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<br /> � .( n.`•�_ - , _ .
<br /> •�=:i�"'%� n . � . ABiIGNMEHTOPREFdT6HICER_ 9�� ����
<br /> -- • �THIBABSIONMENTOFHENTBRIDERUm1d��nd�x�culWlhle.�.tA]._d�yol�BYptL94�,1o�_,�ndl� •.
<br /> �,��,.� ' IncorponlMlnto�ndehdlEedeemedto�mmd�nd�upplemenit�eMOriQ�peoiUeedotTmel,harelnallerrelerndtoulM
<br />.�.:,_�,� "SAcurlly InetromenP', ol lhe p�me d�te plwn by t�b underelpned,herelndror nt�rrW lo ae the"BOrroweY',to�wurf �
<br /> ---- Borrow�P�inae�wn•n,hereln�Rurelerredroulhr"NOb",toMOMEFEOERALBAVINQBANDL0ANk880C1ATI0NQF
<br /> - -=",� ORANDIBLAND,nenln�lurrePorredto�etne"LenGer",ollhee�med�te�ndcovednptheDroperlydeeodbedlnlhe8ecurlly
<br /> --- Inatrum�N�nd Ixated�t:
<br /> x���� G041 Reed Rd, Grand Island, Nebraske 68001
<br /> :::�_
<br /> - "�=y� � Pro etl AdCreee
<br /> �._•<'3.-. �...�:f ( D Y 1
<br />--;_•�;�Y -' WITNE88ETN: • .. . . ..
<br /> -! �1 .,�
<br /> ���. :-•.�:�- WHEREAB,8orrower�nd lender have�preed that any roNe and prollla�Itrlbuta�te lo the proparty e�ould conalllule _
<br /> •`�tA•�" �ddillonU eeaurll to tM lender for the pryment o}t�e Note;
<br /> ,>�,-.;'.;�� y
<br /> ''=�d���.�r NOW,TBEREFOFE,IIIa�preedthstthe8ecudtylnslruments�¢Ilboamandedherebyanddaemadtolncludal�etollowinp
<br /> d'�>, _ provlaioni: ��7!__ -
<br /> � � (�i.ti_"= --
<br /> :-. `��,,.;,;t.;? 1, Ae�lonmmtolR�nte�ndL�nderRent�ICOIleollonHiaMe.Borrowarherebyabsolutetyandune0ndili0nalty�aslpneali —,y,:-..
<br /> ar ° tente, laauee and proiite ol the prope�ty to Benetlolary. lender ehall have tho dphl, Dower and-autnodty dudng lhe -- :�� ,-_
<br /> _� p.'-�- conllnu�nce ot lhe 6ecudly InelrumtnLto collecl tha renle,laavea end protlte ol the Droperty end ol any personal properly ! -��-
<br />- lOCnted Ihemon wltb or wllhout Iaking p0aseaslon ot lhe proparty eftected�ereby. Lender, howerar. �eroby consanle to ��4"-`7�`�'C+.""-�
<br /> �� i, BorrowereC011eotionandreleMlonof4uchranta,lesueeanOD�olltseetheyeccruaend6ecomeDayebla,solonp�eBOrrower � -i . -
<br /> Is nol,al evoh time, In tleteuit wllh roapect to payment of eny Indobledneae aecurod heroby,or In tho pedormance of eny ?y;,„;..�
<br /> aqreemeN hareunUef. ��,i-;, -- -��
<br />- :��"-�:_;;.p': 2. [000lntmenl ot Realver. II any eronl ol delaull In reapeot to the Sacutlty Inetrumant ahall hare occurred en0 be - -
<br /> r - � condnulnp,Lander,ae e metter of tlphl end wllhoul notice lo�orrower or anyone olalming untler Borrower,end wllhoul � —
<br /> +,�, ; repard totAe ralue of lhe tmst estata or tlia lnlereat ol the Borrower thereln,shall have the riphl lo apply to eny coud havinp -- �i `
<br /> , ;(� - �I� �utladlction to eppolnt e rocelvef ot Ihe propedy. ��.
<br />- -�"'� ` �� 3. 81ph1 to Poaseaelon.In cede ol Eei�ull In lhe peymanl ol lhe eaiG princlpal Note ar Intereal,or any Ded thereof,ae II ��-�J'��`
<br /> �. �.t, .�_� .
<br /> :"�:('^,- .--i'.:r7.,:.
