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1'h"i i:I - -�' _r '...._ � _- . �I'� .p - _- <br /> . ;}• .iL- 1 .�.- / . � _,. -�� _. _ <br /> � ...i..�.:.'T.e,..n't "`°"`-'° r"�:...`�.....,_.,:t4:aiw^"�:�v-'"e..s��.+-�--:� _ " ._ <br />_:,�.:� 93- - a���480 - <br />------ 12, 6uccesmro and Aaslgna Round� Joint pnd 3evenl Idn6111tyt CoSlqnen� Tho covennnle nnd agrecnxnu of thl� <br />°°�v'��°°� Secudty InstNmc�n shall bind nnd IxneO� the wccessoro¢nd asslgns of Lendcr and 13orzower, subJect m the provisions of <br />�-_-''�-�`g� pamgrnph 9.6. Oormwcr'e mvcnenu end agrcemrnu shall be Joinl nnd sevcrel. Any 13orrower who malgns ihis Sccudty <br />�__��;$o- Insirumcnt but dcMS no�cxccum thc Note: (n) la rn•signing �hi+Secud�y Insirumcm only to mortgegc, grem nnd mnvcy �hat <br />�`+��,�_ Onrrnu•cr'e imcrest in tlio Propeny unMr�hc Icrms of this Saurity Instnm�em:(b)is no�personally obligatcd�o pay�he sum� <br /> '"-"'� �•''�.. ucared hy t61e Security Inxuumenl;nnd(c)agrces�hai l,eqdernnd nny other Ilnrmwer may ngrx a extend,madity, or <br />_�'7�r�'� mako nny narommndaiione whh regard to�li�t�jmU of lhis SOCUdty Inxtrument or�he Nole wi�hom�ha� Borrower'e consenl. <br />- ��ll�}a%'tr -- - <br /> � v��i;� 13.Nolltts,Any nollw lo Dorrower provldM for In thia Secudly Inslrumem shnll be givcn by dclivedng il or by n�iling "� - � ' <br /> .�,rg,�f il by Orsi clus mall anlcss npplicablc law rcqulrca ux of onothcr mclhnd.7'hc notiw shnll bo dirccicd to ilio Propeny Addres� -- - <br /> y - ��\dr, or nny other addru.+ Dorro�eer designa[es 6y noilm io l.ender. Any no�iw �o l.cnder shnll be given by fint cless mail to "4't' �___ <br /> c,+�. -�. Lender'x eddrcss statal 6crefn nr nny addrcss f.endcr designates hy nnilce�a fiorron•er.Any naike provided fnr in this Secudty �,;-� { __ <br /> ��v�`��� Insuvnum shall be deemcd to havc bccn givcn to Oarrowcr or I.endcr when given ns providcd in this pamgmph. - 3 S _ <br /> :-.:�,t;, l4. Corcrning I.n�ra Sevcrnhllily. 77ds Smuiry Ins�mmem shnll be govcrnM liy fedeml luw and �ho Inw of �he —_- <br />-'� -�•-:+:.�_� Jurisdic�lon In whfch�im Pmpeny is locmed. In�he event�hm nny pmvision or dnux nf�his Secnriiy Insuumem m the Note �n�':";�--�-- <br /> -,�-,-'�:��,- • mnilicts�vith npplira6le Inw,such rnn0ici shall no�nffect olher provisions a(�hfs Sccuri�y Inswmem or the Nnle which can be .�.-x;:'-.�..r�.. <br /> „ F . '.. '.' . s.r?. <br /> - ' i ,� given effm afl6om�ho mnllic�ing provision.To Udx end�he provisions of ihis Saur6y Instmnunl and the Nale are deelared -- <br /> c7 ;1- `- to bc severe6lo. i: ��.�-�. <br /> rt�{ ' <br /> � � }�4�z}�. I5.8orrov�er's Capy.(tormtcer shall 6e given one mnfom�cd ropy of�his Securiiy Ins�mment. �s_i _ <br /> �a ---r- �i,.,� .- <br /> �.� - ,.UQ �'% e:;�.. <br /> n.i�ay{�i��r�: 16. Asslgnment of RenLV. I3nrmwer uncondi�lonally nssigns and uant(ers w LenAer nll �he rems and rcvenues of�he _.�:.,-..;.1i;_:___. <br /> ,. , - �ti Pm n fMrrower amhorizes Lender or Lender's a ems m colleci�he rems and rcvanues und hereb direc�s each�enam af�he ''�""""`"` <br /> _�i::'.;;�:ct. P� Y• 6 Y >:�:'{tY.";.;.. <br /> .� - Property�o pay ihe renis�o Isnder or I.ender's agents.However, prlor Io Lender's noiice�a Oarrower af 6ortmvcr's brwch of ''t�i[t`�r;{•�•. <br />- ��'` >� an mvenam or u n�ement in ihe Securi� Imuumem, 6ormwer shnll mllec�and reeei��e all rems and rcvenues of the Pro n �54`..t�-�'`�'— <br /> "�.�I�ri':?• . Y S Y Ix Y 'ri.{.,�r:;,�.; . <br /> ;,-��;_-. az uunee for �he bencfi� of Lender and f3orrmrcr. This ussfgnmcnt nf rems rnnsii�mes nn absolmc nssignment nnd �xn an ?