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<br /> YtuMRC�II�pply�he praeaY ot�he ub tn Iba tdhwln ordert(U to dl coMS�nd expena uf exerddd�tAe�ower af
<br /> . �n�k,t�ind t�e ak 1 udl thsp�y�meiit of the ee'�lea�clwlly�Incurred,not ro exceed t900.00 7G
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<br /> _ „�F�, x7. ROCOprty�na� Upon prynxn� ot all sunu suured by thle Secudry Insuunxm Lcnder ehall requtst Truslee to
<br /> - rceonvcy�Iw Ptopeny end shalt wrtender�hl� 9ecurlty insuwnent ud all noiea evldencfng debt secund by thlq Eccurliy
<br /> [nstrament to 7tusta.lYUS�ee sh�ll rocanvey tho Propeny without womnty uid wlt6out charge to�fw person or persoro teg�lly
<br /> eoddal to IL S�ch persdn or persope shall pry any recordaHon costa.
<br /> 33. 6Lbst(fute T�ustce.LenAer.ul fq oplon,may trom Ume to tlnw rcmove Truatee and oppolnt a suatssor Wstee lo
<br /> my Trvstee�ppolnted hertunder by en instrumem recorded In�ho couney In whlch thls Securlry I�strunxnt la«corded.Without
<br /> wnvcyonce ot the Propptty.1I10 SYCC'�550�(NSltO 6I1flII 6IIOCGOd IO 0II tI10 II�IC,powcr nnd dutla canfurcd upon 7Yuslca hprcln
<br /> and by eppIlpble law.
<br /> 21. Rtquat for Nolkes.Hortowcr rcqucsts that copla of�ha noilcp of dcfault end sale be unt a BorrowePi oddress
<br /> whlch 1��he Propert9 Address.
<br /> 2S.Rldera lo lAls&curlty Inurument.If ono or moro rfdere nrc execured by Bortower end raordM agaher w1Ui tAl�
<br /> Secvrity 1nslNment,tho covenants and egttmonts ot cach such rldcr shell be Inrnrporetcd Imo end ahall amend enA supplCment
<br /> tha covenants and agrcemente af thls Scwdry Instmment es If tho dder(s)were a pan of thls Sccudry Instrument.
<br /> IChcekepplkmblobox(es)1 neve_ennn v e
<br /> na.v-........-.- _
<br /> Adjuuablc Rate Rlder Condominlum Rlder ]!-4 Pamlly Rlder
<br /> Oreduated Paynxnt Rldcr Planned Unit Developmcm Rlder l._�Biwcekly Paymem Rlder
<br /> Balloon Rlder Rero ImprovemeN Rlder [�Sttond Home Rlder
<br /> V.A.Rlder OU�eKe)Ispecify�
<br /> STR88T, P 0 BOX 1768, ORAND ISLAND, NE 688020000
<br /> BY SIONINO BGLOW,Qortower eccepts end egrces lo Ihe Ierms end mvenants rnNatned in thle 3ecurity Instmment end
<br /> fn any rlder(s)oxecuted by Bonower and recorded wf�h It.
<br /> Witncsxs: /f�/
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<br /> ''�". The forc oln IrtsW mcm wa�nckno�vled�scd before me t us SOth d r AU USt , 1993 , �
<br /> f by George L. Mueller And �lice R. Mue�ler, Husband an�Y4Pife 9 F'
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