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<br />; aE �nd atleet teme�es� �lia0k��s6�i b�tnp�ed 1�coli�ect aU �nca�re�
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<br /> �ta��ra��M+Odett�t rr'Ntet��l�a�e�tat at tt�elk��i:ptac+edaoY P�! .
<br /> .: � . �E,e��r(t��t�aee�1� �',M.� �. .
<br />. U�roee�rl.���at �e�6N.,'IMaaiee�deilrer to.tl�e pm'�er'llroe�feds dad coa*c�irt tre
<br /> �f-Tic tic'llrWee ieal aia�q tweptiw taeic rridtACe d�tr�th,dtt�e��k ttiers�e.
<br /> . 7ir�e idta�i�lie�ncai�[tic ap�lAip,tMntdlr�t�o�iar: tal��a,aq��ts,saA:c:pen�es.at;sereiri�tre
<br /> �er�[�rlq aw tMe s�iclr/i�i�P�F�s€twe'[fra�fee's IFes ae�y�il�med;mt tn ea�mei 96
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<br /> ` t��H�� upon V�Y�of aIi•sums sesvuoed by this Socutity IasWai�u,l.Pader sha11 coquest'[ivssta te
<br /> .nxanvey We Pto��ty ad3 s�ll�us�d�this Secasity InsuwtteAt and ail notss tvide�cing dtbt secusad by tlus Sec�uitY
<br /> ���, '�y�s�l�avey the F�o�etty witt�a►t wrzmanty�nd arithout cl�uge m the persan ar pasons
<br /> k�U eetitled to i� Such peraan or persoaa shali pay any recbr�tion c�sts�
<br /> � �'�[,�p���j jj��ps�t�p�11 WAC t0 t1I11C t2(fWYC�IIVS�CC at1�II�01A[8 SIiCCCSSOf IMS�OL' __
<br /> to any 7i�ctcaappo�tod 6eteunder by�n in,wumtat toco[ded m Ide county ut which this Sectuity insmunent ys iecotded.
<br /> Widiout eatveyaaict of d�e Ptogerty,tt►e sua;�sor uustee sh�ll sacceed W all the titie.Power acd duties canfe�d upat .
<br /> ���aPi��. of tt�e notices of defau(t wd sale be sent to Bt�avixr's �
<br /> �k er Boaawer roqu�su thu capies �
<br /> � add�ess whicit is the Prnperty Add�tss. ' ..
<br /> . itiders b ttiis S�rity instrum�f. If oae or more rideis ace executed by Barower and t+eeaided tcigether with this
<br /> SoctuitY Instrumrn�.the covenants ot each such adet shall be incocporated i�to aud sf�aU amend and suppkmeat tT�e .
<br /> caveunts ao�l agceements of this Securiry Ins�ament as if tbe ride[ts)wse in a part of this Sec�aitY in��.. ,. .
<br /> [Check appiicabte box(es)1• � �. -; '
<br /> �Cortdominium Rider �Graduated Pn'yment Rider 'Q Growing Equity Rider
<br /> �X ACKNOWlEI��I�IENT ,;;
<br /> a Plannoa urtit nevaopment RI�r ou,er tsa��fy1 �
<br /> HY SIGNING BELOFVLBtara��rzr uxepcs and agees to�the tem�s contained im WSes 1 through 4 af tbis Security
<br /> tn�t and in any ridert�l execut�d b�}•Hormw?t and recorded with i�. �
<br /> WiMesses: � . . —-
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> . D5� ', . aorrar��cr =--
<br /> 2 �• �(� 51 1 ' (Seal)
<br /> CPk�'f�E a. UOSS B°'�°"f°'
<br /> (Sea!> ----_
<br /> .. . Bormwer �:,
<br /> , ." � , (Seal) �
<br /> ` , , ' Bortowcr
<br /> � � �i�e�«f�
<br /> STA'i'E OF NEBRASiCS< HALL C�rur,�>f�ss: , —,�_�
<br /> � pn�� 1ST dayaf OCT08ER 1991 hefarc mw's�a�undersi��:i:�a Notary '.=��.��-_
<br /> Public duiy commissioned and�qualifled far said caun[y,personally came I�IRK A. UOSS Aiw� • �='�� �
<br /> .tv m�iui��s�r'aa bc thc "`' '
<br /> ti.-
<br /> ,�•��•
<br /> identicalpersnt►(s)wlwse name(s)are sub`cribed ta az:£u�rgoing inguument and acknc,wledged the cxecutlo;�il'�w,.,af to be ��� .
<br />�. �"3f£F.� vuluntaryact:�i�:ideed. • , ` �y�`�;�
<br />- Wisir.�s��►y hand and not�rial sea?a5� :��'sB' yS4�'�:�� f��6RASKA in �:ic��aunty. ��es �%.'� '
<br /> . dateafot�.�r�. _ , �r;(;�t�.�;
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<br /> • �'9 Z, d.�i.� �. � ��,,,�i ,.
<br /> MY c iE�111L� �f�1 � Nutary wb��c : .
<br /> �w�cuMeEn
<br /> . ���'���� REQU�5T FOIi[i�CONVEYANCE '
<br />- TO'1'RU5TEE: . �
<br />- 'i'he undersigned is the halder of Ihe nute ur nufe+sccured by this Decd ot Trust. S.dd nntc nr antes,tngcther with al!
<br /> other inde6tedness secuted by this Ueed oP'liv�t.have been paid in full. You:+re herehy direrted to c:utrcl said notc ar
<br /> notrs and this Deed of Tcust,whlrh are dclivcred hereby,and tn reconvey.without w:vr.inty.�ill the etitate n�w hcld by you
<br />- uss��r this 4`.ect af Trus�cfl t�;e Fersctss sn per4ans Iega1 iy ent:_ttrd thereco. �r-_�_____
<br />- L._. _.
<br /> Date: - �--;
<br /> �I'�.e�a��.f�weev► f
<br />.° . �
<br />