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<br />-- UFi�H�q9 11 0� tha 1 /e�te�, c�s se�r�d b� th����uet Oeed executed by \° _
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<br /> t�� Trus e� for he benefit oP E N GA INGS FA 0 /155QCIIITI OF GflAND (5lRtA, ,_
<br /> NEBRASKH� the beneficiary named thAreln, dated pugust 12 , !9 s2 , ��r,. -
<br /> — .-� end recorded Ruguat 27 , 19 9z . Sn t a Off ce oP e Reg etor aF Oeeda oY - •''
<br />_,i�.:- R,'::':
<br /> .:�� Hall County� e raake, es Inatrument �er `�-�07409 , has been peid,
<br /> end sald beneficlery has requeste0 in wrlting a s Oeed of Recon�eyance be exe- ''• ° �
<br /> 4=;;-c::-N, ..rt:'s;'
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<br /> � � � NOW, TRF�A;FpRE, !n considetation of such payment in accordanca uith tha requeat `��'�^%`
<br /> � „
<br />�' <ik`r: .; of the beneficlery named therein, the undereigned, es Trustee, does by thesa presenta, �
<br /> �,�;�?�s grant, remise, releesa end reconvey to the peraon or persons ent�tled thereto all the �?r,� �.f ,:� -
<br />;�;;�,;;#_''�i�' lntetest end eatate derived to sald Trustee by or through eaid Truat Deed !n the fol- .'.',;;:�:. -:�
<br /> ar ,F::::; - lauifig ti"veci��`uBd PCE�ifl�8or bUt L:.y B� �i�:. �i1Ch pT°t.^.:e s: _ _-o f4 __ _
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<br /> v° :- --�' Lot Ten (10), having a lake front footage of 54 feet, aituated on the Wast - �3 r `- ��+s
<br /> '' �' side of the West portion of Kwster's Lake and being a part of the E � ' � ,-_-„
<br /> � -� SW} Sn Saction 13, Township 11 , Rznge 9, in Hall County, Nebraska, rounded i��. - r, � ; -.
<br /> `�"� on the Northweaterly side by a common roadi such Lot Ss as shown on plat _'
<br /> ���i �:
<br /> x`' y in the possession of the Lessor. , -z; �E -� ����_
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<br /> 't 31�- ` toguther with all bulldinge� fixturea, improvements and epputtenances 6elonging to .j,^,�_ .,i �=�:
<br /> ���i such premiaes. � � :-,'s�y�-'
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<br />- : .+ Dated thla z �Y`
<br /> ., ,._ .- nr dey of Auaust , 19_g�. _
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<br /> ��e_�� �/J�2e�� i_- .. _ f
<br /> _ -� .. ___'.. _ . Trustee ! -. - ' - - ._�_-:
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<br /> � 5TRTE OF MEBRBSKA ; § � ��.r
<br /> I '�4.�_�,,.� COUNTY OF HflLL ) �_ ____ _ _._ T;
<br /> �::
<br /> On thie ���r day of , 19�, before me, the underalgned, a �
<br /> Notery Publlc tluly camiiss oned end qualifiod for in sald County, personally came ;�
<br />� - � "� ��" Arend R. Baack , Trustee, to me known to ba the identical person � �:r'.
<br />�_� " `� whosa nama rs subscr bed�to the foregoing Trustee's Deed of Reconveyancv end ecknow- � - .
<br /> ledged the oxewtion thereof to be his voluntary ect and deed. ' �
<br /> - . �;
<br /> �.'�'�• Witneas my hand and Noterlal Seul the day and year lasE above wdtton. , .
<br /> ,. _ " � 1�1�SIM,�Iw ���d�d[�. I r
<br /> � S,�� ���� rlMab�la ' M!1 Notery Pub c i :
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