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�r � _ ' ` 7 � / - <br /> ,:: ,'�4 � . <br /> � .�. ! '_ ���I�:Lu:t��J��wu�vL:�..iL.4Tr..�:.�_.�-r.......a.r.�....�•.. . _ _ _ _ <br /> ..:.�.��� g3- �.o�s�z — <br /> °�:Nh�= <br /> �:�:�rc� <br />�x�"'��� 700[i771ER WITN all tho im rovemente now or dcrcafter erce�ed on�ho ro rt ond ell cascments,a urtcnances, <br /> tnrr-r�r P P i� Y� PP <br />;r r^;{Sie,� ar,d flxture�now on c�reniYcr n pnn of�ho propeny. All rcpiecemente and addlilom shall nlso 6a corered by�his Security <br />""�'�"`""'^ h�swment. All of tho Pore oln i�rekrted ro in thia Secudt Inauumcm a+�h¢"Pro tl <br />_';�%:T'�-', B 8 Y P� Y•" <br />�+=;,.'�;yS!;;� UORROW[iR COVCNANTS that Oortowcr is IewNlly selsed of�hc es�uro hercby conveycJ und has�ho dght to grnm _ <br /> i:;.�5`�:'','� nnd convry tha Pro ny nnd tha�ihe Propeny le unencumbered,except for encumbmnces of record. Dortower wnRnnta nnA __— <br /> �"'!�"''�"�� will defend eneral tho�itle to�he Pro n a einu ell claims and demands,sub ecl lo an encambmnces of nYOrd. ��,�_ <br /> � ...:.J B Y P� Y 8 1 Y �" ...__ <br /> � " 7M111S SECURITY INSTRUMP.NT combines unifom� covcnxn[e for na�lonal uso nnd non•unifami carcnan�e wlih <br /> a i.� <br /> . :_�, Iimi�rA verlutlons by judsdicdon�o wnf�itute a unifomi secnri�y instmmenl covedng real propeny. Q_ � _� ___ <br /> +' + �;a UNUORM COVIiNANTS. 6ortowcr end Lender covenant nnd agmc as followa: ��,,;. � <br /> ? --"`�• � 1. Paymeat of Principal ond Interesp PrepaymeN end I.ate Charges. Dovawcr shell prompily pay when due�he -., ,,,,�„��.. <br /> S > �� i� dncipal of end interest on tFe deb�evidenced b �he Note end on rc a ment and laie chnr es dne under�he Nme. ' ��'���"- <br /> � , �y� P Y YP PY 6 � �y -- <br /> 2. FLnda for 70xes end Insurnnce. SubJeci�o applicable Inw or io n written wniver by Lender,Dorrower slmll pay�o - <br /> " ����.n Lendcr on the day monthly paymems are due nnder ihc Notc,until ihe Noic is paid in PoII,n sum("f•Lndh")for.(a)ycarly �"�+ <br /> F_-L4i�.��- tues ond asseumems�ehich may elWin pdoriry over�his Secndty 6u�mmtnt ne a li�n oa Ihe Ropetly:(b)yenrly Ieasehold y � '-� <br /> _i,; p�ymxnts m gronnd rcms on Ihe Properly, if any; (c) yeady ��+zud or p:o}tiny insumnce pmmiums; (d) yendy OonA �� -.,--__--_ <br /> { � �� insumnce pmminms, if any; (e) pearty mohgage insumnce prcmiums, if any; nnA(�nny s�ms p�y�able by Oortower �o C � <br /> t;�!� Lendtr,in accordance wi�A the prorisions of parynph B,in lien of ihe paymem of mongage insnnnce pmmimns. 7Leso � - - <br /> )-_,;; �',t�� dems,re calied"Escrm� ➢iems.' Lender may,n�any time,colleci nnd hold Furr•tr in an omoum not to exceed�he maximum ��^tf-��:?•- <br /> -!;,+}'t: amnnnt n Iend:r for n tedernlly rcla'rd mongnge loan m.ry require (or 6oROazrY escrow ncconnl under�h:fecieml Real <br /> � -�_ - Si�ti_ Gsta�e Settlemem Procednres Act of IN74 nc nmended Gom time�o�ime, 12 U.S.0�2W I ei srq.("RFSPA`),unless nnother {.{�i.;,.