'a �ie,f . �.F'�� ..'t�.i.'�� . _ " � - . . . . .it
<br /> � _. �k�Mfdl��aJiii�Nsr�c.'.:..L3..<:la�..�uaw:a.:._ . . . —"_"_ . -_. •� _--� _
<br /> r�S.i. .._..
<br />--- -- �93• �0`�'�9A . �
<br /> 1. P�gmtnt o1 Fr(ncip�l,Intereat wnd t.ate CharQa Bortowcr shall pay when duo the pdnefpsl of,nnd Intcreat on,
<br /> -- �ho deM cvidenced by the Naa and lato chargp duo mdar tho Noie.
<br /> �. Monthiy p�ynxnla of 7Lxn,lnsunnce�nd Other Ch�ry�c�. Bortower shall Inciude In each mmiAly p4yment
<br /> wguher wlih�ta pdncipd u�d Imeru�os sa fonh In�Iw No�o end en late chargee,an Installment ot uny(a)�uca u�
<br /> - speclA auessmente levkd or to 6o Iev1eA against�Fw Propeny,(b)IwxXold paymenu or ground rcnw on�he Property,uid
<br /> --��`,�,,,� (c)pnmlums for Inturnncc requlral Dy Paregmph 4.
<br /> &ch montAiy insta�ImeN tor ilems(q), (b) and (c)eAall equsJ one•nvalfth of�he annual smounu,a+ reasonabiy
<br /> „tf�_;�a utlm�ted by Lender, plue an emnnnt sutflciem ro matmiln en eddl�lonel bai�uua ot not moto thm ax•sixtb of�Ia
<br /> estimnted omounu. 71w tull annual anwuN for wch (tem shall b:aaumnietul by I.cndcr within a period endtng one . �- - _- . -
<br /> ��-�'��'� month Eeforo en Imm wald becomo deiinquent. LenAer shall hoid tM emo�mta collxted in wst ro pay itemo(a),(b)nnd _
<br /> � , (c)befora thty 6ecome delinqnem.
<br /> � � � - :x It m my pmc�hc roial ot t4o paymente held 6y Lender Por Iteme(e).(h)nnd(c),togetLer wiih�he fmurc monihly Q :--
<br /> �JF '�i: payments Por auch Itams payablo m Lender pdor to �he duc da�es ot cuch (tems,exceede by morc�han one•slath ttro =�
<br /> �c*� ;� estimxt�A emount of paymema reqnlral�o pay such iiems wlwn dne,and if pn mema on the Note are curttnt.then Lender � -,—
<br /> -,�y p`ii{ shall elthe�rcfund tho eaccss over onrsix�h of the cstlmeted payments or c�i tho cxcess over ono-sixth ot�hc esttmated l?'f5-"�_
<br /> p3ymen4+to subscquen�paymems by Oortower,m�he optlon of Dorto�vcr. If�hc�o�al of�he paymeme made 6y Oortowcr R' _ , ,__
<br /> �, -- -�- for Itom(e),(M1),or(c)la Insafflcicm io pay tho i�em whcn duo,then Uorro�ver ahell pay to Lender nny emoum necesswy�a __
<br /> �� -�� mnko ap tLe dettdency on or betoru�ho date�ho item becomes Auo. i '
<br />��.`• �'-,?*. Ae nsal In this Sccamy Instmment,"Sarctnry"menne�he Saretnry of Housing end Urban Devclopmem or hfs or her ,; `�.T_:
<br /> �`j;.i;; i: yy py SS P aY. YP•Y �' ._.�_
<br /> ^4;�;,g�.,i.i• dalgneo. In an ear In whlch�ho l.ender must � a moe n o insnrana remium ro�he Secret each manthl � mem .
