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l�4F� ._����� F�z��� _.. R'i .. ,.._ ^ , _—_ <br /> _.L 1 � '� l 'l_. ! <br /> �. t :K , <br /> 4 '�` (� I'. � i ' <br /> �..�hf �..,LI LJ.�a..4. .�inL..�����.r..u..a� .. . - <br /> -•-,��� , 93- �0�6�� <br /> t�,,eorrow�r9 RIpM fo Re1nNM�. N BUrtOwN IMH�O11Wfl COfIAtl011h BOrt4WM�h11 MY�IM tfpM t0 MV�MIMCMNM <br />°--'°_`_-_' aoonwww n.ny xm.awr�o�n�wwr or.u)a ari ca wca an«w�oa N�vWc.a�x,�m�y.aay�a r.wui«�,p wra.�w __ <br /> -__- — a u. aop«y pNrwn� a �ny pown a w. conuhw N mu 9.w+lp� �n�wmae « (b) «,w of. paqn�M �nlaan0 �nb eyax�y <br /> ImWm�nl.TAo��oondtlon�u�IMI Bortow�r: p)pY�tadu Y wm�whk�Ih�n wald G tluf unGr Ik�&adty In�wmmt uW M� <br /> —�-� NON��M no �uelxWOn MO awrt�E; @) uxM �ny d�qM ol MY oihM wv�nl a�prMrtNnlh (e) qY� 41�nt„NwmO N <br />-�"�r:�"�,s.T� mtatMO IhU B�cvdty IntWmm6 hcwa�a, a�� na w,ea co, tM�an�bN �Ranry�' f�: �nC (� Ykw euch eUon �� Unda mry '.-_ <br /> -.." '""_ ���onky��quY�tn urvq IMI tM IIMi o11AN 81wrNy In�Wm�nh NndM�ryhU N iM PropMy m0 BarowaY oWp�tlon to pry th� . <br /> __'°''-'�,"1�� �um� ��curW by IMe &atly IniWm�nl �AY aamNU�unoh�npW. VOOn rNn�W�ment Cy 8ortavr, tAb swunry In�wmwn �ntl�h� -- <br /> -.n- ,-- ,.� <br /> �,.A:���,:}xy-� oEiqtlon���wnd hx�by�IW rari� Ny MHctt�u�o X no�adu�tlon h�d acurtM. How�wr�I�N�yht la rrt���u�MY nN yqy N •—.._... . . - . <br />-?' ' +",:n, th�u��ol�ceWntlon undir pu�qph 17. <br /> �. ;-����>.:j5„ 19. 6ai�ol Notii CMnp�of Lan S�rvtoe� Th� Nol� or � pNW Niwnt N IM Nol� popNhM rM� lhN B�wtXy -_-- <br /> ' -°1,-�,:�,; IntWm�nq mry M �old on�a mm tYna xilhuul pAOr noliu la Bortoww. A uN m�y raup N � cMny�N Ihe�nliry pmown u t�r -p- <br /> tr . - •Lan BwrkM")thu coNai monlAN paym�np dw undM ih� Na��nA Ihis&ady InnWmm4 Tt�K��so mry be on�a ma�cMnpa �p'� . <br /> _. 01 tN lan GxMcK unnMled lo�uN ol N�Nota II IhK�U�ehu�y�01 IN Lan BNVkM, Bortow«wN b�pH�n wrNt�n no�iu ol Ih� �t- <br /> :}: cMnp�N�ccorGnn wltA pvapnyh U�baa�nd�pPPUOA kw. The nollu wW�ut�Ih�num md�dCrne ol IN nvx to�n Sarvkx �` ` —_ . .- <br />-_, '-. md Ih��ddrat lo whkh p�yment�thoufd W mada Tha nollu wll d�o wnWn�ny olhv Nlomrtbn rpuYW bY�ppYc�bN Mw. „ .�' _ <br /> ;°Y;";;:;: 10. Hwrdous Subst�neu. Bartorrer �hq nol uun or pem�l tRe pn��na, vae, 6sposU, awn0�• a rNws� ol �ny F�•;�-=— <br /> �':+�'�•.�.i H�ardoue 6lbauneee on a B the Ropaly. Bortowx eh�nol�Rax�nyon��te�lo do.�nythhp�Xeqinp the Propary tMt le h u;�:.: <br /> a <br /> *r �:'; NoMlbn ol�ny EnMronmmW Law. The pncednq tno aanl�nue ahd not�pPN lo the pns�nce.uce,or atonqe on 1he ProD�Y ot�mU �( _.:-- <br /> � : - q��nWa ol H�wdoue SuDsunua Ih�t u�penaM/tecopnlxM to W�PprcphU lo nomMl nsWanlW uaef�nd to m�Y�tauna ol th� �T�;.� -_ <br /> t�- �`. R'OP�'. . <br /> � -�'" BOrtOWM Shd D��P�Y G�'0 LdifIll WAIICfI f10II01 OI NY YIYOSYp1Y0(1� WYn, d�ntl.pwwil or other �eUOn by�ny qovanmental a --- -'-°-- <br /> ;��i;.,.;:�� repuMtory�ymry a pMate puly VnolAnp�he Propary�nd�ny Huudoua Bu6eWU or EmlronmmW L�w ot whkh BoRaxx hu alwl ��fm,.�`; <br /> �`� -��- %�t�:" Imoxkd a 11 Bortowa kam�, or b no411ed D rn � <br /> �,.::_::�. 9 Y Y O�'�mmW or «qu4�ory �NhoMy. Ih�l �ny removal cr mher remedrtlon of �ny ;•.