� ' .C ' - �- �7Y�.L�:::: � ' • _
<br /> . . � �+ �`�X� ' ` �
<br /> �41' f .[' '_ 3S •• � .'�TY� C t� -
<br /> .� 'I � . �. i L � . �
<br /> 1 .� < `G�
<br /> � 1 . , . �rt� ' . "�I . -2, T_ �C _��'�.
<br /> I
<br /> - � t 1 'c 2. ' - .L , 4 . .. - � ` ` - - - -..,. ..- ......._ .i .,.... .__._..__ - --
<br /> �
<br /> l�1� . E - , . . .
<br /> �!E- - � ��'�� . . . ' ( _ � a ' ` � � S+��O�fir�I . '"..
<br /> � . � . c [ - ' ' . . �
<br /> � ` ' !. !lq�eat d�rt�ipd.Lleeat�■i Wte CYr� Bo�mvra sh�lt p►y wben dUt tbe pincip�l.of:��a4 '
<br /> �, die de�t evida�csd byr d�e Dlat��d late chwrgrs dse uedet tl�c h'oEe. ° . ..
<br /> — � Z Ma�tid�p���ts d'lhu�.ldnea�ce a�d Ql�ar C� Bd�rower ai�i IncludE In eac6 n4omhty p�ymen� , .:
<br /> -= tn�etl�et wiN sbe p,rincipsl and intenest as;s�etfaRb in the Na�aoc! iate�charg�s��an itunitmeet of aoy ta)tues a�d
<br /> � spxi�i as�es�ments kvied or to be kvieQ'aga3nst t1�e H'opetty.ti�)lease�paytnents t�r gYo�d tenb ao me Pknperty.aad
<br /> ��)Permi�uQS Cor insarance mlai�od bY PuaBrnph 4. �
<br /> _-- Faclt moa�thly inmlfaxnt far Items(a).R+)a�(c?shJi equ�a�e-tweiRA ot the aanual amo�mts.'ss reawrsablY
<br /> at�mattd hy l.a�8er. us an�mauat st�'icitnt to msuntain aa�dditioml.Eut�noe of t�ot m�e t�an ono-si�tth o�'the
<br /> _ — - a�ineitb�befa+e an it �full�deW'�iquea. i���da shali ho a�moua cots Ikcted in wst t�pry'�(a�k(b3 aad
<br /> w ": (c)6efore ttfey becamc delinquau. to wiih the fuwre r�tttly
<br /> if at any iimc the wtal of tUe paymeats�eid by Lsnder for items(a�(b)aad�c).
<br />:. -f= psymeots for such itcros pnYabla to I.ender pria to the due d�ss af such item�ex by mon than one-siuti�tl�e
<br /> - est�mated amauat of pryu�cnts raquued wpaY saclt ite�t►s wt�en due.�nd if payments on the Note are cutra��tAeA Lender
<br /> � sh�Il eitbes Rfwtid thc exsess oYeF ocre-siRth of tl�e esdrrwsed Qay�fts or c�edittfie exce.ss over ar�cslxta oithe� —
<br /> �to subsequa�t psymaus by Borrowrr.at t[�s opitx�of Horrower. If ttUc tot�of the paycatt►ts made by Bnrrnwer
<br /> `.`: - �ar iLCm(a).(D).or Cc)is i�suffictent W pay the item when dWe.then BoRawer shail pay w Lender at►y�noc�ssafY m
<br /> c; , . -
<br /> m�te up thedeftciencY on arbefrne du da�e the item becornesdae.
<br /> As usaf in dtis Soc�crity ins[tume:►t,"Sa�et�Y"mrans the S�ctary of Housing and Urban Dtwelopment or tds or her
<br /> � W any year in wbicb ihe l.ender must pay a mortgage insuranoc premiam co the Secatary.each ioonthtY PaY�t —
<br /> . � � also include either. .CT�n msqUment of tht annual mnrtgage inswance�t�emium to be paid by Lender to the �
<br /> n
<br /> .;,` Sazetary,or(ii)a monthiy chuge instpd of a martgag�e insurance premium if this Sec�uity Insttumeat�s held by the _—
<br /> " Seaetary_ Fach monthiy insta(Ment af the Qamtgage insurance Pt�mium shal!be in an amaunt suffic�ent to x�um�tate the �_�
<br /> � = � `� futl�nnual.mrntgage inswance piemiam with Ler�der one manth prior w the dut tbe fuli atmual mo�tgage iasinance -�
<br /> � `` � ~�'`= pcaaium is due to the SaTetary:or if thLS Serunry Lismunsnt is hatd by the Sxnetary.each manthly chvge sLall be in an �__
<br />,�_�. , . amaant oqual W one-tweifth af onahalf perce,nt of the aiustanding PrinciPal 6alance due on the Note.
