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<br /> � . zr.:;.}.�. � .. , . . .. . ,. .�i • � •.E�..� .�.,, . .
<br /> �NN/fQ�Ibb�OMIN}�Ofd�111�p�0�LMQMIIMNIMW,NNCOMG11�hYIf1�OhMdM�ONMdNC�Mb!6b�pWy MINi9A►Mp1��R .
<br /> �hNe�OUOW�p��Oe7Wpp�y DM1dM?MNMlntwndEyHlncanMOIIMwHhwchirooi�di,upon�ny'1 -i�010M0��!�ow�0'
<br /> �xM M woh brd�r a L�m�Y MMrmint a 10 WWY NI weh Plx�Wb�Mrwet�dMuotlaM b IM nMOnYaibl�M
<br /> WI011►YChCOf1dW011tMLNidMfIMYdNifmlM.My�BP�kA110f10fPfOCWd�biMWMbNM�NyM1101iMIMMOfpMp01H
<br /> M�41a 4�,aeY P�f�m�mi undw tM NoM a eun�ny aWUn tlhr.wnd�r.a.MrwMU.Any un�pqiW NnM�1 M pMdro
<br /> . -. . _ -. - - Q. t�h�oeAY�'-�•upcn� the�Q.a� urr�ceo}mEvento!pa!evltherbmda.all•erryaotistekenaMg�IprocNtling _ .
<br /> _ � .
<br /> ' bpm�n�ywhk�mp�rlNfy�CqUn¢M'�MNmtIq.1MPro�ry tNNMrm�yMlbnnqpcntlon butwWfaAOOMWUol�qdo
<br /> Uon
<br /> s0.Md.wItlwY1[W1k4bad�m�in�t.uppn•7rvNOr�nOwNhouttNM��nO'��rRomamoWiWtlon,do�ny�ctwhk�TrwbrM� .
<br /> prNd6uthN�lodo�M'tn�yalipdainyqA�r.s6titdNm�n�a�wry�oRrobnefh�MeurnyMnof.Trutror�hu6l�m�duMy
<br /> uppntNm�MEyMUNprpyl�nMr,p� �oLond�rUloo�pMd�xp�n�Incurryd�ndwm��zqpndWby L�ndxlnconn�otlonw0�
<br /> ��MIM lndebMO�rNu s�WrOdnM��Y�e�nAUir�tiul�l.noNincu�n�l�6imty beuu»tof�ny�q�edl lt�may�do a�omH to'do�
<br /> � � O, Flrrdeus MaMrMM.TNNac eh�11�kNp;m�Proqry In compIunt�witl�all�pp0abte uws,amnmrw��nd ryuatlon�
<br /> tN�tlnp ro Inpu�vlU hypbns or inv(mnmAnpl proNCtlon(colleclWdy.rNxred Io henfn�e"Envlronmmql4w�'�.TruNw�MNI
<br /> kMptM Property hM(rom�11 wb�tanue de�me0lo W MxsrOau�or lozlo und�r�ny Em7ronm�nlal4w�(cdbcflveynNrreO b
<br /> MrNn�t"HUardou�M�lerid�'1.Trvtlpr herWY wuranb�nd nDfe�enp lo lsndar 1hq Nsre�w no Huubou�MtloriW on a
<br /> under qN PropNry.TruNOr h�reEyayr�a to Indemnllyand hold harmles�Lentlar,ib dtrxrors,oMeera emPioyea�and�ymro,�nd
<br /> any sucatwn to Lan�Nr's Inlera�t Irom and�palnN�ny�nd��I clelma Gmaye►,loa�u�nd u�bi�i�le��tlfin9ln connactlon wNh
<br /> Ihspre�w�,Qa,di�powl a V�nayorl ul�ny Nuerdou�Matedale on under,from a edoN Ne Pr�ppry THE FOHE(301N0
<br /> � 10.MdpMn�M W R�nM.Tmatar�hereby�al9m to lsntler the nnb,iasue��nd prWip ol tl�s Property;proviOVJ ttuOTryNOr