-i5��:£..�" <br /> - fbzudoua 8ubauna �tlecWq the Propaty U netesury.Bortowa eh�Y promplty uke �G necessuy remedul�cliona In �ccorGnce wth !�.�{,^:. <br /> . "`;'%:" EnvYOnmmitl L�w. - <br /> .. �..,`'�.� Ae u6M N Ihia <br /> puaq�ph 20. 'HOUrdoua WOSWUS' ue Ihos� eubsuncea defnM u todo or hwrdous aubsluicea by <br /> � EnrYOnmentY L�w �nd Ihe lolowln9 subaWUS: qsofin�, keroame, olhx IlurcmbN or lo�c peuolevm pradud�, loda peetlddea �nA �1�: .,' . <br /> �- ;.i-� ; heNkWe�, vWlie soNenU, m�tpWO conitlnNp �s6astoe or lomwld�hyde. �nC ndacWe rtKta4le. Ae used N thle pu�gnph 20, d'�'-�':..y <br /> - .:,Z(� •EnvYOnmenttl Uw• mane IeAenl lawa �nd I�we ol Iha �udsGcllon whae the PooOMY �� �outed Ih�l re4te to heatth, aafey a '`- � . <br /> .. ' - mWonmenld proteetion. `,'j�'-�'..��-'� <br /> . y;;_',: NON�UNIFORM COVENANfB. Bortown�nd Lendt+NMer covm�nl�nd�qra��followa S ;.: -� <br /> � � 21. P.eee'.are:!on: pnr.ed!ee. Lender shei! ;lee nMlce to Berre:�:er pe:� !o e:ce!ere@•_r, toll_:�:�� -� --..—.. <br /> �`'�.;� Borrowv's bnach of �ny covonmt or �prumml In thb 6aowity Instrum�nt (but not prlos to acc�luation k;r' -- : <br /> und�r p�nyraph 17 unbe� opplla�bl� I�w provld�e oth�rwlse). Th� notic� shail tp�ciry: (�) tb� d�tauR, �i"' R��'. <br /> E" '�� (b) Ih� �cGon requlred to cur� th� d�hult; (o) � dN�, not Uas than 30 d�ye fran th� d�t� th� notio� Is ' ���' <br /> ;.:;� ptven to Borrower, by whioh tha d�Tault must W cund; �nd (d) lhal I�Ilur� to aun th� d�fault on or - � , '�E��`� --- <br /> su� , °;,- befine th� d�to ep�alfled in tAe notica mey nsult In �ocaierilon of tha aume �acured by Mis B�aurlty S ,t�1''� <br /> y r t ; Inetrumant�nd eal� ot fhe Proputy. The ootica shall fuAh�r Intorm Borrowor of tAS ripht to nlnstn� dNr „ �', --- '{, ��- � <br /> sif,,,,,'�.� �,� a¢celerWlon md th� right to bring a court �¢Hon to us�rt th� nom�xlaNnc� of � d�fluR or �ny oth�i --•� „ ��.5,_�.-.- <br />-,�"''_,�'' -��� daTanae o1 Borrower to eocelontlon end aela If ths d�tault le not cur�d on or Mtora M� dot� tp�alfi�d '�� ' ,:'(t;Y�y.•��;` <br /> ���' ' � in Ihe notic�, Lender et Its optlon moy requiro Immodiate paymont In full ol all euma a�cur�d by this �. ' . �- '';�.'��s�•: <br /> ���t'��'"��.�'' �� Bacwlty Inetrument without further demend end may Invok� th� pow�r of aata md �ny othar ram�dbi �'- - �'����'+;v <br /> :-.,,�.f� .. . , . ,�j�.➢.n�i� '- <br /> J � pemitt�d by �ppllca6lo I�w. Lender shell 6e antitted to collact all ezpanaee Incuned In pursuinp th� � , � 3 � F,— <br /> } . ram�die� provid�d in thio poragraph 21, Inoluding, bul not IImR�d to, naaonobia �ttomaya'hu �nd oost� i;�i y�f,;..:..._ <br /> �� ` of titt� �vid�nce. , .e•� . �a ,; :i� <br /> ` - ���f If the power ot eals Is Invokod, Teustea ehall rswrd � notice o1 default In each county In which any -. _ ,5 t� i ���J��ht --- <br /> '__� p�rt oT the Proparty ie looatad and ehefl mall coplae of such notice In ths mannu prsecrlbad by �ppllwbta ;,ti`���(}�4Ss�-i� Y <br /> _ law to Borrowor md to the other pareona proscrihad by applica6lo law. Aft¢r tho tima requtrod by --7;r� � �i a r'- <br /> �ppl:cable law, Trustae eholl give publlo notice o} wio to the pereons end In the mannu preacribed by �,;;; ; �, ,,:-,_, . <br /> eppiicable law. Trustea, wNhout demand on Borrower, ehell eall the Property at publlu auctlon to tha - �!