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<br /> ror,cfemnxtinn ar c�:l�er'ak�r:g a;auh��'of shc Prag+etr»•,r�,iat c:ar►;+�j+a�en Iirt�ct evndemnalitre�.�re�',ereby as;ig.ncci:u7d
<br /> . ,5ft:i��b'['.("i�'iYd ll)j�f;i�H�CY. � � �. � .~ � ..� . ...�� �. . � . . . . . .
<br /> tn rtcr, eN�•r�t of ;a tota! _a:irs� �f t},�r �mpe�a�. t1�t �,nx;e�trc±c ��t1 la� a��lar� �a thc xum� xceum3 by.this. SeCUrity
<br /> tnstnan�cnt. whenc�r c�r naa tne. �:lue. witl� ���y ex�`ws� �aid tu E��rruwe:. ;st th:.•���s:� c�;a �r£ral .ai:in�nf!hC Plopetty In
<br /> whir_�th� fais�,�rket value c;'cf�e E'r����ty imm��iately ta�eFore the faking Es c�r�st tp or greatcr than ihe�ncx::rt af the sum.�
<br /> s.;rur._d 4�y thi�Security Inc�rument in,�i�iately befur�tiie.talcing,unless Borrawer�nd R..ertzkr'eNhCrwis�e a�ra: :.n writing.
<br /> the sun, sccun:d [�}� this 5ecu�iry Ins:r'utr►c:�t sht�ll Ys� re�.lacect by thc amount c�F the procecds multiplied by the t'cdi�wing
<br /> fract►or: ;a) tt�e: total amaunt af t;�e sums ses:v�:�d imrnt�iiutely befo;e�tie.:ilcing,dividcd by(b)thc fair m�cicct value of.ti e
<br /> I'rr,pe.rty irr-�m�.diatelv before ►he t::kin�. r�rty balancc shai( � pai�i to Borrower. ln tlx ev�t oa a partiai taking of :itz
<br /> i'r�perty irs ��hic:h the �air ma.r�tt vaiue aC ihe Atopert� in�mcdiately befare t}tG talci�tg is less tti�rt t;�e: amaunt af ttw sums
<br /> securPd irnmccliately k�fore the tab.in�, tarzles.s B�:rower �d I.�rs�er otherwis� ��ree in writin� nr uniess ppFilicable Saw
<br /> oet�:rwise�rovi�.les,tt�c proceeds shall be appli�t to thc�surn�s�c�ur�3 by this Sc�urity In:rtrum�nt whcther or not ltae gumq a�
<br /> tt.�en du4.
<br /> if the Yrc�^rty is abar�dvned i�y �arrnwer,or if,�fter r�t��e by Lendcr t�B�'mwer that the randemnor af'fer.:to make
<br /> an award nr se�tic a ci��:� �9r dama�es,t3orrower faiis tu rrspqi�d ta I.ender wi�hin 3i5 days after thc ciate ihe nntice is giverr,
<br /> Lender i5 autihnrized eo col�At �d appiy t;ac proceed:�, at i�.�option,eiti.er to r�to�tior� c�r rcpair of tht Propert�r ar to the
<br /> surns secured by this Security i:�stri:ment,whether or not then due.
<br /> CJniess Lencicr and Borrower .:therwise agree ir. writi�g, any applic�tinn o;pmc�ds w �rncipal sF�all rx�t extend ar
<br /> .postpane che���e r,ate of the mon�lil��payrr.e��rs referred ta in pa►-�graphs 1 anc�ur change the amo�nt of such payments.