<br /> - —_ - Mdl.untilMeoeartenceolenEventolpefaul�hereundx,hsvethed0hllowlleaendrH�ineuehrenle,luueeandproF��t�N
<br /> --- - - become due end p�yaDte.Upon the ouurrenca of m Evant ol Dalaul�lendar may,elNer In pereon o�by apont,wllh Q�Witboul
<br /> —�� btlnqlnpqny�ollonorpraNtllnp,prbysrecelv0r�ppolntatlbyacoutltndwflhoutrpuOtotheetlpuaoyoHleeeeurity,enkr
<br /> .��,�� uponand4kepoasetalonotMePropeM�orenype�theraol,InibownnemaorinlhanameofNeTrualee,endEOanyachwhlchll
<br /> --�=_�= de�msnecelaaryor0asinWetopresanothevtlue.ma�kelablliryorronteGllyoll�ePropery,ormypartihareolorinterestt�areln,
<br /> ---_-='"'" Inereafe Ne Incom�U�erolrom or proteet Ne eeeudry ho�00f 6ntl,wllh Or w1lhoUl taklAq p06HaS10O 01 th0 P�OpBrty,eu�ta or
<br /> - -' 1 obenvl�s wllsct Ma roM6luuei antl pwfib thereo(Inclutlinp lhoae peat tlua end unaid,aM eppry d�e eame,las coib and
<br /> '" "����7 expeneefoloper�llonanGC011actlonlneludlnpeHarnaya'IeeauDonenylndcbtodnesae�wredhereby,�illnwcbordMUletWOr
<br /> •���
<br /> -�:r�{r � may delermine.Tha entedny upon ontl laklnq poeaeaslon of ine Property,Ne colleotlon ol euo�rente.Iauea end pro11b and be
<br /> - � 171�. �ppllutlon Ihereof es etoweaid,ehall not curo or walve my delault or nolice of tlateun herounOar or InvelidHe any�ct done In ,
<br /> '':�!�G,�„{:�`�'}� reaponwtoevahdefaultapursupnitosuo�nollceolCefeultentl,nolwlNStendingthacon6nuancelnpossesslonolthePropeRya :
<br /> - " ' ` u�u wtia:uvi��T-vudi�li epd-e4i����G�'vt����w�ba400 C�prc�,:,ar,d Tr.t.,^P.II.M.LCieCd 7!`..°.!!:e W15N�Y.}t0!x07t1�!Y!I y t1�1!4 - . ._...
<br />�����-.;�"��.�;- provldedlalnenyollheLOOnlnatrumentaorbylawuponocarrencaolenyEvontolDelau161ncludinywithou111mllatlonthariflht
<br /> �-��--'�"� �� ' IoexerCi3eNepoworofale.funher,lBndererighUBnOrBmod101undBrNleper9gr9phbh¢IIOeWmu�allveWilh,en0lnnowaye
<br /> _��'�•{""�-��"� Iimilationon,lenderedphtsendromedioaunEO�anyasslgmm�ntolleaseaandrentereeadedegainnithaProporry.Lendor,Trustee
<br />,:, r,.S:�,.,,,...
<br /> '��Fyt�r+ �I. and the reeeiver e�ell be Iieble lo eccount only tor�hose renle eGU011y receivad.
