���. f . ' :fi4Y . ":.C�: . . - - "'
<br /> �'' .. . . - ( . . , . __L-.-�.. ��..___ ' . .�
<br /> _ ���V ; � � �. . ' , ' �...
<br /> _- - '-°� `� - . . � ..• ��"u'��,0�`����,i::
<br /> • . �yme�wb�idt are RTenM W iir�Pua,gta 2.a chamga�dt�a�atttc���4 such P�Y�g• �l`;x'��'�'�`�� " .
<br /> �oguited�at1 o�stand'mg i�7aldR��'.�a Nall�:atfd.,t���!�utiry I�sAall be p�i�to tl�e e�t�t. .
<br /> . . � Fa�. L�enderu�yaa�ectfees�andchu�esautti�tgttfu;.�aty. , � �_
<br /> 9 Ce�udt far Aooti�atDeD� ,:�-. . .
<br /> ` (a�Defa�l. l+ender may,ezoeps a�limitatE,ty;t�Rgutac�rss is�Ri��3►���Y in tac ats�oi payment dtt'+VSts:
<br /> c�equiir immediatepaytaent in fnil of aIl:aumR�d 6Y��.�ri�Y�0�i�
<br /> ` ti)Sor�a�u defaalts E�ta�ing t�s�y.ar�€ulT-�3my;Rr�cr.�JtJ�;4►aYaseat c�ui�6y this Secwity U�strumcni gsior.,
<br /> to aran Ne�e due of tItee cKxc trnant�I9�.r'y�tet��at„ .
<br /> ' (u)Borrower defzalts by fziling.fcr,a prsrt�atl�7Rt�rd�cy du�@+to porfam aay o�er oDtigatioes cont�ed ia shis
<br /> __.�� Socariry insmmseat ' �
<br /> — . t�TSak Wit6o�t Cndit Apprvfal. Lert�kr��t�,;i��rstti�BdG;t.appli,crt6le Iaw amd witti tiye prior approva!of thc
<br /> .�,• Soc�etary,toqui�muaadiaue paYmGat in.fv�Euf>tit�tha.�:�1u�by t6is Secai"stY t�nu�nt�
<br /> _ (i)AI1 a Aart of the ftn�ercy.or a b�n��l:i!nta�est.�t.s;ptt�t�Nming aII at part of ti�e Pcaopaty.is sold or
<br /> --- . otlxrwisetr�nsfemed(aher than•bW dr=ai9Fard4t�t=L19Er.�a���stcv+�ci and
<br /> - (ii)'Ii�eQtopettyisrnota�cc�pied:�;t;j�h��ptu�tatFt�Rt.•�stR�:xr,hisnr•fses-prittcipal�esideu�ordf�p�easst ---
<br /> -__ � or grsnta does so aa�sy thu�P1nei�t�;�uG:6i��.ru.�.bi,'f��►c t�as noi �aen ap�mved in accoidu�cc _
<br /> __ with tbe nquuement�of the Seca+etai��ta.- .
<br /> ` (c)No WaiYer. If ciu�amst�ces oc.rA1Txilrit l�Uailti:�1`ti GtKt{�cr W[cqaire inuuedial�C paYa�t�fitll.!wt I.endet
<br />-�� dots mt�oquete sttChpaytlstnis.I.ptdRf f11J�dHlt I3RiPiV;�14���n��to subsequet►!events. --
<br /> (d)Re�tatio�s d H�JD Sectetary�In,IT�#mltti�'t�ililttt��'!�8 n8�dons�ssved by tise Saresary witl timit I.e�eter's
<br /> rights.m the case ot pay�s�cnt defautp+�.�vtr�qin::immed�ate pay�r�t in fuU ard farecta6e if not paid. This
<br /> --- Sx�uity tnstrmnenc does not aucdorize�ccajar.�or forec2osuie if not permitted by r�gaJations of We Sea�tary.
