-i� T:�S:Ci � _ 4F't(F�FSi�'1 . 'u : . i 1
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<br /> ` 4 T008TH8R WiTN nil tha Improvemenu now or hercatler erated on tta property,and dl eauments,appurlsruna.+,uW
<br /> flawres now on c�reatic[ e pazt oF tho propeny. Ail rcplacenxma and eddlttom ahill aIw ba rnvered by �hl� 5aurl�y
<br /> Instrvment.All of�ho torCgoing i��sfcnM to In ihie Sccud�ylns�rumem es tho•Pmpctly.'
<br /> - BORROWIIR COVeNAN9'S that Aorrower le IawNlly selsod of tho esteto hcreby eonveycd and haa tho Aght to grant ond
<br /> convcy �ho Propehy and tha�the Propcny le unencumbered,except tor encumbrances of«cord. Bortower warrante end wUl
<br /> deknd gzncr�lly�hc ti�la to the Propeny egalns�all clalm�nnd dcmand�,subJea to any encumbrences of record.
<br /> — TH15 SECURITY INSTRUMIiNT mmbina unitomi mvcnams for nnilonal uw and non•unifomi covrnaNa with Iimiled
<br /> — vadeiloro by Judsdictlon to constituto a unlPomi cccurity Ins�mment wvedng real propeny.
<br /> - ' �� - "' UNIPORM COVBNANT9.Florrowcr nnd Lcndcr covcnant and ngrco w follows: �
<br /> __ i. Pnymenl of Principal ond Interal� Pnp�ymtnt and Lwte Chargca. 9ortowor shall promptly pay when duo da
<br /> ��y��E� princip�l of and interest on Ihe Aebt evldcnccd by Ihe Note and eny prepaymem and Iaro charge�due under the Noro.
<br /> 2. FLnds tor Tpzea and tnsurnnce.StibJect�o npptiwble Iaw or to e�vrllten waiver by Lender, Donos�•er shall pay to
<br /> �"°''�� I.uder on the da nwnthl
<br />;�,,,,,�,�,�,,� y y psymenu are due under tho Nae,until the Now is paiA in full,a eum('Inmds")for.(e)ywrly taxw
<br />_���u�;�� and euessmenis whicl�may attaln priod�y over this Seairity lnsnunxnt as a licn on�he Properly;(6)yrarly Itasel�old paynxma
<br /> . - or gmand renis on the Propuly, if eny;(c)yearly haeattl or property incurence prunium+;(d)yearly Ilood lnsurnncq premium��
<br /> —�� ii any; (e)yeady mongnge insurantt prcmiunu, If any:and(�eny sunu payablc by Borrowu to I.ender, In accordanoc�vlih
<br />"- �;�'�9•.t. P P 8 P {�Ymun of nwrtgage insuranca preminna.9Lesa i�ems ero ea11eA'Qscro�v llema.' —
<br />�_c� .-g,?'�. �ho rmisinns of are re h B, in Iicu of tM1e
<br /> 4:�ij�;'j%qi I.ender may, a� nny ilnx, collea and holA f'anAS In nn emoant nol ro exoced �hc mxximum enwunt e Iender for a federelly
<br />--�'''j��t�'- releted mnrtgage loan may reqnire far I�orrnx�er's escrow noconnt under tho federal Rral E3smte SGtlement ProaAuma Act of
<br /> .� ., .
<br /> Y!��.�T
<br /> _•,;.,��,it.�3+�- 1974 us amendM froro qme mAmo, 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 2601 e�se�. ('R0.SPA'),unless another law�hai applies�o tha Aunde
<br /> '•��'::Sic����t�. sets n Icsxr miounl.1f so, I.ender may, at eny timo, calla�end holA Pands in en amount not ro exceed �he luser amount.
<br /> ����^'�'"��- Lender may estinwic ihe nmoum of Punds due on�hc huis of currem dale end reasonable estinutes of expcnditures of Poturo
<br /> :�;p5;�i)�.vy;'�
<br /> - :;,,;��:,.�..,.{ Pscrow Itcros or othenvise in nceordance�vith epplicablc In�v.
<br />' �� �ih;-St;{ The Funds shall be htid in nn Ins�iNlfon whose depnshs nrc incured by e federei ngency, imtrumrnlalliy, or entily
<br /> -.;'�ti"�r�e�'F�; Qncluding Lender,if Lender is such an instiwtlon)or in eny Pederal Homo Loan 6enk.I.ender shall apply the�unds to pny ihe
<br /> - ="'�t����:�:�' Cserow Items.Lender may not charge Uorrower for holding nnJ epplying�he Punde,annually enalyzing Ihe escrow accounl,or
<br /> ��!:�;t�kn'�<<'� verifying the Cscm�v Iicros,unless Lender pays Rafro�ver finerest on�he Funds end applicabie law permtla I.endm�o make such -
<br />�S�`�'°'�'�^` e char e Ho�vever. LenJcr nu r uire Dormwer to � n one•time char e Por nn inde ndem real eslnte ta%rc ttln servlco '
<br /> :..;;f.;��yi�;�; B • Y �9 WY 6 P� {p B -
<br /> ;,.��f���f`->? used by Lender im m�nectlon wi�h �his loan, nnless epplicahle law provides o�hendse. Unless en ngreemrnt Is made or
<br /> ���' 'Y+-r%�=� applicable Inw rcquires intcrest to bc p�id,l.cndcr shnll no16o ra�nired to pay Dortowcr any interest or cumings on the Rund�.
