t .� ��• . _. .�. ; �.w�l . ._`L ..' . ,/.Y.'• .
<br /> '���� .___ . —
<br /> .— .--__
<br /> fy
<br /> _� .�_� . -�b�.,�,:d�.�, .�`.�,�,����.�«+�,+����.�,�.93���ww«� �:
<br /> hil�n�nw eaw e�wrn�H aoowx«Aa a�o»w..m«ww+rqr+rm a r�n.,��u,aa pear�wa.Pneertiq,un�...nonw.�. . �: _
<br /> -=-_-- : �mn.�w nN FiwW..�w�i..w rnount, n w�l�ner mry.n u�r��awa�na twta Funa x.n m�our,t nm�o-wu.0�Ar"...
<br /> �; Muw Nna�nt. 4MW4�Y wWnu�pN wnax+t ol A�Ms 0»on m�M�F a amm�tl�u�ntl ra�maDN NtmtN ol�of .
<br /> � Mun Ewrow tl�a olh�nM�N�aa0�na xMh rpplo�bN Nw, , - . . ..
<br /> iM iund��MI W fMd In�n M�YWlfon wlwN d�PaNlt w Mwnd Gy�hdrY�pmry�M�Wm�nuMy,a mtlty-MrLdkip UnMr.11
<br /> ---��-- l«bir N wM�n N�1NUkn) a N ny iWrY Flam lan !rk Un�Mr�AM ppy Ih�Fund�to p�Y ih�Etuow 8«m, UrWM m�y nol
<br /> Nwp1 8aroxw la hoi6fp�nd�pPAhO.M�funM�nnuY/rWytln9 tM Naow �uaun6 or rMfyMp tM E�aaN 8�,yr1I1M Unda. �
<br /> __—_= qy7 8arower Nt�rnt rn Ih�iund�v�d rpplabN Mw p�rtM�Undr to mYU�uch�ohup�, HavNr, Undtt mry ryquta,Bartowrtb -
<br /> . - -- _.� p,y.on.wN qw9.la�n haqma�n�nN Muu ua na«tnp.wk.u�a 6y l�na«In annw400 rfdN R�N+o+n.aol:��.ppk:uw Lw . . . . -_.--_._..
<br /> ptoNON oihaMit�. Urh�� n prwnmt M m�tN a Mpk16M Yw fpWrN hlwNl to G p�W,•UnrMr�AY no1�M nM�d-b py
<br /> --- Baroww�ny Nl�ml a wnNp�cn tM Fund�,BorrowK�na l�nGr m�y��N vnXNip��axHn,IMt hUrwt�hM M pYd•on fM-FunM.
<br /> --- —� L�ndr�M1 pN�to 8ortoxw,�Mhou1 c7wp�,m�nnuY�aounLLip ol th�Fund�,�Aox4ip cnQl��n0 U�bXS to tM Fund��nd.N�pwpoN
<br /> '��w`':� br wAkh Mc0 de6M to th�Fund�wu m�d�. Th�Fund�w pNdpM u�ddlbnN acudly la Q wm�ucund by Ihp Q�w�Ny,Ntlrumrd. _
<br />-Y--�'— R th� Fund� hMd by UnMr acoMd th�unwN�O��d lo W hMd by�ppkaW�Mw� UnWr�MI acewnl to Bomnw for tM
<br /> __'.�._�...:i
<br /> ...,��:a�ae:a
<br /> ---__=—��u�-± aep�Fund�N�eaxdnu vr0.h IM nyvYenwnl�of�pp9cW�iiw. If Ih��ntount of tha FunQt hNd by Undar�t my ifrca Ia�nW tutAduA —.... .--
<br /> —dRJ'_Yi]il�
<br /> —��-. r..e..;•; �6 pry m•Etcrox n«m wh�n dw. unMr riwr w nWN sortavr N winhp� �na� B euen a�. Barar«ahu MY to Lmdn�N.�nwum
<br />_����,":��•'� nw�wy a m�k�up N�deAcNnq. BortowM���1 m�k�uD tM delkMnry N no mor�Ih+n lvr�re monthy p�yinmte,U L/nbrY uN
<br />- r�;;;�:?�?f� A�aNlon.
