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ggw�iY$I • 1� <br /> EXI=IIBIT /� <br /> A l:rart of l.and located in 1_�oL- 1]_ , �lome St�bdivi.eion, an l�ddition <br /> to ttie Ci.ty of Grand Ialand, Hall Cotin�y, Neb.ras)ca, more <br /> parL-icu] deecribed a� fol.l.ows : Be�_i.nnirig at a point on Y_he <br /> SouLh ].al l.ine ot 1_�01: 11 , wl�icli par� �.s :1.36 f_eet Fa��erlY Frorn <br /> the Southwest corrier of said Lot 1]. ; thence Nort11, <br /> pa.r.allel �o ti�e Eaat ] of eaid Lot 11 , a distance of 132 <br /> L-eet ; thence Eaeterly parallel_ ta the North line of <br /> State Street 21. �ee� ; rur� thence Nortiieae�erly parallel l�o <br /> the Narl.h of 17th Street , 7]_ . 7 feet l.o � point on the EaeL <br /> 1ot oL- L�ot 11 ; r«nning thence Soutl� a].or�� the East lot <br /> line of_ Lot ll. , 150 . 5 f_eeL to the Northerl.y 1�.ne of 17th <br /> Street ; runt�ing Lhence So�.�thwester_].y a]_ong the Northerly l�.ne <br /> of ].7�h Street , 3� feet to a poi.nt an the Sot�tli line oE Lot 1.1 , <br /> which i.e the j�anc�ion of tl�e North .l.ine of 17th Str.eet and I;he <br /> Nor_therl.y 1i_ne of S�ate street ; r.unning L-hence Weet a].ong the <br /> Sot�th 1_�ine oE L,ot ]_]_ , 54 . 2 f:eet l�o tlie po�.nt ot begi.nnir�g. <br /> --..,.�.._-- <br />