, or defends ngafns� enforccment of�he lien in, legal procecdings �vhich in ihe Lcnder's opinion opera�e to preveN t6c ��i'1'-;,__"� °-;;;�.�-
<br /> � ''�-i��� enforttment of�he lien:or(c)ucura Gom�he holder of tlie lien en ngnement sa�isfaciory to Lender subordinating�he lien m (:.:,-•-�-i-'�-.—
<br /> �hia Seturity inctnimem. If l.endcr dcmnnina ihat nny p�n o(�he Property is su6ject to e lien which may enain priority over .^��_:!'�:..j ;-_ —
<br /> this Security InstnmxnL Lcndcr may give 6ormwer n notice identifying�he lien.Borro�vcr ahall setis(y�he licn or take one nr <�t �.
<br /> more of�be ac�ions set fonh e6ovc�vi�hin 10 days of Ihc givinS of no�icc. � '�y•.,�-�;r"-.__
<br /> rv-.: - )c,y{::—..
<br /> � S. Hemrd nr Properly Insnranm. 6orrowcr sh�ll kecp the improvemenls now exfsling or hercaflcr erceted on Ihe f ,'.. _r,,.y,���....,
<br /> Pmpeny insurcd againsi loss 6y fire, harnrds included iviihin ihe term 'ex�ended cavemge' nnJ nny other harnrds, including .�R - •�_--- _---
<br /> . . � M,ods or Itooding, for�vhich I.ender rcquircs insurance.Thix iiuurnnce xhall be maintnined in lhe emoums n�for�he periads �;'"';-�°`,{.��,"w'�'�"'.'
<br /> � �hat Lcndcr requGea. Tbc insurnncc cnrrier providing the insurance shall 6c choxn by 6orro�ver su6jce� to Lender's appmval i �: � . -
<br /> . � - wi�ich sir,tii nvi Ix umaiw�ieGiy �riiiu`a�u. i�w��+:.r f:s ta n:'fr!_in c^vrrnyq AearriMd P�vq I.ender may, al Lendei s -.. ,-,-.. _.
<br /> - �ii.- : �...�.�;�...
<br /> �p;��.: opiion,ob�ain mver.�e to protec�I.ender's righ�s in the Propeny in xecordance witl�pamgraph 7. ,.:. .
<br /> All insurance policies nnd rcnewals shall be aceep�able m I.ender end shall include n s�andard mongage ciause. Lender ���.-��`��•- _�,
<br /> - ' shall have�he right m hold d�epo licies anJ rcnewals. If Lender requiree.�urrower ahall promptly give io Le�der ull rcceipts of ?�` �' -:��y""—j
<br /> " pald prcmiums nnd renewal notices. In the evem of bss.Dorrower shnll give prompe notice�o�ho insur�nce cartfer nnd Lender. 't{. ;, �
<br /> . • Lcnder mny makc prouf of loss if no�niadc promp�ly by 6orroa�cr. .'..� ��—'-
<br /> i��-', - : ,.�..—,.
<br /> - -. Unlesc Lender nnd Oorrower otherwise ugrce In�vnun6• insnrance proceods shall Iw epplied m resroration or repair of�he n,,?„.. _j{;�:�..
<br /> - Propeny damaged. if�h.mcwm�ion or rcp:�ir is economicalty fea,ihle nnA Lender's cecuri�y is nnt Iessened. If the ra�omlion or :;:;"c o-.�-• �;�-;
<br /> - - repair is noi ecnmm�icnliy feasf6le or Isnder's xcurity�rould be IesseneJ,�he in+urance prareds shall be appllal�a the shms ;�:;_'°:;. -_:'�
<br /> _ - - saurcd by this Securiry Incwment. �vheU�er nr �mt �hen due. �viih any exeess pnid to Unrro�eer. It Oorro�ver ebandaa �he .�1-::jr.�.�.�';;;r?��`
<br /> ' ' Propcny,or does nof uus�ver�vi�hin 30 Jays a nntice from lAnder ihat�he inaunnr.carrier h:a o(fcred to scnle a claim.ihcn �,::-.�;•-�:'?iy;`�•E-_�
<br /> . Lender may coll.ct �h¢ insmm�ce pmceMs. Lender may use �he promeds to rrpair or rc<mrc tl�e Ptupetly ot to pap sums ; n�
<br /> . sewrcd by Ihis Sccurily Inslmmem. ��hciher or nnl then Juc. 'Ihe 30�day period will begin�vhen�hc noticc�s given. ��_" "=.�'..