<br /> '':���%�r:I;n��yi,� porrower and Lender may ngrw in�vri�ing� AOttCYCf� thai imcrest shall be patd on iha�unds.Lender xhnll glve�o Oorrower,
<br /> :���:::;:`n'1'�:`,- without charge, am m�nal nemuming of the Nnds, shmving credlia and debils �o�he Punds and Ihe pnrPase for which each
<br />,r�,.';p�,,�.�;;_':`�`�� debtt�o the Runds wns made.71m Funds nre plMged ns addllinnal security for nll sums secureJ 6y Ihis Secudly Inslntment. -�-
<br /> `;:�,,;`..�;;�_�, If the�unAs held M1y Lcnder exceed�he amoums pemilued�a bo hdd by applicablc lew, I.endcr shxll nccount to I3ottower
<br /> -°�>�a»,: • for�he eacess�unds In eccordnnee�vith ihe requirements of npplica6lo la�v. If the nmoum of ihe Fnnd�held by Lender at any
<br /> }1;.yy-�
<br /> ',_n;;'t���;:'f::�. �ime i:no�sufficiem�o pTy�he Curo�v Rems when dna I.ender mny so no�ify 6ovo�ver In��•riiing,end,in wch eflw Uortowet .
<br /> �.;,p'�:;;'�:�t:� shall pay in I.ender�he mnomn nett�wry�o make up �he deficicncy. 6nrrower ahall make up�he deficloncy In no more Ihan
<br /> � - - hvelve momhly paymemx,ai Lender'e sole discre�inn.
<br /> � Upon paymem in full of nll sums secund by �his Stturiiy Insttumem, Lender shall prompUy refund io Oorrower any
<br /> .��-��. Rundx held hy Lender.IG under pangmph 21. Lender xhall ncqulrc or scll�he Pruperty,Lender,prlor ia tho atquislllon or s�lo
<br /> =q '�,•�� of�he Pmpeny,shall npply any�unds hcld hy Lendcr n�the�ime of ncqufsillon or sale as o crodit ngainsl Ihe sums saurcd by
<br /> ._ �`'`::' �hi:Sceuri�y Insimnknt.
<br /> � J.Applicnllon af Pn��mentE.Unless applicn6le luw prnvides mhenvix,nil paymems rcccivcd by Lcndcr under paregraphs
<br /> 1 anJ 2 shnll be npplinl: finL �o nny prepaymrm chnrges Jue unJer�he Nme; 4emnJ, m nmoums payable under paragraph 2;
<br />�`,��=j{._.;:��,�;' - ihird,tn imercsi Jue,faunh.�o principal due:anJ hn�,ta any Inm chnrges due under�he Note.
<br /> � '•tJj.q :��•, 4.l'Anrges; I.lens. Uorrower shail pay all iaxa, ussessmemR,chnrgez, fines and imposliinns nnribu�nble lo the Propeny
<br /> which n�a� nnain prioriry nrer �hi.Sauriy� ImtrumcnL anJ Ie:�uhnlJ paymems ar ground renu, i(any. Uortowcr shall pay
<br /> . . . Ihesc obligatian.in Ih.manncr prnvid�d m pnragraph?.ur if nal paiJ in Ihat manncr. 13mrowcr shall pay Ihcm on Uma diteclly -
<br /> � ' lo lhe�r.nn nw�d parmcnl. fAirro�ccr ahall prnmpll��fnmi•h to IxnJcr all nmirn nf mm�m�ls m be paid under lhis paregreph. "-
<br /> _ �5._.,.- �; I(6orroacr nv�kc.lhesc paymem.dirccdy.6orrnucr.hall prnmptly fumi�h�o I.endcr racip�s cridencing lhc payments. —
<br /> - 6urrnurr shall promptly Ji.:harge any lien xhich hx.priority ucer�hi.Sewriry� Imtrwnem unless 6nrrou�er. (a)ngree:in =
<br /> `.�. .:�. - eTitiug m Ihe�ymem nf Ihr ohliga�ion.crurcd h� thc licn in a manner acceplahle Io 1_enJer: N)conleas in gaad feilh lhC Ifen -�
<br /> � . bp, or Jtfe�al. againq rNnmm.nl n(thr litn m. I:g:d pnwn.Jing. �ahich in ILe I.cmler's opinion openle In prevenl Ihe a_
<br /> - tnG�namrm uf thc lirn:nr trl,raure.frnm Ihr hnlJr� nf�6e licn an agrc.mcm vni.B�rmp� to Isnder wbardimiiing�he lien�o c•
<br /> � - • Ihis Sccn�iry Li.lnmicm. II Lcndrr J:�rnmm.Ih.n:m� �xm nt Ihr Propcne f.whJca lu a licn which map auain prinrily m•cr i.'.
<br /> . Ihi.Sccuri�r In.�mmenl. LrnJcr m:n gnc ilnun.�cr n nwirc 1Jentil�fng �h.li.n. Burrawcr .h.d:vvi>P Uic lirn ar lake nne or ��
<br /> morc nl�hc aciiun.tti lnnh ahm c��iihm III d:n.ni�I:�•gn mg nl nnl�rc. -
<br /> - Fc�m 3028 8�90
<br /> - .. .� . - .. ....- . � . .�i..' ,�•�)9.4i'.: ':1;S�iil.'AlF^s��`.�'� _ 7.
<br /> �
<br /> i .
<br /> ; � �
<br /> ._ .� . . . . _ . . . _... _._ . _ . . . . . _ . _. _ .�_ . . . _
<br />