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<br /> � rt� � !��i ) 1.. .�'.1�, � _ .. _ . � l.j,:��._ '— __._.
<br /> t- Y aw.:r��:s.+:.wr " _ ' .,iriWY:�'-n%,�'a..•' ' • .__ _ .
<br /> ' ' —_. �
<br /> • � � 1�3-ia��s� .: �;
<br /> Ar�y aotloe t1i�t mup 6e given to the Noto Hoider unda thio NMO wiU be�ven by m�Wt�
<br />___-- --__ it by flrk clu�null to the Note Holdar et the �ddraa �ued in Sectbn 3(A) above oe u �
<br /> --"'- di(ferent�ddrcu ifl un given R notice of th�t dlinxa�t�ddreu.
<br />--=���..-.�
<br /> �,�,,-- °°-= If nwre th�n one pawn dg»thi�Note, ach pa�on b Ri1ty uid pa�on�liy obUg�tod to _
<br /> '�'�`3 koep ol of the promiees mude in tN�Not0. inciuding tho promlae to p�y the NII emouat owwoid. �
<br /> 3rfr (� _'zr.., �
<br />_;=�•;; ;-.,- :,; - My pereon who ie a gusrmtor, ardy or eedoreer of Aile Note le Weo obilg�tal ro do ttwx t ,,aAx.,,-;;,,�..---
<br /> - thinge. My penon who tnka ova thex obligatione,including tfw ohligetlone of a guumtor, + '" 4t�''a�
<br /> ,� � � suroty or endorxx o6t�is Nato, i9 aeo obU,ry►tod to kap e11 of tho prominee mede in thie MQ2�. • r ,���:
<br /> t a ::-
<br /> The Note Holda r.�y ¢a'Lt�cae �d9 d8�e'a a�abza 11�v9 Nate egatnat ach pereon lndividw�ty mr ,�.���„��;
<br /> : egeinst�II of w to�eM.a�.'Gida�uu tfi�it a�,v oya off oca uzry t+��•awr' ed to pay d;of tho�.�,mta �+ �fCk�a.
<br /> Y � ��� owed under Ihia 13a�m. '��`-�
<br /> .�,�� .....� �
<br /> ,, rc -
<br /> 9. WANEAS < < `--..—_
<br /> ��`�� I end �ny other paeon who 6�� o*vlig�t6on� under da1� Nota wuve the ri3i�ls of . ti�
<br /> ;�7��;.; = ; prasentn�t and notiu of diahonor'Prase�Lmcnt'me+ne tM righi to raquUe the Nota FIc�'r�sr to >�� •
<br /> , i>-:• �: demend paymad of emounts due. "Notice of dishonor" means aCre right to rrquire t�re Note , ::.—
<br /> ' y� '��`�' Hoidu to give notice to other�+areona th�t anwunte due have not beeo paid. �',1 �-..
<br /> 'S2f T�4�ilt! � �k?{ry�t��a�:�.
<br /> '!,"P+�f EO. QJNIFORM 8ECU4i��7r07'E �J, ^•—
<br /> ` " This NoSe is a uaifotm inslNment with limited variatione fn some juriedidion�.[n eddition ��� a
<br /> `�'� `'ti'�'tt � to the prolections given to the Note Holder under INs Note, e Mortgage, Dad of Trust or '
<br /> , �i:
<br /> � . ''; Securiry Deed(lho "Security �asimmenP) dated the s.9ma dato es this Note, protecls tha Note t; �!;. �- ,
<br /> �,, ,.; .
<br /> t, ';- ; Holder vom poasib3o 3osaes.s4an.;i,mtry5i�wvlt i:I�a rRt��p tir preml�W�d��nu4e►n�hin ! •, •_
<br /> � ` ' Note. Thet Securiry�nstr�;nenl dacribes h�ow nnd under what conditions 1 may be requiral to � '
<br /> ' meke immediate payment in kill of all amav:c;te I owo under Ilils Nota. Soma of'thosa conditions ' ' ;;�� `
<br /> y �' ����� -
<br /> � �a � <;s r.
<br /> ��fi,,(z r,` aro describal as followa: ti� � � ,.
<br /> "�i?f;��y}: 7lxnder of the Pro rt or�Benefid�l Interat in Borro�er. If eil or ^ � �'�;��% -
<br /> �i�i!r''h`:J:.'�''.�:. {K Y � � '..��4 :.�}"=.
<br /> ; :� ;•:�: eny part ost6a Property or eny interest in it is sold or trensferred(or if a beneflclal ::
<br /> , �_„
<br /> - :s�, , ,ie,_ Interaat in f3ortower ia sald or trensfeRed and Bortower is not a nawnil person) " " �;:• ;:, ;�c
<br /> `` without Lendera prior written wnsent, 1_rnder may, et ita optioq requira ;:,,,._, -,; ,� �'w-
<br /> i� immediato payment in PoII of all sums secured by this Security Insuument. ' L ^
<br /> Howover, thls optlon shell not be�ciccrcised by Iender if axercise ie prohibited by , �
<br /> �+' , ��fj,; ti;derallaw�softhodataofthisSe�mretpinsttument. € '�
<br /> }j;}. � If I.ender eser�civa thia op�ion, LeucS:r shall giva Dorcower notico of I �-ti't �
<br /> �',:3 i` ooce7eration. J3�e notioe shell provide a peruod mt not leas t6an 30 days from the � ��,� �> ��
<br /> ! .�� ,.
<br /> date the �+a:dce is ddivered or mailed within �ti•hich Dorcower must pay ull sums � , �,
<br /> ���� � secured by t9�is Seairity Instrument. If Bortower feils to pay theso sums prior to � , .
<br /> tiin ,, , the oxpiretion of tlus period, I.ender may in�oke eny remedies permitted by this .�� ���s�i
<br /> 7„ `
<br /> Li�_ �ty,
<br /> •` r� • S e c u ri t y I n s h u m en t without further notice or tlemand on Bonower. ' , �-- �� _
<br /> �l�-ni}1;:;;;'..,� � .
<br /> .,},!;,..
<br /> 5;...1�.:1�-/: .•'� '�,��.51y1" �.
<br /> � �•'�' .'���: WITNGSS Tf1II FIAND(S)AND SEAI.(S)Or THII UNDF.RSIGNED. � ,;%�.•
<br /> '.� " � "
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