<br /> _ - Unlesx Lender and 6orro���er mherwice agme in wriling. any applicaiion of prncecds to principal shall na� ex�end or : y,-.;_,.;,�.�;;:�;s`-��,,-
<br /> � st ne�he due daie of�he momhl i menu rcferred tn in im n hs I and ] or ch�m e Ihe umounl of Ihe a mems. If .`z;-' � �'���
<br /> � W Po Y P.y R S•P F P Y :_-.:;i�l�:; =r!;�.
<br /> � under pamgrapl�21 �he Propeny i�acquired 6y Lender.I3orrow.r i righ��n any insuranec pnlicics und praceeds rcsulting hom .� - �t." �=::
<br /> dnmage�a Ihe Propc�iy prior to d�e a�quisiliun shali pass w l.cnder ta d�c extmi of ihe+uros xecurcd by�his Security Inslmmenl ��--,� � . 'i.<-,
<br /> - - immcdiatcly prior�o�AC acyuisiiion. �'.� . ,.i..,. ,,�5,:'..
<br /> -� 6.Occupancy,Preserrailon,Melntenxnm xnd Pratection oi lhe Prope�7y;Dorro�rer's t.onn Appllrntlon; Leascholtls. .,�- _
<br />- .:��J Rortou�er c6all ercupy,es�abliah.nnA uce Ibe Prnprny nc Ifnrmwrr'.prinripal re•i�lrnce wid�in cix�y days nfler�he execmion of :1'.;,�.'1.:-i;'��..�.•:
<br /> - this Securiiy Inxtnnucn�anJ�hall coniinue �n occupy lhe Prnpeny a.6orroarr's principal residence (nr m Ieasl one year aner j�_.- Ti� ..,�':�,_
<br /> �_ -��-•'�^ � ihe Jate o(accup�ncy.unlcw Lender oiheneix agrtti+in�vri�ing.e�hich amum chall noi he unrcaaonably��ithhcld, ur unless � '`'�
<br /> � �' extenualing cirtunuiances exist which are beyond Oorrmrer's cumrol. Dorroner ah;dl nol deslroy. damage or iNpiir lhe � _ '-
<br /> ..r. ' Pmpeny. allow�he Pmperty�n dctcrinr�tc. nr cantmil o�a�lc on�hc Pruperl7•. 6nrtowcr s6a11 bc in defaull if any forkiiurc _- , ��� .,�_:,
<br /> anion or procttrling,�vheiher civil or criminai.is begun�h:LL in Iwnder's gund faith judemem could rcsull in fadeiture of�he .
<br /> Propeny or othenvise ma�crially impair�6e lien crca�eJ by�his Security Inslrumem ur Lender's security inrerut.Dorro�rer may 'i���� - � . - -
<br /> curo such a defaull end reinuale.as prociJed in pangraph I8,b)�causing lhe aclion nr pnnreding Io be dismissed wilh a ruling ' � -- . :
<br /> �� thm, in Lender's good faith dc�cnuinaiion. pntludcs forfciturc of�he 6nrrmcer's imcres� in �he Propeny nr othcr m��cri�l ��;.`� `'�-'
<br /> � impaimicnt of Ihe liCn Crcaled by lltis Securily Imlrumenl nr LenJer's xecuriq' inicrcsl. 13nrrawer shall also be in default if .�;�'_.�.-
<br /> , Oonan�cr,during the loan applica�ion pnxcs.,gavc matttially(alu or iiucwraie informaiion or smtemems�o Lender(or(ailcd �-
<br />� - " ta proride I.�nder wi�h any nu�erial infum�a�inn)in�nnnaYtion��i�h�hc loan cvidenml by�hc Nmc, including,bu�not limited ;`".��';�°��" �
<br /> . lo, mpreccntatiom mnccming 6orrmcci s oaupancy uf Ihc Pruµrty ns a principal rcsidcnR. If Ihis Stturily Instntmcnt is nn a - :�.r'��s:- ._ .
