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�� .-.r . ��,_.,. , , _ <br /> . _,.° ._ ' ` " ` _` _ "- -. :;�TM- <br /> : . _ �,. - -- � , . .. -<< _ <br /> _ -F�" �._. _ -� � ti.. . - . . � �--- . ; ' �, [ •`_ ( <br /> _ : : � - :. � � 9g--i���i� . . � � : <br /> =� ` �~ wppli��bie 4wr tnsy ipecity far:ritts�ue�t)bcfare saie ot the Ptopasy pursu�nt-to iny powa ot s�te cc�ed�n dds <br /> .— Sccuritx ItuuwntfeM:a tb)exx�r ad a.iixfBme�ed'vt�i�tlus Sa�ritY�. 'lbose candidona ar�ttnt Batowee: f� • <br /> - p�ya L�cfuiCr all suna which that avWd ba du� un�titis Sxarity[=naumrnt and the t�ote as if tw aceataadae�d ' <br /> . accu�d;(b)cures any Qtfwil of sr�y atf+er cavenants�a�eats;{c1�Y;�1 expenus incumed ia eafarcing dus Security �; :. <br /> � titstct�mtmt►inct�,bW tuW i'q'eiiod ta.t+e�sorsabk attat�eys'tta:utd(�Nkea st�sh acttai as t.ender an��an�b1Y , <br /> �quitc m atst�re th�t ihe tka o1 thit s�uiity tnstnuaas�i�dag ri�ts in the PropeitY�nd eorrovrer�s obl;�ion co p.y tt�e <br /> setas �ecured hy this Secs►rity.intuuma�t sft�ti caati�;un�aitacd. Upan teinstaternent by Bam�wu. tdis SecutltY <br /> � Insu��ment aed t!�obttg�ticK►f s4pue�1l�c�eby shai!rem�i��'utly efCecdve�s if Ao.acceleiation I�d occwred. However.this , <br /> right to reinstase shatl not�}in ibe casc of acoe��eiacian ui�der p�Br�Ph 17_ . <br /> 1!. SaIG af NMe:Ci�ao�a of l.wa Sarvicer. 7Ae t�Wte o�a P���nteiest in the Nae tiagaher w�b this Seauity <br /> Inure�meni)may be so?A me c�mnre times wit6out�ior itaticr zo Bamwer. A sak msy result in a chap�e,iu���ry <br /> -- _-- (Imowa as the"i.o�n Sesv�cer")�b�t coUects mont3�ty l�aYm�nts dne under the Not�a,x!this Secu�icy lnstiumenz. 77ure a2so <br /> m�y be one or mane chmass atttie Lwn Sen►ictr unrelstt��to a sak oP the Nata If tlxee ig a ch�gc of dx[.om Servi�r, <br /> Baitvwer witt 6e given writkn.srWicc.of It�e d�rtge irt aaoos�wit6 puagto�ph[4 a6ove�aipplic�ble taw. 'f6e nodce <br /> _- - wili sWt the c�att�e u�d�dress of tti�new Lom Servica smd�de addRSS co which PAYmaits slwuld Ix�n�de.'t�e notice wili <br /> -f aisa cuatain my dher iatdmalean nq�by appt�t�ic ixtiv;- <br />���` 20. Has�rdoYS Sti6�u►Ors. $otrawcr shall nai c�ue=or permit tIx Qcesence.use.dis0osal.ctaraSe.a rekase of any <br /> _- llu�urdous Sn�nres oa arin.tlw Fmpetty. Boimwp�shsdi nd do,na al[ow wyane cise to do,anythin8 affecun8 the ' <br />~-= Froperty thu is in�iol�6on M my Emironmenn!I.�w. Tha pnecodin8 two senttnc�s s2�lt�sot apply to tl�e p�esence,ase.� <br />-y; W storage as the Pimpetty of smtfl qwmti6es af Hvaidaus Sub�tanoes dat are gene�ally cecognizeG to be appmpnate to aamal <br />-- - cnsidenti�t uses and to m�imta�r►oc o!the Ptopeny. <br />.����'` Botmwer stall promPtly Si��e l.endet writte�aotic�e ot any invesdgatian.ctaim.demaad tawsuit or adur actiou 6y any ` <br /> = 8ovem�a�ar ngut�tory agt�cy or private[urty iavoivin�the Fmperty and w'►y Har�rdous Substaauee a Eaviranmerrtal <br /> - � Law at which Bcxmwer hrs actusl knowledge. If aarawer leams. or is aaifed 6� any gaveaunenril or regulat�Y <br /> ';:X authotity.that my ismaval.a�.c►Rier ranediation of say Raz�ndous Substysce affecting ti�e Propecty is tioce.csary.Barmwer <br /> = ; sl�11 p[vmpiy take all�siny tcmedial actiatu in�ceoManc�e with Envirornnental law. <br /> ;;�;::._ <br /> ..;;.i1:: As us�in this p�h 7A."litt�ndou.�Sut�statnes°ate tf�ase aabsuuxxs defined as wxic or hazaMa�s substinces 6y . <br />``,;�i�� Fnvironmental Lsw aad tl►s follotiving substanoes: gasol3ne.kerosene.uther flammable or taxic petroieum products.toaic <br /> Jn.��:,.t <br /> - - pestiades and herbicides.valatite solvenu.materials coniairtb►S as6estos or fom�aldehyde.�d radioactive mueriats.,As =` <br /> --- - use�in this paragraFh�>."E�nvironmental Law"means federet laws and laws af tEte jurisdictian whete tbe Prope[ty is Iacated . - -� <br /> � �� thaq relate to healtb,safety ar envitanmental pr�otection. � . � <br /> ''� ' ��}�. NON-iINIFORM COVFNAI'�TfS. Banawer and I.ender funi�er cavenanc as�d agree as foltows: <br />