<br /> f `, ;��; shall also includo either. O) �n In:tellmenl ot the e�mual mongxgo insmm�ee prcmium �o bo pnid by Lender ro �l:e � - `; -
<br /> „ .,�_;; Surctary,or(iU e momhly chargo ins[er.d of a mongage insmm�ce prcmium ff�his Sceudty Instrumem le held by Q:e : -
<br /> Secrclary. L'ach monthly inswllmenl of�he mongage(nsurance prcmium ahall be In nn emount su(ficient to nccumuta,,:ttr. -'�;,_
<br /> �' full annual mongage insumnce prcmium wi�h I.rnAer one momh pdor m thc date Uie (ull annual mongage ins:.eu��e s i : +z�
<br /> „ i�;�Ct prcmlum Is duo�o the Sarctary;or if�his Securi�y Insirumenl is helA b��M1e Secmtery,each monihly charge shall De in an �{i��fs�r --- ---
<br /> �1dr+'���i emount equal[o one•twelflh of one•half pemnt of the omslnnding prine pal balence due on�he No�a � _,_
<br /> � F��Sk If fiortower unders lo Lender the PoII paymem of all sums sea�md 6y this Sauriry Instn�men4 6orrowerS xccount ,,,,,;r .
<br /> y�.?� shxll be cn:dited whh �he balance remaining for xil installmems for i�ems (e),(b) end (c)end nny mongage incnrnnce ,� q� ;
<br /> F t,{-+,y� prcmium Ins�ellment�hat Lender hns nm 6ecome obligated to pay m ihe Secrclery,end Lender shall promp0y rsfasR an� ��'u s;:_:.
<br /> ,,•�_..,..
<br /> �`�i„�,y, excess fund�to Rortower. ImmeAie�ely prior ta a Porcclowrc sale of�he Propetty ur its acquisi�ion hy I.ender,6omowtr c'✓r1:�.:5'.-
<br /> , �-•`.'t�.�.�';•. ecmunt shall be credited wi[h any halanee remaining for ell installments for items(n),(b)end(e). '- ' "
<br /> - ��- 3. Apriltalion ot PoymeNe. All paymems under Paragrephs I and 2 xhnll 6c upplicd by Lcnder a�iollows: t ' :.
<br /> � ' �IRST,ro the mongage insumnce prcmmm�0 6e paid by Lender m�he Secrttary or w�he monthl?cTarge 6y�he i�r st�� _ '-
<br /> � }."' Secrela ins�wdofthemonthlymongageinsunncepremium; � r-' '!��-r
<br /> � r �,m eny tnxu,apecinl acsessmcnts,leazchold payments or ground rcms,nnd fire,Ooa1 ar.d o�her hnrard �-.-i7�'in��..
<br /> �d,�.: -.i��r
<br /> InsurenceprcmJums.asrcqmrcd; ', � ��<,
<br /> '�� THIBp,to fntems�due unAcr the Note; ��,fas��`-
<br /> �, POURTH,to nmonireiion of�hc principal of the Notr, -1��r,S�a��-.�
<br /> ,� � . QQj�,rolnrocharge.+dueundcr�heNo�e. ; jr�e
<br /> �+�� -'. 4. Fire,Flood anJ O�her f{nzerd Inanrance. Uortower shall insurc nll improvcmems on tha Ropeny.�vlx�her now
<br />..__t�[: ,.�' in exis�enee or subsequently crected,agninst nny ha�lMs,ca+nahies,ond comingencics, including firc,for nhich Lender ,,,i;1�'r����r -�;�.
<br /> �� -_ requlrcs insurenm. 7'his insmm�ce shall be maintaincA in the am.oums nnd for ihe periads�ha�Lender mquitts. Uortower , q ,_�:
<br /> � " sh¢II also insure ell improvememx on�hc Propem�,whetMr nmr in exixinrce or subsequemly crcc�ed,against loss by Ooods �'�6y - �
<br /> .�m..� .t . .. .>, . :�;.
<br /> -:.:i,.�,,:.,,:j to ihe exknt rcqnirtd by�he Sccrnuy. All insuiance 4hn11 M rnrtied uith cumpanies aPprovcA hy Lendrr. "Ne insumnee .�� _;�,.�.F:__,: ,,�:.
