��'T- . f. _ °� � _
<br /> . � -
<br /> �r = . � -
<br /> — .e' '�= k = ,... .-�'"�"`.
<br /> ``, - ._ _ _ _......_._._.______ -
<br /> �
<br /> —_ `:�i'::;: � . . • . � ° .
<br /> ° . - ' ` ��r.+����UE� '.' ; .
<br /> � � !. �f lti�tip�l�4�ad I.a1e� ��'+tba�p�y wtktc due the pru�ipoi of.aa3 ieoae�oe. �
<br /> . � d�c debte�+r�d!�►d�Na�e ana lsse cAr�a dYe�ed�er 1he tVaia , - � •
<br /> - i ��we�fs et'I�e�,`I�s�c+e aMi Ot� Barrovrrer sQall include in rac6 mcatLlY piytneoe. _
<br /> - � �r r►n�s die pciac+pat and a�r�as r�es fatE in tbt I�Iaee�anp hoe clju�gss,st imwW�eat o7 my(a3 tues�ad
<br /> s�ecisl assessmenu kvied or tcs be�cv�a�gainst tht Hroperry.�b)ieset�a3d p�y�ar gtouM ce�ts ao tt�14opeAy.�d -
<br /> {c}pKtnauas I�ios�umce�e�qsu�d b!►t�4• '
<br /> F�d� roanthiy iasiaW�et� !a i�ta).(b}and k)sh�L1 equat oae�relRh of the�anuaJ�nou�..ss�ssombhi
<br /> -- ��Y L�det� ast�sul�'�ent to m�innis sn�dditioo�l b�t�occ of not mae tlwo m�-sixtl�oi tbe
<br /> ` :t�matt�amionats. �ful!Acawal r�i�o�t for acb itnn s6al!6e aocmoWatca sy l.endet wdhie a perind e�iog ac�
<br /> a�oatlt befacs ae item waiid�deli�. Lender aball�nW t2�e anno�mn cdlecte�in aust to pay ise�(a)(�)� ' _
<br /> - -= (c)befae thcy becQnbe delatqut�rt. . . �-
<br /> - If�t any time tlfe total of the Q i�!feld by I.endes fa�ittrna(a}.tb)and tc3. wi1D iM fiuw-e mr,�st�lY . -
<br /> _ _ � p�ymenm far anch�fr�pay�Die to pdor to tf�t dae dates of such uaes.e�,�mas thu�a�e-sixth tbe
<br /> - - — . _ �amamt of Wyma►ts�qwred m paF such iteras�rbea due.and ii paymmts an tt�e Note�c c�en�thm l.eakr
<br /> - �al!eitber refund tbe a�ass over oae-siuh�oE tt��p�Y��cr cnd"n the caoess avu one-six�h�ad�ef by Bas�u��er
<br /> ��_� p�yme�rs w sa6saqueat Paymeno bY Bumwtr.at tfie aQtion of Sartawa: If t�e total of tba Paymeats
<br /> :�;--;° � t'ar itsm(sA tb).as(c)ss insuffisieM O�pay tt�C item wbeie dtta.thert Barrawtr s!u!1 psy tv I.ender�ny amaimt aecessatyto .