---� <br /> � <br /> ' ut�.L�f�'�j law tha�npplies to the Rmds sets n Iesser nmount. If so,LenAer mar,m nny�ime,collacl nnd holA}Lnds h�en emoum not�o ��j�;ri �:, <br /> V .� ;.r,, . . _ <br /> ;;;� excced 1he Iesser amonm. LenAer mny es�imate O:e mm�nN of Rmds due on iht basis of curteN dato end reasonnble h�r�f7rF r;;< <br /> '" i r::?'7 es�ima�es of expendiuires oi finnre Escmw I�ems w othenrise in accordance wi�h applicnblt In�v. �i�rs��f�� ;; --�-� <br /> --�;i+�f� 7Le {'vnds shall h. hc1A in an inciiw�ion whase depnsi�s nre insurrd hy a fedeml ogency, insuumentali�y, or enliiy �F����s� syx_'- <br /> - `:�-;i (including Lcnder,if Lendu is su:h an ins�iw�ion)or in nn��Federal Homc l.aan Dank. LenArr xhall npply�he f'vnds�o pay ;�� � f �:--_ <br /> _t'� �{'-;�-- �he Cscrow I�ems. l.ender may nni charge Donower fnr holding and npplying �he Fund,, annnelly analyzing ihe escro�r :��.}�Q f y��� �:;_ <br /> 'Pt,-� accoun4 or vcrif in the Burow Rcros, unicss Lcndcr a s Borrowcr imcres� on Wc f'vnA.and n I�cablc law rtni�s ; � �( '' <br /> �:,�.�.,, +.y_�.- Y 6 P Y� PP� P� ! i���'tfi �°� <br /> . -, - : Lender�o moke such n charge. Howevcr,Lender may requim Oonowcr�o pny a one•�ime chargc for an independem nal pt�q �L;���-._ <br /> - '��� ' esmte�nz re nin service used b Lender in conneciion wiih�hix loan.unless n Ikable la�v rovides nther�iu. Unless en ,ir � �� a <br /> � ,,����""Pt��'r agrcemem is made or a licnble laiv r uircs intercs�m be iid.Lender shall noihe rc uired to a Dorrnwer an in�ercs�or '• t'����y�.'i,'. <br /> ; : ��.. PP �9 P� 9 PY Y `Ir5?'�.td,:N.- <br /> .'� - ,.i4 :���•.:.'F eamings on�he Funds. Dortower and Lender mny agrw in wrning,however,ihm imeres�shnil be pnid nn�he Amdc. Lendrr �„� n,��?�r�;ny��. <br /> �t:� '�''��'��,;;�, shnll give w 6orrower,wiihout charga nn annual accouming of�he�unds,showing crediis nnd debi�s to�he Ponds nnd�ik �--�SyI��T�{`j�$_a�} K_� <br /> . ..-., purpose for whkh cach debi�to the�unds�ms made. The famds nre pledged ns aJditional securiry for nll sums sceured by t�'t( �'�� S1}����-y��„ <br /> .....,- �hisSecuri�ylnsuumeN. �� �fi' S�ij�t�WS717:: <br /> u .�-:s=- If lhe f'vnds hCIJ bv Lender excced the nmounls pemiilled lo be held by applicnbie law, Lender shall necount to . � i; __ _ .. <br /> � � � -{ Dortawer for�he exccss�unds in accordance wi�h�he mqnircmeme af applicuble la�v. If ihe nmonnt of ihe Iimds hcld M1y ["l`Td�'��,�'�[ft i <br /> . -..�� `: .; Lender m an iime is not sufliciem io � the Gscrow I�ems when dne,Lender ma to na�if Oovo�rer in wriiin nnd, in �.;' �{�'J����?y:�`� <br /> . - Y PY Y� Y 6. '}.:�;iS`�:k`% i <br /> - '.� �� - . such cnse Uorrower shall pay m I.ender the umoun�neces.ary �o mnke up �he deficicncy. 6ovower shall mnke up the , ,�y.,�•,,�{J,��f I�k�,� <br /> + �� ��".