ITa +�F: � i :. y1lYV�u..�wJ7�W Yaa-�tiY�',�r � -. _
<br /> } f 1 - .. ` _ - - ( a , . , . . t ` . .. .
<br /> -�. . � - r ` ."' s! :.P ot . 3 . . - Fsrrat.
<br /> .. � �nL +➢Y�f�I1Wlf}{YMi(r - . . _y�. ._.. ,. .._... .,.- ,..�.��_ -- _._.. . �.'.
<br /> -yy.•%'ri�rl.� �... - .._ . . • _�
<br /> 93° '�,VI�7y�
<br /> TQOIiTHCR WtTH all Ihe Improvemente now or herwiter erccted on�he propcny,and all uumente,appurtenaisaa,�nd
<br /> Oxmra now on c�rca(tcr a pm of tho prnpeny. All rcpl�ccmcnts and edditioro shall a1u� Iw mrcrcd Gy iM� Securlty
<br /> Instrunknt.Ail otthe furegoing is referrtd to in thie Secud�y lnitrunxnt ae ihe'Propenyl
<br /> - --- BORROWCR COV[iNANTS�hat Etorro�rcr la luwfully scised of tho csm�c hcrcby wnv�ycd enJ haf�hc dgh�to grw�5 end
<br /> _ mnvey�ho Propeny and�ha��ho Propeny b unencumDcrcd,cxcept Por encumbmnm of rcmrd. bnrmx•er warrnnis ond wlll
<br />-_--_-===;,�;a deRnd generolly�he Wle�o ihe Pmpeny egalna�nll clalms end demands, su6Ject to any cncumbmnces of rcmrd.
<br /> — TNIS SIiCURITY tNSfRUMGNT mmbines unl(omi mvennnit for na�lonnl use nnd nomunifomi rnrcnams wiih Ilmitcd
<br />--_�_�`_`�� varlaliom by Judsdlclion lo comlitutc a uniform secudty Ins�mment eovering rcal property. r _ __
<br />--_ _ --— UNI�ORT1�rrnxer ai�d Lendcr mvenam and ogrec asloltmvs:
<br /> �•�n�•% l. P enl of Princl I anA btteresli �'re mcnt and Lofe Cha cs. tk�rtn�rer shall rom il a whcn due �he
<br /> j.;-.^,�:,�Y:,. +U'm {u� PN' �k P P Y P Y _
<br />_� ._ ,�_,_. �°;,:, pdncipal of¢nd Intercst on�ho debt evldencod by ihe Noie nnd nny prcpayment and lato charge�duc under�he Note.
<br /> <'��-.-�:;� 2� FLnds for T¢xes and 6tsuronce�Su6Jm to opplicable Imv or to a wriucn�vaiver hy l.ender. 6orrower s6all pay�o _
<br />��'t�:�:..;..,r..:.
<br /> .�::,�. �.^- :� I.cndcr on�he Aay momhly paymcnn am duo undcr�he No�e,umil thc Nnte is paid in fall,n sum('Fnnds')Por.(a)yeady�exa —
<br />_;�';�_�:yt_`;_ und ossessmems�vhich nuy nnain priadty rner�his Secudty Insimment tis a Ifen nn the Pmpeny;(b)yaidy IeaseholJ paymente --_
<br /> -� -'����-.- or mund rcms an�he Pro n ,if an ; (c)yavi huard or ro n insumnce nmiums;(A) cnd OcMd insumnce Rmiume, �� - - �� - �
<br /> 6 P� Y Y Y P P� Y P ' >' Y P ' —
<br /> "" 1.,����"���� if ony; (c)ycady mongagc insumncc prcmiwns, if a��y:and(p aay sums payablc by 6ortowcr lo I.cndcr, in attnrdnnce wt�A -
<br /> � the pmv�iom of parograph 8,In Ilw of tl:e puyna�m of mvngage i�uura�pn�niwny.7Lese itenrs nrc rnlled 'Fscm�v I�cass.' ..-�;
<br /> � -� �` Lender may,at nny Ilnto. �olltti nnd hotd FurAs in an amwm�r.a to exRed die maxi�un amount e Iender fnr n fod:relty ='-
<br /> ` �,,����,:�(�.-'� rclatal mongage Inan may myuim tur 43anuxer's escrow necouni under�he fcriecd Rral Fawre Seultment Prottdures Act of �,(�,;--"--
<br /> � ' � �•�.�J{. 197A ac amendtd frum ii�me w�imc. 12 U.S.C.Se.tiun 2601 e�se�. ('R&SPA'),untess m:other la�v�La�applie�to the�unds o+��,