<br />-�'. m�ke up t�defic�cY an oe 6efae tt�e date tbe item 6ecomcs dts� --
<br /> - As ased iu this Sec�ty I�estrumea�"Sarct�rY"�s the So�cetary'of Hausi�g�1Jtbat�lkvelop�U or 6is or kr
<br /> • desi�e Ir�any yeas i�arhicd;he 1.eader must psy a moKga�e ins�aoce pcamiwrs to t6e�I•�h monthty payma�t
<br /> sball atw incl�de tither: (i)an inualtroern of t6e annuat mortgage msmana P�'em�um w 6e paid bq Le�der u�ihc :
<br /> OC
<br /> ` � Soc�wy.os(ii)a monthTy charge instead of a matg3gc insuraoce p�emium if t6is Security laswment�s betd hy the —
<br />``'•°� Se�ty. Fach moathty u�st�iImertt of the martgage insurancc prennnm st�aU be m aa amount sa�icien�ta accumt�lat+e�hc
<br />'_,r..7.. I�
<br />- '•i fUQ Llli�ll�tSOK$�$�lA�R7�{1nQ11Ulil W1�1�.CIIdCI�ftG IIIOQdI pJ10��O 1�:QuC Q1C flln 8I1fItt�iAfRt$8$O It1StTCJIICC __
<br /> . �/S�Y.'W t11C�tlt�f�Of 1�I$LS�Tf1SifWQCilt IS�1G���f u1L'$�[�f�[����y Ctl�[�C 6��b!.`fDffi _
<br />- �tequai ro oae-r�elftb of ooe-hntf peruent o the o�ing princrpal baJu�due an t6c Note. -
<br /> tf Ba�mwer tende�s to I.ender thee full paymau of afI sums secvred 6Y this Sec�aitY Inswmm�.Bocrower�s acr.aunt —_
<br /> �` :�.. � . sfnlf be ctsdited widti tLe batatue temaining fot aU instalhnenis far itcros(a).(b)and(c)and anY awn8�8�� ___-_
<br /> : • ! I�� � p�emiam mstalla�ut that lxnder has aot b�ome oDligauA to pay td the Secretaty.and l.enQer shalt pranptiY ieflutd any ��,�:-
<br /> ' tal
<br /> ..(.;i' ea��s.s fuads ta�a�ower. Imme�iately prior to a faeclosime sale of Qte Fcoperty or its acquisivan by Lender.Bonuwer�s '��-`
<br /> ''� =-:: ,. ����_
<br /> _ .�� aca�mt sF�ITl��xa�cd wifk any batuxe remainaig for alt�sta1&nerics f�items taf.my���> � ,��.
<br /> ,� �.l�gp�-.�af P��mants Iw paymenu under Fara�raphs�ana a shal►be appliea by Lenazr as fouows: , .f,�,-�T_
<br /> ; �•`., y�` .X�tST.att�e martgage ins�rtance pcemium t�6a paid by Lender to the Secretary or co rhe�nonthty charge 6y tha .�:
<br /> ,. xµ.. ns� ��
<br /> `',i;.�, . - .• �d of the monthty mortgage insarance pre�mn: `"
<br /> ` ',,r..� �,,L� ���t�any ca�ces.specitil assessmenu,leasehotd payments or ground renu.and firr.tlood and other ha7acd _���
<br /> r`�`:�,'�u ,� � � istcurance ptemiwns,as roq�3red; - •` .-�'-
<br /> . ,,� � �gQ,w mteiest due undcr the Note:
<br /> �.w amartization of the plincipal of the Nat� �}=�_-
<br /> �j,to late c es due under the�'ote. °�,-
<br /> � . - . ��G Flood�Othe�fla7�rd lasuratK�e. Borrower shall insuc+e ali improvcments on the Ptopeity,wt�her now
<br /> ,. .s.._ ` ir�existence or su�qu ently etected,agair►st any hazasds.casuaities.and contingencies.including fi�,for which Lender �• -. .���;
<br /> requiies insivance. This insurance shali 6e maintained"m the amount��1 far the periods that l.arder r.equires. Bormwes ,.�=���
<br /> '�.� � shall also insiue all improvements an the Prtsperty.whetGer now in eaistea�ar subsequentty erected,ag��t loss by floads "�`'�€'` _
<br /> to the extent required by the Secietary. Ap insurance shati be cartied wili compazues approved 6y Lern3e� The iasurance ._F;:_�_.''r--
<br /> � pollcies and any renewals shall be held by l.ender and sfuil irrclude toss payable clauses in favor of, artd in a form _ . _
<br /> acceptable to.Lender. `� �-• �r
<br /> ' In the event of toss,Borrower ehall give Lendcr immediate notice by mail. Lender may make praot of tass if not . ,_
<br /> "�::• made p�mptly Fsy Borrower. Each insurance campany concemeA is hee�-y autharized and directed ta make paymern for '�'°'^'�`'`--'-�
<br /> - �t�• such toss tLreca�y ta Lender.instead of to Horrower and to Lender jaintty_ AU or any part of she insurs�proceeds may be -;;-,„
<br /> - appGed tsy Lender.at its opdon.either(a)to�he reduciion of the indebtedness under the Note and this Securiry Instmment, • • __
<br /> � ' fir�t'to any delinquent amounts upplied ln the order in Paragtaph 3,and then ta prepaymeat of pratcipal.or tb)to�he - .
