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<br />-•°'%�.,'%�•.�3�, FRBPACB TO HORTGA02 OA TRUBT D$BD UNDERg3.
<br /> .� F�� NAIVBR ANU llISCLAIHER �
<br />� ,�•rym,�,�s;...
<br /> �ski}',� In accordnnce wieh tho provielone oE the Nabraeka Farm
<br /> r �{'•h''• Iiomeotead Yrotootion Ace, tho undara3 nad, Ronald Meetenbrink
<br />_�:..,.�-,.,.�r..1r g .-.. _ ._,._.. _..__.. ..
<br /> � � S. :i.
<br />:..„r��'c.��.� e/k/e Ronnid W. Hottenbrink and Judieh A. Hettenbrink a/k/a JudiCh
<br /> " Ann Heteonbrink a/k/a Judy Mattenbrink Hueband and BSfe, priox to _
<br /> ��� '��c'•?� oxacuting eho neteched Mortgage oe Truet Daed datod Auguee 30, 1993 -' -_
<br /> -`--.;i; by and batveon thu undereignnd and Norweet Aank Nebraeka, N.A. -���- - ___.
<br /> 4
<br /> --- ++"-z (herainnftur ruferred eo ae "HorCgaga or Truat Dead") hereby �,`� _
<br /> t- �
<br />,,.;,;,r;,.-'.�;;� etata and acknovludgu: �`�-' -_--_� -
<br /> ,.. ,..�..— .
<br />-kt;..,"�>;`._-� �: DISCLAIMER �G:"•--_"'r'�.-
<br /> i !•: — -
<br /> . �i:r,i hi'r - a.....
<br /> - "' L That no part of che homestead o£ tlie undureignud io F;�,�
<br /> - 341�� presently or in the future will be eituated on the followSng ,.�,�E
<br /> �'J -�`,�`� duecribed real ee[ate (hereinafter "Parcel l") nor ara ehere any a, €z� --
<br /> V �A-a Lt• buildinge eufHcient to be deeignated as fl homeatead presently -'� -e -
<br />-� s
<br /> ��,;:`-; �',. `.` locaced upon Parcel li -"° -� �
<br />_ �.:�...;�.
<br /> ._�1 � �"4.�;'.r'-
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<br /> ^p!'� . S ti��L.y._•
<br /> - <. `�.�" 2. The undureigned acknovledge that vh11e the Nortgage nx ;,•• ^ r -=
<br /> t. .. • ,. -.�
<br /> yr`'�� Truet Deed rameine unsaciefied end e lien on Percel 1, they ahnll --, � --�
<br /> ' huve no right preeently or in ehe future to make a deaignetion of r�'::�,--:' -� -`.-
<br /> .---�•� homeetead on Parcel 1, including without limitetion, in ehe event ��• � �-_—��
<br /> ,�'��� of a foreclosure or Cruetee'e eale under the Mortgage or Truet '.�,�� ' -r+-� '
<br /> n ��`;�i�' D¢ed. ` � �1n"�I�f'.'
<br /> �`�l.i9tL-. '.:n, a5�.:.-.'—
<br />� "�'' . 3. The undereigned acknovledge that 1f, conttaty [o thie �,. y,s-'�
<br /> S�'L �
<br /> �'°' �' Dleclaimer, they eetablieh e homea[eod on Parcel 1 during the �!ti! _1�+�� °��
<br /> - .;;���_ tlme the Mortgage or Truat Deed remaine unsatiefled und a lien ;��_ ,�, }�,..1 �=
<br /> -i�r,�,..; upon Parcel l, they ehall huve no right to make a deeignntion of / �•^5��.--
<br /> - -'�•4.-'�i homestead in [he even[ of a forecloeure or [ruetee'e sale under _:�;.:;\iA.'•.
<br />+ � S_.`.A�;{ the Flortgage or Trua[ Deed, �- � '�-
<br /> {,;tl,i;�'"' .. ,G}?,!1,p,:�' '`
<br /> p„ ._a�� 4. The underaigned etate that this acknovledgemen[ Se their � �
<br /> '(h��';,i�} knowing and voluntnry nct end deed and cone[itutes a vritten � fjt " t„+s ,
<br /> . r��.;, dieclaimer and acknowledgement under the Nebraeka Farm Homeatead { �+�IN�a'.;,,(!,?:�
<br /> . Protoction Ac[ and the undersigned do hereby dieclaim any right �� �" �� ��' `���,�;
<br /> - ' " to designe[e a homescexui in �i�e evenc oi defuult upon auch Ftortgage � �-
<br /> . ox Truet Deed or in the even[ of u foreclosure or trustee's eale � .��.,�_<.�:� " ��
<br /> � under the Mortgage or Truet Deed. � � "�.�'���
<br /> _ 5. The undereigned fur[her underatund and egree Chat this � I ��. ne:
<br /> - � - acknowledgement and DisclaSmer ehall be filed as u Prefnce to and -:,-r:,..": --
<br /> `�, . become a part of the Mor[gege or Truat Deed. � � ;.,;]�;,:� ��� •
<br /> .:.�,s.: � -
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