� -. ��-_ <br /> � - .: �`'� hlpheat 6ldder al the timo and ptaee and undar the tarma deelgnated in the aoGco of oaio In on� or mua - - - 'fA = <br /> - :.?,� puceia and in any ordo� Truatee datorminea. Truetea may posipone aela of ull or eny parcol o} tho - - ., - <'-ti, � "`- <br /> -r..�,`�•� � PropaAy by public announcomont et tho time and pl�ce ot any provlously echadulad seio. Lander or Ita �t��:'. ,_ -, -�- <br />`iYr-� • - doslgnaa may purcheao tho Propedy at any eale. t,' �"- '•'i:i;'-. - <br /> .r;�.," I•'�l�i=::',��. .. � .. <br /> - - Upon receipt o} peymont of the price bld, Trustee ehell deliver to the pu�chaeer Trustee'e deod }- t'.� <br /> . .,�� <br /> ��, , conveyinp tho PropoAy. The recitaia ln the Trustee's daod ehell 6o prlme facle evldanco of the lruth of f <br /> _. the stotemente mado thoroln. Tmatae ehall appty the procaade o}tho saie In tho foliowing order. (a) to all F -- <br /> .;�t.�_:-��. � coata nnd expansoa o1 oxorclsing tho power of selo, and tho eate, including tho paymont of the Trusteu's � • - <br /> � • fooa ectualiy Incurrod, not to uxcoed 3 Yo of tha p�inclp�l amount of tho noto et the lime ot lho � - - <br /> "'�?" docleraHon of dofault, and roasonablo eltornay's fees as ponnittod by law; (b) to ali sums socurad by lhls - <br />�i�.;-�' Soeurlty InsMument; end (c) eny oxcoea to the person or porsona logafly onlitled to It. � . � . <br /> -`'i'r ' 22. RBCOOVB atICO. Upon - - - <br /> y paymmt ol all nums sewre0 by this Sewriry Inawmen�. Lender shal tqueel Ttuslee lo�econvey Ihe <br /> �-- - Rapoity entl eMtl swrondcr Ihis Seatiy InsWmenl antl a7 nolef evidenting Oeb� secumd by Ihis Sewriry Inslrummi to Tmslee. Tfuslee - . 3�- <br /> . , ehall retMVAy Iha RopMiy wi�hout wartunry end wilhoul chatge Io Ihe person o�pe�sons IegaLy eniilt�to%. Such person or OMSOns s�ai <br /> _�l pay any recorda0on cosls. <br /> ' -' " 23. SUb9tltutB TfUB[OD. LEndtt, et ils opiion, may hom time lo fime remove 7rvstee end eppoinl e successor Wst¢e to etry � s= - <br /> �. - Tivoicv oYW^�iCv imelin ` � � � <br /> ,, �� �an.ouv�uani.ew�oce in ii+e won'ry ii wnicb inis aewnry inswmm�is rewrdeu. vrnnom eoireyance ot � <br /> �- Ihe Properly,suecensor Wslee shaA.sueceed to eil Ihe title.powcr end Euliea conlerted upon T�ustee�ercin antl by nDPECable law. � <br /> ' 20.. Requ03t for Notico9. Bortower requesta Ihel eopies ol the nolices ol 7e1eW�end sale ba sent lo Barta�rer's atlEress which <br /> _ - B t�a Pmperty AOdresa. - <br /> . - 25. Rido�s to this SOCUrity (nstrumont. 11 one w more rttlas are aeculeE by Bortmrx and remrdeA logethtt wnh Ihie -, <br /> � . � Securiy InsWmenl. Iho eovenanis antl egrecmente ol eacl� such dE¢r shall 6e inwryoreted fnlo end shell �mmd entl supplement Ihe <br /> � " . CovrnBnt!end aB�ecmenis of Ihis Seturiry InslNment e! H I�a rtOM�a)wera a pert o11M1IS Securiy InsWmml. <br /> -s: . <br /> _� <br /> F.tpe J o�S p�vm]O.B 9/90 ' <br /> • FlO]9.U13 11y)) - <br /> .. f � , <br /> � . 11�0i1-0-0H �( \f . <br /> �t� \ � I _ <br />