�k.��I�,f,:_ <br /> � aufgnmem(or addi�ionnl sccuriiy only. `1'r�,� �I--,.5�;'. <br /> j�., „ <br /> ,�,1, ��{�;—_. <br /> -� --:r If Lender ives no�im a(6rcach�o Uorrox�er.(n)all rems received 6 Oorm��•er shnll lx held h Bnrro�ver as uus�ec for 1"�d �st°�� <br /> ,_.r�_. <br /> 6 Y Y e'e���%)iR��7ls <br />'{� -. - • 6enefit af Lender only,io he npplicd io U�e sums secuad by ihe Stturiiy Insuumem:�A)Lender shnll be emitleJ m collec�and �J'(ia���;(d�!, <br />;i�'-7��ir.:=' ttrefve oll of Ihe rcnls�nf the Propeny; nnd (c) each Icnam o(�he Propeny sh:Jl pay ail rcms due anJ unpaiJ to Lender or �?�SS71tif�!.!.�,-._ <br /> ` '''{ I.ender's agcnl nn Lcnder's a�iurndrnund�o�hc�cnant. �i�°' +SS�T'�i� <br /> '�3.;r•1 i ;1..71`r4�.w.a�x <br /> ' � �'v �.S d v � <br /> 6urmas hzc fx�l exa�akvl anp prinr assignmenl of Ihe rcm>,ml�anJ oill noi Er•rfnnn uny x�tha��eoulJ prcvem -_5--+ ( ��5 i21, <br /> ,, �� , Lcndcr fmm c�ercising it.righls unJcr Ihis parngmph IG. - >'.i�.: �l�} <br /> �,�.� <br /> � . <br /> Lernirr,hall no�t+e rcquireJ to enter uryro.�ake cnntmi nf or maintain�he Propen�-M1efnre or nf�er giring iw�ice af brrnch �,;.' i�.�tFi:�; •�i;_ <br /> m finrro��rr. How�e�er. Lender nr a juJieiuliy ap�xiimMl ntzi��er m:ry do ao��:my�iine a brcach. Any applicatiun of �. .. �����' <br /> ' rms shall nol cnrc nr waive any Jefauh or inealiJmc :my aihtr rigin nr remcd�� nf I.cnJee Thi.a�+igmnem nf rcme nf�he °, ����'` � <br /> - Prnperty shall Icrmina�c��Ftn Ihc dchl ucnml M1y thc Sccuril)�In+lrumcnt i.paiA in full. '�' •F�'..�@ eowr <br /> � .• . t- � ,. . <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVF:NANTS. Rn�rnwcr and lsnJcr liinhct carrnam anJ a@rca m fnllnw�: �. '; '� . <br /> �l.i_ �. . l�c y;: <br /> {i i:'t. 17.Fm�rAa�urc Procttinre. I!0.ender rn�idres inunedhrte pa}mcnl in full under WvaFmph 9.Lendcr mx��Incoke Ihe _ + ,-iy°r�.. <br /> .'• ti:hY' pm�er of stitr m�d nn�� aihrr rrm�vlics prmilf�ed h}� npplia�ble I:n�. I.cmler ehxll he enlltled In cnllecl nll eapenses [ �:".�i:-`-_=. <br /> Incurred In pnnning ihr remrdle+under Ihi.+pAragrnph 17.Includiug, Uw na� Ihniled lo, rensannbie m�nrne}.s' fees m�d `-+... ,� � , ..: .• <br /> � - casls nf Ii�lr rcldencr. � ' ' <br /> _ S :.. ���::' <br />'��- - I(�hr pm�er nf+nlr h inaokad. Tru�i�r ahnll reeard n nnikc nf drfimlt in cael� cnnnt� In uhlch nn� pnrl nt Ihe � 3.';.'� '� <br />.n- -. -.. f7nperl� Is Lua�cd mid shall mall cnpies nf such nMkc in 1hr mamicr pnurl6cJ 6�applirnblr h�o Ia Ilorro��rr nnd la -- � - =. . <br /> ' , ihe niher per.mir pre.urihed h��npplirxhlr lan. :1f�er�he�imr rrqnircA b�:�pplic�6lc lao.'I'ru+iir.ludl gi�e public nntice - <br /> r <br /> - of.�de in Ihc persnn+�nd in Il�c manurr prc+a�rihrd hr npplico6lc I:m.'irn.lce.+�IIhm�I dcmm�d nn Ilnrronrr. �hall scll . .:"'�.�.�.; . <br /> �ST;�:�4i -� Ihr Ih•oprrl���tl public aurlinn In Ih�•hiFluwl biddrr A1 Ihc Ilntr nnd pL•�a�and tntder�he Icnuti diwitiu:iled ht Ihc nnllce af . . <br /> � wle In nne nr mnre parrrl.<nud in an� nrdrr'i'•deicnnfne.. "I'nw�re ma� rynyH�nr�:de nf all ar nn� p:vicel nf Ihe . <br /> s�`1{i,�_ �", - ...,' �� . <br /> � .St,, - Vraperl��h)� pul�l(c mumuncemrnl ni Ihe Ilme nnA place nf am prc�im�.l� .chid�drd .alr. Lendcr ar ih di.iRntt• mn� , . . . . <br /> - " pnrchncc Ihr Prnperl) �il un}s�de. � <br /> ��4flINE; ...4.. .. . <br /> , . . °'___. " . ., �.�lhY� .�.. . . . .. . .. i�... . i.n�. _. � .� . . . . � <br /> , `t`� ��'� - <br /> . l� � � �� � . - . <br /> . 1 � <br /> . i <br /> �- <br />