<br /> �I. Borra�var 1Vat Keleas��; Fort�eat�:ncr By Len�er Ne! a V6'a[v�r. Extension �: the t�me for ��ayment �r
<br /> rnacii�cation of amon:=ation of iye sums s�ureri by this Security Instrument�r�nted�l Ler�e�ic�any su�cerxor in interest
<br /> of c orrow•er sha3! n4t op�e:�te ta r�i��s� thc liabiiry ef the original �orrawer or H�rrowe:c surcessorc in intcresl, l.ender
<br /> shall not bc �quired to cnmmer,cM proc�Adii*gs a�ai►:st any Sucwessor irs interest or refu:.e ta �.::end t�mc fo: p.iymcnt nr
<br /> otherNise mn[]ify amorlization c�f�tie sums�e::�red by thi^5a����ty r,���,��,����y�:z�on of any dcros�d m��ic hy thc nri�inal
<br /> 13�rrower or E3ormwer'� :�uccessors i�i intere:;t. A�;y f�rbe��i:ince hy �.ender i:► exercising any rigtrt c�r rcmedy tihal! nnt ne �
<br /> waivcr o`r,r prec�ude tlie exercise�:�f,ny r�gl�t o:remeuy_
<br /> l Z. Suc�essor�and Assigns lie�ur�d;!oint and Sevr,al I.iahiiit��; C:rrsi�ners. The covenant�and a�rcemcntti of thiti
<br /> 5ccu;i;� !nstni�ncnt shall bind anci bcnetit thc �uccc�sor� a;id �,cw��ryti iif Lcndcr and Ror;cawcr, ti��hJrcl tc> ilic rrc►visicm• cif
<br /> paragraph !7. Eiorrowe�'� �ovenants ancl �i�.rccmcrr�� �hal! 1� jni►ii :,nil ticvcr.!!, \nw i3orrowcr wh�� cc►-si�nti thiti Security
<br /> ir!strument�,�it dc�es not exccutc the Not�: Ca) iti co-.igniri€thiti 'Sec�ri;y In�trun�cnt c:nl}'to tnc�rl�.:��r.Z�rant an�l�•<invey ihat
<br /> B�;-rawer's ir.terest in ihe Pmnerty ur.cic:r the terms of this Security In�tn°itten;; (h)is rtnt�rsnn.�lly nhli�:�tcc)t��n;iy Ihc�unts
<br /> securcd bv this 5er4�rity In�trument; and (c)a�rees th�it 1_endcr nnd any��ther f3c���uwrr ntay a�rcc In exlrncl,�iuxlify, fcirtxar
<br /> c�r make s�ny accorntl;od::tions with regard to !tie tQnnti ��f this Sccuri'y Instru�ner! nr the Notc withc�ut th:d [3orrnwer',
<br /> cnnsent.
<br /> 1'. C.��an Cttar�es. [f the lo�tn scctrrc�! by thiw Scturii`.' Ititiltlt�7:cnl i� s,uh�cc! to .: iaw sti•ltich �.rt� t�u�ximui�� I:r,u�
<br /> charC^s, :3n1 that i��t !� irally ince;-�rc:Reei �n that the interctit or c�shcr Sri,n r�h:�r�e�r��llccteci c�r ta t+e c�>Ilccted in co�u�ec►ion
<br /> ��rith t:�e 3;i�n exce�;d the yxi�nitted limits. t;�en: !a)any such ioan Ch.trgc �iiafl Ix; �utcccd hy!he;ttS3c�uni neccs�ciry I�� rcducc
<br /> die c�ar�� t�,thc ncrmittcrl limit: an.] !h1 any ti�m� c�lrcas�y coll�_cted frc�ni F3«rrnw�r whi�F�cxcecded rennittc�l lintitw will hc
<br /> reiu»de��tt;�?orrn�,�•�:r. Lcttder�titay ciin��tic;:•�rn:�ke:i�i�refund hy rcuucin�.�hc rrinci�al��wcd undcr Iht� Nntr .,r h}•makin�❑
<br /> d'vecl rsyr:icnt to f:•nrro��:�r. If�i refu�id reduces �:in�i��t�l. thc rccluctic��r wiii hc Qr:t;ied tts st parti.d! pre��:;yme;�1 w•ithnut :iny
<br /> pr�payir:ent char���a �inc�cr the Nvtt_
<br /> lv. Vo�i::cs. �:�}' nntice tp '3orro�ti•:.r pr��vidcd fnr in tlti� S.c•u�ity Instrum�nt shalf (x: �ivcn hy c!clivcrin� it �u i�y
<br /> n�ailirig it hv ?irst ci:�>:ti r;"ail u;�lc��aJ�piir.�h1: l.�w rcy�irc:ti utic of��tin�:!hcr mcilicxl.'nic natirc,liall ►x dirrr►rcl tn tl�;: ['r«�rty
<br /> A;ldre�� er a�iy cthcr ::�{dre�s Borrciwer ciesicna:�s F�}' noticc to Lcndcr. Any� noticc to Lcndcr sh;ill tx givrn hy firtit �la��
<br /> n;:ail to Ler:der�� aildress state�;!�crein er.�ny c�Ihcr:iddr�tis L�:ncler dctiign:�tcs!?;�s�c�ti�:e t�� E3<irr����rr. -�ny ne�licc rnfvidrd f�nr
<br /> in this 5ecursty i:��trumcr.c shall bc deemed to hav� hcen �iven to Bvrrc�wer .�r l_endcr whcn Liven citi providcd in thiti
<br /> F,ara�r:ph.