<br /> • . `k re�xcration as rc�arr of the damaged praperty Any applicatiort of the proceedv to t1�e pr�c�pal shall mDt eatend or postpone �'
<br /> th�e due date af��e monthly payments whiah are referred to in Phragraph 2.or change Jie amourrt af�a,-ch payments. Any
<br /> '=2, �� eacess insuranc�-�rxeeds over an amou�t required to pay all autstande"r;indeMedne�ander the�oce and this Security • ; ': ' `_
<br /> -w Inswment shziC k�paid to the entiry�egalty entuted�hereto. � �� �.�_
<br /> �� � In the ever•�+�;tarecloGure of this Security instrumcttf or athcr Iransfer af tiQe t��iie Praperty that extinguishes the ;_ •;��'���••��r..
<br /> � '� ''=` • irr,d'e�iedness.2�;[tighA title aa�interest of Borrower in a.nd w s;�sutancc policies in foc�oe si�all pass to the purchaser. �'� : ��'���:'�'��''
<br /> 5. ��cy, Freservation,Maintenance anri.[�t►�tection ot the Properey� Borrowee•s l.oae Applicatian; �� ''�'''� -
<br />• .: ' I;ease6olds, r�rrawer shall nccupy.establish.and u�e�!:e['raperty as Borrawer's pnncipa]residence within sixty days , ._
<br /> ':��'''!_�'; ��.' � after thc execuri+Sr.oPthis Security insuument and shaU cantinue to occupy.the('toperty as Horrower4 prirtclpal msidence •. ,
<br /> 4r"�'�"�� , for at least one y�r after tha date of occu�aney.ualess�he 5ecretary determ�nes this requirement wiFt cause undae hardship �
<br /> � • ,��,�� ., • for Bmrower.�unless extenuatin�circurristances exi:-t which ace bey��nd Banawer's control. Bonower s1w11 notify . : ..
<br /> , �. .,T�1,�. ;. Leaders of any eatenuating cMC,umstances. Bo�rower sl�a.l! nat commit wu�te or destray,damage or substantially ci�ange ..',;�... , .
<br /> , . tho Ptoperry or a]Iow the Pr�r ta detedorate,rea�onaUe we�r:u�d tcar cacc ted. fxnsier ma ins t thc Pro �f the -'����
<br /> P Y P� �Y � � ;r,;,:., .
<br /> . y-��-.;�:.-. •�.,. - Propeny�s vacar.t or abar.����d or the loan is in defaul5: l.ender may take reusonabir a�ion to protect and preserve such ��--��4
<br /> ' ' � = vacanl or abari�i°.��d Prop�st',. Barrawer�h�I(alsa be in defautt if Banowcr,durin;thc loun Wp�d:cation proces9, gave '�,r�+ '�
<br /> �s
<br /> ' '��?•�,:{�•. .- mat�sially f�ls= �r inac¢.:ra.� �nformaticsnr ur ctatementy to Lender tor fai�cd ta prn�idc l.�r�:.-r�wlth any matenal
<br /> as
<br /> . _:,.�. ' �. . r .:., . f
<br /> �a... informatIon)i.n�cr.nection w4t3i ihe lonn evidenced by.he Nate,including.but not .ir..,�d to,re�.r��r.tations concemin�, ,.
<br /> . � :,. ,.::f�:�;,:' �`.: gorrower's accupancy of th�l�vpeny ag u principal resf�:r.�e. If thi4 Secunty Inctwnv�-,t is nn a t�c��w'.d.Bonower shall � ��,�, ,
<br /> :...=r',_. ,,.. �l-•.,• .
<br /> ;:,.�j-.,.;;•.. � com�9y with thc provisioas o�16e teace. If�orrowcra:�u��:s fec�itle tn tne Prapcn�.�he tensehotd an3 fec titi4-:ti:�i not � ,,, .,,.