<br /> � Icaschold. Bormwcr shall mmply o�ith all Ihc pro�ixinns of Ihc Iea�c. (f Qorm��rr acyuims (ec litle lo Ihe Propctly. lhe '-' `.��j`�_
<br /> _ Icacchold and lhe fcc lillc ahall nul nxrgc uniccs Lender agrcc.to Ihc mcrgcr in wriling. - _
<br /> - ' 7.Pfotcellon ot I.ender s Rightx In lhe Properlr.If Ilorrmrcr(aiis to perionn thc�vrenanla anJ�grccmem>mntained in � ' ..�i�
<br /> ��'�G�- lhis Sauriq� Inslrumem, or diere ix a Icgal prucecding�hat may significamly a(TM Isnder's righls in Ihe Property(such:�s a „ ,
<br /> prochding in bankmptc)•. proba�e. for mndemnatimi or fmRilur.nr to enWnr laws or rrgulations), lhen Lender may do and .
<br /> ._;;�i:".'�;., Pay for whatevcr is nccessary W pro�m thc��alue uf�hc Vro{rny and txndcr's righis in�he Propcny. Lc�dcr's actions mxy
<br /> _ -_ mcludc paying any sums !.cturcd by a lim ahich h� prion�y o�•cr �his Sccurity Ins�mmcm. apppring in murt, paying .
<br /> - reasonable atromeyi fces and entering on thc Propeny�o make rrpairs.Although Lender may take aclion under�his paragraph
<br />- 'y;}�+..'� 7.ua�ucr does�ro[narc ro do w. . - �- � —
<br /> "`'�� Any emounts disbursed by Lender undtt �his pangraph 7 shall becunu aJditional debl of �orru�cer sceuad 6y �his
<br />= Securiry Inswmem. Unicss Durcower end Lender agrce�o other temis of paymcnt,these ynounts shall Ixu interes� from�he
<br /> - - date of disburumcnt et �he Nore m:c and shall M payablc, ���i�h intcrest, upon notice from l.cndcr�0 6orrowcr rcqua�ing _ _
<br /> - paymcm. '
<br /> __-�_`� - B.�Iorlg�ge Insurence.If Lender reyuind mortgage insuranm ac a rnrAition of making�he loan secured by�his Saurity . .
<br /> '�'"�"`�%L(. Instrumcnt, Qortowcr shall p�y thc premiwns Rquind�o nvimain the mongagc insur:uxe in cffcn. If, (or eny rcawn, the �
<br />=7:;.-'�'_y. nwttgage insurance mverege requind by Lender lapses or ceaus to be in e(fm.Dorro�ecr shall pay the premiynu rcquiad to .
<br /> - �-�. oCtdn covemge suAstanUaily equivalrnt to the mm�gage insurance prcviously in efRtt,et a cact subs�entially equivalem tu the -
<br /> tii+*:M.� eost to[iurrox•er of the nwngage insutance previously in ef(ecL from en altemate mortgage Insurcr appro�•ed by Lender. 1(. - � _
<br /> _�:.-`_;� • - .
<br />���rr� .. • • • � ew��m� � - iam 3028 8l90 . .
<br /> _`_ ,.� • .. _
<br /> �:i"�H�.� . ..
<br />