<br /> c,1��+';. , N.Ewnb ol DNauk.The lollowinp ahei�cons6tute en @vent of Dofe�it under thie Deetl o�TNSt
<br /> �.n{�i�dE+,"?': (e)Fallure lo pay eny instellment ol pdncipal or Interest ol eny othor eum eoeureC horeby when due;
<br /> '��--j?'�- @)Abreac�ofortlelavltunderany0�ovisionconteinedinlhoNo�e.thieDeeCOlhuat,anyoftholoanlnetrumente,oreny
<br /> ���'����� �` : olher Ilen or encumbmnce upon Na Proporty; _
<br />`-?^;-`•;• -�:"ry. �e)AwdtolexecuUonorotlaC�montoranyslmilarprocessahallboenluredep8lnstTruslorwhichshallbaCOmaelienon c�
<br /> '1�<'�`f�•��-.,; tho Property Or eny pONOn tliorBOl or Inlereal Iherein; —'-
<br />.'':ti1c;,,.�,5 . (tl)There shell be IIIBd by or�8oinel Truslor or Borrower en eellon under eny Oreseni or fulure IeGerel,slale a other ��-�-�
<br />- ` ��"��- slatufe,laworreBulatlonrelatinglobonkmptey.insoNencyorolherrelfolfordobloiqorthareehullboeppointedanyfrualee, --
<br /> '"�1�-�-?` receiverorllquideto�olTrualororDOrrowarorolellorenypartoltheProporry,orNerente.issuesorDroNSthereol.orTroelor �'-.:'i
<br /> �''L'� yganeralesst °��%` �
<br />�.-��;v<'�'.�., �,, or Borrower ehell make en B�monl lor Ne beneN ol creditore; _.
<br /> , � ,' (e) The aele.lrensfer,leaae,essignmont,canveyanco or lurihor encumbronco ol uil or eny parl ol m any INOrest in Iho ;� ' �
<br /> ���� � Propo�ty,el�hei voluntarily or Involuntatlly, wi�hout Na ezprasa wrinon consonl ol lonCOr,providatl the�irustor shall Do
<br /> i� �-- permltledloexecutaeleawolihoProporythaldoosnotcontainanoptiontapurchaseandNetermolwhichdoosnote:eeed
<br /> +;{�,�-�,,tJ�: �� one Year, -.
<br /> �z,ty+ - �? i9 Abandonmenl ol Iho Proporty;w ' �-
<br /> ..,,3p,.�...:�., (fl) phuetorienolenindividuai,theissuence.sale,trenslor.esaignmontconveraneeorencumb�ancoolmowNenetotel �, '._��
<br /> �tt��. ,. ,.
<br /> �L,i`,f_-,�; 01 parconl ol(II e co�paatlon)ita IssuaA end oulatendfng stock or(il e pannersnip)o toiai of pereent ot 4_,�i�•.
<br /> �S� ..- paMOrship inlereste dutlng t�e podod lnis Oced ol Trusl remaina e Ilen on ihe Property. r�,. •
<br /> G °1to 72.p�mWIM;AceNeuibnUponWf�ull.InlheovenlolenyEventofDelauitlenUermay,wiNOUtnoticoexwpleareqWretlby _ .
<br />�- lew,deciaro ell Intlobladnoss eoeured hereCy to bo due entl peyeble enA lhn sema Wall the�eupon bocomo duo end payablo +��.��-
<br /> -:i+ ``" withouf eny prosentmonL doman4 prolost or notico ol eny kind.Theroattor Lentlor may ��� -_ .
<br />". ��� � �"° (e) Demand thal Tmslea exercise Ne POWER OF SAIE grenletl herein, end Trustee shall Ihoroaimr causo Trustor'e
<br /> ���j'I°'�' Inte�esl in ihe Proporty lo bo sold end I�o procoo0e to bo Aistribulo4 all In tl�o menner proMdad in No Nebrasko Trusl DoaAS .
<br /> ``t--�� �,� �c. Ack .