<br />` ' - ,¢._, Upan qpmnt N Nll 01 tl cum� eaurad by thb Eeai.y Nswm�nl, LenGr eh�l �xortpty rMund to Bortarr �ny ianM hNd by _
<br /> �'�' •.-t':'?- L�ndw. M.unOr pu��ph 21,lvitlM�hdl�oquW a�M N�PropKy.Undx,PAa to th�aoqulalCOn a uN ol Ih�Propaqlr�Mll ypy
<br /> :�+;,+ t,
<br /> 2__"'.S_;t_� my FuMe ANA DY L�ndw N Ih�un�ot�equliltlon a uN u�a�61�yW�ol lh�eum���arq by thq 66cuAy IntWm�nl .
<br /> " � 9.Appliotllon of Paym�nt�. unNS�wa�uds ww proviaa omxx�sr.u p�ymm�e raexraa ov�mdar unaa pvamwn� ��na °
<br /> �' �' z �n.�a�d: nsti�o u�y a.vaarram e�wo.. a.u�d«m. Nocr, a.ro�a�o.mouo�e wy.a.�na«nv.yoan r,m�:a�o hur«�
<br /> ron
<br /> ��`���"'-�'� dur,Iour1A,ro qhUpal 0ue:�nd qeL to�ny Mt�ehupa due under ths Nole
<br />' p
<br /> �:._�„�.�'','y-.'s A. Chup��; Ll�nt. Bartowr�hau WY d tucu, �ssasmmla. r.lwpa. fnea�n0 Npoeltlone atvlWlabb to tho V�vpxy wAkh
<br /> ;:.,...::::•_-t_� rc�y�ttUn pbdty ovn NI�6ewAy InsWmen4 wd Ia�Mold p�ymente a�ound rmta.X�nY. Barower ehU p�y Ihese obayr,NOnf In th�
<br /> - ':.;.;� m�nnw proHded N panQaph 2, w N not p�W In tMl m�nnw, Borrowr shal pay Nan on Ilme rFr�cly b Ih� Paeon oirni p��m�nL
<br /> -��• ;; ;j. 9arowa aNl prorcpty NmisA to Lmdr H nolleee ot unounta ro be pdd under �hie pu�9nDh. 11 Barower mekea lhqte pymM�b
<br /> `.:� i;,.
<br /> _�"},�r:'; .�.� drectly.Bortowa ehY prompty lumish lo LanOer recelpts avldendnp Ihe pryrtwitx
<br /> '�-t'�'' Bortowa th�ll Dromply diseh�rp��ny F�n whkh Me prlaNy ora thb Sewrriy Inawmml unlese Ba�owr. (�)�gee�h wiAhp to Ih�
<br /> ,�,' �(�;.-. �`k''��S ppmenl of ih� obiy�Uon aeartd by Ihe Ren h� muina �captade to lendx, (b) oontaal�N pood I�fl�Ih�Gen by, a dM,aM��y�htt
<br /> "�•4� enfatcanent ol fhe Gen N,leqal procce6npa whkh In Ne Lender'�ophlon opmte to prevmt Ns enforcMnant ot ihs(en; w(o]ooainf kan
<br /> '� '��' Illa�oWa of I�s 90n �n�yraanenl e�YSNCIay w LenOa auUOrdn�Vng tii�lim to Ihie tlewriry inavum�m. ri Landa dr.mmiee�iiwi my �� � "�"� - -� " '
<br /> % . _
<br /> pu1 0l tha Property la aM�ed lo s Gm whlch m�y�ndn p�laiq ova tlile Becu�y InsWmen4 Lender m�y�'ve Donarru�nolbo NentilyNp
<br /> �. : ,��- the Gen. Barown shU stlisy Ne fim a qke ono or more ol Ne�Wone nN IMh Wore wiNN 10 Gye of Ihe gM1MO ol nofb� ���_=
<br /> ` �-- '."�r 6. His�M Of PfOp�Ry IneU��11C�. BortowM nMl keep t�e Improremmla now ex)stlnq m hnuller erttted on 1he Proprry _ ,�^"—
<br />_ .- ���,�:�: Nsuretl agehst loea 6y He, hmrds Indutled rrithin ihe tertn'exlmded avenye' �nd any olher Mzerds, Mdudng Aooda or loodnp.1tr ', � - -,�
<br /> ' " whieh Lmder repu4ea Nsunnce. Thu hsurenoe ehe!6e mainWned N ihe unounta�ntl tor ihe pMOde th�t lenCer requirea The Nsuwnco :-fK� .-„y�,�
<br /> -��}t�r cankr provltFng Ihe Nsunnce sheli be chosm 6y Oartower suEJecl to Lmder'e aDMOVq whleh ehaE nol be unrnsoneby wMhetd. H --
<br /> .3.,'r,!:. <jt(� ;,�.
