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<br /> s ' �ppUabk faw msX spe�'E�far teit��atcmentf Eefat sak ot the Pio�erty Qursu�nt to any powet of s�le oo�tait�d ia�this __ '
<br /> _ �IY�aQ(�.)�t,Y�sf-?!.pdgmeot eefot�inS this Seturiry insuumen� Tf�ose caoditians at�e that�c�tower: (s?
<br /> ; — P�Ys L.dsdcr alt swms��D�e tbe�.�nouti!6e due undet this Secu�ity tasocamenc aad the Note ac ii nu �kration had .
<br /> � acc�u�ed;t61�s aay�drYtr��oAat�r a�6er�renanb or a�uts:(c)PaYs aU expenses incuned in eniorcing this Sesur'sty ,
<br /> , iastcum�n�inctu��t�a�t timsi�d ca ie�sonable aaomegs'fzes:and tfi tatccs sucs acriaa as L.ender may��bly ,
<br /> . requue m assure th�t'�e�oEth'rz"Security Insuumen�t�tiders rigAts in the Properry ac�BarroweYs oDligation to pay thc ' .
<br /> _ s�uas scc� b� t� S�.RaaitY Enitn�mcat shatl contiaue unct�nged. Upon reis�tatement by Borcawec this Secanty
<br /> Insuumau�d thc o�+D�,�iv�s se�"��6Y sh�ll cernain fulIy eftee6ve as if no acceleraaan t�d oocwted. Hawever.this
<br /> —_�..�_____ '. �toceinstates�c�fi.a,qpTjrimC�r�seafaccele�atioaunderpuagraphlT. �__�r--
<br /> = 19�. Sait d Nest�Ciis�e ai`�Servia� 'T6e Notc or a pauti�l miecest in the Note twBetLer arith ttis Security
<br /> - Wst[uaient�mag be se3R oae a c[fi�e times widwat psior aotice to Bairower A sale ma�resuli in a ct�nge�in tLe entity _
<br /> ' (Yon�vn as t8e"!u�S�n�c�e�ti�f colIecu mauhlY WYmenu due uader the Nae and this Secuiity(nsuumenL 7'Gere alsa
<br /> �=•-> �p��e u�m�oce�fia�g�s oq�,�n ServisYr uoret�tod to a sale of tt�e Note. If the�e is a change of the boan Servictr. i
<br /> mtore
<br /> BaaaareF w�t be gir•es�a wsisa�rxatit''�e of tbe cl�nge it�a�;cocd�noe wedi I�S*�Ph 14 above and appticable law. 'tlse qotice _ -
<br /> B aa � �s sh�utd be m�de. The nouce will �
<br /> � w i U�ate t L c ta�me a w 4�ess o�t�n e w L o s n S e t v i c�a n d t h e a d d r e s s w which p a y m e n -_---
<br /> - -- also contaia aay othes.i�at�nAtiare i+�uired by applica6k taw. . � � --
<br /> :..' � Z� Hazsrdo�S�batat�.=Hotrovirer shalE nos�wse or pemut the prese�ce.use.disposal.storage.or cefease of any' _
<br /> _ �ardnu.g S�b�e�oe�ot in tt�.-�operty. Bartower shall not do.nor silow anyone e1se,to do.anytl�ing affecting the �,�_
<br /> � � Property t�at is ir��'�oF aag�a�m�ess�!l.avr. 'Fhe precedin8 two sentences shall nat appip to the p�use,ar ��`'._
<br /> ;� �:�=• s��age rnt tt�t pmpetty oS smal{�aeimd6es of Hazardous Substances that ane gener�ily cecugnized m be appropriate to no�mai ��V�
<br /> o ma ='�"
<br /> �y. nsidentiat oses anc�trac�.ia:�tnacrc�of il�e Roperty., ��-:���
<br /> . `r;�s g�w¢r sh��r giv�Lender written aatice of any investigation.claim,d e m a n d.lawsa+it or other action by anY -�-;_,__v
<br /> �,_�
<br /> :�;'- govemmentat oc regr�s�aget��ors ptivate pa�ty irsvolring�he Pmpecty anA airy Hazardous Su6stance or Eavimnmenta� ,. �:.
<br /> . �',`;.� , Law af ahich Boercti��r tras acaaai kunwiedge. IF Batrower[eams. or�s rtotified by any goveinmental or ceg�Iazary , - ';.-�
<br /> �: ..'r,'�
<br /> -- - �;{ autfwrity.that any nmaval or ot�t�.cEatedi�tion af at�+Hazardaus Substanee affeeting the Ptopecty is necessary.Bonawer .;�°� --
<br /> ti +�°�;
<br /> ^':'_ shall prompty tage a!!r�eceg�sy iem�fial actions in s►ceardance with Fnvimmnental Law. , . `W�a°=-_..
<br /> '����� As used in t1�pa�a�s'd�h 2�.'�aaardo�rs Sutsstances"aze t8ose snbstances defined as toxic or hazardous sWsstances 6ry -_ �=..�.