<br /> � '#°:-;� t�merged untess l.endcr asrees to the merger in writin,�i. ''i'�� '
<br /> ,.•',: ._ _: " 6. Chug�s ta Boeruwer and Protertton ot Len�i�.�.'��td�hts in t$�e Properly. Borrowcr 5ha11�a�a1l go���eriv��ntal ��
<br /> � or municlpal char�es,fines and impositian�;thut are n:zt:;r:a�ed in P�a.�raph 2. Horrowrr shall pay-tnese oh[�,�:�:i�:�s on G.
<br /> ;,,i!,.�".!� _ time directty ta tI��cndty whirh iti nwed ihc paymcnt. [f£ailvn:ca.pa� wvutd advCrsely affect L,e:�Ger',s inte�t "s�t the �
<br /> � ' � PtppeAy.upon L.e�der�requ.e�w Borrawer shnll prom�ti�•f�u,.ish to Lender recei ts e�iQencmg these gaymenty. � : �
<br /> '��;:' `• t ra ,�ia:2.nr failc to �,
<br /> if Horroµ•er faiis to n�:e these paymenty or tY.e�,iiments rcyuired by gr prrfatsn 2aj'�ther
<br />. � . ;��;',�s�F;,.. . ;� covenants and z�reer�ents ro::calncd in thiv 5�cutity�ic:5*rt�ment,or therc is a Icga1 gn:�:Cing Ih�t may stgniftc:u�fly aftect � � .
<br /> .:'�'3i . . .�.:.::,,;:�-`=-'.��,t;- �nders rlghts?.���v Prnperiy(such as a�mceeding in b�nkruptcy.fur condemna;i.:��•��-to�n.,,.k�,aws or regutations). f
<br /> ; � � ''•.s then Lender ms��:�and pay whatcvcr is ru�s�ry to protect ihe vatue of the Ropc::y a:,�Le„�°.��r:ti hts ia the Raperty. � � ,
<br /> , . � includlag pa}r.:,�r,t of t�tes,h�ard insuru.�a:^.d other items menlivned in P�.u�.�graph:. � � i
<br /> • • • • My amoutits disbursed.by Lender un�er this Pur�eraph stw11 becomc an addir,�_csf��:r cf l�i:�nwcr and be secured •;
<br /> by this 5ecuriry Insmutsect. -�'S:ese amount9 shall bea.-Ir.:�rest t'rom the datc uf di:i+•ut��er*:�i t7ie Notc rate,dnd at�he ' :1,(.�.�A� .�
<br /> � . � aption aF Lender,sh�tl be i�-�:dlately due and payabin. , `, ::�,s;�
<br /> � � � " T. Condesr•.�;iva. 7':��proceeds of any 5ward nr clsilm far datnages,direct c�crr..�ec�uenlit+l,in cannection wieh any a.•.." . _-
<br /> .: :� `�';--=-�"�'•-�-- conde��n osc�4s�r*.=.kin�af an�p�t af dse Pro�sy.or for canv.vance in piaee oi ccm�icmnat�on.nne hereby:issigned ` " .
<br /> and shaU 6e Daid s'�{.e��cr to the extent nf the full amount of the inde�:eQness that rema'sns�unpaid u»der the Note and this ! .�.'�
<br /> _.-----��==-- ---�--- ' Sci.w�ily lnsvumer.-.: �:.=sha11 appiy such pracceds ta ttte seelurtian Gf the lnd�.}•a��ss�nder the NMe;�nd th��Security • �__.i:.��.. . •
<br /> ^ InSwment, ftrse to rn'��.�_'i, uent amuunts a l�ed �n the order mvided in ix�� h 3. :uid then to re a men�of j ' '.����r����
<br /> �_ ° �w ac p � VCY .
<br /> • prirtcipal. My ap;��iy.wr:� of the praceeds td the ,ptinripxl sh:�ll not extend at pc�s�one the due �t;ite uf thc mdnthiy : '::•�
<br /> . �
<br /> , . . . , . �PaxezeJapagrtir _ i
<br /> ; � .. .
<br />