<br /> i , - ` sels n Iesxr amoum. If w, I.crdrr rt��y,a�any time, aillect nud holA Punds in an ao:oum na to extecd the Iesur nmaunt ':_ -.. ._.. _
<br /> �,���-,.'�;n Lcnder may estimak �hc an:nnnt of Fur,ds due un the huls of cumm dato and rwwnahle esomates of cxpcndiwrcs o!fmurc i-`:�
<br /> �-- ���� Burow Itcnu or o�henvim in acmrd:incc with applicabic law. '
<br /> - -::,g�.: _
<br /> ..,f„'E�jq�Y�. The �unds shall be hcld m un i`u�iwtiun ��hiuc deposiis am insurcd by a federnl agc�ny, insuumemaliiy, or emi�y ' -�
<br /> �. (including Lendcr,if Lcndcr is such on i�wiwtionl or in any Pedetal Homc Loan Oank. Lendcr shall npply the funds to pay thc _
<br /> ���i` Cscrow henu. l.ender may not charge I3orrox�.r for holding and applying�hc�unds,annually unalyeing�he e�row aaoun4 or -
<br /> -''� �` verifying�he Cscrow I�enu, unless Lender p�ys 6orroarr intercs�on�he Funds nnd applicable law pemiits Lender lo nuke such �_,_�.,. ��
<br /> ��- -^�'-�.`�:`' e charge. Ho�rerer, Lender may rcquire 6urru�cer m pay n one�time charge for an independent real esime�az reponing servic� �;,�-c,;q-_
<br /> "'��� � �" �'' useJ by Lender in conncaian wiih �his loan, unless applicablr Ln�� providcs o�hcrnisc. Untcss an agrccmcni is madr w ���: ".,- _.
<br /> ` I `
<br /> ;; .,{y� epplicnAlc Imv nqutrcs Imcres��o bc paiJ,Lcndcr�hall no�!t requircJ lo pay Dorroaer uny imcrest nr camings on�hc fur.ds. �i ��:
<br /> Q --_�� �+� ': Oorto�vcr and Lcndcr may agrcc in writing,hox�crcr, �tr.n imrrca shall hc p�id on�hc�unds. Lendcr shall givc�o Oarro���cr. 7i 1��,��_-.,
<br /> .+ .!7�id�: � �vithoul charec, wi annual attroumine of Ihc �unds. shmcine crdils anJ dc6iis io Ihe �unds nnd Ihe purouu for�shich each _-�.�+ '.ti '-- --
<br /> p'� y[��,.�f;; debi�w�he I'vnds�vns made.The Funds a•e pledged a+aJdiiimial.rcumy fnr all sumc secured by thi:Securi�y Insuumem. _ ���i '�y�s��
<br /> r�_ -� �(5I`j>.: If�he Funds held by I.ender excee.E eh:anx�um+permiueJ to be helJ hy appliihble Inr, Lrnd:r shall acmum m Onrrm.<s ii '�
<br /> � -•� •' q�A-}g for Ihe excess Funds in accordance���i�h �he reyuiran:er.ts of applica6ie Inw. If tlie mm�unt of Ihe�unds held by Lender a�xm -:�� •••S- =,��� j�
<br /> ' �in:c is not wfficicm�o pay�hc Gscrnm I�rmv whcn�h�c.IAndn m:iy m notify @irrmvcr in e•riiing,anJ,in such casc Rorrm�er ��,` : -- 4 i (�
<br /> shall pay io Lender�he amnun�nececcaq�m make vp ilir drfircn�. 6nrrmver.hall make up�he Jeficiency in na mnre thnn : � e ' 7' �•
<br /> Y P Y .:.�.�1•..y y.;?.�..
<br /> I�vclvc monlhl a mcmx,m 1�nJcr's�oly dixrciinn. .,.�,., ;��
<br /> - ` Upnn paymcm in PoII nf all wnn ..n�nd hy �hi+ Snvmy Inarum.m, lsnJcr ahali prnntpll)� rcfund 1a Uorroa�er am -��f : �
<br />>�S.,_, �.��•i�'-.; FunAs hcld by I.cndcr.If.undcr p:v:�grnph 21. IsnJcr.h;dl acquirc nr.rll�hc Pra�tny.Isndcr,prinr�o�hc acquixiilon m sale '.'� . ..:q'� ?
<br /> t Sz: - �'....,: �:�:.
