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,, . <br /> r �.M1. . -. `1 <br /> - ' '�. '�"'_ ° �'ik.'"` 1� . .. — <br /> "_.._ <br /> .-..s.:.�.�8?iFarfiGYetwi�fiRC-".t,.J::: ;.:_^'__��R:�.._..,. . _ .. -�1:—._.. _, <br /> i <br /> � <br /> .lil$,(I1Jy� . <br /> __ �g�:io�sz�. <br />=t�;;�;� , FHA M�iTiS'fr�'fE ADJU3TAUI.F.RA'PE RIUEEt <br /> — ,—r� <br /> r � � deyof -- <br /> a TfIISADJUSTAOLIIMT6RIpGRismadctl�is 30th <br /> (1ugUet, 1993 nnd iF incurpore�cd huo nnd ahull bc d:emcd to nntend and tuppicmrn� {�s=�,�„ <br /> "j'� iho Mungngc, Uccd of 'Itus� ur Sccudiy Dccd 1"Sccudiy Insimmcm") af �hc smnc dmc givcn hy IBc undcr+ignal <br /> t �-__ <br /> „ . . .,. ("6a�m�vcr")tasccurc Dortowcr�Nac("Nmr"�in ._ ..--. _ _._._. <br /> _ .r.., c_r_ <br /> ` !$� COIAHBUB PSDP.RT�4 611VIN08 BAHR w�T: -�- <br /> n,;.. <br /> ;:i i._s �I-:,i,'°i::�::y-==� <br /> � _ [i._; Ns� .:: <br /> � 1','`�1�; . .'t _ <br /> ` :t-t�'� (UiP"I.endar')of 16a xamn duia anJ eovering�Ix properiy descriixJ in�he SecuritY Inanmient nnd locn�ed ae 't�?,.,:x'il`n!�,-� <br />- w �...�,-. <br /> � .n�...r �y1.��-�`��:c <br /> �7/ �iT:' .�fi�n-g� : , <br />" �!�.-� 4�23 PORT HORTfl lIVRNU& ' .�'�'p �`� �;.. <br /> - .,.��)t.r FJtANA IBL�ND, HR 68003 . -��s. .. ,a^.,�� _ <br /> ��'� . $ .�i. . ;"'r'`;�,�' -- <br />= ::i;:;i.. .-;...,j.'�t�4.;;'=� <br /> not� `�� 114�penyAdJtttal ., i,- 3 .v:-___. <br /> ',5 ; x '` - <br /> -': 'I'Nk: NUTG CO*�TA1N5 PAOVISION5 ALIA\YIN(� FOR CHANCFS IN TtIB --'_ � .._ .... <br /> , IMPF.RE.4'P RATS ANU 'PIIE MONTHW' PAVMftNT. Tllft NOTF. LIMI'i'S TIIR � +;,� _ <br /> A�fOUN'P"1'fIF.IlORR01VF.R'S1N7'BRFSTRATRCANCtIANOP.ATANVUNRTIMF. ', , � <br />':'." � ANUTHFMA%IMUMRA'fE��llF.DORROIYF.l1MUS7'PAY. ... � -�-? �- - = <br /> .:-i��.:�,::u�3— <br /> . - '-i. '�.:.�n.i,," -- <br /> - �S:i' ir.:��'.r,2i,m. <br /> � � :.: <br /> <i jl j���lY�$�iit- i � <br /> ti�ti;x�;M�� 1V"f4 �. :; <br /> �4�f ?� <br /> AllUl'IIONAl. IX)VF.NAN'IS. In nJdilian In Ihm coren:nns anJ ngrccmcnlr made in Ilx Sccudly Inslrmnenl. �' - �. ��i n��?. � <br /> fiurru�vcr m�d Lcmlcr funhrr co��cnanl m�d agrcc�u fnl lmvc - �r �`��,• <br /> ! t��!� _ <br /> INTCR[ST RKfE ANU AWNI'l ILY I'AYMENT CHANG[S �'� � I�r " >> + <br /> �J � rSt <br /> (Al C6nnpeUnte �t --:+ ` r( tf����' .��� � <br /> -` T h e I n l e re s l ro t e m a y c 6�m g e o n I h e f i r a d a y o f Janua r Y 1. 1995 .anJ�hai day uf each succeeding year. �a`� . . ,S y i�+_ , <br /> �: <br /> `+�(rJ 1: "Chnnse Unte'meanx each Uate on n�hich Ihe inleres�rme cuuld change. - 'Ii`�ififrtij�t' � ��.: <br /> y 9,�t n <br /> .„ �i,=u�! t <br /> (U) Tl�c IndeM .--, ,� <br /> Dcginnfnp wi�h ihc firs�Changc Ua�c.�hc intcres�raic�vill Ik on an Indcn. 'Inden menm thc �veekly nvcrege � _ . , <br /> � � yiclJ on Uni�ed Sunnx 9Ycacury Sewri�ics ndjax�cJ to a cansmm ma�uriq•af onc ycar.a+ made availablc by ihe Fedcral ;;'_j;�:`- <br /> } , .. <br /> - Reserve DuarJ. "Curwm Index"mennx�he nmsl reccnl InJu figuce nrailable 3U Jays b:fore�he CM1xnge Date. If Iha Index I _ . ,: ��.