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<br /> T I.'•i .�'9 OCED 0� RECONVEYAWCE n P �
<br /> KNOW Rl.l. frCN BY THESE PRESENTat `��" 1�'�99 ,_
<br /> --- WHERENfo all of the Sndo�Eodnras sacured by the Trust Oeed executed by �.
<br />--- LYLE EOWRRD RICHIIRDS IlNO SU9A -C..HICHARDS husband and wifa .- °O
<br /> --= o lIREM9 R.- BIl1C atYOSno �
<br />''----- Trustee, far tho 6enef t of ICQF. .OEH 3A INGS A LOR A5SOCI1ITI OF GRIIND I5LRtA.
<br /> NEBRR5Kl1. thn boneficiary named thTrein, dated Juna 23 � 19 B9 ,
<br /> _;�,;,�„� and reconfad .7une 30 , l9 89 , !n t e Off ce of the Regietar of Oe�
<br />_,;�_= Hall CounCy, Mobraska, as Inatnm�nt �umtiet 89•103370 , hea been paid�
<br /> "`:,. 3.;� end eaid tt�nflficiary has requo�tad in writing ha h e Dee of Reconveyance be exe-
<br /> +:4�`�"' cuted end dEilivosed7
<br /> «�;,
<br /> ;� �',-_K ''
<br />'-�i�`<.-'c; ' NOW� TF:F.FEFpRE. in considoration of such payment in accordance with the request
<br /> . r5j;` of the 6nneficlary named thoroin,. Ehe undoreigned, ea Truatee, does by these presenta,
<br /> `` ^'s ' grant, ramise, relense and roconvoy to the person or peraons entitled thereta ell the
<br /> :';' ?� intereat and estate derived to aflld Trustee by or through said Trust Deed in the fol-
<br />-�r,.1�,�y��'s:,.� lowing dt�actl6ed ptemisos� 6ut only as to such pr�nisesi
<br /> "-'� '" n�� �c ��t T��..��_T__ /��1� f.nryr.hnl�ra Suhcfivision. in the city of Giand Island� Hall _ _ _ .
<br /> f.,.-
<br /> � _, County, Nnbrenke and that part of Lot Twenty-One (21), Coachplace 5ubdivision, in the
<br /> ��i�_+;; city of Gr.and Island, hiall County, Nebraska morn cortpletely descri6ed es follawst
<br /> _; `..,` ;. Beginnin9 at the Southwest Cornor of Lot Tuenty-One (21) and running along the mesterly
<br /> � ` `�1�' 6oundary lino of said Lot 21 a dlatance af 17.15 feet, thenca deflecting in a south-
<br /> �a:::�:�;.: —
<br /> - ,a:�,�;�; eaaterly direction and runninq parnllol to the Southerly boundary line af said Lot �
<br /> "�K.%.:': .;�. 21 to a point on the eastorly �oundary line oF said Lot 21, thence deflecting in a -- ;-
<br />_ southerly direction and runninq olong the easterly bo�ndary line of said Lot 21 a dis- ���'
<br /> tance of 18.70 feet, thenco daflocting in e northwesterly direction end running along �C"s';' `-
<br /> -� ,�"- the southerly boundary line of seid Lot 21 to the point of beginnin9. �-,',�"��`�-`
<br /> n:.;..
<br /> - ;7: -.;;�.' _ — ..
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<br /> . . . tagethur with ell buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtanances belongSng to . -, .,
<br /> �....-.
<br /> a..._ �
<br /> %+^`_'';=�„�''.. such premisa3. _ `,« :..
<br /> - ;°':'c-��: Au ust 93 , �.:�`- .- . .'-;';r.� . '
<br /> �`� Dated this 25th daY of 9 , 19_
<br /> ���'' �/L-{ /� �� •` �'- Y 4tS._ ..` � ..
<br /> +. -'�� � K/ _
<br /> -��^';�'��"' Trustee Arend R. Baack, at[orney ;-� ���� - . :
<br /> ti� %%�T4t:7��"; .
<br /> ��yy:'-,,.,, . .. -
<br /> � STATE OF MEBRRSKR ) `�� �'
<br /> .. .. ) � %-• _
<br /> --'-� COUNTY OF HIILI ) � � � ''
<br /> ° �-�__v:.�: � _ . . 1. -:
<br /> ��� ��� On this 95th day of �'•�9ust , 19 93 , before me, the undersigned, a � ' -
<br /> , �-,:..`i Notary Publlc duly commiesionad nnd qualifted for in said County, personally came -
<br /> , Trustee, to me known to be the identical person �
<br /> " - whose narna s subscribed to tho foregoing Trustea's Deed of Reconveyance and acknow- - �
<br /> .��-"'t�.� ledgnd tha execution thoraof' to be hts voluntary act and deed. ! . -
<br /> ' ��� Wltnoss my hand end Nat�rtol Seal the day �d year last above u/ritten. � '
<br /> -� �-�-�------.. / (�,, ,,//,/-�������� �, ..
<br /> . . �. .,. �i�KRfA113iiY11IdtW/ 7!/ . �CLJ-- r
<br /> MWYlA6TDXL1 �_i �
<br /> `_,-f�.-_ , y�p�Rpq,}x}LIS91 Notary Publ �
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