<br /> 15. (:oveo-nin� f,aw; Se��eraifiiit��. "Ihis Sccurily In�tr����icnt ch:ili hc gc�vernc� by Icdcral Inw :uul thc !aw �if �hc
<br /> j�u'isdi�tion in w�tic'1� !hu Prnr,crty is locatccl. In th�c:vctzt lh:t� at�y piovisic.x�or tlautie c�l�lhi�5ccurity lizstrum�nt �ii tl�c Nnt�
<br /> conflicts a ith :inp!i��hle law, suei7 co�ifiic' tih:ill not :�1f�ccl ntl�er provi�ir>nti nf thiti Sccurit}• I�t�tru�tit��ri ��r Ihr Nolc whinc�ari
<br /> t�c gi�•cn effect �tiithoai 't�e cc�-`licting provicion. To this cnd the �rovisions oi this Sceuriry Intitrument anil Il:c hc�te :�rc
<br /> ci�clarcd to he uvcrable.
<br /> (G. Rurrc»�er's Cnpy. $r�rrower shall hc�ivet�<mc cimC�>nned�:ipy of thc Nc�fc anu��f this S;�urity Intitrumrnl.
<br /> 17. 'I�ransftr oF the PropErty nt'a Ftene�icial [nteresk in �It�rrt►w��. If all or�my p�►ct nf thr Pr��rcrty i�r•iny ii�tcrc.�t in
<br /> it is .tiald o; trcin�ferr�d (or if a acncfi�i.�l intcrest in f3c,rrnwcr i5 solci or trnntifcrrcd and Borrnw�r i� nc�t a nat��r::� fknnn►
<br /> with�,�ut Le:,�1er's �±ri�r writteri cor�sent, Lraidcr may, at its �?pti�n, rr.�.�uire imn7edi�te pa}�ment in ft�il nf all .umr ticcarrd hy
<br /> t�i!s aecurity� inslr�imcnt. H.�wever, !hic option shall nnt be�xercised by Lender if exrrcise is prohit'�it�d by t�eder:�l luw .is of
<br /> the cl;�t�c�f this 5e�uritv lnstrurn�wnt,
<br /> r(�,�n�{tr cxer�ise� lhis[�ption, I��tl()F'1"tilla�� �IVC E3nCC0:4'E(tlq[ICC(7�:1CC�ICC'JI�Uft. TI1C t1(l(Il'C sh:il) rrcividc a prriod c�f
<br /> not le,s than 30 ein}�s from thc datc the noti�e is cleliverec]or mailed���ithin ��•hi�lt Bcyrrower ntust h1y nll 5ums ticcured h}�thiti
<br /> $ecurity lnstrumcnt. !f E3t�r�ower fails to pay these sums pric�r to 1he �xpir�rtion ��f ti�is peri�x3. Lcncicr may invcke any
<br /> re�r�edics pern�ietccl hy this Security InStrument wiihout futQi�er natice vr dzmanci rn t?�rre�ti�er.
<br /> b8. Bnrrowef's KiKht to Reinstate. If Eiorr�e�er mcetti certain c�nditicx�ti, Rorrnwcr •h.ili i�cive ►ht right to have
<br /> cni�orcemcnt vf this Scc•urity (��Stnimcnc discnnzinued at ar.y timr pri��r t<� �he czsrlier of: (,e) 5 days (or �uch c�ther r+ericxl a�
<br /> Sintle Pumily--i��annic�1aelFreddie�1:iC U�ilFOi��1 INti'1'HIJ!41f::�I'--Llnilr+n�i Cuvcnanh 9/9{l (pu.�r d„/Ir 1xiti�•��
<br /> ti.
<br /> k
<br /> q:.
<br /> �.
<br /> 5'
<br /> F
<br /> ,'�' ' F.
<br />