�_}�_:i <br /> � ���� (ax defined nhove)is no longer availa6le.Lender�rill me ac n ne�c Index an��inJex prcscribed by Ihe Saremry. As used in ..;�;.. <br /> ;�. ,, <br /> ' ihix RiJer."Sccrcmry" means�he Sccrcmry o(Honsing anJ ll�hin Ucrclupmcin nr hia or her Jesignce. Lendcr will Rire �� „ . . .� <br /> � 6urro�vcr nnlicc nf Ihr.nciv InJcx. � �����= <br /> ���' <br /> .. IC) Colculnl6m of Inleresl liale Ch:mges �� - ,��" - <br /> ISefam ench Clumge Uale.Lender a�ili c:dcui:ne n new inlere.l r.uc hy adJing a m:�rgin of . �; {:, ' <br /> .. �� �' . .u.. <br /> ,. 1'wo perccmagc F � . <br /> . � 1.U000 `" � •- <br /> _ �. �_�;.,,�_ pninw( `'+f�) �u Ihc cnRCnt Index anJ raunJing ihc �um io i6c ncarcq onocig6th of onc percrntagc poim V, _.. _ . , . . .. <br /> � ..�t-�.'",..,. IO.It}Ml. Subjecl In Ihc limils a�alcd in NuagrapL lIA�+f Ihi.ItiJrr.ihic n,nnJcJ:nnnum will l,c thc ncw imcrcc�re�c until _. <br /> '�i',..% thc nrx�Changc Dalc. �.� <br /> (U) I.Imitsonlnteree112uleCLangcx i <br /> -. � "ILr imeresl rate will nerer inc�e:ne o�Jrrrca�e h� mnre Ihan un.�xrcrmage�x�int l L07N rni miY single Change Uale. <br /> ,�f:.:: <br /> .�!%" : � The inlemil r:lic«'ill Itc�'cr IM InoR 16�I1 fi�f�K�ccOiOEC�x�inlc 1511(:1 hiEhfr nr IDOBr Ihan Ille illiliel inlcrcsl rale. ; <br /> � <br /> �:��.... IF.1 CnlculallonuflMpmeNChan�e <br /> . � � If Ihc imrrcq ialc ehangcs on a Chan}c Ihtc.Lcndrr..ill edaaL�ie�hc :unnum a(monlhl��paymcm nf prineipai and . . <br /> iNeresl which unuld he�xcessaq�m iep:g��hr un�cnd pnnnpal b:dance in full YI IIIC IIIJIOfII)' IIiC ne��'inlerest mle , <br /> - Ihwugh subslantiall��cqual pa)nuN•. In m::Amg wih cJculalinn.I.cnde�will ucr ihc unpaiJ prineip:d M1alancr M�ieh«ould � . <br /> be o�rcd on ihc CLan�c Uaic if Ihctc had IMCn nu dclauh in pa�mcm on�hc Notc.�cdurcd h���hc+moum of any prrpa)nuN� � <br /> • to principal. 7Lc¢cuit ol ihis calculnion xill Ir�hc:unnum o(Ure ncu momhl� �a�mem u(princi�nl and inta<sl. <br /> -- ' �'I ll'1 fVOliccail.nenRes <br /> Lcnder wili givc no�icc�013onowc�al a�n dr.mgc m Ihc inlctcal�aic anJ m�+n11J� pa)NCnt amounl. iLc nnticc musl <br /> be gi�en al Icasl I5 Jays Ixfo�c thc ncw mumhl? pcnmcnl amnunl ic due. :wJ muH arl fnnh lil Ihc dalc ef lhc nulicc. <br /> . .. lii)Ihe Change Uale. (iiU ihe oIJ ime�c.i �a�c. lirl �hc nc��� imc�cU iale. h9 Il:c ncw moNhly paymem amonm. hb Ihc <br /> Curtcnt Indcx anJ d�c da�c il �.a�p��Fli<hcJ.1�ii1�hc nuihinl al c:drulating �hc chaugc in monihly pa�mcn�amnum.anJ <br /> , . (viiil any ulhct in(nm�aiion�vhich m:q Ix�cynncJ hy I:m f�om linu In Iimc ro� <br /> - arrL�tneaam+t.r.�.w ■ <br /> ' � ��E�J6kV�9�0�1 q�N�l../.prtrJ Io��MU� IllqSlbON�UfA\RNM��I�1 <br /> ,`` <br /> _ � � .i: d . . . <br /> � _ � <br />