„: delicfency in no mare tiinn nvelve momhly paymeN�.ut Lenders snle dlscrc�inn. ' - ,��;r '-'' ` <br /> �� }�.. :- Upon paymen�in full uf nll sums securcd 6y this Security InswmenL Lender shnll promp�ly rcfund�o Bnnox�er nny �;j ` .cy; - <br /> �_ �undt held 6y Lender. ff,under pamgruph 21,Lender tilmll acqutrc or-sell the Propeny.LenJer,prior�o the acynisiifon ar � r:: •. <br /> --' sale af�he Property,sh¢II apply any Funds hcld by Lender ai �he �ime af acquisiiion or snle ns n credt� ngaina the sumc i ,. ' -- � � ' <br /> �-, -- securcd hy ihis Sccumy Insuumcm. '. `� ��. <br /> -�� 3. Appllrnflon ol'1'nymenls. Unlcs. ����r��m� I:nr prnviJc+othcrni.c. �dl paymenls mcived 6y Lcndcr under �-� � .i��. <br />�.(:';;,';••�"�;:_,� pnmgmphs I nnd 2 shnll Ix opplieJ:fin6�o any prcpaymem charge.Juc under�he Na�e:secand,io nmoun�s p�ynble under . ' �-.!'�;y��, <br /> pnmgmph 2:thW,ta imercxi duc:fnunh.�n priucipal Jue:anJ IaaL in uny laic chnrgec due under�he Nma - , {;��t�_. <br /> 4. Chnrges; I.lens. Ilurm�ccr shnll pay :JI uucs. inuticmemx, dwrgca. fincs anJ im�si�ian+ aurihumM1le m �hc , - �%, ��;' <br />_y.. °.�.. !,-1 ��- Propeny which mny miafn priority orer this Security Inunnnem,nnJ Iea+clmid paymem+ur grrnmJ remc.if nny. [iurrower . .��i'ji¢.+�>i,i�R;f'�;-'� <br /> �^L%.�- shnll pay thew obligmions in�hc manncr prnviJeJ in pamgmph L or if nm p�id in llurt manncr.flortmcer shnll p:rv lhem m� �_:r..; , �;4..- <br /> •' �;R�'�'�'";, time dimc�l to ihe rcon oweJ i mem. Ilumnver shnll rom tl fami.h�a LenJer nll nntices af nmuunK lu Uc nd unJer , i •. •�� . <br /> , '-' Y p�� v�x r P Y P�� . -r-: <br /> n�� i"%;� P� S P P'Y Y P P Y P 6 ���i �r�r' <br /> ,.,, this im ra h. If Dofroo•er mnkes�hexe .1 Illl'llli IIIfCI'II .ISORO\YCf SII:III rom �I�fumish io LenJer rccci ts eviJencin <br /> thepaymcmx. - �f��f•. <br /> . .. Oortower chall promplly Ji+charge:my lien which ha.priorily nrer�hi�Scrnriiy Imumnem unletis Fiorrn�cer.(u)agrces -.'.7;:�rj";�•,:... �" <br /> - in wriiin lo the � mem of the obli ution xcureJ b �hc lien in a mm�ner acce itaM1le�o LenJer.l6)cames�s in ood failh the �1��:�i��h�l��v.. . <br /> . F P�Y S Y I F ..�,,�}� , <br /> .. licn M,nr dtfend,agaimt enforcement of�he licn in.Icgal pnweedingti n�hirh in�he LcnJcr.apinion nper.i�e to pmvcm thc ...: ��."�`i��<. . <br /> - enfonement af Ihe licn;or(c)secnms Gom�he hulder nf�hc lien an agnement.a�i+Licwq•to LenJer.uM�rdinaiing d�e lien . ^���4 fi:i : . <br /> ' - In Ihis Security Innmmenl. If Lrndrr delemiinex Ih:n:my pan nf Ihe Propeny i..uhjecl ln a licn�ahich may auain priority :' .�'�: , . - <br /> � over Ihis Stcurity Inslmntenl.Lendrl may Five Anrtmecr a nalice idemilying thc licn. Ilortoucr shail.ati<t� �he lirn or take - <br /> .. . - onc or more o(Ihe nclions set(onh aMre within 10 darc nf thc giring af nalicc. ' . <br /> - F. Hezaid or Properly�Inmtflnrn. Bnrrmcer shall keep�he�r exi+�ing ur herea� on�he - . <br /> ' � Property insurcd ng�incl loss by firc.haiard�indndrd a�ithin Ihc Icrm'cxlcnJCo mccr,�gc'anJ:my alhcr haiard..irt:ludm� , <br /> , .. . poodc or (lncxiing, fnr which Lcndtr «quire. mwrancc. Thi,inwr,mcc .hall Ix mainlaincd in Ihc amonm.and (ot �hr F <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> - form.b2M vf90 iry�e�leJnp�era � <br /> � <br /> . . ,�� <br /> � � �► <br /> �� <br />