<br /> ��� policfes and nny rcnewnls shall be heid hy Lrnder nnd shnll inclndr locs paya6le clauses in (avnr of, and in e fomi - �
<br /> � nccepinbleto,Lendee ` �;. . �
<br /> '�t � -� In the evem of bss,6ortou�er shall gire Lender immediate no�ice bc mail. LenAcr may make proof of loss if no� • ;�;�;I`
<br /> �?��� � made prom ily 6y Oorruurr. [ach insur.nnce cumpan�•enn:emeJ is hettbc mnhoriird and dircc�ed�o make payment for �"-`' -�.°r i.._:
<br /> .1`�'. - '� such loss dlrccily lo Lendtr,inatad of w 6orto�ecr an to Lenderjoimlr. NI nr any p:v�nf ihe inzurnnce proceeds muy M ?�=;R•-
<br /> {4- ' app1icJ by Lcnd.+,m i�s op�iun,rihcr(a)�a�he rcduc�ion af�Lc indebudness nndcr�he No1c and this Securily Inswmen6 .FSS c__:
<br /> � °„ - �; firs� ro ony dch�qnrm xmouNS npplicd in�h.ordcr in P.�ragraph 3,ar.d Ihtn In pnpa��mcm o(principal,or(b) lo Ihc � .�r '_
<br /> ��;f A S P P� � Y PP P P P P�� P
<br /> .,.,y,,;. r � rcsloralion or re iir nf Ihe dama cd ro n�. \n a lirauon o(lhe rarrd+tn Ihc rinci al.itall nol cxlcnd or sl one F .(..'�`,_,',
<br />-� � �ni r... �ht due da�e of�he momhly paymemc whic arc refemA�n in Pangraph 2,or change ihe amnum of sneh paymems. My ; �1� ^ ��,",
<br /> ,.-�Xy�• �t�� exeesr insurance procee&over an amnunl required�o pac all uu�atanding indebleJnex. unJer�he Nole and�hic Securiry ��. - � ;i {,'��t�; .
<br /> � - °� Insmimcm<hall be paid m�he cntity Icgally eNiIIeJ Ihemm ( ,Y � 1 0
<br /> " ��� .r�/(� In Ihe eveN of(nrccluxure a(Ihis Secnrity Inaruntrm ar mher iran+(er al litic lo Ihe 19nExrty Ihat exlingulshes Ihe � ��}i+ i ` I t�`1��, ��
<br /> S,.'h indeb�ednexs.nll righL�idt und imerexi af F)nvnwer in:mJ�n in.ur.mcc ry+hcic}in fnrc.+h:dl pa.ti�o�he purchaxer. r:,��.�. Jt,�,......
<br /> ' �`� 5. Occupancy. Presen�a�ion. Molmennnce nnd Pralectlun uf �he Properl�; Burrnoer'.s I.oan Appllen�Ion; 9�,'n��.--;}" ,
<br /> - ;'t I.easeholds. Uorto�rer�hall nccupy,c,tabL.h.and u.c Iht Pra{xnq a.finrtmcer:principal rc+idence wiihin .ixly dayx .n<S�}�� . .
<br /> yi_ : ti efler Ihe execulion of Ihis Secnrilr In.wmem and.hall cnminuc lo nccup)�Ih.Pru�n�a.Ilnrto�c¢r:princip:�l rcsidence i �.
<br /> �+.� .j� for et Ieazl one year uller�he datr u(ucnip:m�y,unlr+.�he Secrctary d.icmiino thi.mqmmnum aill.an�e unJuc hardship • -- �' . �
<br /> :..p,.':.�,�, for �ortarer, or unle..exienua�ing circom+lanCC.exi.t ��hi.h .ire In)anJ Rnrtnarr� canvol. Barto��er shall nolifY .'��t..f� -
<br /> .=�:.'' Lcndcr.s af any rtunualing cimum+lancr.. Pnrrnucr�hall nnl a�ommi�x.wc or Jrarm.damage ar.uM1.lanliall��changc - . �
<br /> Ihe Ropeny or.Jlmc the Pmpeny�o deterinr.nr.reaeanaMe�vrar:md�r:ir ea:epled. I.endcr ma)im�wcl lhe Prnpetty if�he �' -
<br /> � Propeny is varam m abandoned or the Inan i+in JeLml�. I.cndcr ma� ciAr rc.nnn:�hle:�cli�m m pn+le�l anJ pre+erce wch �
<br /> � . vaeanl or abandoncd Roperq�. f3orrmrcr>hall:d�a hc m deBmil i(Bnrm�cer.Junng th. i,,:��� :���r,:��;�,����x�.,.�,Y� ' , . .