<br />- : Bovaver leib to melnlain eor�ge descR6ed ebore. Lenda m�y,nt Lender'e opYon, ob1�N eorerege lo protect Lenda's dghb In Ihe `���;i;- �
<br /> � ��;'{- Propuly In oeeordance x71h para9rePh 7. ��- � � '�,.�,.x�.
<br /> �_.�:;,� M inavnnee DoIIdEe end rmewels ehall be�ccepteble to Lendc+�ntl ahali 1nGUdo� afentlard moM1gage douso. Lenda aMl have 1he a � �`
<br /> '- dghl to hold the Dolidoe md rmewals. II Lmtln repu4ee. Bortower ehell promply gke lo Lender en realpla ol yJd premWmn�nd rCnewel � ��;
<br /> - � ,j�, - �� -
<br /> � - - � �'� noYUe. In I�e mmt ol losa.Bortown shell gMe prompl no6w to tha Insuranee certler anE Lender. Lende may meke prool ot bss H not _ v ! .,
<br /> ys{s-t.r�- made P�wnptly by BortowM. ��' �P.:
<br /> � �1 - � Unlae Lentld enA 8ortower o�hmNae egree In rrtWng.Nsurenw proceede eha0 be epp0ud to restontlon or reOaY ot the PropMy �� �^` �4
<br /> _ ��l.,_, �j��.� danugad, if the resloretlon or repalr B ewnoMeeOy Ieasible �nA Lentlefe aewtlry le nol IesameA. tl lhe r�lwatlon or rap�M le nol - t _�.
<br /> _ ;}i'�: economluVy le�albla or Lmder'e seariry would 6a lessened,Iha inwmnca proceeda ehell be nppticd to the sums securad by ihb Secvdty - � ��-;�
<br /> Inswmenl,whelher or not then due,wdh eny ezcesa pald to Oortower. II�onower ebenAana Ihe Prope�ry,or eoa nol morrer xfthin 90 � r tc- �v ��
<br /> ��� ; •• drye e noliae Irom LenOer Ihet�he Insumnu wrrfer Ma offe�eA lo seltle e da�m, Ihm Lendtt mny coCect Iha haur�nco Orocwda. Lender "' '--- -i -�"
<br /> .r .i; ' � . '���. - ..�„� � `'.
<br /> y�:� �;�� mey uae Ihe proceeds lo repelr or reslwa the Propcvry or to Dey sums securetl by Ihie Sewriry Inslrument,whetha or nat thua Que. The ; L«.,
<br /> i .._iif 90�day perbd wdl beyln when Ihe nofiu is gkm. ' :�
<br /> ; Unleae Lender end Bortower olhmASe egreo in wriltng.eny epp+celion ol proceede to ptlnGpal sMli nol oxlmd or poetpone�ho due "1�:�: _��
<br /> -. _ .,':"#: ...