<br /> �-.
<br /> , • ..'= If Bormwtr tendets to Lender the full pay�t of all sums savred by this Security In.suwnent,8armwu's accaim �-A_y
<br /> � sa
<br /> - shaA be ciedited wiih die balance ttmaininffi for aI[installments for items(a). (b)and(c)�d any_mortgsge insuraace ��_---
<br /> ' �`;r .�; �'��; p�emium installmeat that Lertder i►a4 rsot 6ecome obligated W pay to the Sec�etary.and Lender shall nefut�d any --
<br /> �"��'te ��;�`%> eaa.ss funds to Bormwer. Immediateiy��r�o a foieclosure sale of the Ptoperty or its acquisiti•on�l.endr.Barrower§ �,�
<br /> ':��:4'�'r '�'.��i'� 8ccaant sha116c enr�dind arith aay balante rearaining for ail is�staliments foc items[a}.(ba and(e?. . __
<br /> �•i� -
<br /> -' ':"�';° ,." 3, Appikatlaa of FsvuYlnts.All payments under Paragtaphs 1 and 2 sha11 be applied Dy Lender as folTaws: °.�.�`���.
<br /> ' .. . _. • �'�to the.�iASUrance pn�uuvm to 6e paid by[.endec ta the Secnetar}r or to the monthly charge by the _t�.
<br /> . . f��:,.� , Sec�e ��af t�rrontflly mortgage insurance piemimn: ..ti .. �:
<br /> �� ta any�e�.special assessmenis,leasehold payments or ground rents.and fire.ttood and other ha� :; _..�.
<br /> ' w: � �5�:. . . 4_� —
<br /> _':�r • � insurance pi�csii�uas.�;re�Nired: -�"•"�`"�:�
<br /> t,. , s: : �j$Q,to intertst c}u,e�.inder the Note: -`y:•--A'-
<br /> .-.:...,.�.�
<br /> ;;�. ``-`�r �,to amoraratim of the principa!of tl�e Nat� ,�,,;
<br /> �,m late cAatiges d�+mder the Nflte. � -
<br /> '' '���..�... 4. Flr�Ftood and al�i�Har,�rd Iu��.�'nmc�wer sbull insuce all improvements an the Pr+apesty.wtxed�er now � —
<br /> ,�r_•d�..T=,;: p • �s-r:�s-�
<br /> - '{�'.��°" •;.,:.. - ,;��;:'�l'r`;=1r�;;' in eaistence or subseguen�.y:�.�rzcted.aga����iiu.8:�;�ds,casuatties.and contingencies.includin�fire.for wfiich Lender �.,� .c� •�
<br /> r :. � `�`�"�� r���,,� tequires insurnnce. This insusance stsdt txa'c�in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requites. Borro�ver . f �.
<br /> . •.'; . , �,� a ,� shall aiso insure all imprnvements on ttr LA�:�terty.wheu�er now in existence or subseqaently erected.against loss by flaods * ; -�p
<br /> , i�'��r;y`-.r;,f•, tottte extent�equiced by the Seccetary. :i�1 insurame�1raIl be cartied with wmpanies approved by L.ender. The insurance .';��,���r,.. - ; �;'-;-�
<br /> . (:c".,�;' �,,• policies and any renewals shall 6e hetd by l.ender aud shall include toss a able clauses in favor of.and in a form ,��f�:�-.�:�r:•
<br /> P Y '�r•: ,..,,,: ' �,�
<br /> . �. ;;,�:{l,�`;`,��.r.:' aceeptableto.i.ender. `r,,;,,�,, •#y4�
<br /> . ,._, �'�'R��`„� In the everst of loss.Botrower shall give Lendcr immediate notice b mail. I.ender ma make f af lass if not .
<br /> �:.�
<br /> 9 Y p� , . . '{•.rt�-
<br /> � ����,�,� .���. . made pramptly 6y Barrower. Each insu�nce company concemed ls hereby authorized and directed ta make payment for , �._
<br /> � . ;�ts,�' such toss directiy ta Lender,inste.ad of ta•tiurtower and to Lender jointly. All or any paA of the insurance prnceeds may be �
<br />. 'f,., .,.. : � '.:�-�._
<br /> . . ,. . .t� a lied by Leader.ai its a,tivn,either(�1 co the reductlan of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrumenb , , ��.
<br /> ty`�!'�: .��y_.
