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<br /> Ihe pc�ndp�1�wouot ott6e note�t the Iime otlhe deci�r�ibn otdN�uit,�nd nssonaEk�ttomeys'ka apermNied.
<br /> by law�@)to oll oums securcd Dy IAL+&tuHty Inrtrumenk��d(¢)�ny cxcex to the penon or pe�wn kt�lly entiUed
<br /> lo IG
<br /> __ _ ?2�Raom�eyance. Upon paymem of all�ums ucurcd by�hb Sccudty Inswmen6 Lendcr chall rcquee[1tustea ro .
<br /> - raonyey�ha Propeny end shall sumnder�hls Saudry�nsttumrnt¢nd WI nota evidencing debi eecured by�hle Secudty °---. __ -
<br /> Inswment[0 7lustw. 7tustw shall reconroy�he Propeny wi�hout warranty and without chargo lo Ihe penon or perwne .
<br /> Iegaliy�mNUW to it Suci�person or penoro ehall pay nny rccordmion cosu. --
<br /> -���- � '-°' 23. 6nbstttute 7tusiee. Lendcr,m iu option,mry Gom tlmc�o�imc rcmovc Tiustcc and nppoim n succcsscr trustec to ,-,::;-,.__._ - . ., _ _
<br /> eny'IFuseee eppolnted hcreunder Cy en Inswment recorded in the counry in whlch�his Secur(ty Instrument le rccorded.
<br /> _ Wf�hout wnvcyanco ot Nc Propctty�NC NCCCSSOf INSICO 6A8II WCCCCA 10 8II II78 IIIIC. �awcr and dutics confqmd upnn,. --�_—
<br /> Tiu;tu herdn end by oppticablo law. �h`t'°°
<br /> --- TA. Reqnest for Notices. Oortox•cr requesu Na�copia oi tho no�icea of deteuh and sele be csnt to 8orrowerl oddittss. �pM__♦,_ ._
<br /> �vhlch Is�he Propeny Addrw. '•iGpr�--
<br /> - 23. Ridere to Ih[�BecuAty Iretrument. If one or mon:dden ere executed by Uonower enJ recorded�ogether wi0i. ¢�
<br /> --'- thie Sceuriry InsWment,the wvenantv md agrcsments of ezch such ddcr shall bc inrn�por�ied imo wid shall nmend and '^r -��__. -
<br />- supplement�ho wvenants end agreemenu of thle Secudq Inswment es if�he rider(s)werc a part of�his Security Inswment. __- �--�
<br />——__ (Check npplicablo boz(es)! -��.-��..
<br /> —° p�:�g':-°----
<br />---=_ �Adjustable Rutc Wdcr �Condominium Ridcr �64I'amiiy Rider ��,;4,-_
<br /> _ �°-.
<br /> — �Graduated Payment Rider �Pianncd Unit Devciopment Rider �Uix�eckly Paymcnt Ridcr �. �:;:_
<br /> "➢ '� �Dalloon Rid�r �Rntc improvemcnt Ridcr �Saond Homc Ridcr ��+� �'
<br /> � }
<br /> - <��n� X�OChcr(s)[spciiy) RCKNOWLEDGh1ENT, HIOER TO f90RTGAGE/DEEA OF TRUST-U11, VA GURRANTEEO LOR�I .�}ra;;�'°
<br /> z,��— RIDEH ���-r
<br /> BY SIONINO BELOW,Borrower eaepts and egrces�a Ute�emis and mvenanis comained in thfs Security Instrument ,.. .
<br />-q�fi'..•�f< end in any rider(s)executed 6y Bortower and rccorded with t�. i�-- �-
<br /> �
<br /> �i 1 � _- r:� '_---
<br /> l�;�yr��;� Nitnese: Wilness: [. .�;,.;._-
<br /> [1!j �{
<br /> vqy':�t.l.: '1t�T S'�.iii''����.�.
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<br /> � ,'?�j (SCTU (Seal) ti < » ,.
<br /> �/ .Dafmwcr GRE�iBRY . OLSON �eortoxer ��:�.� ��,7��
<br /> �^�� -, f/ L,� � j �� ���t7�1 i�'f�:'
<br />'>1�i.`���Li. � Q�C.Ztl�! D�� (Seal) �i�.1'�'.i�� t�:i-:
<br /> Seab
<br /> '•'(Z�r,�',�k .Oonoxer LFlURR K. OLSON �Dortoaer -*, � . t�'.;.
<br /> �s d r � t
<br /> - ��+��a- STATGOFNEBRASKA, HALL Coumyss: � , ''`s' �'��'T2�v-.
<br /> a �i„�}.If+: i��� ` ,t—
<br /> � r i n' On Ih(s 2fiTH day of pUGUST 1993 beforc me.�he undeni@ned,a Noiuy Public ,p a���g��--��
<br /> } - �; dulycommissionedwdqualifiedforsaidcounty.personallycame GREGORY L. OLSON AND LAURP K. OLSON� �r.:�, ' , 'i ��
<br /> •=J 1+' HUSBRND 11N0 WIFE ,ro mc known io bc ihc � t'�. _ !?�-
<br /> .-�u:'� identicnl persons(s)�vhose name(e)are subscribed�o the Porcgoing instrument und acknowledged the execmion�hercot to _a�,_ v :.•
<br /> -�-- bc EIR ��olumary nc�and dccd. - -; " ` ' - —�
<br /> � ' ` \ tn hand and nomrial seal a� GRAND ISLAND� NEBRASKA in said aroumy,�hc � tY�'--
<br /> � F"
<br /> t ie -� datc rc / �/ ' , �1� ,+����� �. ,
<br /> ,<� � i�jt�r'. MY �,�jry l Y �7/�`� �-n.` rl^' � ii. �{�� +�� _.
<br /> 7 !>'r�� � �b.p� �M ai,� nu�arr weLo i'��.�t�>
<br /> t � -Yi ��Gr�[��J REQUESTFORRECONVEYAI�CG r�� ��-
<br /> :+ � -?�t TO TRUS'fEE: e�L I,9�� -ct � � .� :' -
<br /> - 'Ihe understgned is the h id�' of ihe note or nmes secured hy�his Deed of Tms�. Said note or no�es,toge�her with nll f : _
<br /> i - other indeb�edness secured by this ecd of ltusi,hare been paid in full. You are hereby directeJ�o cancel said nole or no�es =
<br /> , �--�--' and lhis Dced of 7tus�,wliich nrc dclirered hcrcby,and to rcconrcy,without xammy,all�he es�a�e now held 6y you undcr -
<br /> .�..H i.*,.- . ,.-,Y'-.. .
<br /> _ :�,,..�.._,rt; lhis�ced of"Ihisl to Ihc penon or persons Icgally cmillcd Ihercln. � _ -
<br /> � :-. - �'
<br /> � ��'�i' Da[c: _' _ _.
<br /> . .� Form70t8 1flU iNFr6nJ6MAOl _ �;L?..��`�. .
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