<br />-;s--.. - . ot�hc Pmperq•.56:JI apply;m��Funds hdJ hy IsnJcr ai thr�imc nf aryui�i�inn nr.alc a+a crcJit againsi ihe sunu ucund by ,, ,, .,.,,,,
<br /> zFl�;'i,L�,' :,e. �y..j�•. �. ._. i ; � � '
<br />'Rt'' „e�,rry i' ihis Sccuriiy hiqrumcnt. ;�;i� � �-� �!---
<br /> Ss . �ir.;'j; :•(,��ts�c��y
<br /> 3.Appllcn�lon af Puymenls. Unle.�applic:�Me la�r prm iJe.a�henrice.all pa��numa rcnireJ by Isnder under paragraphs f ��
<br /> .% a: -. .A.i �� .
<br /> �t(��+.;(1 : I and 2 s6;dl !M appliad: finl. In:my prep.n mem.6:�rgc+Juc unJer�he Nntc: mnnJ. w:miounn p�yahlc under paragraph 2: 'n{r�' � ?�(=
<br /> � - ' Ihird.Io imcresl duc: faunh.In prinrip:J dnr:nnJ any latc chargc�Juc unJcr Ihc Nnta 7��frj�'p� ''�,.
<br /> '+ ����,�'�{{} 4.ChnrFca: I.Ien�. 6nrroner.hall pay:JI�.ne,.e..e..mcnt,. char�c.,finc.:mJ imp�,iii.m.auribmablc la Ihc Pmperly - -.�r: x
<br />-��;rn'.�(i((�l,,S� afi�ch may avam pnoriq� occr�hi. Sccuriq� In.vumrm. :md Ira+chold paymcm,ar grmmJ rcm>. if any. Iiorrmccr.hall pay . ;:�j��"_.;j"'.'
<br /> i 7 P �(�1�.� �hexe abliga�inns in�he manner prm�iJrd in parntraph i(noi paiJ m�ha�mannrr. Borra�itr.hell p:q�ihem on lime � �%f�y {,...
<br /> f.�� i(li� `� io lhc�r«>„�,�s��:�>��,���,�. iz„«,�"��..i�.ai��„��,��i>•r�.�,�.i,��t.,•�,a,�.m�„r«.��r.�o����m,�,.M•�uW undcr Ihu paragnph. '�. /-��'�S�f�' ` -
<br /> ` 1f Dorrmccr m:dn�heu paymcm,Jircc�ly.6nrra��cr ah:dl prnmpd} iurnnh�o I.crdcr rr..fph r� thc paymcm�. � i�.._., .
<br /> .,:��fL�t�;�i 6arro�rcr.h:Jl romNl�Ji.char�� �n licnehirhh.i. rnnt ��rriLi..l'r:um� lu.Irninrnlunlc..Bortmr.r.t�la�rcrtiin r?��..:':-i�:�•�-�?".,�'`.�
<br /> •« t . r i r� � > r�� > � t
<br /> 1>'j:�il� xri�in �o�hc - . . . - �..„ : .. .
<br /> � t(' F pa)menl of�ht��hliga�ion x�.urcJ hc th:litn m a m:mncr acccp�ahl:i�.LrnJcr.�hl g«kl fiiith Ih.licn �! �
<br /> ?, y -��l��F�61 _ _ ti�s!..._ -i�..- - '
<br />. ,a �...r by. or Jc(cnd. againq cnfnrxmcn� ol 1hc licn in. I:t.�i �m�.�.dn,� xhrch m d�r Ixndtr'. opmwn uprralc lo prtrcnl Ihc -. F,. ..
<br />. . --. ' ,i;}�,{ cnforccmciu o(�hc licn:nr�.�.cnrtr.1 r.,m Ihr Loldr� r!iYr lirn:m agrrtmcm�on ��� 1 ra!s.uh��rdivaiing Ihc licn lu . �:.������. ., .
<br /> .. , - I�li($CCUpI) �IINNpICIII. �I�.CII�Cf 1�1I�`pl��llf�I�I.tI:tlf� �`aIl��I IIIC I�fu'KII\ h N�I��a\I lu.��Ifl:w:��:�1 IIIA\ a11A111�lllalll\ O�C( - .�'� �•f�-
<br /> � . Ihii Secunit In+uumtnL IsnJcnn:n gi�a IA�rr.mcr.i ro.p:r¢i•nlil�mg Ihc hcn- B�rtn�wrr.6.d:.nnl� Ihc Ifcn or I:dc�mr ur •.:i:*;'^i(;:.�-
<br /> � more nf d�c ac� fnnh aMnc��nhSu in d.n.r� iL.•�nfng ol mm.r. ;`i.���%��
<br /> � - �.j;- Form3028 9�80 � �� �
<br /> . .'•• .. .. . 1.: .. _
<br /> . -�. .- .-- . - - -� . ���. .
<br />�` .� �.. ' ����� . .
<br /> ' � (�;.;: . i ; . . _ _ . . _ � __ --- --- _._l
<br />