<br /> ,,�. ' trst to any delinquent::mpi�uits appliett:n ihe order in Paragraph 3,and then to�ayment of principal,or(b)to the �,;„�
<br /> ,..�,�.;;.,�.,:�. .�.�.-.-
<br /> ' . ;Fh':;,• ' cestoratian ar repa:�of�Ice d:�r;:ged prc��ty. Any a�'�aation of the proceeds to si�:prfacipal shall not eatend as postpane �•.��•���,� .�___
<br /> '"� �,�r• A:�,.:' ..
<br /> ,L.� �.';-�,';.;,,,. the due date af t�e aion.-�`,i aj:zer.:s��ev:%:�r w'e refetr�d to in Paragraph 2.or chang�'itie amount af sucb pay►�,�s. Any °..:1�k1�� . �.,_
<br /> �4''°; excess insar-ur:rs:{xoceeds over an an-.qur.i-r��?ircd to pay all out�tanding mdebtedness under�he Note and this Securiry . y rt
<br /> >�,,,:-;;:. ,,
<br />. , �'� ' `,�7 �; :,;�.,,r . .
<br /> ti �::t��!r�� Instrumen.��i�.,lt lie paid to the entity 1e�1]!:Nr:.:�tted thereto. , ' �� � �
<br /> • in the�:�:t of fareclosure af t�s:5�.L�ty instrument or othev tranrfcr of ti11e to the i'rct�r�y thae extinguishes the �'�'�
<br /> • :-{�x�:i� . ��•,�' "
<br /> +::'•°:��... •; : inde6tedness.all right,titte��Q i.�teres:<�e sorrower in and ta insurance policies in force shall pass to the purchaser.
<br /> .' `_t ` .::� : .
<br /> • , •-..i��:��� � S. Occupancy. �a���Cuai. 1`�aintenance and Pratection of the Praperty; Borrower's Loan Application; , .�
<br /> '`` � ''- � !'� � I.easehofda Borrower���.4�j�:e�ablish,and use the Froperty as Borrowery prinripai residence withln siary days , �� '�" `
<br /> � y�.,R.. � _. , _ ..
<br /> . ll'..}.�..' .. . . � . .
<br /> � � 1`!",.a�� . r�
<br /> r��.=;;,�s; , , ,.�•,;s��� , after the eze¢ution ot ihiy�s�:r:�v E..xr'�a':ent and shaU cantinuc to nccupy the Propeny a�Borcower�pr�ncipai re�idenc� . _
<br /> � ,��r;�'nj=`. �� �::���: ' for at teast cr.�year after�.ta�:�of aa?�ancy,unlesY the 5ecretary detemtinec thi�requuemer�t�h:l1 cnuso undne hardship . .
<br /> �:;r, , ,.. � �
<br /> : for Bo�rawer.or unlesa es�,��:aiing csrcumstunces exis� which are beyand Borrowerti ca:�UCr �Barrower shall notify
<br /> �{ Lenders of any eatenumir���:r.;umstances. Borrower shall not commit wa�te or Q,.:�a•�c-.�::�r.�,e or substantially chsutge . .
<br /> ,�;;;;::';�."v
<br /> • �;,��*t;-;.r�� • the Property or allow th:�:��:*ty ta dcterioiatc.rraxo.zabte wcar und tear excepte�: i�c�S:r r..sy:'x�ecl the P�.°�sy if the �,:;.
<br /> �".'z`�;. ' �ropetty is vacs�nt or ab�ati���;:d or the Ec..a is in deiault. Lender may Iake reasorraNl'�a:ti�n1:!?;atect aad���+:.�e such if%;,,.; . ,
<br /> n
<br /> ` vacant or z►a�.�doned Praprj:q. Barro�wcx�Fall also 5e in d:fuull if 8oanwcr. durir.g t'�e.'aan a�q:liration gc�^.�:ts,gave 1''Y.•
<br /> ' ��- s ' ��;:��i- . materialt;r fa],u: or inaccuruta info�t;u�;t:u.�n at ctatements to Lcnder (ur faitcd ta pru�a'e L;��+Ser with a,�sy materiat � � �•;f�.;� '
<br /> • � ' �'�; i;�form��cnr•ub connection w?th the taa.z evidenced by thc Notc.including,but nat iimlte,�.z,r��n:sentations cancemin� � � _
<br /> �{%-��� � &,r�.awer�vecupancy of th'e Praperty as 7 printipa)residence. If this Security instrumer�t ic nn�:eatiehotd,Borrower sh:�l r �<,�:�.I,�
<br /> :�,,+y�;�;°;�� som�ly with the prov�s:cn�:vf ctie lea.se. lf Harrower acyuires fec title tn the Pccs�r�.�t i icaseholJ and fce ti�?e shsill not � ,:;;;;�':
<br /> • �9:�•; ii�rs;erged unless LenCer agn::rs to the merger in writing. ` "%?J�r;;.'�
<br /> 6. C��so�c�:::�ter and Protection ot Lende�'s Ki�hls in ihe Propertg: 17,-�:^�c+.er�t:all pay all tP.��cnt�entai . ! ';s.,',;:;�-
<br /> ;,,�;�� � mmunictip;E i��;�;;es.,�'irsa yad impc►sitinns�hat arv not ineluded�n Yaragr�ph 2. Bc:rc�ersbaJl pay these a'.tii`atian!:on i.:�.. • ,
<br /> ' ' 1'• tfime directf �o�h�e:,ttrv;�•hich ic oa•ed the a ent. If faiturr ta wauld ad�cr�:d•y �.t��� Lrnder's;.�creu irt 1he ��'�-��• �
<br /> Y P'S'm I�Y i;?�.;•. .
