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<br />-°° �3 bUa�sn .._..__- --
<br /> ' CAROLYN K.(3UIZOW
<br /> 0[2768.U,S.fll;4wf�y 3a,(irand Island,Caunly oPFiall,Smlo of Nebraska,of�!w tirst pan,eM
<br /> '. T(�QUITqW�PNhhID.Y TAUST,VlU Juty 8,1991
<br /> �1[fAt(ltty�Thal the said puq�of tAa llrst pu�,for and In considerallon oP IAVB AND AI�FS(.'f[ON AND �
<br /> 071II!R GOOD AND VALUAHLB CONSIDIIMT[ON to tlw aaid party of Iho Orst pan in tiand paid by tbo sald puty ot�he
<br /> seoond p�tl,Wo rc'aipt wixreof Is hercby confesud end ecknowledgcd.Ms relcasW,9Wldaimed,pnd couvcycd.end 6y Uuso
<br /> prcun�a dops rcle�se,qultclaim,end convcy to�ta pany of itw s000nd pan.Gsn c�irs and assigns forever,a11�ho follmving
<br /> �� d�scri6�d lote or parals of land silwte,Iying end bcing in ttw Counry of Hall,end S�ete of Ne6mska,to wil: - --
<br /> 7'6o sou�h half ottho sarthxrst quartcr of�Ao south�resl quarter of Scqlon 7b•cn�yseven(2'n.Toaa?.ilp Ele�en(11)Noitb,
<br /> Aango Ntne(9)Wal aFtAe 6Ui P.M.,Iess approxlmatcly ono acro dcedcd to lho S�ato of Nebroske.
<br /> __ $! �flt�Its Qf �jN1 t�It BNOIt, Togahcr ai�h eil end sfngular tho appunenances end prrviFeges lhcrcto
<br /> 6clonging or In enywlsc lAcrcuuto epperteining,and ail ILc estate,dghi,tltle,inkrest end claim�vhatwn�cr oisnid pazty of
<br />.'�-,';� tha flrst part,cither in law or in cqnity,to�hc only proper use,b.ncfit and behoof of�ho sa(d p�r.rty of tl;o[ernnd parl,Aer
<br /> j�� Aolrs and aai�ns torevcr. - .. -.-` ` . .`
<br /> .;j . 3N�iqttll�i'�CaaOl�1ho s�id p�rty of�hc firu part has hcxanlo sG ficr hand end scal�ho day a^A y'eu flrst �tz -�= �.
<br /> . abovowdRCn. - `j'---'���-
<br /> yq tY��.:
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<br /> Si ne4,Sealoi and DcNvcrcd fn Ihc Prcunce of ���-.�?��i�.�
<br /> :i� 8 .�'�G�ss::
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<br /> ,� �r,s�',.,q , i� _ � ��, /.� ,J �/.vr�E'..r>r' �[sEAI.] � s �s�i.��.:.
<br /> � Carolyn K. ulzow,Grantor ,� , v;���'
<br />���.� �5JJ(s+v.w.`l/l- C��2� } ' 't � { :iJ=y��`
<br /> V 4 �3 l -LII�T�'A: .
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<br /> STAYE OP Nebraska,County of Hell ss. �� �' ��'�`p'� 1^
<br /> , z-•� � �_
<br /> • ,4-?:_y � ::
<br /> '�� Theforegoinginstmmentwasacknowledgedbefore �k,�; �:
<br /> methisl0th dayof AuyusL , �9 93 �� �,__-
<br /> � by <,!-^
<br /> - �ct��t�aTUrcsrm a�rAn : �a,��'�� .
<br /> "� Carol nK.Gulzow. .arM.e�vi.EV �'y�.5, �tl, • �
<br /> Y �hCanRFr.o.S�C�1.1993 / s. .�� .
<br /> �;
<br /> Wimess my hand and oR'icial seal.
<br />:.:;;_a - - - -
<br />� M�OmmissionExpire�sepc. 1, 1993 - -- -_ ,
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<br /> ,°: ota ublic .
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<br /> � e��..�.....,�,;�o.��„m�.,-
<br /> � Carol�nK.Gutimr ----- -------
<br /> - 278 F:.U.S.High��ay 74 ' .
<br />- � Grand Island,Nebraska G8801
<br />:.,._ �
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<br />. This iatUUmcol uas rc arcd 6 Ihe Ic 1 sWRof Ihc Amcripn Tmst 0.si Grou ,10075 51V Ua�bur BIrdJS.Suilc i08. � - .
<br /> . � P P Y B� 8� P I .
<br /> "- PorUand,Orcgon97219.
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