<br /> - � � ah�llm�lure,orintheceaeollellurotokeaporpedormenyollhecovenantsorepreamenlaoonlalnedlnlhaBecurlfylnetru• ;r;��� �_-
<br />� µ��"?;���' menl, lhen lhe lender, Ila eucceasorn or easl0na, shall be and le �ereby aulhorixad end emDOwered to teke Immedlste �`;�Fr.;;-
<br />- '"�"�""� poaeeaslono�t�aealdpremiseatherofndosotlba0sndtocollacitherentet�arelrom,andtoepprylhaproceadat�ereollotha �:vj_��;--.
<br /> ' ���`� � paymenlollhaNOto. -��-
<br /> ;_YT i..
<br /> ;�b�(>"' 1, ponlloaJlon of Renis.lasuea�nd 8ro(Ila All renla collecled by Lendo�or I�a rocaivar ehall be epplleA Hrnt topaymenl .,;i;y:_-
<br /> -� ° uf tYe i,'vst6�f i�iii�n$c�u�d oi the'vtn�7-aiy d��C311oG118i1 OI fotii6�I�GI6di�y,`vui�.Y.II�iIi60 t0�t6:.o'1.8:'a}C:.C;t:":Om�.^..". '�jQ:.'_ -- -
<br /> Y
<br /> -,-��� recelver'e 6ond0 Bnd rcawnnble etlomoy's(eea,and Ihan lo Ihe suma securad by Ihe Sacority Inatrumen6 Lender BnA tha -f'*,.J'�,'_s�=
<br /> ^�'�;(':.�.-;:,�'.
<br /> rocelve�ehall Oe Ilable to eccouM only tor thoso�enle eoluelly recalved. ',-;"=^-"-
<br /> �Y4,i�r. � � 6. ConetrucSjonotProvlalons.EaohollhoprovlslonecontelnedlnthlsAaeignmontolflentoRldorandlha6ecudlylnalm• � ~�Y�-
<br />- �;n�:,i;,;;,, ment ahntl,unlese ot�erwlse sD2o��1011ry requl�e0, b9 aonalmed In accor0ance wllh�lobreake lew,end In the event eny . rri�',�"'�}i:-�
<br /> ' .� provlslonherelnorlherelncontalnniahellbedaterminedbyacourtolwmpetent�uNShcctlontobounontorcoable,lheeame �_;��. - �a._
<br /> Bhell 6o Wnetruad es lhouph euch unenlorcea0lo provlslon wore not a parl hereol or t�e�eo1. �, �,.�i��.
<br /> .."-i � ;i>r;� .;�:
<br /> - '� ' 8. -�Eflect of Rider.EaceDi as specNlCelly modlliod by or Inconslatenl wlth Ihls Aeslpnmont ol Renta Rider or by ony other ',:,'� ;��,.'��;r-.-
<br /> eDD��COble Atler,all ol lhe torms enA provislone conlelned in t�e Securily Inslrumant ahall conilnue In full lorco end elfecl. .',j;���� �'._;-
<br /> IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Bonov�Ri ha9 ezecutod Ihla Asaig o 6 1 Rents flide o d 16e1 aoled e6ove. `�+�1' �sf-'
<br /> _ r.i ;t, ;:7�oc`
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<br /> �4�� -'- � ' ° /f,d t
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<br /> ulie A R ile eo�rower ' ` �„�^'_.':
<br /> . BTATEOFNEBRASKA) ` ��,��5' •�i- �.
<br />. ':!'2i}'.:
<br /> }f-iN _ ��� -..1, I '.
<br /> . COUN7YOFHALL � a�'"�� �_.�`-
<br /> x c-
<br /> ti - ..-:.� On thle�.Lttl_day ol Au ust ��8 93,before mo,Iho underelgne0,e Notary Publlo duly commlasioneO enC ` ,. -
<br /> q�i1111001of801dCOUM8De700nN1Ycflme IdL111am Il Rafla and .7d1w A Rwila :'..;i;.:;��.
<br /> 4 ,to bo lho IOUntict+l pereon(s)wMSO name(e)ielaro su�ecribed
<br /> r� ' � to 1ho/o�epolnp Inelrumenl,antl ANahelihoy acknowiedgo Iho execulion Ihoroot to Do hltAhadlAOlr voluntery ect and Aoed. �� �
<br /> _it. ' d�
<br />-`'��""' "�r�s Grand Island, Nebraska :
<br /> - Wllneaa my hand an0 NotarlN 3eel�1 ",;:.°. -; '.
<br /> . .� In sald g,o0nfgl�e dale af6rpsald. , - ': .
<br /> .. �5l ROT1AYd��n ef IMrh - '� i %1�� 'j�- - . .
<br /> - KIR%GOODHIGF(f � -
<br />- - . . N�GUtm.EtPalIRi935 NotpryPubila � _ • .
<br /> � - . My Commisalon expirex
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