<br /> . ;,�.��„ ° Ptoperty.upon Lenderc reyuest 8orrawer sh�ll prn�tpd�±fumith to Lendcr rcccipts c�.ir�,;r,s,r.g tt:e.,payment�_ :.,.:;.;,
<br /> • 1 tf Burtower faits ta rnr-�ke these payment�or rlte paymenG�rrquitcd by Y�,ss�r•,:l�t ',or fails tc�perfa�n any mher i,,�,�.;-,�<;
<br /> ,i�` �:,. � r .,1...;,;.. ,.
<br /> , .��,;;:,r•_• � �venants and a�reemen�cont�ined in this 5ecurity In�[rumene.«r there i`a Ic�al,r.���ec8ina th:�t may tiibn�fc�ntly�ifect .•,,,�i.•
<br /> Y �:�;.. �., , . �
<br /> .., ' :i���r.+ ' l.ender's rights In the P'roqe�ty�C�ucI1.a.�:�pr�creding in b:uikruptcy.for cnnclemrtar,o�or to e.`�rce laws or r��,utatians). � ,
<br /> ' '.•<L�', then l.ender may do Und pay wharc�.cr i•i�eress:uy tt�pratect ihe value ni lhe Property att�L.r��fi:r:v ri�,htv in ihe Roperty,
<br /> :i_':�::.; ' . . .
<br /> .;�r r �•. .;� ;t;;,�i; � � �';�� including paymcni of uuc�s.h�tard insar�:ce:u�d athcr dcros mcntinncd in P�.u�a�.ruph 2.
<br /> �>,:::ar, .�: , �
<br /> �.;.�,•�s,�'; ,, My amounta disbut�ed by l.cndcr under this�'ur.+�raph�hall became an additional debt of I3orr�wcr and bc ticeun�d i� : •_
<br /> '�'�• ' by this 5erudry instrument. These:unounts shall beu�ntcre�t fiom ihc dute of di�2�ursemem..+t the Notc rute.:u�d at the
<br /> ` •�,y�'��l? ,. ,. i�
<br /> �;trl;!s;;� dption of i,ender,shatl be immediatety due and pay�bte. � • .
<br /> �'!����'` ' 7. Condemnatlun. 7'he proceeds��f an �ward or cl�im far d�unages.direct or canseyuential.in c��nnCctic�n with any �
<br /> ±_- _
<br /> � ' -� ,' ---°,_._ : i con�emnaaort or ather takin�ai any pan af� Propeny.or fac canveyance in placc�tit cfindcmn:itiuts.sr:hereby:i.si¢stc�! , -.
<br /> - znd sha1)be paid to l.endcr tu Ihe extent c�f the fuU:unount nf 1he indebtedness th5t remafinc unpaid un�ter the N��tc;ind th�s �, �
<br /> ,--._ __ ._=� ._-�_-_.:—__-� 5c�ssrity 1t�cstwttent. Lender�ballapply sttch proreetir to thc red��rlinn nf the irtdebtedness under thr Nnte and this Secutity I�. ..._ . ._. .
<br /> lnstrument. �rst to any delinyuent amaun�s aPplied in the nrQer pravided in P�uvgay�h 3. :u�d thcn tn prepayrttcnt of �:`
<br /> • prirtclpal, Any:�pptiration of the prnreeds to the ptinrip�l shall nnt extend or pastpone thc dur�te aF the��t��u�hly ;
<br /> . ' lCdRe�2r/4 pqce�J
<br /> ; �
<br />