<br /> _� ' ;,A°; da�o ol�hu momhy paymenla re(med lo In pere8�ephe f and 2 or ehange Ihe emounl ol Ihe peymanU. tl under pareqmph 21 I�e PropMy -,'- `�;,K.._
<br /> �� ' "�:" ie ecquired by Lentler. BortowNe dghl lo eny Nsuranu polidee en0 proceeds resulWg 1rom damagu fo Ihe Ropetly pdot b lha¢qWSidon -
<br /> � - �`; , eACll pese lo Lender lo Iho exlent ol the nums sewred by lhb&ecurly InSWmen1 MmeE�utey prior to I�e ecqulsilian. - - . ��-�
<br /> , ;�.�` B. Occupancy, Preaorvatlon, Malntonance and Protectlon ot tha Proparty; Boreovrer'a Loan � - _
<br /> - ;( ., Appllc�tlon; 6688Bh01d8.0ortowe shaA ocwpy,eataWSh. ontl usa Iha e�oPeny ae Donowefe ptlndDel resWmco wRhl.��My tlaya }{y'r.' _
<br /> t• eflM Ihe exewtlon o1 lhia Sewdry InsWment and sha9 conlnue lo ocwpy Ihe Prope�ty es Oonower'f pdndDel �esiE�co to� el least ono � i�,-
<br /> `t � year eller the Oale ot occupenry, unless Lrndtt olnerniso ogrees in wriiinq, which conaenl ahall not be unreasonaDy w3hhufE,w unless � �- F.
<br /> � - ea7muating cBwmslunae exist which are beryantl BartowePe wMrol. Bortower ahall not desUOy. dama0e or MpNr tha Rape�ty.e!low�he ��'�•���^�-` - . �
<br /> '� Property to Ee[edorate,or wmmil wasle on Ihe Pmptty. Barower aha0 be in delaull X eny IodefWre eUfon or pmceeding.whelhtt eMl a ! - - ' -
<br /> . "_.-��_� afm�nel.�s begun Ihet h Lentlera goad faflh Judgmenl could rew11 in(odenure ol lhe NopeM or oih¢nrise rtatetleM ImpnY Ihe Gm crealcd i � .
<br /> .;,�'•_ 6y Ihis 6ewriry InsWmmt or Lenders sewriry NleresL Bortower may wre such a ddeull end rNnslafe. es proHdetl in pvag2p� 1B.by -
<br /> - ' cauaNp Ihe ec0on or Droceedmg lo he tlisMSSed wth a mGnp �hat, lo lentler's qooA IaAh tlelemJnelicn, pr[dutloa (o�feiNie ol ��e .
<br /> --�� � OortowtYe Nlerosl in Iho Prope�ly or other maledal
<br /> 4npalrment ol�hu lim aea�ed by�his Securiry�nswmeni or Lendar� sacunTy interest.
<br /> Bortower ehall elso ba in de�auh X Bortower,during lhe loan eOPliution p�ocess,gave matedaty�aise or Inacw�ale Nlomm�on or slalemmle �
<br /> lo Lendet (a lalled Io provide Lentltt wilh e�ry male�4'i Infwmatlon) in conneclion wilh�he ban e+itlencetl by l�e Noio.ac��tlinA. bW noi �
<br /> r
<br /> - .'_�-� EmMeO to, rcpm5entaliona eonceming 6ortowaa ocapaney ol l�e Pmperty oa a prtndpnl�ealdenw. 11 IA6 Sewrity Instmmml Is on a
<br /> � � Ieasehoid. Bortower aha0 wmpy rrith e0 the D�o+'�sione ol the lease. II Bortower ecdu4oa leo INa lo Ihe Nope+ry, Ihu baSChaW end Ihe _
<br /> ' "' Ice ti0a she�not merge unloss Ihe Lenda agrees lo the mergx n writing.
<br /> vaye I ol! Fpn YI]09.50
<br /> . , t
<br /> FtpN.UAO(1(J]) �
<br /> . ..� �.:'-.-...
<br /> -:. ". ' ' � 11t0]14.�9 ,
<br /> , . �-.�- �
<br />_. , C
<br />- .
<br /> rr. ,
<br />