=;;::. ' - -..�= � c- ':j' tlns ;..-
<br /> 1 ! ' . - � �„R.-,..-.. " —
<br /> ,�`,,q � ...._.., ._ ," "__... _
<br /> . .- i.,:....�..3��i�1"°�f"i"R4 "'. . _.. 4_._: . . ._
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<br /> 1
<br /> __��� . . . . .
<br /> — QUITOLAIM DBBD 9�• ����� ,
<br /> �- J08EPH D. NARTIN and ANN HARTIN, eaoh in hie and her own ri8ht and
<br /> j�_� ee tho spoueo of eaoh other, QBANTOR6� in aoneideration of
<br /> '��"� rocaivad Yrom ORANTBE
<br />��_...� �_ _ _,_.,,...:T-,
<br /> � -- KU68TB[t GAKL�, INO. , A Nebraeka Corporntion
<br /> --'��s�R
<br />� .iAf�'�A'�
<br />�}, � � quitalaim to ORANTGE the follorring deearibod rosl eetpte —
<br /> i'�j (se daYined in Neb. Rev. Stst. 78-2011s
<br /> ,i;.'.#��i,:y A tract of land iR pnrt of the NorthHaet 8uarter of the SoutheAet E�b -_ —
<br /> .J��? Auarter (NW 1/9 S& 1/4) of Beatiot��'Phirtaen (13) , Townstiip Sleven
<br /> < �r��'` (11) NortPx, Ete�nge N1n0 (9�� West o4 'the Bth P.H. � in Nell COUnty� j �r�=
<br /> " Sebraeks, veora particularly descri6ed sa followa: Oeginning et the
<br /> , t =
<br /> --` Northaest corner o4 the Northwest Quarter oF tfie Southeaet Querter � _ �+��
<br /> n�}' (NN 1/9 SF 1/9) of 8ection Thirteen (13), Toxnship Eleven (11) �r�,.r���c :��-
<br /> p; North. Pange Nine (91, WPet of tAe 6th P.l1. , pnd running thence , ��? ,w '
<br /> �"' 9outh olong and upon Lhe Wtst eida of ssid ,7orthweat puarter oP the z�:;,,� ----� - -
<br /> Y;��t,,.. ,,, Southewet quarter (NW 1/4 8E 1/A) for a dietnnce of 1317.05 Feat to �„��?��y�—���
<br /> �� ?';kt��� h the 9outhweet corner of snid NorthWeat 8vartor cf the 8outheast i��"r�' �--
<br /> _ .� 8unrter (NW 1/4 SE 1/4), then turning right ond running Eaet A9.5 '`;u�{t`,+r°i �--
<br /> ,.'.5;.1,. °_;
<br />:;>�j};ty�y°�; Feet; running thence North nnd parallel to the Weat eide of oaid �.}�y�..,-,;_
<br /> " � � - Narthr+est Quarter of the Southeast Quorter (NW 1/4 &6 1/4) u �•�'•'��`�--�- �
<br /> , �
<br />-,-' � '�� dietance of 1317.06 Feet to the North line of said Northwest � �• - �--
<br /> �., �
<br /> ` - Runrter of the 8outheaet Quarter (NW 1/4 3E 1/4); end running . � ` s •
<br /> �' thence Weet a dietance of 49.6 Peet to the point of beginning. i0 " ' '
<br /> > ,� s�
<br /> , , �, • .
<br /> r r{lj_'- Reeervin� tmto the ORANTORS their heira nnd oasigns a perpatual +�;,:� ,,rt��.�
<br /> r a. ,
<br /> � ��° aasemeni. ��•er a irnci oi ldi�d un Lhn Horth rP�� aP -ebid d-o-o�:ibod � z�s �. q- -
<br /> ti}� -�.r � property 150 Feet North nnd South by qfl.5 Feet East and West for �� _�K��fs��t �?,
<br /> � l {t��. ingresa and egress to the Southweat Quarter of tho Northeoet �? =' `
<br /> i < /Y..�(.7 ,��. :
<br /> -,�pJ�;it� Quarter (SW 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section Thirteen (13) � ToWnehip Eleven 5y,!,.,.�i,'y{'i�i, R. - .
<br /> - ��," (11) North, Rnnge Nine (91 , Weat oP the Bth P.M>, in Hall County, #��'.: F ; ';,�;`
<br /> Nebrneka� .-�1', ;•. ��'��-
<br /> / 7 , -- �-J��� •
<br /> i �,.. Exec ted: `'�'�'�'���`'`�"y .� �/ , 1993. '�;�•�
<br /> - �: . r��#�,.
<br /> , t}fi#�
<br /> � � � ( C����� ' ' ' , �"�,-
<br /> „�� . S P}7 D� MARTIN AN fA TIN ' � - -
<br /> ��`�
<br /> f��P`.. , �. . - �" �_
<br /> , ---y . ST.TE OI+ NE➢RASKA ) tv�
<br /> t1�tr. 1 SS. � .�zs � ,
<br /> COUNTY OF F7ALL ) �k - �' -
<br /> .,, f��. }
<br /> - ' The fore4oinq iqat:•ument was acknoxledged before me this ��e� � - ..
<br /> " -" of _�i�c��(", 1983, by JOSGPH D. MAR'A'IN nnd ANN MARTIN� ench in � '��J.� -' '
<br /> ' hie und hei own right and ns the apouse oY ench other, for the - �'��s�,�� -
<br /> � �. purposes tfierein atnted. �"�- "�� _,
<br /> __ l .. ,.S'
<br /> _f,;�-,�-i f � l�L,:C'11_.r f;:,: ..
<br /> ������N�� : Notnrv Public +� -
<br /> ���IARSON t
<br /> C�/��D.fe6.16.1?"- . . .
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