<br /> . ��`.-�:;::�, ;.. (b) Exorcise any en0 ell dflhta providu0 br in eny of thc Loan Instruments oi q law u0on occurrence ol ony Event of ��-�p
<br /> �..',;'� `.-,__ DOlault entl
<br /> � � (c)CommencoenecUOntolorecioselnls0eedolTrus�esemongage.eppointaiewiver.orspeeillcatlyenlorceanyolNo
<br /> covenent9 hereoL �
<br /> ��� �`"�� ' No rem6Ey�orein wnlerrod upon or reseneC to Tms�eoor LenOer�s Imentled eo Ge oxcWSivo ol nny olher�emody�oroln,In tha <<��. ,
<br /> -•{"�` �'�� Loan InsUUmonts or b law rovttle0 or ormitlod,but oach shall be eumulative.shall be in nd0lNOn to eve other remetl �von -
<br />. F�•..-•.` Y P V �Y Y9
<br />- -"t�li�- -. hurounder,intheLOanlnskumonlaornoworhereaftorexistingetlaworinequiyorbysutulo.e�OmoyDeoxorUSeECOnwrrontly.
<br /> "���r-'�• i InaepeMently or succassively. � .
<br /> '��"'�� 13.huflee.Tho Tmatoa moy res�gn a�any 6me whhout wuse,e�E LenUer may xt any bmo anO wilhoul causa eppoint e
<br /> . -..' succassororeu6sGWleTmsioo.TroslaashallnotDeliaDleloanypaM.�nUUtlmgwithoull:mltallonLenEe48o�roweq7mslororeny
<br /> ne ino InBmennePlinn Oivl h'I�ho onbgeamnnl 08 his'�noAUOf,Tr slkunlo fl nAemn fiad�in writina.1o81BII co9l9e co OOf1�II00 Ot p � .
<br /> L_
<br /> - - � - Ozponam whiCh m3y Do 035otiatoC lherewilR In BtlAltlon.Tmsloo may become e purchamr a10ny 6819 0l lhe ProDOtly�u0iefal or � -_.
<br /> - . undor t�o powor of 681e g�entutl hore��l; Mstpono tho salo of eil or any portion of the PropoM•ea D�oviOOd by law:or sell the
<br /> - ProD��'a!9 wholo.or in soDarato partots or lots el Tmsloe's CiscroGOn. -
<br />� - � - 14.Fa��nE Exp�nu�.ln the evont Tmstee seiis t�e Prope�ry by oxerciso of powe�ol sale.Trusleo shall Do antitled to epply � -
<br /> ony 6fllo procooGS firel to Ooyment ol ell eoslt enA exponsea o�oxercising power ol sele.Inclutl��g 6��Trusteo'6�eoA enA Lontler's
<br />� � � " entlTNS109eaflomoyeten4ecNa11y1ncurreEtaexlanipermilteObyapplicnblolaw.Int�eevenlBOrrowero�Trusroroxurelsesany
<br />� � dghl provldoC Cy law lo wre an Evenlol Dolauil,Lendur ahail bo ontit�oU to rocover Irwn irus�or all cosl�anA oxponsos eclvally �_
<br /> - - - - inwrred ee e rosull ol Tmstore dolsu:l IncWAing withoN Iimitation etl Trusteo e and e:.ornoye lees.�o t�o uxlenl permittod by
<br /> +: -� ePDliceb!e law. .
<br /> ��' '� ` 76.Futun Adwnco.Upon roquesl ol Dorrownr,LenGOr mny,e1 iie option. mnke e0dilional end tuNro e0voneoe enA ro-
<br />- ��., edvenee51o8orrowecSucheEvaneosendreaCvances.wnhintoresltno�eon,sna�IDesecured�ylnisDeetlolTmstAlno6moshall
<br /> : �,��`.`, • '. NeprineiDelemounlolNalntlebt8dnosfsoWrotlDyWeDoeEOlTmstnotindu0ings�m�edvancaCtoD�otedVlesocuriryo�thb
<br /> , � .r'• �. DeBO ol Ttuet oxcood lh0 oripinul prinUpa�amoun1518100 horeln.or 5�5,..000..C�wMC�ovor b gteatN. :
<br /> � . �
<br /> �}
<br /> �
<br /> I.
<br />.. . .._--. '.r. . . __ .. . _.— _ _ . . .
<br />