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<br /> °�_=�u.sis'A euthority(38 U&C.Chapfer 97)endln oNect on fhe dato ol han dosing sball govom the dghfs,duUea -
<br />="i;i��,.�?� end Gabnillas olthepartles to this loan end nny povfsbns ol thk 8ecur+ty Instiumont whkD are InconsASten1 _ . _
<br /> :+�'��;':':, wt(hsuch�egulaCOnsere�e�e6yamendeden0supplemeNedconlortnlhe�ero. �,-�
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<br /> ` ' 8ecfbn f7o1 fhe 6ecuriry InsWmenik hero6y tlelefad end fhe fallowlnp lanyuayels su65filuled fn I(a placo: �f�< -
<br /> .,3i� . :
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<br /> - ��t:,;:�,. . -. .
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<br /> —.--.�:;'.:- Po38U.3.C.SeclkniBl4. � -1`�.�_�',�� •. . ..-
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<br /> "• a. F,ypdipp.EBII. A fee equai fo ono-haq oH parconl ol lho ba�ance o!fhls loan ae o!tl�o date o7 Nansler o1 fha ;t;:, t:��;
<br /> �� S:r,�:i:' ro e aha116o P3 � �i.
<br />- . „�;., p p rty payabla allhe(imo allranslor ro Iho Londer,as Ims(ae la the De nmenf a�Vetarens Alfatrs. f�'i;��,� �=
<br /> -� p fhe nssumor/a�7s M pny fNS lee nt Ihe Iimo o/(mnslo�,tho lee ahall constlmte en edditlonaldeb�lo Ihat al�eady f'�� {
<br /> f . ^•� securetl by Nla insbumpnl,aha116eaNn7arest nt Ihe reto horNn povlded,end,ef Ihe option o!the payae o/ihe j�' ;�1i;:-
<br /> i i,_
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<br /> ���:' aotomallcalty weNedt/the assumeris oxempt un0er tne provlslons o138 U.S.G.Sodlon 1829 @I (A✓oteran - __l �"�:�� `
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<br /> ,il�r' b. PiocosslnoChaiao. UponeppliealionlorappiovnlfoallowASSUmpllonollhlsloan,apiooessingloemay6e ��'��y!'c s's��
<br /> i�"'; cha�ged by the LeMer/ordotormiNnp(he ciedi�vorthlnoss of Ihe assume�end su65aquen7ly�eNsing fhe -� �_ �;� y(f��-
<br /> ' ;°� Lentler'a ownoiSNp reao�OS when an npproved liensler ls cnmpleled. The emount ol(his ctu+rgo shall nol exceed ��-S ���� __ .
<br /> �}�V1 �� fho maximum esta6�shed6y fhe Dept�rtmonf of Vererens AIla6a/me loan�o whtch 38 U&C.Sect7on f814 � ' ` v-�� _
<br /> ----�- t't].7� epPlles. �- -�" s_t}n:_--_
<br /> �!:� c. Mdemnia LlebiliM 11 thls obllpetlon is assumed,lhen the e55umo�heiebyeg�BeS to assume nll ollhe � � � 77���
<br /> y 4i j c. obllga6ons ol fhe veteren uMei Iheleims ollhe(nsVUmenfs crenling ard securing(ho lonn,rnGUding G�o ,_-� 1 }'}r
<br /> , s��`Xr�i'; obllgafion ol fho veteren ro indemni/y ihe Department o/Veterans Allatre ro�he exrent of enyGeim paymenf ensing - v}+°{-` _
<br /> z r��,t,�?{���� /ianihegua�anryalnsuraneeo!(hotndabtodnossaeatedby(hlsNS(�umenl. � ! '- '
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<br /> 4 M1i ilr T �. � _.
<br /> BY SIQNINO BELOW.IWe etcept and ag�ee to Iho ro�ms end tavonanls conlalneCin Ihis VA Lnan R�er �. ,
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