<br />_ (e)Mort�e Not�. Bmrower agrces that shoWd dris Sacurity Insnwnens aad tbe aote serurtd theieby not �--
<br /> .- ' be eligibie for insutana under tt�e Nauonal Haising Aet within 9t� �AYS fiom the =-_
<br /> -:„� due bestof,L,eirder may.at its optioa and notwid�standing ar�ything in garagraph g..�e4vire immediate paycnertt in
<br /> -_ � fnit of aIt sim�s secared by.tlus Secority.FusaumenL A wr"stten stateraeat of any aatFwrized�gent of the Secvetary �
<br /> . dated subseq�xnt to 90 DAYS from th�dsre txceof,declining to in.�ure ti►is Securiry ;�-
<br /> • - .,_,�nstrais�ent and the no[e seciued thcreby,�116e deemed concivsn�e�roof of such inetig�biliry. Notarithstanding " �, _._
<br /> _ -
<br />. the foregomg,this option may not be exercised[sy Ls�der when�tite unavailability of insurance is solely due t� �� M;=-
<br /> i,ender�s faitute to remit a mortgage insurance pte�imn t�rc�e S�etary. ���'°°"'_-
<br /> �`�� td Rel�atema�� Sorrower has a nght tv 6e teinsta�"�r Lender ts�s iequired immediate payment in full bec.�se �
<br />, ,;;,`, af Borrower'�faiIwe ta pay an amo�mt dne urcder tBe•Note or this Secueiry I�suument. This nght�slies even after �_�
<br /> • . - forrctosure proceedings are u�stituted. To re�.�e the Securiry Instrame�t, Borrower shall tender ia a Iump sum a11 ��=_=-
<br /> , amamts required to bnng Banawcr's accouat cs�rent including.to the eatent lhey are o6ligations af Bagsa��er umde�d�is �``�='R:-
<br /> Securiry Insuumenb fo�eclosure ca�ts aad re.�wnable and customary attomeys'fees and e�penses properFg�s��ii#� °-
<br /> " the Foreclosute proceediag. Upaa re��.siatement 6y Botrower.this Secanty/nswment aad the obliga�ts tii�R�i�. �:;m,;,.--
<br /> shall Temain in effect as if Lender fa�not req'.�¢immediace payment in fi��- However,Lender is nat.r�t?���ns`� �_-
<br /> ��•. � reinstatement if: (i?Lender has ar,cepted tc�ss:ar:ment after the ,_� of fomctosure proeeesi�st t�sf�i�tv� r��"�,;_�:;:;.
<br /> yeazs immediateiy preceding the commencemr.rst�f a cwrem foreclosac��sr�ceeding. (ii) reinstate�r.r�t�•�ci3I pr.er.�t�Q i4�*,�:i� _,Ys
<br /> ' foreclosure on different grounds in the future.or(iii)reinstata�r.nt wiU ad��ety affect the priority of ttte tien cr�.ta�bg� ,��='`t",�_
<br /> � • this Security Insuumcnt. `- --
<br /> ~; 11. 8ortov�er Not Refeased; Forbearance by[.ec�''r�?�cst a Waiver. �xtension of the ame af paymer.��ar �%,, �_' ��
<br /> '�� modificaiion of asrastization of the sums secured hy this Secar,�y;fn.atrument granted 6y Lender to any successor in�nterest � m
<br /> ' ` of Horrower shall a�t operate ta release the liability of the oria-�r.aI Boaawer or Borrower§successor m interes� Lender •� . ,_V.,;�3'�
<br /> shaU not berequice�to commence p�oceed'mgs aga�nst any successor in interest ot refase to ea�end time for payment or - _-.-.
<br /> K�.�...,,.4
<br /> - otherwise modify amortizaGon of the sums secured by thrs Securrty Insuument by reasan of any demand made by the • q .�;
<br /> • original Basrower or Borrowers��vr.cessors in interes� Any fmbearance by Lender in exercising arry right or remedy shaU '��,:�;���.
<br /> ` �:.,._
<br /> . . nbt be 2 WS Y�iecassors and�Ar�a�f3ound;Join!anhd Se ev ra�i Uability;Co-Signe��. The cavenants and agreemen�q of - .�.�;��°�,a���:
<br /> r
<br /> . .k •_ +sfr —�...
<br /> ' this Secudry Insmiment sha116;��w and ben�t the succcssors pnd assigns of Lender and Horrawer,subject to the pravisions :. ,�;,:>y,�:;
<br /> �. of P�ragrapb 9.b. f�nrrower's cavenaniv and agreemcnts shall be joinl anc�.several. Aoy Bortawer who co-sfgnc this • ..� � =: •�-
<br /> �`�� Securtty Instrumem t��t does noc,execute the Note: (a)is ca�igning this ac,a�rty insuumeM only to mongogc,grant and ��
<br /> � ;,.'�•�� coaEZ�f that Horroweta interest i�u�e Property under the terms aEth's Se..�w�r�T L�trument:(b)is not per�onalty obligatedt�a r �t�;;
<br /> ' pay uf.�sums secured by this Security Enstrurr[ent;and(c)agr��ti?�t.Le:r�ec and any other Borrower may agree to ezt'r�3;, �,��k',`,�
<br /> - mcu.'�f,forbear or make any uccommodations with regard to�.r�t��:.s of;C�s Security InStrument ar the Note withoat tlU�- , . i�Y..;��'"�=�
<br /> �. ��� Borrowcr�consent. '':`.��%.`_—_
<br /> . y=�.'• l3. Notkes. Any natice to Boaower provided for in thix Securic�ir��:.�rument�hc+Q be given by defivering it or by '
<br /> . m�iling it by first tlass mail untess applica6te law reyuires use af anuther�r.ethcxi. Tho nnt�ce shaU be directed ta tl:e � �.
<br /> Pro rt Address or an other add�es4 Batawer desi nates b noflce to Le�dc� An a�t;u:to Lender shall be gi�en t� `��`' '
<br /> Ae Y Y 6 Y Y Y ;�r�+� : '
<br /> ��•r� � � first class mai!to Lender�ad6s��s stated herein ar an addretis Lender de�i nates b n,:t9w to Hoaower. Any�int� . • �' ��!