<br /> � s:,, . ';`,:���.��'�.-.:,:_=-
<br /> +" ��� Environmtnw�Law�nd�l�:fallis�Gr�;}:�bstances: gssotine.kem�e.ather flammable or toxic petmteum pr+nducts.toxic ,- --
<br /> .� `.�� ,�; , pesticWe�;arn�herbnCEd�.4,'vaL•�:�.r,tv��.ius,materials containing a.�os os formatdehyde.and radioactive matesials. l� � f__
<br /> �
<br /> ` s°� �_;: �v,�% used in Qtis paragaptilii:,"Ert�ita�.'m�ti�ttf�w'°�s federa�ta���ucd taws of the jurisdictinn wLeie the Propetty is loc�d _ ` s, _�
<br /> ' that retate ta heaId�,saf�{y.or.esri;�'��:fizai protecdaa. `�'
<br /> �• .:�;�„
<br /> � ` :::%�;`�, NUN-UNffO�RDsACO�}At1s�'�'"s.Gorroweran�l..enderfurthercovenantandagreeasfoltows: � �: . :�-
<br /> " ;-f:f�,;•;: . - - �
<br /> r�.: Zl. Aceeitratitia►t R�; �'ee shaU�ave aotke to Borrawee prtor to acceleration tdtowing Borrower's ,�:,�,��
<br /> �����;�. :� breaeb ot asyr mvenlnt or�.ica thfs Secusiiy Iastrament(but not prior to acceteratton under paragr�B.L7 ,
<br /> . ,,=_3 '' no�s apptkabk ayr prrn-idc��Ehr�fiv4�. The not?�ce s6ai1 specity: (a)the defaatt;(b)the actFon reqaired to arrctir�_ ,�� �_�-
<br /> -,:`:�.� defAalt;(c)s date.a�t:l�.ss 1�a,�F�froar tfr�date the nolice is given ta Borrower.by whicb tde default�iust'.��. ,�-�: ,:.�' �:; -
<br /> ��'� curedt and(dj thaf l�t��i�r�!'rr.�'swit o�ir�7�efore t6e d�te specified�n tl�e nMice may resutt in�c�elecati�ia:uu�' . -: _
<br /> �''•=��,�; the sua�securM b}�f�&'r.�rt�fma'�'sment�nd s�le ot the Proyerty. T i b�:.rorsaice s h a D t u x l ber i rt to r���r r r o w e t'a��. 5^:�_-
<br /> ':T�:�. `�,`~-�' -
<br /> �- � tl�e dght to reinstatt att�r��Sr�ahd the�igl�t to brtog a�urt action fo`assert the nan�existence of A defan[t Ur.• �z-w�;°, ` �
<br /> , - ,.,:;`:,1,' :" any Mher dut'ense cQ Rtvm��rr;Ya a�aa�i?ration ane!sale. [f tir�cl�',aull is not cured oa or before t6e date speciP�d�ftr'::- ,} . . , 'cr:�,�-a..
<br /> tii
<br /> . :`'"`'��J�:;r�::�' thenotic�.L�mder�itilsopiiontrtoJ�nu�rfreimmediatepayme�rLii�iu0otallsum4securedbythisSecurttylnstramea�: := ..- • ��:�� °<s�
<br /> '� ":F"s''''•�"'% withant'Grcti�er dt�►wnd and muy invoke Ihe po�ver oi s�Ce iun�any ot6er remedies permit[ed by applkabte la� . ;���
<br /> , .,. :, ,. .;.-.t'::'.. . .. '��ti2 :�x��
<br /> Eender shail be ealili[d to mflect a1�expenses irtcuned ta pnrsuing the remedies provided jn this paragraph Zl, •� Y,V.�.�=
<br /> '- �� iaciuding,6a1 no!timilM lo�.rtAsonabte attorneys'fees and eosts of titie ev[dence. • . �-.�.:�
<br />� • Y" It'tbe power ad s�}r is imti�Ced,'IYustee sball recard a notice ot defautl i�each couaty in whicl�aoy p9rt ai the -•r.;3�.
<br /> • :;�'';;�� . . . '.''<< -'
<br /> �:,• :_ piroperty is tocated antl sb�11 mAil cop1�ot sach notice in ihe manner pre.scri6ed by appticabk law to Borrower and to ,�:sm:-�_-
<br /> ; ,c„ 7lrwtee sha0 ve n61k ;'d��q
<br /> the other persons p��scribed 1►X a(l{�IFfcabte Iaw Atter the time required by applicable law. gi P �rf:._
<br /> notke ot sate to tt►�t ptrsons an�icr t�e manner prescribed by applicable taw Trustee.wit6out demand on Borrovrer. '�C��r+
<br /> ' �• � st�all seU the PropertY ai gtibtic auction to ihe hi�:�t bidder at the time and place and under the terms.designated in "'�'___
<br /> ;�. ,: ' ��''�'• ' ' _
<br /> 16e notice ot sak in orc�or mank Parcefs and In�,r.��st�!er 7lrunee determiac�.'L'zustee may postWne�all�o!ali or awy (,;-.r�::� '"-_
<br /> ,,,�,� ,. .
<br /> :,:,:�.. ., -� parcei ot the Propearfy tty pablic announcemenl€t i+se time sJrd f�lace of an��,=eviously scheduted�fi�..fi�ender or[!s ' ,}�:a.<''.� ,.,,.;,A'�
<br /> �.";'�-,�� . designee may parchR�e the Aroperty at any sale. " - ' ��' ,'')'�
<br /> .+�;. �i.� _ . Upoa rcceipl os paymenl u�the pdce 6id.7Trustee st�1J.�i�fr�er to the purchaser Ti��,!a�:�dt�$q�flveyiag ii� � ' ' ,'�`:,,�;'� `�� - -.
<br /> . . ' st e's deed Ahall be rirn�f�:�.?i�°FVidence of the truth of iin:?4-(�r�n►ail�issade theret;,�; , _�;.;4it�;���. .:.'
<br /> . : �� . Propesty. 'f'he recitails ia the'ii�u e P ..�.���ji� � �
<br /> ��;: �, � 7Yustee sdail app��thr proae�Ix ut the sale ln the�l�:�wing orde�: iaf to All costs and expea��C�r•xr��i�ra°�hC P��ACf . }- •,•-= =`
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