<br /> - maleriaily fal.e nr inaaur.ne infomialiun nr a:nemcm� m Lender u•r I:nIeJ �n prnvde Lender ��ilh any malerial
<br /> - infamialion) in connection��ilh ihe la:m e�iJen.ed hq �hr 1olr.nuludmg.hut nut hmi�rd m.r.prc.emalinm canceming 1
<br /> .. 6ovo�veri occupancy of�he Propeny:n a prin.ip:J rc.iJen.c. I(�hi.�r.ndn In,trumem i.nn a Ie:nrhold.Rnrtmctt shall � ,
<br />' comply�eith�he proritiinn.nf ihe Ica.c. I(ltonnacr a.ywrc.Icr�i�k�n Ihe Ru(a�n).ihe Iravhnld anJ frc litic.h:dl no� � .
<br /> . , tr mcrgcA unlro-�Lcndcr agrce•lu Ihc mcrgr:in��nung. .
<br /> - � 6. Charges fo liorro��er and Pruleclinn ul'Lrndrr i Righh in Ihr Vtnperi). Rnrnn�cr�h.�ll�cn all go�emmcmal
<br /> � or muniriFvl chargcc.finc+ar.d Sm�+,ninm Ihai air nnt mdudrd m Rvagrnph?. H..rr....cn6ail p:n �hcv abligaiion.on .
<br /> lime ditcttl� Int1:t cnlm nhfrL �+uwed �he p.rymcm. il Lulurr �o pa� onu1J ad�en.•h alka� I.cnJ.r:imrrni m th: �r.
<br /> � - Propcn��.u��z Lrr.der'�rcyuc.c Rnrt���+cr.hall promplh (umi.h�n Lcr.dn rcreq+l.r�fdcnanr Ihc.r pmnunl..
<br /> I( 6orronet fal� m nr.dc Iheu paymrnt.or�he pa)mcni, rcymrcd hc 1'�ragraph '. u� lad. �.•pcdunn am uihtt -
<br /> . . �� : eovenanu and a�memem�comain.d in ih�.5rcurif� In.InnnrnL ur Ih:�::a legal pnx'ecJmf th.it in�..ignfficanllr a(fr.1
<br /> � Lcnder i n�hla in Ihc Pry+.n) (wch ati a pnn'redmg m kn.krupta).for runJcmn:Nnn or Iu cnG+rcr la��.ar rcgulalmn.�.
<br /> ---- ��-] tfi:n Lendcr may du anJ pa. uha�crcr i.nar.�an �o F•:rt:c:tY.c calnc oi thc Ito�wn�'anJ La:dct\nghh m Ihc Pru�wn..
<br /> � �Mludmg paymcm nf Wxt..ha�:rtd inwran.r anJ oihcr�im,m.nunr..d in P:vagrapL 2.
<br /> Any amounlc disbuncd bv LcnJcr mWcr Ihi.H�r.igraph.6a11 Mc„m:�n adJi��nnal dtM of B��mmcr anJ h.r:urtd -
<br /> .. by thic Sceurity Imirunxnt. 'll�c.c mnnum<<hall lrar imcre�l fnun �`e d��c of Ji.M1uncm:n�_r c`.c�olc ra�r.anJ�I�hr
<br /> . option of Lendcr,shall be�mmedcnely duc and pay�Mc.
<br /> � Z Condemnalion. The pruceeJ.u(miy a�.xrJ or dami G,r d�ra,e..duec�o:���awy�cmial.iu conne.�ion�.i�h.nn
<br />.. . eor.dcmnation or olhcr laking u(an�pan of Ihc Vro�any.or(nr aon�c�e:sr m p:n.r,.`c�mJc�unaunn.ar¢hcrch}a.vgncJ
<br /> - and shall M paid lo Lcnder lo�hc cxlem nf Ihc full ainowrt�d ihc inde}rcdr.a..iur rrmain.unp:nd undcr Ihc Notc anJ thi.
<br /> - , Securily In+Irumcm. Lcndcr�hall appl��wdi pra�ccJ.m�hc rcJuaf���.`mr mdaut.Jnc..m�d.r�h.tinc:md�lu.tic.unry
<br />� � Inswmem. firxl to any Aelinyucnl amnwn. applicJ in thc ordcr prm�deJ m Pdfd�fd'lIl 1. �nd ihcn to �+repa�mcnt u(
<br /> I _
<br /> principal. Any applicahnn nf Ihc pnxceJ. �o �hc prin.ipal .hall nnt c��cnd or �x�q�xm. th. Jur d.n. a( thc mnmhl�
<br /> .:: ' ,� .
<br />. ` . �NC�l.qJNfrv�
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> ...
<br />