<br /> , Y ' S Y , �'�";;;i���1' .
<br /> ,,. ;;;A .. provided for in this Sccudty In:�tro:nent�hall be deemed to have becn givcn to Bonower or Li�:der when biven a4 presr;.�ed �.-�. r:,.�,:,
<br /> in this paragraph. ';,�'�.`,�
<br /> r:�,f 14. Governing Law:SeverAbtlity. 7'his 5ecurity Inswment tihalf bc governcd hy Frdcral iaw and the law of the '.
<br /> jurisdictian in which the Property i�Icx:ated. In tho cvcnt th:�1 any prc►vi�ion ur rl;�uyc of this Sccurity ln�trumens or thc
<br /> =r�. � ' `� No2e conflicu with applic�blc law.such cnnflic��hall nut affect othcr provisians uf this 5crurity In�tn�mcnt ar thc S�+xe �:
<br /> r:,,,�,
<br />: x` �r `"�' ufti:dt can i�given effect without the conGicting prnvisian To thiq end the provi�ions of this Securi�y In�trument und iltc� _•.;�;{;;,�:
<br /> - 4'., h"r��:re declurcd to ba�:vetabte. . , .`��'�;..
<br />�� � ' °�•'�:,-,_:;' ' 15. Bo�rower'$Capy. Harcower.rhatl hc givcn ouc confbrmcd cnpy i�f�hi�Sccurity Inttrumem. . . •�
<br /> � � � ' I 6. A s s l g n m e n t o f R e n t s. �a r rc�w cr ancnnditianall y i�csignc and trantifcrs w Lcnder all thc rentv and revenucs c�f�he � •
<br /> `�;� �-�. " � Property. Barra��r�uthnrires l,ender or Lender c agen��tocol trct thc r�m�.anc�revenues anif herehy dirrct�each tenant of � • •
<br /> .. . .,-
<br /> � � ��,'�� ;R thn Propctty to pay thc tents to l.ender nr Lenders agem�. Ho�vevcr,priur cu L,enderc nvtic�ro Borruwcr nf Barrnwer's � ,
<br /> ' •�j��=' ; �- breach af nny covenant or agrccmem in�he Sccuri�y Imuwncn�.Bc�rruwer.6all.x�liec��attd reeeivc all rents and revcnuc.af .
<br /> . :,�� ;t; , ' the Property ru�wstee fw.thc 6ern�f'it��i Lrnder and Borraac�. This a«ignmcne of renis�v�ns�etutc�an absolute as.rigmnent f
<br /> ' . � :.<�,_: and not nn assignment far addifinnal sccurity anly.
<br /> ;��;:,� � �;�.' li Lender gives notire of breach ta Kvrasuer: (a)alf rent.rcceivrd by i3urroti�.cr•h�11 hc helJ by Borruwer a�iru�tee �
<br /> � ' • far benefit of Lender only,to be app�ird tU the +ums�ccurcd hy �hs�Securi�� in�uument: (b)Lcrtder shali fxx cntitled tu �
<br /> � � =_; - caftect and receive ali di thr nmtx uP�ler f'u,peny:tipJ(r)c«ch trnant of the Praperty�hatl�+ay all sent.dur and anpaid te ! . � -� �
<br /> , ' .. Lender nr l.ender's ngent nn Len�fer c written demand ta�he�en:cnt.
<br /> � ""' : 8onnwer hav not exccutcd:►ny prinr asvi�nmen�af the r�:nts and ha� nM und a•i1)nat perf�.tm any uct ih:u w��uW i,. • •
<br />� ' � prevent Lender from eaercisinC its right�undrr this F'aragr�ph 1E,. I , ,
<br /> , .;
<br /> . • ��'. , _• ' � reyuu nter u u a�ke contrv!�.f��r maintain thr PhupeA Ixfore��r after riving nutice�.f :
<br /> Lender shall not br cd tv e p n.t Y
<br /> - •--- � -- brzac;h t�P,c�ttawcrL II(titiCYCi.Lcn;t�:F�:a 'udici:iL'y rp�;ucttctt r.•�::.i�.cr�::}tS?S4t:SS :itt�!ime!here it a brc:uh. rina ;
<br /> =- 3
<br /> ;,_ _, �__- _ - �--- � - -:.
<br /> ' appliratian of rcnts shall nut cure or waive:my detautt ur im�lidatc uny uther right ur temedy ul'Lcndcr. '(h��a�s�gnmcnt - � •.
<br /> __�.-.,._�..._.-:.._��--� ng rentc nf the{'raperly ch�U terminate tvhen ttte debt sccurcvl lr�=thc 5ccurit�Instn�ment i���id in full. � . _ __ _ _ _
<br /> . . i__ _;_
<br /> ' � .. � � .
<br /> , 'r
<br /> �;�' � .
<br /> ,r�z�•?�js�,��F„
<br /> . . _ �
<br /> � �;:.- _.. � .
<br />